Originally, I intended to save Kristina’s magic power and use it at the end, but unfortunately the Japanese didn’t seem to want to give me this opportunity. Since their magic crystal energy suppressor was activated in advance, our liquefied magic crystal steam weapon was also invalid. In desperation, I had to let Kristina go.

"You are all behind, I will break the goal." Kristina ran to the front of the team directly after I was nodded, and then began to prepare for the attack.

The Japanese players on the opposite side also not to be trifled with. They saw Kristina a mage running out of the shield formation and immediately began to focus on fire, hoping to kill her mage ahead of time, but unfortunately The thing is that Kristina's protection magic not only has many types, but also has a super fast refresh rate. In the blink of an eye, she brushed herself with five sixth layer protection magic. And even if the Japanese player on the opposite side is focusing on fire, he can only break two or three layers of protection magic in one round, which is simply not a consumption for Kristina.

After blocking a round of attacks, Kristina was completely excited. She only flicked at the isolation door on the opposite side. There was no trace of the attack at all, but the door on the opposite side. But it seemed that an invisible fist slammed into a punch and made a loud noise. At the same time, an inward depression appeared on the alloy gate that was ten centimeters thick, and it was not a slight depression. It is a very obvious pit. The deepest position in the depression may have a drop of nearly six centimeters from the plane of the gate, and this depth has definitely affected the overall strength of the gate.

"It looks good, doesn't it?" Kristina muttered to herself and then suddenly put her finger away again and aimed at the door.

Same as last time, the door on the opposite side immediately made a loud noise, and at the same time the whole recessed a large area, even the edge part of the door began to dent down along with the middle part. , Except for the top, the edges of the entire gate have gaps of varying degrees in the remaining three directions. Some of the larger gaps on the largest side are even wide enough for cats and dogs to squeeze through. .

The two flicks seem to be an act of formidable power, but Kristina was surprised to use these two flicks to smash the other side’s door into an abstract sculpture. Now if it’s not the wall Block it, I guess this door would have fallen out a long time ago.

"Boss, wake up, boss. Are you okay?" A Japanese player desperately called another Japanese player while dragging him back.

While we waited for Kristina to completely fix the door, the Japanese player camp on the opposite side was actually completely messed up. The gate is made of steel with a thickness of ten centimeters. It is not a piece of paper, but a large piece of steel plate. Imagine smashing this kind of steel plate twice and deforming it to this degree. How much impact is needed? With such a large impact strikes steel plate, wouldn't it make a sound? One can imagine why the Japanese players behind the door are like this.

In fact, Kristina’s first stroke did not cause much problem, because the gate was caught in the mountains on both sides, so it immediately spread its strength to the two sides The wall body consumes a lot of impact during this process, so that the associated damage of Kristina’s attack is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, the resonance shock wave generated by the steel plate at the end is not very strong, but it sounds very loud. Did not produce much damage. However, the situation was completely different during the second attack. Because the first attack has caused the gate to lose its structural integrity, its effectiveness in sharing the impact has dropped a lot. What's more important is that many parts of the edge of the door have been separated from the wall, which makes the force point that the door can share the impact much less.

The steel gate that could not disperse the force eventually took almost the entire amount of the attack this time, but according to the law of conservation of energy, if the gate withstands an attack, it is equivalent to receiving energy, which is absorbed by the gate. After that, there is no way to be absorbed by the gate or transmitted out, so the energy needs to be vented. Eventually, energy rushed through the entire structure of the gate, causing shock waves. This shock wave is different from the shock wave when a bomb explodes. It is a strong wave with a relatively low frequency that cannot be heard by human ears, but it does carry a large amount of energy to transfer in the air.

Because almost all the energy released by the second attack was transformed into the shock wave by the gate, the Japanese players hiding behind the gate were unlucky. The first one just shook their eardrums, but the second one knocked down several people in an instant, and the rest were as if they were sapped, all in a trance, and asked He didn't answer anything, his eyes were not in focus, and apart from knowing to stand up and to know people, he was almost like a fool.

The group of Japanese players who were confused by the shock wave moved to the rear defense line with the help of their moving companions and nearby NPCs. The defense line here is obviously unable to stop anything, so Instead of resisting in sections, it is better to actively shrink the line of defense and complete the effort.

