It’s not just the big pot of rice that was reminded. Although Bingling’s this slap was shot on the head of the big pot of rice, other people around also reacted to it and started to escape, just to make room for us. place.

The previous battle is basically the player’s PK mode, which is normal, but since the death of the ice plunder and the purple moon, our side has completely entered the god war mode, which means that the current battle is The level that the Spiritual God can only participate, the ordinary person can't touch it at all.

The Divine Grade players in our guild, speaking of which besides me, there are only gold coin and Kristina, and a total of four people, Masaka Matsumoto, of which Masaka Matsumoto is still a dark Pile, usually cannot be used. Zhenhong is the fifth battle strength after the four of us, but she just barely touched the threshold of Divine Grade. To put it bluntly, it is invincible at human level, and Divine Grade is the worst.

In the current battle, Masaka Matsumoto couldn't participate because of her identity. Zhenhong hesitated on the side whether she wanted to participate. She was afraid that her strength would hinder her, but she wanted to help. Kristina is now in the sky and is gathering energy to make a big move. Judging from how long it takes to prepare after she has killed all the moon dew in one bite, this magic is definitely destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and I It is estimated that Christina can only use this time today. It was obvious that she was preparing for a desperately used big move, it was impossible to play it a second time, even if it was supported by moon dew.

I just cut off a head with a sword and injured a head. Now the eight-pointed snake has completely entered a violent state, and the more troublesome thing is that his broken head is not It was not broken from the root, and there was a neck that was about the length of one third left on the body. Now this one third's neck was waving around under the anger of the eight-pointed snake, and as it swayed, a large amount of blood was thrown out and flew everywhere.

If it’s just blood, then it’s nothing. We have been used to the scene of flying flesh and blood for so long in the battle. Why are we afraid of sprinkling some blood? But the problem is that the blood of the eight different snakes is not ordinary blood. The eight-headed snake is the Nine-Headed Bird. According to legend, after the head of the Nine-Headed Bird is beheaded, the blood flowing out of the head carries the calamity attribute. Wherever this blood drops, natural disasters will occur, which is a large-scale passive Curse, the formidable power is amazing.

Although the legend may be a bit exaggerated, it is not unfounded. Besides, "Zero" is a game after all. The various myths or the abilities of the creatures in the legend are originally based on folklore, so Since the legendary Nine-Headed Bird has this attribute, the eight-headed snake in front of it is most likely to have a similar ability, at most it has been weakened for the sake of balance. However, considering the sturdy strength of the current Baqi Orochi, I am worried that even if he is really weakened, the formidable power of this blood water will be quite terrifying.

In fact, my worries were quickly confirmed, because after the guy’s blood was sprayed out, it burned violently as soon as it hit the ground, and the ground that the blood touched quickly began to turn black. And the range of black is spreading to the surroundings rapidly, and as the area of ​​black increases, the plants enclosed by the black range also begin to wither and decay quickly like a quick shot, and finally all become after a forest fire. The scene was generally charred wooden stakes, and those animals that were unfortunately trapped in, it was more thorough, directly corrupted and disintegrated, and finally turned into ashes in the ground, with nothing left but bones.

Seeing that this guy is spraying blood everywhere with such a large formidable power, gold coin and I both paid attention to try not to be touched by the blood. If we can't avoid it, we will use our skills to block it. Fortunately, although this blood water can corrode many things, it does not have any damage ability to Energy Shield, so it is not too dangerous for us. It just needs a little attention.

Because the surrounding companions have evacuated this area and watched from a distance, gold coin and I can unscrupulously exert our destructive power. Of course, because without their interference, The Baqi Orochi has also been able to attack the two of us more intently.

Actually, I think the true goal of the Baqi Orochi should be Kristina. This guy is not stupid at all, he can sense that the surging magic power of Kristina is making him more and more frightened, so he has long wanted to kill Kristina. But he is on the ground now, and Kristina is very high in the sky, and my attack with gold coin is also very targeted to prevent him from taking off, so he can only watch Kristina do it. There is no way to worry.

If it was before, after a few fights, the Ochi Orochi would surely fly up to attack Kristina, but with the two swords of me and gold coin just now, Ochi Orochi has realized that we are How terrifying is his attack on formidable power, he dare not take our attack at all.

Seeing the magic power on Kristina above, the Baqi Orochi is really anxious. Knowing that we would be killed sooner or later after this wasted time, Baqi Dashe suddenly did something amazing. He actually turned his head and bit several big holes in his body, and then tore off a few large pieces of meat with a shake of his head.

Gold coin and I didn't figure out why this guy is playing well and doing self-harm, but we won't have to guess his intentions in the next second, because Baqi Orochi has already started doing it.

Although he had bitten out a few wounds, the Baqi Orochi did not intend to commit suicide, but to fight. He slammed the meat he had bitten into the sky, and then fired a few green slime bullets from it and his head that hit the flying pieces of meat, followed by soda chips falling into the water. Like inside, those pieces of meat suddenly swelled and burst into green clouds in the sky.

I was wondering what was going on. The green smoke had already wrapped us in, and then I found that a burst of hell flames suddenly rose up from my body. This is not a skill I activated, and It is the protection mechanism activated by the Dragon Soul suit, which means that the damage power of the green smoke is high enough to make my armor feel strenuous, and I must rely on energy for defense.

"Damn, gold coin, pay attention to that smoke is poisonous!"

"Blow it on and it’s okay." Gold coin said, suddenly raised the Heavenly Venerable sword in his hand. The other hand took out a piece of yellow paper from his body and threw it outward, followed the Heavenly Venerable sword to split all two pieces of the yellow paper, and then said in his mouth: "Five Elements Law-Wind."

Following the export of gold coin's law, a gust of wind suddenly blew around. It is conservatively estimated that there will be at least Level 10, because even if I am in the sky, it takes a little effort to stabilize my body. It can be seen that the wind is quite strong. Exaggerated.

The green smoke on the opposite side may cover a large area, and the formidable power is not low, but it is just smoke after all. The smoke was blown out immediately by the gusty wind, and everyone watching the game around can know it. Seeing that a large group of greens on our side began to move away from us, and the speed was getting faster and faster, they soon moved out of the battlefield.

Although the smoke of the Baqi Orochi was blown away, we were surprised when the smoke dissipated because the Baqi Orochi on the ground was gone. I immediately thought of his purpose, and when I raised my head suddenly, I saw that the guy had already flew up and was approaching Kristina. didn't expect this guy's smoke is not only aggressive, but it can also create illusions. Before we clearly saw him on the ground, he disappeared as soon as the smoke was blown away. This must have been a blind eye technique that blocked the line of sight.

"Damn it, stop him!" The members of the guild who were watching the battle in the distance couldn't help but shout out anxiously when they saw this situation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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