"Damn, Christina, do you say this is not weaker than tactical nuclear weapons? This is almost catching up with strategic nuclear weapons!" Looking at the scene of the end of the world behind him, gold Coin said to Christina next to him.

Christina also seemed a little surprised, but after thinking about it, she realized it. "Probably not the reason for my magic, because the power of the eight-headed snake is too large, and the power leaked when it collapses is too large, so it will cause such a terrifying destructive effect."

"You I also forgot one thing. Japanese houses are mostly made of wood. They are not as strong as our stone buildings. That's why they look like this.” After Hong Yue finished speaking, he pointed to the city in front of it, which was originally supposed to be a city, but now it has become A big pit said: "Should we go to look at the situation of the eight-headed snake?"

"If the other party is not hurt too much, won't we be involved in it?" Cauldron asked.

Christina shook the head. "I don't know the damage anyway, let's take a look at it!"

"You are waiting here, I will go and see the situation." I said, without waiting for someone to answer, I directly ordered the bird at my feet I speeded up and rushed, but I hadn't had time to completely enter the explosion range over there, and the eight-headed snake couldn't help rushing out first.

Compared with before being attacked by Kristina’s magical attack, the Baqi Orochi now is obviously embarrassed a lot, with cracked wounds all over the body, it looks like it has fallen into the meat grinder and crawled again. It came out the same. However, even though it looked like he was pulling blood all over the body, the big snake did not slow down at all. As soon as it rushed out of the flames and smoke from the explosion, it came straight to me.

"Fuck me!" I hurriedly controlled the direction of the bird when I saw the big snake rushing over. With good mobility, a roll and flip directly rubbed the head of the eight-headed snake and flew over. It just made me didn’t expect one head but not the second one. I just ran into that one. The head was then photographed.

"Damn it, Purple Moon was recruited. Go and help!" Hong Yue was about to rush up after saying it, but Rose grabbed her and said, "Let Vermilion Bird go. We only go up like this. It would be unhelpful."


"Can I harm him?" Rose shut up Hong Yue with a single sentence, and Vermilion Bird didn't need others to remind himself Just rushed up.

The big snake over there was not afraid to see Vermilion Bird rushing over, and directly bit the Vermilion Bird. Vermilion Bird opened its wings and opened its mouth as a flame sprayed over. . The eight-headed snake saw that the flame did not flash and hit it directly, and the head was directly lit. The flame instantly penetrated the eye sockets and mouth on the head, and the entire head burned instantly. However, the advantage of having more heads is that only one head injury does not affect the overall action. The Baqi Orochi rushed up even though it hardly received a flame. The other two heads directly bit Vermilion Bird’s wings and pulled her down from the midair, but this time Vermilion Bird seemed to be prepared and was being pulled. After going down, the rays of light flashed into a human form.

"Huh?" Seeing the Vermilion Bird who suddenly turned into a human form, Kristina and the others were all taken aback, and then suddenly reacted. Kristina turned around and called gold coin: "Quick, Vermilion Bird needs support."

"Hey, can you do it?" Seeing Kristina, she immediately wanted to rush forward, gold coin Quickly grabbed her and said: "You stay here first, I'll support."

"Kristina, don't move, I'll help." Ziyue suddenly stood from the side. Came out to hold Kristina and said to gold coin that she was about to go out.

Hong Yue wanted to help as soon as he saw the situation, but was stopped by Rose. "Don't move." After Rose said, she suddenly put two fingers on her forehead, and then the fingers moved away from her forehead and pulled out a white ball of light from the center of her eyebrows. Then she walked to Christina and faced the ball of light. Kristina pressed her eyebrows down. Almost immediately after completing this action, Rose suddenly went down, and Ziyue next to her reacted faster and held her back. Rose said weakly: "Well, now gold coin and Kristina are going to help, and the others are keeping a distance, don't mess up in the past!"

"But..." Gold coin also wanted to say Kristina just finished her big move and now she has no magic power, and she can't help if she goes. She was interrupted as soon as she opened her mouth.

Kristina said: "It's okay. Just now Rose sister helped me to fill up all the magic power in my body. I am now in full condition."

gold coin is a little surprised He glanced at Rose, and then exclaimed: "The resurrection of the mage in the first time is indeed not blown out!"