In fact, the Japanese players made the right choice, because less than fifteen seconds after they evacuated that way, Kristina flicked her finger at the door. This time, the sound was no longer the sound of a metal crash, but was accompanied by a very obvious a loud explosion sound in the metal crash. At the same time, I saw that the front door was suddenly forcibly withdrawn from the wall toward the passage. Flew inside. A huge impact sounded in the passage. The materials placed in the passage that were originally protected by the Japanese players would become the protection of the Japanese players. The twisted and deformed metal gate rolled all the way under the obstacle of these materials. It has repeatedly collided with the wall and the ground, thereby greatly reducing the impact of the door. Otherwise, if the door is left unobstructed and fly all the way, then the Japanese players along the way are expected to suffer.

"Not bad." Looking at the door that had been smashed down, I said to Kristina very satisfied.

Christina asked Hong Yue before he could answer Hong Yue: "How much is your magic power left? How was the consumption just now?"

First, he looked at his own magic power and then said: "There is more than 80% of the magic power left. Although the output of this attack magic is very large, the magic power consumption is not exaggerated."

"Then give it to The Japanese who are escaping on the opposite side are so cruel, don’t let them enter the back line of defense."

Kristina looked at the Japanese players who were running backwards. So nodded raised the staff and pointed forward, with a boom, a small Fireball appeared in front of Kristina. This little Fireball is only slightly larger than a tennis ball. The center is white, and the surface is covered with a layer of blue flames that are pulsating, but it doesn't look like the person in front can be dealt with at once. However, the facts have indeed proved that this little Fireball does not have that big formidable power, because it is an ordinary little Fireball. It is the entry level spell of the wizards. It is almost certain that the magic system will be able to use this magic.

After seeing this Fireball, everyone around us was stunned, because everyone didn’t expect this magic to be so small, but not everyone at the scene was stunned, at least I and Gold coin didn't froze, because we and Kristina are quite familiar with each other and we have seen her use similar skills.

Sure enough, just when I was thinking about it, there was a small explosion in front of Kristina, and then I saw the second little Fireball appear. It was as if the starting gun for the start had been fired. With the appearance of this Fireball, exactly the same Fireball began to appear in front of and around Kristina one after another, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Before it was one every second, but After three seconds, it became ten per second, and after five seconds, it became more than one hundred per second. A total of at least tens of thousands of Fireballs appeared in ten seconds.

Although each of the little Fireballs that Kristina gathers is the size of a tennis ball, the gathering of tens of thousands of Fireballs is absolutely scary. Although these Fireballs are not arranged on a plane, so many Fireballs still squeeze a large space in front of Kristina, which looks like a large dense wall of fire.

The Japanese players probably also know that if so many Fireballs are launched together, they will instantly output too terrifying, so someone stopped and started to launch various arrows and magic backwards in an attempt to detonate these Fireballs in advance, but the result was Unexpectedly.

Despite summoning tens of thousands of Fireballs at one time, Kristina can still command these Fireballs. This result is absolutely unexpected. After discovering these Fireballs, there was more than one Japanese player who counterattacked and planned to detonate them in advance. The total number of various attacks launched by them was as many as dozens, but there were dozens of Fireballs on Christina’s side. A Fireball whizzed up to meet those attacks. Only a blast of explosion was heard, and all the attacks after that were turned into nothingness.

The stunned Japanese players didn't realize until this time that the skill in front of them couldn't be intercepted at all, so they turned around and fled, but it was a pity that Kristina's preparations were also completed.

As Kristina's hand gently waved forward, all of the tens of thousands of Fireballs suddenly moved all at once, and began to roar and swarm forward. Moreover, these Fireballs do not fly straight forward like bullets, but as if each Fireball has eyes looking for its own target. After catching up with the Japanese players and NPCs, the Fireball flying in the front immediately began to dive, and then directly mounted on the back that the player loved, and with a bang, the player flew directly, but before he landed, The second and third Fireballs came one after another, and in an instant the guy was blown to pieces by dozens of Fireballs in midair.

