In fact, we don’t need to call people around to know that we are going to block the Eight-Different Snake. Kristina is now preparing for a big move, she has no resistance at all, and gold coin and I are in a state of seemingly struggling with the eight-pointed snake, and there is no guarantee that we will have a chance. Therefore, if we want to win stably, we must keep it. Christina. However, it is not so easy to know what to do.

Seeing that the Eight-Different Serpent had already flown below Kristina, gold coin immediately raised the Heavenly Venerable Sword in his hand to face the eight-diverged Serpent in the distant void with a cross cut, a sword composed of light and shadow. The shape flashed by, but the big snake did not even look at it and continued to move upward, followed by a chuckle, and the two heads of the big snake broke off at the same time, but the big snake seemed to have not seen it at all. Continuing to fly upwards, it meant not to stop Kristina.

Gold coin's ability to intercept with big moves is also the limit, and it is too late for her to block simply, and there is nothing she can do. However, just as the gold coin's ultimate move was issued, I suddenly took out a fiery-red feather from my body and threw it into the sky. The feather that I threw was not as light and fluttering as a normal feather, and then began to fall. Instead, it was like a missile with a red trajectory and directed at the eight-pointed snake.

The eight-headed serpent who was trying to shoot down Kristina at this time suddenly diverted his attention. While watching the red feathers flying in horror, he fluttered his wings desperately. Avoid it, but although he avoided the flight path of the feather, he didn't want the feather to suddenly turn into a fiery red bird with a beautiful tail feather nearly a hundred meters long behind it when it flew halfway.

"What a big Phoenix!" The cauldron who watched the battle in the distance exclaimed, while Bingling next to him gave him another furry and said: "Idiot, that's Vermilion Bird!"

What I threw just now is not a normal feather, but a red Vermilion Bird fire feather. At the time, each of the four Sacred Beasts gave me a token, allowing me to use my magic power to temporarily transform into their appearance to fight against the enemy. Of course, my magic power can't support it for long, but even just a few minutes. Easily kill strong enemies. Of course, the ability of this token is not limited to transformation. In fact, there are three functions of tokens. Transformation is only one of them. There are also two abilities. One is to allow me to use the skills of Sacred Beast and Divine Beast given to me while holding tokens. One ability is this summon ontology.

Different from transforming and using skills, the summon ontology is a one-time skill, or it is not a skill at all, but a promise. These tokens are actually just transmitting coordinates, and when they first gave me tokens, the Sacred Beasts told me that as long as I summon them with this token, they would immediately be there to help me fight, but this is limited to one time. However, although the number of times is limited to only one chance, because the number of times is small, the formidable power is great.

The four Sacred Beasts themselves are super creatures that are too awesome. Although their bodies have only one chance, they will not be restricted after they appear on time. Not only can they maintain the full strength of the body, but they also have no time limit. As long as my enemies are not dead, or they themselves are not dead, it is not the end. Of course, it is not easy to kill the four Sacred Beasts, at least few people in Celestial Court dare to say that they can smash the four Sacred Beasts undefeated.

Just now I was pressed into a hurry. Without Christina, we would be very dangerous. Although it feels a pity to waste a conversion opportunity, this summon opportunity is always used, and it is not too wasteful to use it to deal with the super-level existence of the Eight-Different Orochi. Better than letting the four Sacred Beasts come out to deal with the players, right? At any rate, the Baqi Orochi is also a Japanese Divine Beast.

The Baqi Big Snake felt the surging Destruction Power on Vermilion Bird when I threw out the fire feather, so it immediately began to avoid it. In fact, many people have misunderstood the capabilities of Vermilion Bird. Many people think that Vermilion Bird is an enhanced version of Phoenix, and the ability to master is flame ability, but in fact it is not at all. Vermilion Bird is indeed an expert playing with fire, but this is not the ability represented by her job. The true ability of Vermilion Bird is destruction, or extinction, which is an important part of the cycle of life and death, so this is actually a part of Law Power.

After all, the Baqi Orochi is also at the same level. Of course, he can feel this kind of terrifying destructive power, so he immediately dodges, but he doesn’t know that the feather is Vermilion Bird, so the flash is not enough. quick. The sudden appearance of Vermilion Bird continued along the track I originally threw out, and then when passing by the Ochi Orochi, it suddenly lowered its head and grabbed a paw on one of the Ochi Orochi's heads. As a result, the head of the Ochi Orochi snake. All of a sudden it burned up, and it was completely turned into fly ash in less than five seconds.

