"Run, there is a big guy below." The big pot of rice was found to be abnormal and screamed through the communicator. After all, everyone is driving at supersonic speed and shouting directly with their mouths must be Inaudible.

Originally, we had already activated the supersonic speed, and we planned to slow down after flying out of the cave, but the big pot of rice suddenly came so loudly that everyone dared to slow down, and let the mounts speed up and sprint to escape here, and we had to be behind us. It is a large group of mobile angels that are leaving quickly and three spaceships that have just completed their turn and are ready to accelerate their separation.

The three spaceships that sent us did not leave, but kept waiting outside. Just now we suddenly decided to leave. Although immediately notified the three captains over there, the spaceship turned around after all. Turning around is not the same, it also takes time. Although the three boats are still agile, they can't complete the steering within a few seconds. Fortunately, although they did not keep up with our speed, they were only a little slower, and they were finally four or five seconds behind us. Completed the emergency steering and started to accelerate and disengage.

We rushed several kilometers away in one breath to look back and see the situation behind. When we looked back, we happened to see that the mountain where the warehouse city was located was completely split into two. Half collapsed toward the ground, and at the same time, several surrounding mountains fell one after another, and several huge cracks on the ground twisted and twisted, and finally formed a large cracked cobweb-like structure. .

When this huge crack was formed, the entire mountainous ground suddenly flew upwards, along with the flying dirt, rocks, and trees on the mountain, something bigger than thunder The dull and loud noises are also rolling under the ground, and the shock waves even make us feel as if we are shaking in the air.

Just as the mud, sand, earth and rocks were flying in that place, suddenly, a huge head flew out of the flying mud. This vulture-like head is connected to a long neck behind this giant, and this head also flew out of the mud at lightning speed under the support of that neck, and immediately caught up and fell to the back. One of the mobile angel support ships, and then bit the tail section of that support ship. It was like a pit biscuit. I didn't feel any lag. With just a click, our support ship was directly missing by half. The support ship with only half of the hull immediately lost its power, and then used inertia to draw a line. The parabola began to fall towards the ground.

Seeing that the huge spaceship started to crash, we immediately turned around and planned to go back to help, but the driver on the spaceship side was not a wine skin and rice bag either. The three ships that came this time are all experimental ships. It should be said that our guild has no real active-duty magical spaceship. After all, we have just acquired the spaceship technology for a short time. It is said that it will be used. In-depth development of everything is still in the groping stage. Therefore, our spaceships at this stage are almost all unfinished test ships, and no models are installed.

Because the current spaceships are all experimental ships, the spaceships are not equipped with ordinary players and NPCs, but elites among the elite. The players are all professional mechanic players selected from the several major fleets of our guild, and the NPCs are all high-level NPCs who have served in various battleships. This luxurious configuration brings super-high posture technology. .

The big head that flew out just now bit off half of the spaceship in one bite, but the surviving personnel reacted surprisingly fast. The remaining half of the spaceship just flew in the air by inertia for about three seconds, and then a row of flames flashed on the spaceship, and the outer shell of the spaceship suddenly disintegrated, and then two small aircraft suddenly moved from the inside of the large spaceship. Rushed out, and the remaining spaceship body suddenly exploded violently after falling for a certain distance, so that the big head that had just hit it was shocked. Although it was not injured, it was also because The sudden explosion blocked his vision and failed to complete the subsequent pursuit.

Seeing two small spaceships flying out of the big spaceship, the big pot of rice was also surprised and asked Norin, the only real technician here. "Why is there a small spaceship in that spaceship? Is this thing a deformed Vajra?"

"It's not a deformed technology, but an escape pod. It is a mobile angel support ship, except for the mobile angel parking area and maintenance. Outside the area, only the cockpit is left with people, so there are only three escape bays on the spaceship. The monster just probably destroyed the escape bays in the mobile angel parking area together, and the remaining maintenance bays and cockpit personnel In the end, they must have entered the escape capsule, so they took the initiative to abandon the spaceship and separated the main body. As for the final explosion, it was an automatic procedure, and the setting was that when all the escape capsules on the spaceship were fired, the remaining branch started to self-destruct. . After all, this is a test ship. The technology needs to be kept secret. We can’t let the enemy get our technology."

"Hey hey hey, isn't it time for science popularization, okay?" Gold coin pointed to the front. The soil that began to fall said: "The monster is coming out!"

The entire soil in the nearby mountainous area was lifted up, forming a soil fountain, and the rising soil has now exhausted itself. The kinetic energy began to fall towards the ground following the law of universal gravitation. From our side, it looked like it was raining on the other side.

The falling soil obscures most of the sight, but we can still see a rough outline under the soil. From this outline, we can see that the size of the monster is very large. Compared with this guy, my large monster pets are like the difference between a little kitty and a big bear. It is not a thing of magnitude at all. As for the existence of humanoids like us, it is even more incomparable. In our opinion, that thing is simply a mountain, and it is not an ordinary hill, but a rather large mountain.

"You immortal, what are you doing when you are so big? Is this going to be against the sky?" The ice-grabbing, who is usually taciturn, couldn't help but start to vomit this time. Things are really outrageous. To be honest, don't talk about them, even I have never seen such a big thing. In my impression, there seemed to be only four Sacred Beasts, Black Qilin, Biling, and the ancient Divine Beasts that could compete with this guy. Normal creatures were basically not as big as his head in front of him.

"What shall we do now?" Gold coin approached me and asked.

I looked at the dust over there and said: "I'm raising it a little bit, and then wait, anyway, let us see what it is!"

"It feels a bit like Nine Headed Snake." Kristina said from the side.

"Nine Headed Snake?" Hong Yue took a closer look at the monster that was still gradually rising, and then said: "Looking at the shadow, it seems that there are nine long strips connected to the main body. But does Nine Headed Snake have such a big one?"

"Maybe it's giantism." Cauldron Fan suddenly interrupted, but Bingling directly knocked him off and shut his mouth.

"Anyway, let's keep the distance first, this thing is so big, the attack range should not be low." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian.com) ) To vote for recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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