When the slowest guy was dismembered, the other Fireballs didn’t slam into it straight, but went around outside the explosion range like skilled aerobatic pilots, and then These Fireballs continued to move forward, one by one catching up with the Japanese players who were fleeing, and finally a few dozen groups of them rushed forward and started bombing. No Fireball missed at all, no waste, no repeated attacks, no mistakes. Every Japanese player was assigned Fireball that just happened to kill him, and the extra Fireball would scatter to chase those who had not been killed. This kind of coordination can no longer be called Fireball, it’s like a large group. Attacking aircraft under the command of an early warning aircraft carries out fixed-point clearance, which is even more accurate than that of air operations in large-scale battles. After all, the command system will sometimes make mistakes.

Although the Japanese players on the opposite side knew that today's enemies were difficult to deal with when Kristina stood up, they didn't expect the enemy in front of them to be so difficult to deal with.

Kristina is not a newcomer who just appeared recently. She was famous in Europe when she didn’t join our Frost Rose League before, otherwise she wouldn’t have the title of Europe’s No. 1 Fortress. NS. After joining our guild, Kristina’s ability became stronger and stronger, and after receiving the strong support of our guild, she completed many difficult tasks that she had not dared to take on before. As a result, she got a lot of special-purpose tasks. Equipment and attributes, and greatly improved her strength. Now he has become one of the top three in the world battle strength list. No matter where he is placed, he can be called expert expert.

As the high-end battle strength of our guild, before we used Matsumoto Masaga to control Japan, Kristina had participated in the war between us and the Japanese guild many times, so Her prestige is also very strong in the hearts of Japanese players, which is why those Japanese players know that she is not easy to deal with when they see her, because they can directly recognize Kristina and know what kind of abilities she has. .

However, even though they have been fully prepared for the strength of Kristina, the Japanese players still found a problem after this attack, that is, they still underestimated Kristina. The battle strength. Just now they thought that Kristina was just very capable. Although it was difficult, they thought that they could still stop Kristina from moving forward. But the results now let them discover that Kristina is a completely different level of existence for them, and that overwhelming advantage is simply insurmountable.

A magic almost cleared the Japanese players and NPCs between the second gate and the third gate. The number and speed of the kills are so exaggerated, not only the Japanese players, but also us. People here are a little surprised.

"It's amazing!" Bingbing sighed incredulously.

The gold coin standing aside also sighed: "I knew I should change to magician! Although my Sword Immortal has strong attack power, it is too expensive to make me easily If you can give up the sword array, you can save money with this magic, and you can recover it after a while."

"Don't complain." Hong Yue, who stood on the side, said, "Good or bad you There is also a sword array that can dominate the market. Even if we want to spend money, we can’t do that!"

"Is it as exaggerated as you said?" Kristina said: "I was also a waste. It’s a lot of magic power. Thanks to this moon dew, otherwise I would not dare to squander the magic like this."

Rose said to Kristina: "Usually you'd better drink less moon dew to cultivate The habit of calculating magical power, otherwise, if the moon dew is consumed during the day when the moon dew cannot be recovered, then you have to wait for death?"

Kristina nodded and said: "I I know, I will pay attention to this. In the future, unless it is a major war, I will try my best not to use moon dew."

Rose nodded did not speak any more, but I took the topic and said: "Okay, this side has been cleaned up. When it's over, I start to move forward. The gate in front is the one I encountered when I came last time. As long as I break through it, there will be at most one gate behind to see the last secret warehouse."

Gold coin, who has seen the mission report, suddenly turned around and asked me: "But boss, we don’t know what it is looking for. There are so many things in this warehouse. How do we determine what is causing the emperor? The Tianhou Earth Tablet has been paying attention?"

"In fact, this question is very simple." Rose helped me replied: "The Emperor Tianhou Earth Tablet will always stare at that thing, even though it is interfered by some kind of power. , The current Empress’ soil stele does not display the screen, but the Empress’ soil stele is locked to that thing after all. So, we only need to move all the items in the warehouse in a while, as long as we find that when an item is moved, the empress The picture of the earth stele starts to move, which means that it is what we are looking for. After that, we only need to confirm a little bit to know what we are looking for."

"This method It's really good." Gold coin nodded approved our approach, and then said to Kristina: "Hey Kristina, there is a door, please. I'm not good at demolishing houses, so I will leave the job of killing people behind. Okay."

"You will pick up the bargain." Kristina jokingly said: "If you demolish the house and you have no experience to get it, killing Japanese players will not only have experience but also honor points. Bullying?"

