"What's the situation?" The gate of the Conference Hall of Isenger's Guild Headquarters was slammed open, and then I saw the gold coin trembling from the body while snowing. I looked at the circle of people in the room and asked.

The room is a bit messy right now, because not only are the gold coins present, but Kristina who has just rushed back, Zhenhong, Hong Yue, Ziyue, Jibing, and Woma. Of course, just such a few people can't be called a large group of people. The reason why there are a large group of people here is mainly because there are a whole row of thirty mobile angels standing behind the opposite table. There are actually no two different types of mobile angels, which means that there are thirty types of mobile angels.

"Chairman, is this a magical situation? Call us all back, who are you going to fight with?" Kristina took a look at the gold coin that had just entered. Turning to me and asked.

"Just be quiet, and the others will be there, I will explain to you." As soon as I finished speaking, the door was pushed open again, and then I saw the regular big pot of rice, the sons of night, and the group. Rui walked in with Bingbing and Bingling.

Of the newcomers, it’s naturally a big pot of rice. This guy is the most uncomfortable. When he comes in, he asks: "Boss, what are you calling me back for? Huh? Are you all here? It's all of us. The elite of the guild. What’s the matter? Who are you looking for to start the film? How come the best in the guild has arrived?"

"I'll explain to you." Not me, but Rose, she just walked in from outside. When everyone saw the big rose coming in, they immediately turned their gazes, but Rose continued without any hesitation: "I won't explain the specific things to you. The details in the middle are more complicated, and I will say not quite clear for a while. You need it. What I know is that there is a secret warehouse on Nobunaga's side. This warehouse is very tightly guarded and we have just attacked it, so the other party will not slack in the defense, and we can't sneak in secretly. Therefore, we need to storm in."

"Is it a fixed-point breakthrough?" Kristina asked, "Is there anything we need in it? If not, give me 10,000 crystal coins, plus an hour, I can Use the energy-generating magic to blow up the entire warehouse at once to ensure that there is no dregs left."

I can only shook the head helplessly when I heard Christina's sturdy words. It’s said that Kristina has recently evolved from a humanoid self-propelled gun to a humanoid nuclear weapon, but it is a pity that knowing what is in the warehouse is more important than destroying it, so we can’t let Kristina use the ultimate move. Destroy the entire warehouse. Besides, I don't want to spend so much money.

"Your suggestion is rejected." I interrupted Kristina directly and said, "There are things we need in that warehouse, so I need you to take them down safely. You can give it a certain amount. The amount of destruction, but it can’t be completely destroyed. There are secrets that we must know. I don’t want the secrets to be bombarded by you."

Kristina nodded and said: "Then there is no way. . Let’s use ordinary skills to attack!"

"Do you want to perform the task now?" Woma suddenly asked.

I am nodded. "Do you have any questions?"

Woma nodded and said very directly: "The institute is busy now, I am Chief-In-Charge, I will leave this time..."

"But we may encounter special defense agencies in the warehouse. If you don't go, few of us here are professional in terms of machinery!"

"Or let Noreen, shall we go?" Woma suggested.

I thought about it for a while and nodded: "Then you go and change Noreen back now, we need mechanical assistance."


< p>After Woma left, I looked towards the others and asked: "Who else can't get away with anything?" Everyone shook their heads. I immediately said: "Well, Military God, please help tell Noreen to go directly to the Sixth Airport, and we will wait for her at the entrance."

"The order is confirmed, it has been communicated." Military God's answer is still yes So concise and concise.

"Okay, let's go over now, this matter can't wait."

All the people present are the best group of people in the guild, and execution is not a problem. After giving an order, everyone quickly left the Conference Hall and ran to the airport. Behind us was the 30 mobile angels just now.

Norraine is faster than us. She was already waiting when we arrived at the airport. Seeing us appear, Noreen ran towards me immediately.

"President, what are you going to do this time? Why do you bring mechanics?"

"I am not very clear about this. It is just a guess. It’s useful, so be prepared."

"so that's how it is." Nolene nodded no longer asked, and then followed us into the sixth airport, and then started with the Diversion Transmission Formation here. Teleportation, and soon arrived at a take-off platform. This take-off platform looks like an open palm moved towards the sky. The palm is the core area of ​​the platform. The elevator corridors and everything are on this side. As for the extended fingers, they are made up of five take-off runways. The five runways also have the same length and thickness as the daoist fingers. Of course, this is not based on the length and thickness of the daoist. The middle one of the five runways is the longest. Taking it as a benchmark, the runways on both sides are shortened one by one, and each one becomes thinner. Only the middle one is long and wide, which is obviously a special runway for taking off large aircraft.

"President, what are you doing here with us?" Kristina asked, looking at the empty runway and take-off platform.

"Because our spaceship is here." With Rose's answer, a silver light glittering spaceship suddenly appeared on our side, less than ten meters away from our side. Many of the people were taken aback.

"This is our spaceship? When did the invisibility become so good?" Seeing this spaceship that suddenly appeared, even Hong Yue, who was a senior in the guild, was surprised.

Rose explained: "This is an experimental technology testing machine. There are only two at present, and this is one of them. They are all just completed things, because you are not in charge of logistics, so there is no immediate notification. "

"I said why I didn't know that we have such a powerful spaceship. Does this thing produce energy?"

"Don't count on mass production. This The cost of the stuff is too high. The verification machine is only used to verify the technical feasibility and the feasibility of production... At least so far I don’t see any hope."

Besides, everyone board the ship first, we are in a hurry." I urged everyone to embark on the spaceship first. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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