"Okay, you guys hurry up and help!"


Gold coin and Kristina turned around and jumped on the long spear and flew out, but the eight-pointed snake and Vermilion Bird over there have entered a new battle. stage.

I don’t know why the Baqi Orochi also took away the real body and turned into a human form to fight Vermilion Bird. To be honest, this is the first time we have seen the humanoid state of the Eight-Different Serpent.

I have to say that Baqi Orochi's human form is actually quite handsome. No, it should be said to be very handsome. It's not the kind of handsome villain in comics or novels that looks handsome and has some evil characteristics, but really handsome and sunny. If it weren't for this is going to be dazzling with Vermilion Bird, I guess the image It could be better. After all, Vermilion Bird is playing with fire. No matter how high the defense is, it will inevitably be covered in dirt by Vermilion Bird.

In addition to being very handsome, the image of Baqi Orochi is basically a masculine type. The figure is very slender, but not thin at all, it belongs to the kind of explosive feeling in the symmetrical. Moreover, this guy is also wearing a very arrogant dark red armor. The surface material of this armor looks like a metal coating. The reflectivity is so high that it can be directly used as a mirror. The shape of the armor is also very exaggerated. The strange round backpack, the criss-crossed on the backpack is inserted with seven long weapons, like a peacock opening the screen, generally unfolding behind him, it feels a bit of an ancient War General feeling.

"We're here to help." Although surprised by the image of the eight-pointed snake, Kristina and gold coin quickly rushed to Vermilion Bird, but the two sides are now in a state of confrontation. , No one was in a hurry to do it.

Baqi Dasnake didn't do anything because he just had a fight with Vermilion Bird. As a result, Vermilion Bird played a small trick to make him suffer a bit. This will be adapting to the pain. As for Vermilion Bird, it's not that she doesn't want to go up and do it quickly, but that she is hesitating whether to evacuate.

After Kristina and gold coin arrived, they wanted to go to the exhibition immediately, but they were held back by Vermilion Bird. After the two people got close to Vermilion Bird, they heard Vermilion Bird whispered: "Don't move, find a chance to pull up Purple Moon and go quickly. The Eight-Different Snake is more difficult to deal with than before."

"I'm here Here, don't worry." Just after Vermilion Bird finished talking here, a cloud of smoke condensed into a human form suddenly appeared next to her, and I appeared next to them with a slight flash.

"So you are all right?" Vermilion Bird asked.

"It's not completely all right. I was hit and dropped a lot of blood!"

"It does not affect the battle strength." Gold coin said.

I once again reminded Vermilion Bird: "What did you just say that the Eight-Different Snake is not good to deal with?"

Vermilion Bird asked me back: "Remember how I described the Eight-Different Snake before Is it?"

"Very strong."

"Yes, I said before that he is very strong, but what he is strong is energy, his own control is very weak, it feels like That power is not his, it can’t be used handily."

"You said, but what's the matter? Isn’t the Baqi Orochi now different?"

"en." Vermilion Bird affirmed: "The energy of the Baqi Orochi now has dropped a lot compared to what it just said."

"It should have dropped a lot, it shouldn't be..." I got stuck in the middle of my question. Live, because I already want to understand the meaning of Vermilion Bird.

The previous Baqi Orochi was like an ordinary person driving a F1 car, and the car jumped out with just a little throttle, so it was either hitting a wall or slipping, and there was no way to control it. Finally, I drove this car. , The speed is not as fast as an ordinary person driving an ordinary private car, because the time is delayed to adjust the direction of the back and forth. But now, Baqi Orochi has gone through the magic attack just now, and part of his excess power has been consumed. The equivalent to the original F1 car driven by the ordinary person was installed with a force limiting device, which reduced the performance of this F1. However, although the performance has decreased, but because the speed has slowed down, it can be operated instead, so the car will run much faster than before.

This is the case with Baqi Osna. Before he was very uncomfortable with his own strength, so when fighting, he often experienced situations such as excessive force. Its practical power is too strong, it is still light, the real trouble lies in the magic. How many high-level creatures like them can't be magical? But how many magic attacks has Baqi Orochi from the beginning to now? Only once, and it is half-attack and half-auxiliary class magic. It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but that he can't use it. Even if the strength of the body is too great, it can at least move, but magic is different. Magic requires rigor, any mistakes may lead to failure of magic release. The magic power of the Baqi Orochi is as unstable as the magic beginer. Under this situation, you can expect him to emit magic, which is basically not much the same as bad luck.