"What's the matter with me just bullying you? Do you dare not let me bully?" Gold coin said Deliberately put on a very frivolous posture, pinched Kristina’s chin with two fingers, and picked her face up, but before we could speak, we heard the pu' sound from behind, and everyone saw it as soon as we turned around. The big pot rice guy fell to the ground with nosebleeds all over his face.

"Damn, why is patience so bad?"

The big pot of rice lying on the ground still stretched out a hand and complained: "I'm not as happy as your family. Isn’t it normal for blood to be strong?"

Although you’re called generous in the character of gold coin, you’re a girl after all. I blushed a bit when I was told about this kind of thing. , But she also clicked to the end, after all, her wife is nearby, and it is okay to joke, and it is easy to hurt feelings if you overplay.

However, just after the gold coin was knocked out, the big pot of rice was immediately picked up by Bingling next to her, and then she looked at her fiercely carrying the big pot of rice and questioned: "You mean my old lady What's wrong with you?"

The big pot of rice saw that his wife was going crazy, and he hurriedly cried and begged for mercy, and the people around them with funny expressions laughed together.

Rose said with a smile: "You little husband and wife don't play treasures there. There are enemies in front of you. Please respect your opponents a little bit!"

"Oh, sorry, sorry! Forget that there are enemies." Bingling said as he threw down the big pot of rice, the latter quickly got up and rushed forward, rushing out with the excuse of going into battle to kill the enemy, in fact, he wanted to hide a little bit to avoid being abused again.

In fact, Cauldron’s charge is completely meaningless, because Kristina’s attack is much faster than him. This time Kristina didn't use the previous tricks to deal with the door in front of her, because she knew from me that the door in front of her was different in thickness from the door in front. This is a very important door in the tunnel warehouse, so it is particularly thick. Of the four isolation doors in the entire tunnel, this one is the thickest, and it's not a little bit thicker, but ten times thicker. The front gates and the back gate are alloy gates with a thickness of ten centimeters. This gate is only one meter thick. Although it is not made of pure alloy material, the thickness of the alloy is also 80 centimeters, and it is covered on both sides. Special materials specially used to absorb magical damage. It can be said that this kind of door is built to resist the frontal strikes of super weapons. However, this is a very deep place in the belly of the mountain. Super weapons usually have a super volume. Simply cannot enter such a narrow place. This means that this door was designed to block all attacks. Of course, it was destroyed by us last time. This proves that no matter how good the defense is, it is all about furnishings, and offense is the kingly way.

In any case, the thickness and protection of the door in front of you are unprecedentedly strong. Except for Isinger’s city gate, the gates of ordinary cities cannot be compared with this thing, so Klee Stina did not intend to use general skills, but first drank a few drops of moon dew to restore all her magic power, and then pointed her wand forward. After hearing only a clear phoenix cry, one was purely composed of flames. Phoenix suddenly appeared in front of her staff, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose more than ten degrees with the appearance of this Phoenix, and even the air began to appear obvious distortions.

This Fire Phoenix didn't stay for too long after it appeared. After a short pause, it immediately spread its wings and slammed backwards, followed the whole body into a red line and shot towards the front gate.

There were no expected explosions and loud noises, no flashes and other light and shadow effects. Everything happened very quietly, but soon everyone discovered that the center of the gate in front was actually two meters in diameter. There are many large holes, and the steel plate around the hole is gradually melting, which is obviously burned through by the high temperature.

"OK, the third gate breakthrough." Kristina said as she stretched her hand forward and said to gold coin: "I will fix the door, and everyone will leave it to you."

gold coin nodded reached out and hugged the white fox squatting on her shoulders, and then threw it forward. The white fox began to grow in size immediately after being thrown out, and when it landed, it had become an almost identical white fox. The White Grand Beast is as high as the entire passage. Although it can still be seen that the fox is always white, the cuteness that was on the shoulders of gold coin has disappeared. At this time, the giant beast in front of you is white, but it feels like a piece of it. As blood red, the murderous aura is not something ordinary creatures can possess.