Although he was burnt off his head again, the Baqi Orochi did not show any reaction after being injured. In turn, he wanted to bite Vermilion Bird with another head, but Vermilion Bird was not easy to deal with. , Turned around and swept his tail, and a river of flames spurted out in the sky. The hot Baqi serpent screamed and dodged, but in the end it was burned to the point where it was miserable.

Vermilion Bird did not stop attacking after the eight-headed snake with a burnt tail retreated, but suddenly raised his head with a phoenix cry, and then saw the clouds in the sky suddenly collectively burned, and then All the cloud groups began to rush towards the Baqi Orochi at high speed, and the ground was basically the same. Originally, this area was a mountainous area, and there were mountain packs everywhere. This is great. All the small mountain packs have become volcanic craters. Large swaths of lava spew out from under the ground, instantly turning the nearby area into a large area. Lava Purgatory.

"Fuck me, Flame Mountain is only this for eight hundred miles, right?" The onlookers of our guild players looked at the surrounding environment and almost forgot to fly and fell. Although they have been hiding far away, they are still covered within the attack range. Fortunately, the lava is ejected from the ground, so there is no harm to them who are in the air, or else this move accidentally injured the personnel. But it's too much to go.

However, although we are all right, the Japanese have suffered. We are all elite players from our guild, and our guild is equipped with long spear guards for the whole people, so our guild is unmatched in mobility. However, most of the Japanese players around are ordinary persons. This time the originally good mountain area has become a lava hell. I don't know how many people were pitted into it. What? You ask why there are Japanese players here?

The Japanese players are not deaf or blind. We have trampled on two mountains here. How much is this? No one has noticed this. What is it like for Japanese players to be slow? So, not only are Japanese players approaching, but there are also many players from other countries in Japan. They are all attracted by the battle, just to see if they have a chance to get a piece of the pie. But it's a pity that the soup is out of their share, and there is a lot of lava.

Although there are many players who have been pitted in, there are also many flying players in Japan, so the people who came to investigate the situation are naturally impossible, and the rest are flying close. , As a result, they first saw the members of the guild watching the battle there, but before they planned to attack, they suddenly saw the two super creatures strangling together in front.

Vermilion Bird immediately faced Baqi Orochi with a mouthful of Nanming Lihuo after a big move. Baqi Orochi knew that this thing was completely incomparable with Long Yan, so it immediately flashed to the side for fear of getting caught. To yourself. You must know that Nanming Lihuo is a very powerful flame. If it is touched, even his eight-pointed serpent will probably be burned to death. The final thing is that Nanming Lihuo not only burns the body, but also its own energy. In other words, the creatures burned by Nanming Lihuo will lose their strength even if they are not dead. reason.

The agile Baqi Orochi successfully avoided Vermilion Bird’s Nanming Lihuo jet, but was sadly urged by Vermilion Bird to grab a snake’s head with a paw, and then went directly to the spot for three hundred. After the 60-degree whirlpool acceleration, it was thrown out like a hammer, and the undead flying direction is exactly the direction of the group of Japanese players who came to find out and the group of experts who watched the game from our guild.

Originally, after the two gangs found each other, they entered the state of with swords drawn and bows bent, and they were about to fight, but at the moment when they were ready to do it but didn’t do it, suddenly I felt something flying towards them. As soon as the two groups turned their heads, they saw the huge eight-headed serpent flying towards them in the air. They were so scared that the two groups dodge quickly. As a result, everyone on our side basically got out of the way. After all, the mount is better and the speed is better. It’s really taking advantage of it. As for the Japanese, it’s a miserable situation. A large number of people will be smashed down at once, but they have a lot of people anyway, and there are a lot of people left.

The eight-headed snake that flew past the crowd did not just land, but flew forward for seven or eight kilometers before falling into the lava, and then crashed into a newly formed small volcano. He bounced from the ground again, and after turning over 72,000 Baidu in the air, he landed on a flat face, and then rolled continuously, rolling all the way out of the mountain area and falling into the player activity area outside.

The mountains in the generally speaking game are the floors of monsters, and the players are in the vicinity based on towns and other activities. On the one hand, cities and towns can provide logistical support for players. On the other hand, the higher the mountains and the denser the forest, the more the big bosses gather, so players and monsters have their own range of activities. However, the Baqi Orochi just now was thrown out of the deserted area specially selected by Nobunaga Ghost Hand by Vermilion Bird, and immediately flew into the area where the players often move.

