"Eight eight eight... eight different snakes?" Masaka Matsumoto almost stared at my words. "Isn't that dead?"

"Who told you that he was dead?"

"At that time, we or the enemy would, I asked the eight-headed snake to help attack After pointing to the city, didn’t you guys... oh no, I seemed to hang up first at the time. When I came back, Baqi Orochi was already not in."

"Later, he ran away, but it was indeed. Was seriously injured, haven’t you seen him show up afterwards?"

"But why did he get together with Nobunaga Onishu?"

"This you I have to ask Guishou Nobunaga."

"Then what should I do now?"

"What should I do?" I didn't react for a while.

Matsumoto Masaga said madly: "Please, boss, I am now the leader of Japanese players. I can’t help but check if you make such a big move here? After I passed, we were Continue acting and do another one or something, can you give me an idea?"

"Oh, you said this." I said directly: "You are here, I guess I won't be able to meet."< /p>

"Ah? Why?"

"Kristina's super magic has already controlled the eight-pointed snake. It is now in a stalemate. If the eight-pointed snake can be dealt with, We will withdraw right away, and if we can’t figure it out, we’ll also be an instant hit, and this battle can’t be fought!"

"Is it very difficult to deal with?"

"Awesome? Vermilion Bird went up, but he still didn't stop him. Do you think it is amazing?"

Although Matsumoto Masaka is Japanese, Japan has been out of Chinese control only in modern times. In ancient times, they have always been a subsidiary country of China, so the cultural aspect was very seriously affected by China. 4. Although Sacred Beast is Chinese, the Japanese also know it well, so Masaga Matsumoto knows exactly what level of existence Vermilion Bird is.

"What's the joke? The Eight-Puzzle Orochi has been able to do Vermilion Bird?"

"Initially, I also thought that the Eight-Pipe Orochi was not Vermilion Bird's opponent, but they did have a small-scale contact just now. For a moment. Vermilion Bird still has the upper hand, but Vermilion Bird herself said that she is relying on skills to suppress the eight-headed snake. The eight-headed snake's ability should be stronger than her, but the eight-headed snake itself seems to have not fully mastered this ability. It feels very uncomfortable to use, so for the time being, he is not Vermilion Bird's opponent, but if he continues to fight like this, he will definitely adapt to his abilities more and more. By that time, we will completely lose track of him! So we plan to wait first When we see Kristina’s magical effect, we will immediately flash people as long as it proves that the magic is useless. Anyway, we only have to be abused!"

"Then I will take people over and you are gone. I happen to take over."

"Well, let’s do it. Oh, by the way, pay attention to the fact that Yaqi Orochi ate a lot of Japanese players and NPCs here before. I don’t know why he was because If you are injured, you still don’t think about the relationship between the enemy and us at all, so I am worried that he will eat with you. You should be a little careful when you come over."

"Okay, I see."

I heard a red cry just after I cut off the communication. "Look, there is a reaction over there!"

With the red voice, everyone’s attention was naturally concentrated, and in our sight, the eight-headed snake and the one that wrapped him There are obviously some new changes in the energy shield. The energy shield that had been stalemate there suddenly shook fiercely, and then shrank in a circle, and you could see the eight-headed snake being squeezed into a very difficult look. However, before we were happy, we suddenly heard a click, and then we saw a golden crack on the surface of the black mask. The cracks are very thin and short, but they are very obvious, because the light ball itself is black, but the cracks are golden, and they will glow. The contrast is obvious and naturally it is very clear.

"Hey, Christina, you said that if your magic is successful, it will compress the eight-pointed snake, and if the eight-pointed snake succeeds, it will crack your magic. Now the two phenomena appear together. What kind of situation is this?"

Kristina stared at the light ball without blinking and said: "This shows that the two sides are still at a balance point, and the eight-pointed snake can no longer support it. , But my magic is almost reaching its limit!"

"Which side do you think will win in the end?"

"Maybe, both sides are an arrow at the end of its flight, the final result depends on who can stick to the end."

"Isn't it no result after a long time?" Gold coin said depressedly.

Now everyone has no time to pay attention to the gold coin, they are all watching the Baqi Orochi and the ball of light fight there. The change just now seemed to be a start signal. When we were staring at them intently, the ball of light shook suddenly, and then immediately collapsed inward again. As it should be by rights is squeezed even smaller, and we have even heard the overwhelmed voice of skeleton. However, after shrinking this circle, the crack on the surface of the photosphere suddenly became thicker and longer.

"Damn, the two sides change together again. Isn't it a half-and-half chance of winning if this goes on?" Da Guofan said.

Christina shook her head and said: "No, my magic odds are greater."

"Why?" Gold coin turned his head and asked.

Kristina said while concentrated attention completely paying attention to the changes there, “Because my magic disperses the energy on the surface, and the reduction in volume means that the shell is thicker, not only squeezed The pressure will rise, and the strength of itself will also increase, and the Baqi Orochi is squeezed into it. The narrower the space, the less powerful he will be. It would be better if he is injured and loses resistance, so that my magic can be in a The spurt of energy completely compressed him into a super atom."

"I hope your magic will last till the end." I said by birth.

We just finished talking here, but the ball of light over there jittered twice in a row, and the volume of the ball of light also shrank by two times. This time we finally heard a cracking sound. I don't know if the bone on the Baqi Orochi has been broken, there must be something wrong anyway, and because the squeezing is too tight, the Baqi Orochi can't scream, and can only struggle desperately. Because of his resistance under the pain, there were two consecutive clicks on the surface of the ball of light. After that, we saw that there were two more cracks on the surface of the ball of light. They were not small cracks, but long and long. The big crack is thick, it is obvious that this magic is almost dead. It's just that the eight-pointed snake inside seems to be dying, after all, this guy has broken his bones now.

