At my reminder, Hong Yue began to pull up one after another, and the monster below all fell to the ground with the falling mud, finally revealing his true body.

Like the silhouette we saw before, the creature in front of you does have nine heads. The one that bit off half of the spaceship before is one of them, and the other eight heads are basically the same as the previous one.

The monster’s head looks a bit like a bird’s head, but it does not have a bird’s beak. Obvious streamlined structure.

Monster's neck is behind his head. This guy's neck is similar to that of a bird, quite long, and it feels like a plesiosaur without looking at the body. However, there are no scales or feathers on the neck and head of this creature, but a very rough, disgusting skin covered with sarcoma, which looks as hideous and terrifying as if it had been burned.

The following link of the monster’s nine heads is the body of a bird. Of course, it is very large. It doesn’t go out of shape when matched with his head and neck. It’s just that the shape of the body really matches The birds are very close. Not only do they have a bird-specific body structure, but the body surface is also covered with feathers.

The two sides of the monster bird are his wings. Although this thing is temporarily held on both sides of the body, it can be clearly seen that it is a pair of wings, but because it is currently in a folded state, it is impossible to see how big it is, and it is impossible to judge whether this guy can fly or not. After all The creatures in the game are more diverse. Those with wings may not necessarily be able to fly, and those without wings may not fly.

Below the monster’s body is a pair of lengths similar to those of ordinary birds. The muscles of the legs and thighs are very strong and look round, while the calf is only a layer of skin and bones. This is no different from ordinary birds, but because this guy’s claws are buried in the falling soil. So you can't see the claws. However, judging from the exposed part of this guy, most of the claws of this thing should be very offensive.

"This shouldn't be Nine Headed Snake, right?" Hong Yue said uncertainly as he looked at the creature in front of him.

True Red said next to him: "It feels like it is Nine-Headed Bird!"

"Impossible." I directly denied: "Nine-Headed Bird was cut down by Celestial Court long ago. Lost a head and exiled to Japan..." I suddenly got stuck in the middle of what I said, because I suddenly remembered that this is not Japan? But the problem is that Nine-Headed Bird is also called Guifang or Train. No matter what it is called, he was cut off with a head and went to Japan to hide it. After that, the Japanese enshrined it as the Divine Beast of Japan. The name Baqi Orochi. In fact, the Baqi Orochi is simply not a snake, but a bird. The reason why it is called the Baqi Orochi is because his body is always hidden in the ground without exposing the ground, and the exposed part is only the remaining eight heads, and because these eight heads are long. It was closer to the head of a snake, so it was mistaken for the eight-headed snake, and then it was called the eight-headed snake.

Although the eight-headed snake is indeed in Japan, the problem is that the creatures in front of us and the eight-headed snake are obviously not in line with each other.

The first point is that the eight-headed snake has only eight heads, and the creature in front of it has a lot of nine heads, which is obviously inconsistent with the legend.

Secondly, we have not seen the eight-pointed snake. When Masaga Matsumoto was not a member of our Frost Rose League, and led the Japanese players to fight against us, that is, when our guild established the Fulcrum City for the first time in Japan, Matsumoto Masaga at that time invited us to move. The eight-pointed big snake helped them to level our fulcrum city. In that battle, I was fortunate enough to see the Eight-Divine Serpent once, but at that time, the Eight-Divine Serpent was defeated by the Divine Immortal, which was secretly supported by Celestial Court. Not only was the two heads cut off, but the mana was damaged for a short time. There is no way to recover within. The most important thing is that the big snake I saw at the time was not as big as the creature in front of me. Although the Baqi Orochi at the time was considered to be a giant beast Level 1, my large beasts with him are at most like the difference between an ordinary person and a basketball player. But now, the head of this thing in front of me is about the same size as Lucky's whole body. The size difference is too big, right?

In addition to the above three points, I don’t think there is another reason why the creature in front of me is the Orochi Snake, that is, the character of the Orochi Orochi is not like this.