A lot of players hadn't rushed to watch the excitement because of various reasons. They didn't expect the excitement to fly over, but this time it was a bombing nest. The size of the Baqi Orochi is like a mountain. How can the destructive power be so small when such a big thing smashes it down? The result of course was that it was crushed to death as soon as it landed, and countless people were injured, and the entire area was almost full of grief. Fortunately, it's already five o'clock in the morning. Players who go to bed late are already asleep, and those who wake up early have not yet been online. This is the time when the number of online users in Japan is the lowest. Otherwise, the casualties caused by the eight-headed snake will definitely be more terrifying.

"Purple Moon, are you all right?" Vermilion Bird took a look at us after flying the eight-pointed snake, and then suddenly asked, "The one who fought with me just now. Is that Nine-Headed Bird? Why has it become so powerful?"

I nodded and said as soon as I heard: "That is Nine-Headed Bird, but people have immigrated early and even changed their names. , Now it’s called the Eight-Headed Snake."

"The Eight-Headed Snake?" Vermilion Bird thought for a while and said: "It seems to have heard that Nine-Headed Bird was exiled here to become a Guardian God. Yes, but this matter has nothing to do with me, and I haven't paid much attention to it. By the way, did he eat something Immortal Pill before?"

"Huh?" I didn't understand what Vermilion Bird meant.

I probably found out that I didn’t understand. Vermilion Bird said directly: “That guy is a lot stronger than before. If it hadn’t changed much in appearance, I would hardly dare to recognize him. There is a lot of energy that has not been completely dissipated, and I can feel that his control over his own power is also very weak, as if he had eaten Supreme Taoist's explosive pill!"

"What is the explosive pill? Something?" asked the gold coin on the side.

"Blasting Body Pill is a kind of Immortal Pill, which can stimulate your body's strength in a short period of time to increase your strength several times, but after medicine efficacy is passed, your strength will decrease, and because the strength is not I got it from my own cultivation, so I can’t use it handily, and there will always be a feeling of uncontrollable. The Baqi Orochi is like this now. I feel that his energy is stronger than mine, but it seems to be in battle. It’s not like that, it seems that he can’t display his full strength."

It was strange that the Baqi Orochi suddenly became so powerful, but now I think it’s probably because of using a certain method to improve my strength, otherwise He shouldn't be so strong at all. However, although Baqi Orochi must have used some method to improve its strength, it may not be that explosive pill. After all, Lao Jun's things are not so easy to get. Do you really think Supreme Taoist is a kindly great grandfather sending out sweets everywhere? The entire Celestial Court really has the ability to cheat Immortal Pill from the old gentleman to eat nothing more than the monkey plus a Nezha. Anyway, I wanted to get some Immortal Pill, but it took my nose!

Because I’m not sure what the Baqi Orochi’s strength is improved by, so I can’t be sure that his power has a time limit, and I think the Baqi Orochi’s strength is probably not a short-term surge. It is long-lasting. If it is a short-term surge, I think he would never come out to attack us before, because his strength can only support a short while, and now it is exposed to no benefit at all. Therefore, his strength should not be short-term, but long-term. Moreover, if it is said that this strength improvement is long-lasting, it can also explain why the eight-headed serpent lurks under the secret warehouse of Onishou Nobunaga and has been faceless. He is simply seizing the time to adapt to this ability improvement. It is precisely because as time goes on, he is more and more able to adapt to this skyrocketing strength, so the Empress Dowager thinks that he was the first threat and moved the target of attention. I even suspect that the original monument locked by the Empress’s earth stele was not the weapon of mass destruction, but the eight-pointed snake.

Gold coin immediately said after Vermilion Bird's explanation: "Then shall we get rid of the Eight-Different Orochi as soon as possible, or else let him adapt to his own power, we will not kill him?"


Vermilion Bird thought for a while and said, "But I'm not sure if I can control him. I got a little cheaper just because I was a surprise attack. If I chase him now, I may not be his opponent. He There is still a problem with the ability to adapt, but I can feel that his energy has exceeded me a lot, so I am not sure if I can beat him."

"It doesn't matter, just fight it. No. Are there us?" Gold coin said.

Vermilion Bird thought for a while and said: "Well, let's go together, play and watch first, if I really can't beat, I will cover you to go first. Even if I can't beat it with my strength, If he wants to leave, he can’t do anything with me."