It was only two seconds after the change. The ball of light shook again, and there was a flash of light on the surface. After that, we clearly saw the ball of light at a speed visible to naked eye. Shrinking, and the body of the eight-headed snake is constantly compressed in the sound of crack cracks. We can even hear the out-of-tune screams, but his screams did not seem to prevent the light ball from continuing to collapse, and this time It is not a phased collapse, but a relatively slow rate of continuous contraction. Although the speed is very slow, it has not stopped. However, during this shrinking process, the clicking sound on the surface of the photosphere is constantly heard, and there are more and more cracks. Occasionally, the photosphere will suddenly flash and emit golden rays of light.

After this process lasted for about 30 seconds, the Baqi Orochi had basically no body shape. The whole body was a ball of flesh, and the ball of light wrapped around it was already full of cracks. What is more worrying is that it flashes faster and faster now, and even when it is extinguished, the light ball will emit faint golden rays of light, but it is not too strong.

"Is this going to be done?"

When Kristina heard my question, instead of giving me a definite answer, she suddenly turned around and ran while hitting Yelled: "Quick flash, it's going to explode!"

"What? It's going to explode? You didn't say that this skill will explode before!" I said while summon Asuka turned around and started flying out. Other people around also quickly summoned out of the mount and began to accelerate away.

The Japanese players who saw the Baqi Orochi being trapped and came to cheer on the Baqi Orochi before this time they suddenly cheered when they saw us suddenly turning around and running. Obviously they thought that we were hitting But because of Baqi Orochi, he decided to escape. In fact, we do feel that we can't beat the Orochi Orochi, but the Orochi Orochi cannot bother us either, so we ran away not because of the Orochi Orochi but because of the explosion that Kristina said.

Just now there was no time to run, and now everyone has started to run away, Kristina started to explain to us. "My magic uses magical power to continuously compress the internal space, which is like a high-pressure steel cylinder. Once it breaks, the internally compressed volume will quickly restore. This expansion force, coupled with the force of the eight-pointed snake, is struggling and pushing. It will cause everything around, including the air, to rapidly diffuse to the surroundings to form shock waves, and its formidable power will be very, very large. Believe me, it will not be much smaller than the formidable power of tactical nuclear weapons."

"So We still want to flash it now, right?" Gold coin turned to me and asked, "Boss, do we go back to China directly or come back later to see if there is no cheaper to pick up?"

I heard this question or looked towards Kristina, and Kristina also understood why I looked at her, so she quickly said: "I don't know how much damage my magic has caused to the eight-pointed snake. That ball of light The compressed space of is compressing the body of the eight-pointed snake in both physical and energy aspects, so it should be hurt from the compression at first, but I don’t know how much this kind of damage is. But it is certain that it is the eight-pointed snake After I came out, it was definitely not as strong as when I went in."

I didn’t make a decision immediately after hearing this answer. So I looked towards Vermilion Bird again. Vermilion Bird said readily: "As long as you say hit me, it's a help, and if I defeat this time, I won't count your requests. Next time you can call me again."

When I heard Vermilion Bird so loyal, I couldn’t help but smile and play said with a smile: "I would rather not be able to help you next time."

Since here I have agreed on opinions, and there is no need for me to say anything. Everyone knows what to do in a while, and all of them have begun to concentrate on moving forward. However, we just flew more than ten kilometers away, and we felt a sudden heat behind us, and then we saw the sky in front of us light up.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the sun coming out, but the big snake. The sky in front of us is illuminated by rays of light from behind us. In fact, Kristina’s description just now is not accurate. The mask that compresses the eight-pointed serpent cannot be simply compared to a compressed cylinder, because the compressed cylinder itself is a solid substance, not energy. That light ball itself is a powerful body, it should have compressed all its energy internally and then filled it into the super atom compressed by the body of the eight-pointed snake.

Everyone knows that nuclear fusion and nuclear fission release a lot of energy. In fact, not all nuclear fusion and fission release energy. On the contrary, in most cases, the fusion reaction should be to absorb energy, and what we know of nuclear fusion refers to the fusion of certain atoms, not all atoms in general.

After compressing all the matter in the Baqi Orochi into an origin, all the molecules that make up him will disintegrate, and then restore to the atomic state, after which these atoms will absorb the huge energy fusion in the photomask Into a super atom. But now, the compression has not been completed, and the energy that should have been absorbed has not been absorbed. On the contrary, the outward expansion force of the eight-pointed snake is burst out together. This is basically a small nuclear explosion, so Kristina said that when the thing exploded, the formidable power would be like a tactical nuclear weapon.

After discovering that the surroundings became bright, we immediately realized that the thing behind it had exploded, and then everyone made a common reaction without the slightest hesitation, that is, they all gathered together. Then Vermilion Bird wrapped us all in his arms with wings behind.

Regardless of whether you can kill the eight-different snake, Vermilion Bird is Sacred Beast after all. This kind of explosion may be dangerous to us, and it will never cause harm to her, not to mention Vermilion Bird itself. It is an energy manipulator, this kind of explosion is very harmful to her.

In fact, our reaction was very accurate, because just after we completed this preparation, Vermilion Bird's body immediately accelerated forward and held us fast. This is not Vermilion Bird flying by herself. She wraps us with wings and is not flying at all. This is being pushed forward by the shock wave. However, although it was pushed out by the shock wave for a large part, there was basically no too violent bumps and vibrations, indicating that the shock wave at our location is actually not very formidable power.

The shock wave came quickly and passed quickly. After the shock wave rushed through, we were immediately released by Vermilion Bird. The first thing everyone did after they came out was to look back at the situation on the Baqi Orochi. As a result, the scene before us directly reminded us of the end of the world. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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