So, although the energy in the Baqi Orochi is a huge benefit to him in the long run, from the current combat output, these powers have become a burden to him, not only can’t help. Busy is still holding back there.

However, this is all in the past tense. Kristina’s magic caused the Eight-Qing Orochi to consume a lot of energy. Although this consumption is not permanent, the current Eight-Qi Orochi is in a period of physical weakness. However, just because Baqi Orochi was in a period of physical weakness, his strength was restored to its previous level. No, his current energy is not at the previous level, but at a higher level than before.

Although this higher energy is not in line with the previous level of Baqi Orochi, it is like a person who often rides a bicycle. He can definitely ride it easily if he gives him an ordinary small motorcycle. After all, The speed does not increase much, as long as you adapt a little, it is not difficult to control it at the point of attention. The previous Baqi Orochi is a person who often drives a private car and suddenly feels uncomfortable driving F1 and can't operate it. Now F1 has some problems, and the output has dropped to the same level as a normal civilian sports car. Although the speed is still much faster for ordinary persons, it shouldn't be a problem to control.

I don’t have to ask Vermilion Bird again after I want to understand the changes in the Baqi Orochi, because the status of the Baqi Orochi is now obvious. Coupled with that he has now become a human form, I am more sure of my judgment.

High level devil beast and Divine Beast have a humanoid state, but when it comes to battle strength, they are still the highest in the body state. However, the Baqi Orochi's state is not that the power is insufficient, but the power is too large to control, so after he enters the human form now, on the one hand, he can further limit his own energy and make his control more precise, and on the other hand, he can improve as much as possible. Own mastery of energy. After all, the volume in the humanoid state is smaller than that in the prototype state, so the control of the body becomes easier, and at the same time, it can squeeze out more thinking ability to control energy. Therefore, the eight-headed snake entering the human form must be ready to enter the decisive battle state.

"Hey, boss, don't you say halfway through it?" Gold coin asked me aloud when I was stuck.

"Because the boss wants to understand." Kristina said to me: "I also want to understand. The current eight-pointed snake must have overcome the previous uncontrollable problem of excess energy, and the humanoid mode It is good for him to master the magic power, so although the total output of the current Baqi Orochi is much lower than before, it actually becomes more difficult to deal with!"

"Then what should we do? Run now Is it?" Gold coin asked.

"I doubt very much that we might not run away." I said aloud.

"Or ask the big brother to come and help." Vermilion Bird said to me: "It's great, even if I ask the big brother for help, not counting your requests."

Vermilion Bird has said so, and he would be a fool if he didn't agree. However, I am still somewhat worried that Azure Dragon will not follow Vermilion Bird's words, but anyway, the current situation is a bit if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, even if Azure Dragon does not recognize it, calculate my request Number of times, then I also recognize it.

"Okay, anyway, this is not the way to go, help me watch it, I call Azure Dragon support."

Summon Sacred Beast actually does not take much time, I directly add Azure The Dragon reverse scale took it out and threw it into the sky, and then we saw the sudden azure light on top of our heads, followed by a loud dragon roar that shook the mountains burst and ground split Heaven and Earth.

The Baqi Orochi on the opposite side thought he was determined to win. He didn't expect a great god suddenly appeared on top of his head, which made him depressed, but the Oki Orochi did not retreat. His current state is a bit of a newborn calves do not fear tigers feeling, and the sudden power gained makes him a little self-confident. He was beaten a bit miserable before, because he couldn't control his power. Now although his power has declined, he feels the feeling of controlling power, so his self-confidence is only higher than before.

"Purple Moon, you brat are finally willing to call me for help? I thought you would keep that opportunity forever?" Azure Dragon One teased me first when he came out, obviously in a good mood. But he soon spotted Vermilion Bird next to him, so he immediately asked in surprise: "Huh? Why are you here too, little girl?" , And said: "I'm in trouble. I didn't handle it alone, so I asked Purple Moon to call you to help me!"