Actually, what Vermilion Bird said was right. When we caught up again, the Oki Orochi had climbed up from the ground, and this guy actually Doing a pretty horrible thing. He is eating people. He eats the corpses of the Japanese players who were killed by him on the ground, as well as many Japanese players and various NPCs who have not yet died. Anyway, he eats all the creatures, not one of them.

If it's just cannibalism, it's nothing. After all, Baqi Orochi is a monster. This rare beast cannibalize people. We have seen a lot, and we don't think there is anything, but it is quite normal. But the problem is that while eating people, the heads of the eight-headed snake that we chopped off actually grew again. We came a little bit late and didn't see the process of head growth, but now that guy's nine heads are all intact, there is no doubt about this.

"Would you like to swallow and fuse?" I asked, looking at the undamaged Baqi Orochi in front of me.

Vermilion Bird shook his head and said: "I don't know, the previous Nine-Headed Bird did not have this ability!"

"This guy must have something happened during this time. I know the changes, and it’s obviously not a good change for us."

"What should I do now?" Gold coin asked.

I looked back and asked: "Where is Kristina? Her skills are still being prepared?"

Gold coin pointed to it, and I saw it as soon as I looked up Kristina didn't know when she actually flew over our heads, and her preparations were not over. Obviously, this skill is still being charged. Counting from just now, now this skill has been fully prepared for more than three minutes, such a long preparation time, I believe it is definitely a super big move.

"Vermilion Bird, help block the Eight-Puzzle Orochi again. Our companion prepares a large-scale skill on it. It should be almost completed. You will help the Eight-Impact Orochi to withstand the attack in a while, this move Even if you can't kill him, you can at least let him peel the skin."

"Okay, I'll go now, I can't let it eat anymore!" Vermilion Bird said and flew over, and As soon as it comes up, use its wings to fan out a ring of flames.

Baqi Dasnake has noticed that we are here long ago, but it doesn't care about us at all and just eats. The nine heads move up and down like a chicken eating rice, and the speed is fast. Vermilion Bird is not stupid, and of course he knows that cannibalism is very important to him. Since the enemy needs to eat people, he cannot be allowed to eat as his opponent, so Vermilion Bird came up as a ring of flame, not against the eight-pointed snake but against the corpse on the ground. As soon as the ring of flame spread along the ground, it turned into a blazing prairie fire, instantly burning all the people and corpses on the ground to ashes, and even the unbroken ones were also solved together. What's more terrifying is that there was a small city nearby. As a result, a flame ring swept over the city and it became a piece of scorched earth. Except for those who were able to fly and survived, none of the people on the ground survived.

Although this move looks fierce, I actually know that this is the normal strength of Vermilion Bird. I thought that the previous Vermilion Bird had split Isinger in half with a single move. What kind of formidable power was that? The small city in front of him is incomparable to Isinger. The previous Vermilion Bird was able to hack Isinger with one move, and it is not surprising that the current Vermilion Bird burned a city with one move.

We don't think the horror is because we have experienced it before, so we have adapted, but the Japanese players around have not adapted. They saw a large Phoenix-like bird flap its wings, and then the creatures within a city and several miles around turned into fly ash. This attack power was already comparable to a weapon of mass destruction.

"hahahaha, the Vermilion Bird who didn't expect aloof and remote also had time to be scared." Suddenly all the food was burned. Not only was the snake underneath not nervous, but turned his head and looked in. Vermilion Bird of the sky laughed.

Speaking of which Eight-Different Orochi's life experience is a little bit tragic, this guy is a complete dick, he was more tragic from birth, and then he was a little more settled until he was rushed to Japan. However, even if it’s a little more comfortable to live in Japan, it is not a good day for Yaqi Oya. It's like many people in China now say that they are not doing well, but if they are sent to African tribes as chiefs, their status is high, but do you think they will be happy?