The Baqi Orochi had his head cut off in the Chinese continent, which was the land of Central Plains at that time, and was beaten badly, so he became timid and fearful. character. According to human sexology, this reaction should actually be regarded as trauma phobia, which is a kind of mental illness. Of course, Ba Qi Da Snake couldn't find a psychiatrist, so his problem was quite deep-rooted. It is precisely because the Baqi Orochi has such a problem that he was mistaken for the Baqi Orochi. You think. If the original Nine-Headed Bird, that is, after the train ran to Japan, had not been buried in the ground because of trauma phobia and only exposed eight heads, how could the Japanese mistake a flying Nine-Headed Bird? Think it is a big snake with eight heads? Therefore, the behavior of the Baqi Orochi is very obvious at times, and it is so serious that it has not exposed its body once after so many years of mixing in Japan. However, the whole creature in front of him emerged from the ground. Where is the character of the eight-headed snake? With its character, it should sneak out to engage in a sneak attack. How could it be possible to get out of the ground with great fanfare?

Combining the above three points, I think that the creature in front of me is not the big snake, but if this thing is really not the big snake, it seems that some places are not right.

Japan is just such a big place. It is not a problem for humans to squeeze hundreds of millions of people, but is this thing in front of us comparable to humans? How can something stronger than ominous beast live in a narrow area? Have you ever seen a nest of rabbits living in a small hole, but have you ever seen a mountain where dozens of tigers live? Of course, the zoo does not count.

The creatures in front of you are clearly super creatures. This thing can only have a few in an area. I don’t see a place as big as China. Are all kinds of Super Divine Beast just over ten with one piece? A place like Japan can support three or four Super Divine Beasts. How can there be undiscovered super creatures?

If the creature in front of you is not the eight-different snake, this is in conflict with the previous thesis, because the thing in front of you is completely unknown. An unknown super creature that has never been exposed to everyone appears in Japan, which is definitely not normal. So, if this thing is not the eight-headed snake, it is a bit unreasonable, and judging from the appearance, this thing does have many characteristics of the eight-headed snake.

First of all, the eight-headed snake is supposed to be a Nine-Headed Bird, so shouldn't the creature in front of me be called a Nine-Headed Bird? He has nine heads and an obvious bird's body, which seems to fit the characteristics of Nine-Headed Bird very well. In addition, the legendary Nine-Headed Bird's name is called the train. The origin of the name is the legend that Nine-Headed Bird, like Phoenix, is surrounded by flames. Although the creature in front of him did not burn flames, his feathers were dark red, and the skin on his body was also red. If this color is matched with a certain amount of light, it is understandable to say that he has flames on his body.

Although it feels like in some places, it feels wrong in some places. It's really not a good judgment for a while, but no matter what it is, at least this thing is not so easy to deal with.

I thought about it for a moment. I first connected the communicator to the military god, and then connected to the player on the side of the Queen’s Earth Stele through the military god relay. "I'm Purple Moon, to inform you about the situation there. Is there a new display screen for the Empress Earth Tablet?"

"There are some." The player over there immediately replied: "The display of the Earth Tablet after changing the sky The picture is drawn into a distant view, and I see you in it."

"Huh? We are also in the picture?"

"Yes, the picture is stretched very big, as if Our goal should be something with a lot of volume."

"What is supposed to be? Didn't you see anything?"

"No, the middle of the picture seems to be mosaic Same, I can only see a rough outline, it feels like it refers to a chicken, and it has more than one head."

When I heard the description of the guy opposite, I almost never planted my head on the bird, so I said Nine. -Headed Bird is a chicken, and the name Nine Headed Chicken is really happy.

"Okay, I know what you are talking about." After cutting off the communication, I shouted directly to Rose and Hong Yue: "This is the target displayed by the Empress’s soil stele. Our investigation mission It's finished, do you think we need to flash first?"

Hong Yue shook his head and said, "Anyway, we should try the battle strength of this thing first?"

< p>Rose also agreed: "Yes, let's try the strength of this thing first. Big size doesn't necessarily mean it's strong. Things in the game have always been something you can't just rely on your eyes to see."

" You all said that, then first try the battle strength of this thing." As I said, I directly connected to the communication of the military god. "Military god, what is the current state of Babel Tower?"

"The state is full and ready to launch at any time."

"Do you see the target in front of me?"


"I'm too blind to see such a big thing?"

"OK, just use that thing as a goal and help me try it out."

"Full power?"

"Well, full power."

"Okay, the coordinates are uploading, waiting for energy gathering, everyone pay attention to avoid the attack range."

Don't need to remind me, after hearing the words of the military god in the communicator, everyone quickly began to retreat. Although Babel's attack on formidable power is relatively concentrated, we are not sure if the creature in front of us has any special skills. We need to know that there are many skills in the game that can reflect damage, so we are worried about being injured by our own people. It is the best choice to keep the distance as far as possible in advance.