Listen to Vermilion Bird saying that she didn't handle the opponent, Azure Dragon's expression Suddenly he became serious. Before it came out with a joking expression because Azure Dragon is too powerful, so he has no sense of crisis at all. According to his understanding, I summon him to help, and he can finish it with just two moves. Didn't expect the actual situation was unexpected. It turned out that he was not the first one to be summoned out, and Vermilion Bird, who was summoned out for help before him, didn't even get the opponent out. Although he knows that Vermilion Bird is still a lot weaker than him, but after all, they are all four Sacred Beasts. Although their strengths are high and low, they are generally of the same level. The enemy in front of him hasn't even dealt with Vermilion Bird, so you can't wait for it.

"Who you are?" The eight-pointed snake that turned into a human form was not recognized. Azure Dragon has indeed seen the Eight-Different Big Snake, but that is the original form. He has never seen the human form of the Eight-Different Serpent. Of course, if it is a normal situation, their great abilities can recognize who is who only by the breath of each person and the magical characteristics of the body, but the problem is that the eight-headed snake doesn't know where to get a force. This is The reason that made his strength soar and the battle strength decreased, and this power also disturbed the aura of the eight-pointed snake, so Azure Dragon can no longer recognize the eight-pointed snake in front of him.

When I heard Azure Dragon’s question, the eight-headed snake over there suddenly laughed heartily and said: “When I was driven to Japan, you didn’t even bother to look at me straight. Today I actually took the initiative to ask my name. Hahahaha, power is really good. One day I will gain more power and become an existence beyond your four Sacred Beasts."

"The tone is not small "Azure Dragon said with disdain: "It can make Vermilion Bird feel unable to cope with it. You do have a certain amount of capital, but don't you think you are too arrogant? Even if you are stronger than Vermilion Bird and even better than me, you are also impossible. Our four Sacred Beast opponents. When the four of us are together, there are many abilities that you don’t know."

Azure Dragon is not a word, because I have seen "Zero". Part of the internal development materials of, one of them is very clear, that is, when the four Sacred Beasts gather together, they can activate the combined skill-Time and Space Backlash. To put it simply, the function of this skill is to rewind. When playing single-player games, you may often read files and start over again. Because online games are played together by everyone, there is no way to file back files for a person alone. Therefore, online games are usually not filed back. However, when the file cannot be restored, the system setting cannot be restored because it is an artificial restriction, not a physical restriction. In fact, online games can also be reverted, but they will not be reverted for someone. However, Four Divine Beasts has this ability. When the four of them gather together, they can use this ability to backfile, and as long as they can read the records seven days ago.

With this ability, it can be said that the four Sacred Beasts are almost invincible as long as they are not destroyed by each. It is precisely because of the existence of such a guarantee that Azure Dragon ignores the arrogant words of the Baqi Orochi, because no matter how the Baqi Orochi becomes stronger, they can restore him to a state that has not yet become stronger.

Actually, the retracement effect of the Four Sacred Beasts is not only one application. One of their abilities is to retrace the entire game to any time within seven days, and they also have the ability to The time of each target is back to any point within a year. This ability can only target one target at a time, but it does not limit whether the opponent is a player or an NPC, so even if the Sacred Beast is really strong someday, you can beat the four Sacred Beasts by yourself. Then Azure Dragon, they just need to unite and put the time of Baqi Orochi back to the time when he doesn't have that ability. So the four Sacred Beasts are almost invincible, as long as you don't order them.

Baqi Da Snake doesn’t know that Azure Dragon has such an ability. This ability is like a hole card for the Four Sacred Beasts, and this is not only the hole card of the Four Sacred Beast, but also the hole card of Celestial Court. One of them, so those who know this are all the high-levels of Celestial Court, and most people don't know it at all. When the Baqi Orochi was in China, it was basically the representative of Diaosi. If he has no strength, no magic weapon, no background, he can only know such secrets with his identity.

Because of ignorance, so fearless, Baqi Dashe doesn't care at all, he thought Azure Dragon was lying to him. Of course, as long as it is not a major event that is a matter of life and death, it is true that the four Sacred Beasts really dare not use that trick. After all, full game rollback is not a trivial matter. File, players don’t have to bury the company’s customer service department with a letter of complaint?