Actually, this fox of gold coin is not a normal creature. We always thought it was a Divine Beast before. I thought it was a divine object like Heavenly Fox like my red feather, but recently this thing killed a million people and ate a million souls, and suddenly revealed its true body. NS. This thing is not a fox at all, it is an Ancient Ominous Beast, and because it is extremely rare, it doesn't even have a name. After all, the name of ominous beast is given by people. Everyone who has seen it is eaten by it. Naturally, there is no rumor of it, so no one named it.

Although there is no name, but because this guy looks exactly like a fox, we still call it a fox, but everyone’s title is different. Some people call it a demon fox, while others say it is a fairy fox. , Anyway, basically just call it like a fox demon.

After gold coin released the ominous beast here, it did not follow, but pointed to the front and shouted: "Go."

The ominous beast was also ordered. If he didn't return, he rushed forward. The big pot of rice running in front was rushing towards the gate, didn’t expect suddenly heard heavy footsteps from behind, and suddenly saw a big paw hitting his head and stepped on it before he waited for him. When I reacted, I had a close contact with him.

The ominous beast of gold coin didn’t care about the big pot of rice at all, so it rushed over, and then jumped directly when it reached the front of the gate, and its body began to shrink immediately after it jumped up. After passing through the big hole in the door, he changed back to his original shape in a blink of an eye and landed on the door.

Because the big hole Kristina penetrated is still a little far from the ground, so what the ominous beast did there is basically invisible to us, except we can see ominous through the hole in the door The beast seems to have become a little smaller and you can't see anything other than tossing over there. However, although the eyes cannot see, the sound cannot be stopped. We can clearly hear the chaotic screams and various explosions coming from the door, and from time to time we can see some body fragments flying through the large hole in the door, or a bloody water flying past.

"The ominous beast is indeed the ominous beast, and it's not a star or a half!" Hong Yue exclaimed as he watched the battle over there.

"I think I should get an ominous beast when I look back." Kristina said.

"Do you think the ominous beast is Chinese cabbage? Do you want it?" I said to Kristina: "The gold coin, the ominous beast, is the information I got from the Celestial Court. , And then our guild took the boss to help her with the task to get it done. You already have the Moonlight Demon King butterfly, what do you need an ominous beast for? You are a mage, not a beastmaster, too many demon pets will affect you It’s done."

"Am I envious too!" Kristina said as she suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Aiya, I just saw the ominous beast of gold coin stepping on it. Who is there, do you want to go and see?"

"Oops, I forgot the cauldron rice in front!" Kristina said that we only remembered the treasure of cauldron rice and ran forward. As a result, when he reached the gate, he found a human-shaped pit on the ground, and the big pot of rice was lying in it, foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes.

"Hey. It's not dead, right?" Bingling squatted down and patted Da Guofan's face, but Da Guofan suddenly burst into tears and shocked us.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying?" I asked beside.

Da Guofan painfully raised his left finger and pointed to the right, then cried and said, "Who of you stepped on my hand!"

"Huh?" Everyone heard this reason. He quickly lowered his head, and found that he had stepped on the hand of the big pot of rice, so he quickly jumped aside and apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I am wearing metal boots, I don’t feel anything when I step on it!"

The big pot of rice was originally just a low cry, but this time it turned into a howling, making us all embarrassed.

Looking at the pitiful cauldron of rice, I can only let Bingling comfort him, and then said: "Okay, what is the strength of a big man crying! Alright, alright, you, I count Is it okay for your work injury? Go back and calculate your guild contribution."

"This is what you said." Cauldron's tears stopped instantly, and then he jumped up and looked at me and asked. But as soon as he got up, he was smashed to the ground with a fist.

"hmph, I dare to cheat the guild’s contribution point, don’t you want to live it?" I greeted everyone after I said, "Let’s go ahead and leave this guy alone!"

Go past the place where the big pot of rice is and continue forward, and we are soon in front of the pierced gate. The trick Kristina used just now is called Phoenix Strike, which is a relatively buggy skill, because this skill can ignore all defenses, almost equivalent to having a rule-like attribute such as a certain breakdown. Of course, this is almost, not really capable. In fact, this skill can still be blocked, but its attack method is rather special, and its formidable power is large, so it is not blocked by everyone. It's okay to block a general attack like the gate just now. Even a skill with a higher damage than this Phoenix can't penetrate it, but it's a pity that the attribute of this skill is quite special, so it can be penetrated in one shot.