The monster below has completely stood up as we moved away, and he has shaken off the dirt on his body, and is now completely standing in front of us. However, before he launched his own attack, Babel's attack arrived.

A very thin red line suddenly dropped from the sky, penetrating the clouds and directly shining on the body of the creature that was suspected of being a big snake. Because the red line was very thin, the creature didn't find it at all, but he noticed it the next second because a huge red ball of light suddenly slipped down the red line. It's a pity that the ball of light is too fast. Although the creature found it, it didn't have time to dodge. It could only watch the ball of light hit its body, and then heard a loud explosion sound, a lovely flame mushroom. Just like that rose up. Simultaneously with the mushroom cloud appeared the screams of the creature, and at the same time we clearly saw the guy tilted to the side, staggered two steps and almost fell to the ground. But unfortunately, even though he crooked a bit, he didn't really dump it, and finally stood up.

The first attack was not to use the people around us to attack. It was not because I felt that our attack power was not enough, but because I was worried that this creature had some special abilities, so I first attacked with a long-range attack. Give it a try, at least confirm the approximate attribute range of this thing. If he can hold Babel's attack, it means that the battle strength of this thing is very strong and needs to be cautious, and if he is directly overturned, then nothing is needed, which means that this thing is also bulky. That's it.

The test results can be said to be quite worrying for us, because after the flame mushroom cloud rose up, when the monster reappeared, what we saw was that there was an obvious on his back. The burnt marks, and the feathers on that piece are gone. However, the damage seems to be nothing more than that. The monster's featherless skin was burnt black, and some places even cracked, but the skin was still intact anyway, and there was no big hole blown out. This kind of defensive power can no longer be described as strong. Although Babel is not a super weapon for cities, it is at least a strategic weapon. The formidable power is very large, and its attack mode determines that his attack formidable power is more concentrated. Under such an attack, this guy's body skin was not penetrated. This is definitely a very terrifying defensive power.

"Damn it, our enemy seems a little difficult to deal with!" Hong Yue exclaimed.

I helplessly said: "It's definitely not easy to deal with, because this thing is a big snake!"

"Huh? Really?" Gold coin asked in surprise from the side.

Kristina was also surprised looking towards me and asked: "How do you know Daoist is from the eight-headed serpent?"

Rose helped me explain to me: "Purple Moon It’s the guild leader who just used a strategic weapon to attack the target. As the guild leader, he will definitely receive a notification from the system. It must be the enemy’s name in the display message."

Rose is indeed an intellectual person, although not Seeing the prompt, but guessing the result. I nodded and said: "Although I don't know why the eight-headed snake grew out of nine heads, the thing in front of me is indeed the eight-headed snake, so I think we are in big trouble."

"It makes no sense. Ah! I saw the body of the eight-headed snake before, it's not that big!" Kristina said.

Gold coin and Zhenhong also followed nodded and expressed their agreement with Christina's statement. The battle to defend Fulcrum City was an important battle in the guild. As the main battle strength of the guild, Kristina and the others naturally participated in that battle, so many of them have seen it. . It's just that the thing in front of me is a bit outrageous compared to the eight-pointed snake.

"What do we do now?" Hong Yue asked, "If this thing is the Sacred Beast, it is at the same level as the Sacred Beast, can we handle it?"


"But why do I feel that this thing is more vigorous than the four Sacred Beast?" Gold coin asked.

I also nodded and said: "This thing really makes me feel more vigorous than the four Sacred Beasts. The imposing manner of this thing didn't seem to be fully developed before, but it has been completely revealed now. I feel the breath really. Strong, it's not the usual strong, it's the kind of strong outrageous!"

"Hey, are we going to fight or not?" Jibing asked from the side.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Fight. Let him go up to the actual situation and say it again, test the attack and defense of this eight-pointed snake, at least know his approximate attack methods."

"Understood." The surrounding companions had not had time to drive the mount down after receiving the order, but the eight-pointed snake under didn't expect reacted first. I saw this guy suddenly leaned his body down a bit, then jumped up sharply, and at the same time opened his wings and gave him a hard shot. As if a sandstorm happened on the ground, it turned into a flying sand running stone in an instant, and Baqi Orobo took advantage of the power of this flap of wings to jump into the air. At the same time, his wings were fully expanded and flapped vigorously. The huge body quickly caught up with us in the sky.

"Damn, he actually rushed forward!"