"Stop talking big words there, we have the ability to have a few tricks. I won't be too late to talk big if we fight." After the eight-headed snake finished speaking proudly, he pulled out a long spear from behind and prepared. There was a war with Azure Dragon, but before the battle started, there was movement again.

"Original God, let's help you." With a shout, Masaka Matsumoto appeared next to Yaki Orochi with Akatsuki Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Blazing Fire Dragon Hime. There are many Japanese high level players behind them, and it seems that the number of players is still quite large.

In fact, it's totally accidental to be like this now. Originally, we were going to wait for the magic to be over to see the situation. If the Yaqi Orochi is seriously injured, we will go up and pick up the leak, and then wait for Matsumoto Masaka to have a fake match with Matsumoto Masaka. However, if the Yachi Orochi is not severely injured, then we will immediately evacuate, so that when Matsumoto Masaka arrives, we won't be able to touch us, so it doesn't matter.

Unfortunately, the original plan was good. The problem is that the Baqi Orochi did not become weaker after surviving the magical attack. Instead, the battle strength increased, which made us even unable to run. Fa ran away.

It’s okay if we can’t run away. The problem is that Masaga Matsumoto has performed an impassioned speech in the guild according to my instructions, and then killed a large group of Japanese players. come over. I thought it was just for a show, and it was over after a lap of the cutscenes. Who knew that as soon as we rushed to the neighborhood, we saw us and Baqi Orochi facing off there. At that time, Masaka Matsumoto thought it was the Orochi Orochi who was dying, and we were picking up the leak, so he planned to rush out and pretend to support the Orochi Orochi as he had said long ago, and then play a fake with me to fool around. Anyway, we are here. With Vermilion Bird, even if he can't beat me, I won't be said to be bad. After all, Japanese players know how good Vermilion Bird is.

However, Matsumoto Masaka thought was pretty good, but I was dumbfounded when he came out. After talking to Masaka Matsumoto before, Yaqi Orochi broke through the magic, and then the situation took a turn for the worse. I had no time to react, so that I forgot that there was also Masaka Matsumoto and the others. As a result, it was Matsumoto Masaka who suddenly appeared.

Actually, when Matsumoto Masaga and the others ran to the eight-headed snake, the Azure Dragon hadn’t appeared yet, but when they rushed halfway, Azure Dragon was suddenly taken out by my summon. Now Masaga Matsumoto has already The lead was rushing, and there was no reason to go back, so I had to brace oneself and rush forward. But anyhow he also knew that the current situation seemed to be a bit playful, so after he came up there was no arrogance, and he said that he wanted to support Baqi Orochi and there was no voice.

Baqi Orochi was stunned when he noticed that there was a group of Japanese people around him suddenly, and then he said with a big smile: "Well, you can come to help explain that you are all at this time. I am a devout believer. I will take care of you a lot in the future. But now you will stay aside first, let me get rid of that little snake first, and then I will talk to you in detail."

The Baqi Orochi, who was sometimes aggrieved, was very moved by the surprise of Matsumoto's reinforcements. He was a hapless person who was often abused in China before. After he arrived in Japan, he easily became a great god, and he was worshipped by the Japanese. As a result, he was beaten again in the First World War, and because his performance in the First World War was too weak, so Later, the Japanese worship was lost. This time, he suddenly ran into such a "pious" supporter of Masaga Matsumoto, and he was of course very moved. More importantly, he recognized Matsumoto Masaka, after all, Matsumoto Masaka asked him to help in the battle at Fulcrum Castle. Seeing the original "comrade-in-arms" reappearing and supporting himself as always, Baqi Orochi really felt a bit reborn.

Let’s not mention how moved the Baqi Orochi is, anyway, Azure Dragon is now completely mad. Fourth, Sacred Beast is the BOSS of BOSS in China. Even the Jade Emperor only relied on his official position to suppress them. It really opened up his posture. In Celestial Court, if you can tie them or surpass them, one slap will definitely be enough. I've counted it. Such an identity and status was actually insulted into a little snake by Baqi Orochi, a little monster he looked down upon. This is really what Uncle can tolerate aunt.

Azure Dragon has gone crazy, and the consequences are serious. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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