Because the ominous beast of gold coin passed first, we couldn't find a few complete people there when we passed through this gate. The battle of ominous beast is not as gentle as our ordinary person’s attack. Its battle method relies on instinct to fight, so it has a strong wild beast style. Every time it enters a battle, it must be fought with bloody lilies. The entire battlefield Almost even Gu Quan's body could not be found.

This is the situation behind the gate here. There are stumps and broken arms everywhere on the ground and the organs that they belonged to are no longer visible. As for blood stains...anyway, the whole ground is red, and there is no way to tell where there is blood.

We are sighing about the power of ominous beast. We didn't expect to hear an animal-specific wailing in front of us. To be precise, this sound is more like the wailing sound made by a dog after being beaten. It seems that most of the wailing sounds of canines are like this. Now we can think of, there seems to be only one kind of creature that can make this sound, and that is the ominous beast of gold coin.

Sure enough, we just heard the sound, and immediately saw a white silhouette flying forward. This white silhouette flew all the way through the entire passage, and then slammed into a place tens of meters in front of us with a boom, and then pushed all the corpses and debris all the way to the front of us before it came to a complete stop.

The figure of the white figure who flew over just now is very obvious. We saw the full picture of this silhouette from a long distance, so we recognized at first that this is the ominous beast of gold coin. However, what was completely different from the majestic look when he was killed just now is that the ominous beast at this time is already in a dying state. It just lay there, groaning constantly, as if it would hang up at any time.

"Damn, what's the situation?" The cauldron who just ran over didn't see the ominous beast being knocked into the air. After coming in, he saw the dying ominous beast and immediately asked in surprise. .

Of course, we can’t answer the question of the big pot of rice, because we are also a question mark. This ominous beast is not first under the heavens, but it is an ominous beast after all. Such a strong thing, even if it encounters something like a great god, how much will it be able to resist it for a while? Why didn't it react at all and was almost knocked out by others? If this is calculated in reverse, how strong should its opponent be able to do this?

"Ah! What's the matter with you?" We were in a daze when we heard a scream from the gold coin next to us, and then we hugged the ominous beast's head and asked what happened to it. However, although the ominous beast wanted to respond to the owner's question, it really couldn't speak anymore. He could only watch the gold coin cry, and the gold coin was about to cry.

This situation of gold coin is called care and chaos. Sometimes when watching a movie or something, we always think that the protagonist in the movie is doing stupid things. Some of this is indeed caused by the inadequate skills of the authors and screenwriters, design mistakes or loopholes, but there are still many inconsistencies. It's not such a loophole, but it's the real situation. When something has a personal interest or emotional connection with you, normal people usually react differently from those of the disciple. This is a normal human response, and it is not surprising. If you can calmly handle everything related to your relatives or your own vital interests, then this kind of person is basically either a genius or a mental illness, so the seemingly stupid behavior of gold coin is actually normal.

Rose also found that the gold coin was a bit messy, so she stepped forward and patted her and said, "Don't worry too much. It is your favorite, even if it dies, it will only take a short time. I can’t summon again. Besides, isn’t it still dead? Don’t worry if I’m here. As long as I don’t die for a long time, I can save it, let alone it’s still alive."

Gold coin Stupid, I was panicked for a while when I saw my favorite demon being injured and dying, and I naturally reacted when I was reminded. The original carefree gold coin showed a sorry expression for the first time, and then said to Rose: "Then trouble Sister Rose!"

Rose deliberately pretended to be a big chill and said: "You use this Why do I feel uncomfortable when I speak in a single tone?"

The gold coin who was seen as a joke immediately recovered from the shadow of the previous injury to the pet, and the rose was not joking, and the treatment quickly began. Work. However, unlike the relaxed gold coin, I am very nervous.

I know how powerful the ominous beast of gold coin is. It can knock it so far and almost strike certain kill enemies. How strong is it to do it? Anyway, I don't think I can do it. Really, I can kill this ominous beast, of course, and it's not very strenuous, but I have to do it in one blow, unless I activate the strongest combination skills at first, and then prepare for the big move, otherwise It is absolutely impossible to make this effect.

Now that the enemy injured by the ominous beast hasn’t appeared yet, I’m not sure if the opponent has been preparing for a long time. I almost knocked ou

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