The situation is the same with the Baqi Orochi, although it seems that the status of Divine Beast in Japan is higher. But emotionally speaking, this is an exile after all, so Baqi Orochi is impossible to be safe. He always feels that he is very upset in Japan, and he does not want to retaliate back all the time. Of course, this is really just a thought. Outsiders may not know how powerful Celestial Court is, but the eight snakes who have been persecuted by Celestial Court know very well. Those sacred gods don't count, it's enough for the four Sacred Beasts to come out together. Not to mention that his strength was not very good at the beginning, even if his strength has improved now, wouldn't he just barely deal with Vermilion Bird? There is another Sacred Beast, he will definitely not last for five minutes. Of course, if he can fully grasp the energy in his body that he doesn't know where it comes from, he can try to challenge two Sacred Beasts. However, there are not only two people. There are only four Sacred Beasts in China, and there are still three guardians of the country, which are stronger than Sacred Beast. This is only on the surface, secretly we know that there are black Qilin, a small dragon female dad, and a 10,000-level ice Phoenix, which are all too strong to be true. In addition, there is a Divine Beast in China called Qilin, and different from other Divine Beast, Qilin is the only kind of Divine Beast Race organized like an army.

There are so many Qilins under Celestial Court. Can you guarantee that there are not one or two and four Sacred Beast of the same level? All other Divine Beast Races are expert. It makes no sense that Qilin races are all ordinary Divine Beasts, right? The black Qilin is a good example, so the Qilin family must have an expert, but we don't know where it is.

Celestial Court is too strong, so Baqi Orochi did not expect to counterattack back at all. At most, it was arrogant and arrogant in Japan. However, it is precisely because of the sadness and awkwardness of this guy that he has a character before. Also a bit distorted. Just now, Vermilion Bird used a flame to start a prairie fire and burned all his food, which was obviously worried or scared. I am afraid that he will become stronger after eating those corpses. And this kind of fearful behavior makes Baqi Orochi feel very refreshed, because Vermilion Bird was originally just the existence he looked up to, but now he is beginning to be afraid because of him. Can you say he can't be excited?

"What are you proud of? How can I be afraid?" Vermilion Bird's voice is obviously uncertain. It feels like he is deliberately covering up, and his performance is quite clumsy. And Rose and I are smarter People couldn't help but praise from the bottom of their hearts.

Kristina’s big trick is about to be completed, Vermilion Bird’s current mission is not to fight the Eight-Finger Snake. What he needs now is to buy time for Kristina, so she He deliberately acted like a little child, and he didn't admit it to death. She knew that this kind of performance would excite Baqi Orochi, and make him feel complacent, and this would buy us time.

The Eight-Different Big Snake was really hit. This is not a question of IQ, but a question of thinking. The suppressed Baqi Orochi has a rare opportunity to stand up. If it doesn't break out at all, it would be too uncomplicated to logic.

Hearing Vermilion Bird’s lack of confidence answer, Baqi Orochi immediately continued to say with a smile excitedly: "It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, anyway, I have eaten enough blood, and now I’m not afraid of you at all. .Vermilion Bird, I think you are pretty good, so give you a chance. Take refuge in me now and be my wife, I can spare your life."

"Huh?" Vermilion Bird is Really stunned, because this was the first time anyone dared to talk to her like this, but she soon reacted and entered a state of rage.

What is the eight-qi big snake in China? That is the exile, the existence of the bottom. None of the high level Divine Beasts in Celestial Court dared to hit Vermilion Bird with their idea. The toad in his toad actually wanted to encroach on the existence of Peak like her. This is simply a complete insult. Suddenly, Vermilion Bird didn't care about what it was, and immediately turned into a red flame and ran into it.

The big snake did not dare to neglect Vermilion Bird when he saw Vermilion Bird rushed over, and immediately dodged away from the red light, but Vermilion Bird did not stop there, and immediately changed back to its original shape after landing. , And then bounced up at one point on the ground, two sharp claws stretched forward and grabbed the two heads of the eight-headed snake, and the sharp claw with cold light pierced the skull of the eight-headed snake with force and penetrated into the head. Among. However, even though the eight-headed snake was scratched with two heads, the other seven heads surrounded it together.

I found that Vermilion Bird was at a loss, and gold coin and I were no longer watching the show. It is a battlefield and not a ring. No one will say that you are brave and invincible if you win singles, but that you are an idiot. I have never heard of one-to-one people who have to count the number of people in battle.

As soon as the head of the eight-headed snake over there moved, gold coin and I flew up right and left. Gold coin directly flattened the Heavenly Venerable sword and swung it horizontally out of the head that slashed the eight-headed snake, while I held Eternal from the other side and intercepted it in the same way. However, the eight-headed snake that ate the corpse really seemed to be different.