"Everyone dodges. Free attack!" This kind of battle is not easy to command for the time being, and I can only order everyone Disperse first, after all, the range of ordinary attacks of such large creatures is also very large. If they gather together, they will be caught by him accidentally. It is better to separate them.

As soon as I received my order, everyone immediately began to separate, and the Eight-Different Big Snake drove us around like a big bad wolf that rushed into the flock.

Rose and Noreen have been arranged by me to fly to a high altitude and leave the battlefield temporarily. After everyone dispersed, I drove the bird to fly to meet the eight-pointed snake.

The eight-headed snake below didn't know if it recognized me, but stared at me and greeted me. As the distance drew closer, almost all the heads of the eight-headed snakes gathered towards me. The longest head in the middle arrived first, and opened his big mouth and bit at me from a distance. As soon as I slapped the bird's wings, the bird quickly passed through the mouth of the eight-headed snake, and behind me came the sound of a bang of teeth.

I didn't bite the eight-headed snake and didn't give up. The other heads continued to move closer to this side to stop me from moving forward, while the head in the middle turned around and turned back to continue to bite me. It's just that Asuka's speed is too fast, and a fierce roll suddenly dodges the two heads that are swept toward him, and drilled through the gap between the two heads. However, even though it missed a hit, Nine-Headed Bird did not give up. The other heads were still chasing, and the head that swept the head turned around and continued chasing, giving me no chance of escape at all.

Take advantage of the attention of Baqi Orochi from my side, Kristina has already flown under the Baqi Orochi’s belly, and then stretched out her hand to point towards the Baqi Orochi, swishing a color The ribbon flew out. The ribbon, which was several kilometers long, was so fast that it rushed to the side of the Orochi Orochi in the blink of an eye, and then wrapped around his wings and body to fix the wings of the Orochi Orochi in one go. The big snake without wings began to fall to the ground, but just as it began to fall, the big snake suddenly made a scream like the one he had heard before, and at the same time all the ribbons on his body were all at once. Shattered into happy colored light particles.

"Damn, what's the situation?" Accompanied by the roar of the eight-headed snake, I obviously felt that the speed of Asuka was slowing down while avoiding the attack. What's more terrible is that I found out when I looked at the attribute. All attributes have dropped by a half, and now my attributes are only 75% of the normal value, which means that the power of 1/4/2021 is gone.

I haven't had time to ask others here, but I started asking questions on the gold coin side. "Boss, there seems to be a problem with my attribute!"

"Don't panic, the sound of the eight-headed snake should have a curse effect. Wait a moment, I will solve it." I said. looked towards the previous one and said: "Victoria, it's up to you."

Victoria, who just came out by summon, didn't talk nonsense. As soon as he came out, he pointed to the sky with one hand. "Fate's verdict-destiny."

Following Victoria's cry, several golden beams of light suddenly fell in the sky without warning, and every attention locked one of us. Because it is early morning and the sun hasn't come out yet, it's very dark. The eyes of people who flashed from in the sky all felt a little hard to open. Fortunately, the flashing speed of the beam of light was very fast, and it disappeared in almost one second. After the beam of light disappeared, we immediately found that all the negative states on the body were cleared, and various attributes were restored to normal levels.

"Fortunately, boss, you have a super baby!" Gold coin's voice came from the communication channel.

"Don't be poor, first deal with the eight-different snake!"

"Got it!"

After answering the gold coin over there, I gave Christie Na said: "You set the distance first, and then you use the strongest skills. You can't take care of your life first. Others help contain the eight-pointed snake and don't let him chase Kristina."

"Understood." There was a response in the channel, and then everyone flew towards the big snake and started to launch small attacks around him. Although the formidable power is very low, it doesn't hurt or itchy for the big snake. It feels like this, but at least temporarily restrained the attack of the Eight-Different Orochi.

Usually I don’t use summon pets because my attack power is enough and I don’t need them. Now I don’t plan to save money in this situation, so I waved forward and said, "We can fly together! Help!"

Shuaa~ A large swath of familiars appeared next to me. Even the flightless black flames sprang out of the space, and the super bull fork jumped to the eight-pointed snake. Body.

Compared to the pseudo-snake of the eight-qi Orochi, Heiyan is the real snake. As soon as it comes up, he wraps all the three heads and one of the wings of the eight-qi Orochi, and then tightens it hard. Tighten your body. The Baqi Orochi who lost one of its wings could no longer maintain its balance, even though the wings on the other side flapped so fast, it couldn't stop him from falling. Heiyan was already big enough, and with the eight-pointed snake, the two giant beasts fell to the ground together, and the moving arrows looked like an earthquake. Only a bang was heard, and a large area of ​​surrounding area was covered with smoke and dust, which was obviously caused by the vibration.