I just posed to activate the skill, and the sword glow just flew out of the blade, but the head of a snake next to it suddenly accelerated in front of me and hit me. I just felt a huge force hit, and the whole person flew out in a whirlpool. I didn't even see how that head appeared next to me before. The gold coin on the other side was not much better, and was directly swept by a head that appeared suddenly, and even the Heavenly Venerable sword flew out.

I turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated in the air after I flipped through the sky and don’t know how many somersaults. The next second it turned into a cloud of smoke from the spot and gathered together, but after gathering again No more spinning in the sky. This trick is Night Shadow's skill, and it is very convenient to restore balance.

After the gold coin was hit and flew, her ominous beast fox dragged her injured body and flew stiffly to catch her, but her Heavenly Venerable sword flew far away. Several Japanese players flying in the sky immediately became excited when they saw the sword flying towards them. They have avoided the Raging Inferno Blazing Praire of Vermilion Bird because they can fly or have flying mounts. They will see the Super Divine Item that was previously held by gold coin with slaughter all sides and fly over by themselves. Why are they not excited? The formidable power of that thing can't even be hard-wired in their Divine Beast. Could it be Mortal Grade?

However, these people can be considered to have been dazzled by flying money, and they don't want to think that their swords are so powerful that they can touch them?

A Japanese player with wings was the first to start, but the Japanese player who reacted next to him immediately pulled him back by his leg, and then he wanted to pick it up, but was pulled back. In order to prevent him from pulling him back, the two people entangled, a player riding a flying mount next to them immediately rushed past them and caught the Heavenly Venerable sword.

Two people were upset when they saw that Divine Item was snatched by someone else. In the next second, they saw a Divine Immortal phantom with divine poise and sagelike features, the golden phantom. The shadow only flashed slightly, and then suddenly it looked like a very angry snorted. The next second the player who caught the Heavenly Venerable sword suddenly banged into a rain of blood, and there was no hair left, the real The skeleton doesn't exist, and the shredder can't smash it so thoroughly.

Although the other two Japanese players didn’t grab the sword, they weren’t far behind. They got sprayed and saw the Heavenly Venerable sword continue to fly towards them. The two of them immediately Instinctively pushed the other person, and then saw the Heavenly Venerable sword pass through between them and drop down, and they exhales one breath saying at the same time. If this was a quick step earlier, it would be them that exploded into blood mist.

Heavenly Venerable sword has recovered during the process of falling through the gap between the two. Then she glanced at the Heavenly Venerable sword that flew out, and then stretched out her hand and pointed at Heavenly Venerable Jian Nian Said: "Return to position." The Heavenly Venerable sword flashed the rays of light instantaneously, instead of flying back, it was directly transmitted to the hands of gold coin. The Japanese players who looked around shook their heads, saying that this thing is so easy to use. But without their share, it is really greedy.

The two of us here were photographed together, and Vermilion Bird did not catch it. Although two snake heads were successfully injured, the other snake heads bite towards Vermilion Bird immediately after flying us. The head of the first snake that flew was blown away by Vermilion Bird's wings, but the second snake's head accurately bit Vermilion Bird's right leg. Under the pain, Vermilion Bird loosened its paws, and then turned his head to face it with his mouth. The head of the snake biting its own leg, with a bang, the head of the snake burned to black ashes, and then the flame burned all the way down the neck. Seeing that it would not stop burning the eight-headed snake to ashes. . However, the head of the other snake of Baqi Orochi suddenly stretched out and sighed at the burning position, and then the flame suddenly went out.

Vermilion Bird was also taken aback when she saw this situation, but she did not forget her job, suddenly raised her head suddenly, then flicked her head forward and opened her mouth, a small red light particle. Suddenly, it flew out from her mouth and took the heart of Baqi Orochi.

After playing Vermilion Bird for so long, I can understand it. This big snake has too many heads, all the heads are not the key, unless you can chop off all his heads at the same time. But this is obviously impossible to do. So Vermilion Bird simply chose to hit the heart this time. No matter how many heads you have, there is only one heart, so Vermilion Bird directly chose to start here.

Compared with Vermilion Bird, Baqi Orochi clearly understands himself better, so seeing the light particle flying towards his heart, he immediately blocked a head from the light particle’s flight path and He opened his mouth and swallowed the light particles. It’s just that he didn’t expect the light particles to have such a large formidable power. As soon as he entered his mouth, he immediately blasted out from the back of that head with a large cloud of flames and gushing blood, and the speed was as fast as that. The direction remained the same, still taking his heart straight.

I found that this formidable power is such a big snake. It changed it

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