After the two giant beasts fell to the ground, fortunately, they immediately followed suit and wanted to help, but before they could catch up, they heard an abnormal scream, and then they saw eight Three of Qi Da Snake's heads bit Hei Yan's body and tore them in a dream. Heiyan, who has never been injured since following me, was bitten for the first time. The black blood spurted wildly in the place where the big eight-pointed snake had bitten it. In the blink of an eye, a small stream was formed on the ground, and the black blood water was like sulfuric acid, and the place where it flowed was white smoke billowing, and it could even be heard. To the chick sound.

As soon as they saw Hei Yan being bitten, they were lucky to speed up to step forward to reinforce them, but the quickest luck to rush was that one of the heads hit his chest, even though they were lucky to dodge In time, it was still hit and flew. Seeing the lessons of luck, the plague used Long Yan to open the way ahead of time, but the eight-headed snake actually bite the plague against the plague with a bite of Long Yan's disregard. I never thought that the plague that some people dared to resist in Long Yan was unprepared and bitten by the eight-headed serpent and half pulled his body. In an instant, I saw blood flowing down the body of the plague, and then the blood suddenly burned. Get up, with a bang, an explosion occurred in the mouth of the big snake, the big snake had to open its mouth, but the plague out of control did not fly again, but fell softly to the ground. , Was obviously in a coma. Fortunately, the well found that the situation was not right, and changed the target. The plague was picked up and flew to the side.

Xiao San followed the plague and rushed towards the eight-headed snake, and eventually became entangled with a snake's head. The snake head on the opposite side took a bite but Xiao San sprayed a mouthful of Long Yan into his mouth, followed by Xiao San's other two heads facing the snake head's eyes each with a mouthful of Long Yan. No matter how you evolve, the eyes are the weak point after all. The head of Baqi Orochi was burned and screamed immediately, and the defensive action also lost the square inch, so Xiao San rushed over, and then bit the black flame against the three. Each of his heads had a mouthful of Long Yan. Knowing that the Big Snake who couldn't carry it hard, he finally let go, and Hei Yan was also very clever. He turned his back on the right time and turned off the Big Snake.

"Hurt my demon, I want you to pay the price." Stepping on the flying bird straight down, I looked at the two snake heads approaching in front and shouted: "Ling, Xiaochun, Help me clear the way!"

Following my words, my two sides immediately flew out one black one white two meniscus-shaped attack waves, and then both snake heads were stiffened by this attack wave. , Followed by a large intensive energy ball blooming on all sides of the two heads, the two exploded heads couldn’t fight back at all, but I stepped on the bird’s back and turned into ten with one hand upside down. The eternity of the meter-long sword rushed past one of the heads, and the long sword of eternal change passed under that head. The eight-headed snake immediately uttered a loud scream, and at the same time the one that was cut by me The head also tilted to the side, but there was still a long way to go.

The head of the Baqi Orochi is really too big. It connects with the neck behind the head about seventy-eighty meters in diameter. Although my eternity can be lengthened and shortened, the shape can be changed arbitrarily, but the long knife cuts after all Will increase resistance. If it is an ordinary thing, with the eternal sharpness, it will not increase too much resistance, but the key is that I cut the eight-pointed serpent, not an ordinary thing. His defense has just been tested, and it is not generally strong. For something with such a high defense, if I cut Eternity into a hundred meters long, let alone cut off his neck, maybe Eternity will get stuck in his body. In fact, the ten-meter length I chose just now is quite risky, and the facts have proved that this length is actually a bit beyond the limit. Just now, it seemed that I had passed everything. In fact, only I knew it. My hand almost slipped off, and Asuka almost separated from me because of the sudden increase in resistance. If it weren't for my feet were tightly fixed by the slots on Asuka's back, I would definitely be knocked down just now.

Although it was quite risky, this one at least inflicted a certain degree of damage on the Eight-Different Orochi, but unfortunately the damage was still too small for the Eight-Different Orochi. Despite the pain, it is not fatal.

The injured Baqi Orochi suddenly twisted his body angrily. Because Heiyan had already left, the wings that had regained freedom suddenly slammed toward me. Asuka's mobility is really good, but it's a pity that the wings of the Baqi Orochi are really too big. They are covered by a mountain at all, and there are no gaps at all. It is simply impossible to hide. As a result, I was slapped and slapped without any accident. In order to reduce the damage, I put the bird away before the impact, and I was the only one who was fanned out, so that the bird can continue to mount me for a while. After all, the mobility of the bird is very important, and the defense is weak, so it is me. It's more cost-effective to take the damage.

Although it has been estimated that the attack power of the eight-pointed snake will not be too low, I still underestimated the power of the eight-pointed snake, which directly slapped me for several kilometers away, and the damage was unexpected. Let my blood volume drop by a noticeable cut. How long have I been injured without seriousness? So much blood was slapped by a wing, thanks to not being a dedicated attack organ, otherwise the damage value would only be higher.

"Purple Moon, are you okay?" Rose's voice quickly appeared in the communication asking me about my situation.

I immediately replied: "It's okay, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Oh, then I won't pass. The battle here hurts a lot. Just now, the big pot of rice was caught by the Eight Disciples. I took a bite and broke an arm."

"You will treat the big pot of rice first, and I will be back soon."

Leaping off the ground, Summon stepped out of the bird and stepped on it. With a bang, we flew again, but as soon as we flew up, we heard Rose shouting again in the communication channel: "Be careful, he rushed over to you!"

Although Rose shouted very quickly, It's a pity that the Baqi Orochi is faster. I just saw a big mouth biting at me as soon as I flew up. Asuka's speed hasn't been raised yet, and now the mobility is very weak, even if it is too late to dodge. I can also be regarded as quick witted in an emergency. I suddenly took the flying bird and then released it again. It just changed the direction, and then the flying bird directly started the supersonic assault, slammed forward, and jumped out. The huge mouth snapped shut behind us, and it almost bit us. I can even feel the heat exhaling from the mouth of Baqi Dashe.

"His grandfather! Why is this thing so perverted!" After all, the Baqi Orochi can't fight the speed with the bird. After re-opening the distance, I look back and see that the Baqi Orochi has given up to me 'S attack, turned to concentrate on attacking the other people who just wanted to contain him and prevent him from attacking me.

As soon as I saw this, I immediately made Asuka rushed back, but before I got closer, I saw the ice-grabbing being bitten by one of the heads of the eight-headed serpent's guardian long spear. On one side of the wings, although he himself jumped out in time, his guardian long spear has died. Without the ice-grabbing that protects the long spear, summon immediately came out of his biped wyvern. Although the speed is not as good as the long spear, the maneuverability of the biped wyvern is not bad. After a quick mouthful of mucus is sprayed on the head of the eight-headed snake Wyvern slapped his wings and slid to the side, but before he was abolished, the head of the eight-headed snake suddenly reacted from the pain caused by the corrosion of the mucus and swept at them. Past.

gold coin discovered that ice skimming is dangerous, and quickly commanded a large group of Flying Swords to come over to intercept that head, but a head next to it suddenly sneak attack gold coin from behind, because it wanted to avoid the attack, gold coin I couldn't control the Flying Sword all of a sudden, and I was smashed into the flying Sword by that head, and then continued to hit the ice-grabbing body. The ice-grabbing two-footed wyvern looked back and bit the ice-grabbing on his back and threw the ice-grabbing away, but the two-footed wyvern himself was swallowed by the eight-headed snake. Green blood spurted out from the mouth of the eight-headed snake, but the eight-headed snake didn't feel better, and immediately after the bite, he was busy vomiting the bloody corpse.

Biped wyvern is also called the swamp Poison Dragon. Saliva is corrosive and highly toxic. The blood in the body is also highly toxic, and the taste is extremely strange. Even a creature with a good appetite can’t stand it. It is said that there was a high level devil beast from the blood of wyvern in both feet. It was said that a bite of wyvern stuck to the blood of wyvern in both feet. From this, one can imagine how terrifying the blood of the biped wyvern is, as long as it is stained with a little bit, it will kill you and you will also be disgusting.

The big snake is busy spitting, but the ice-grabbing has red eyes, jumps to the head of the snake, and then picks up the long spear in his hand and shines one of the eyes of the big snake into it. past. Because I was so disgusted that I didn’t pay attention to the surrounding changes, the head of the Baqi Orochi was pierced by the ice and an eye was blown. The Baqi Orochi who was in severe pain finally reacted and s

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