"That is to say, there is actually something else in Nobunaga's warehouse that we don’t know, and this thing is also judged by the Empress’ Earth Tablet as possibly affecting The major interference conditions for the future development of the Frost Rose League?"

Matsumoto's guess is the same as mine. This is also the reason why I hurried here after finishing the experiment.

After seeing me nodded, Masaka Matsumoto started to think, and then asked: "If there is anything we don’t know in the warehouse of Oni Te Nobunaga, then we must go Find out what this thing is. Even if it is a thing much smaller than the formidable power of a weapon of mass destruction, but because we don’t know the existence of this thing, the harm may be even greater."

< p>Augussuki looked at me and Masaka Matsumoto and said, "But you have already broken into that warehouse once before. If you do it again, I am afraid it will not be so easy, right?"

"This is also my headache. The problem.” I looked around at the people in the house and said: “You know things in Japan better than me. Help me figure out if there is any way I can safely enter Nobunaga’s warehouse and do everything in it. Clearly?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the room fell silent, but it wasn't that everyone couldn't figure out a way to be there in a daze, but everyone was looking down and thinking.

About a few minutes later, Ying Yu Shen Hina suddenly asked: "What will happen if we storm in?"

"No." Masaga Matsumoto not even think I rejected this suggestion. "We have already attacked once before. The attack was launched only after the name of President Purple Moon. It was actually quite rude, if it weren't for the fact that Nobunaga and the Russians were involved. Collusion, so Onizu Nobunaga dare not make any more fuss about this matter. I guess this thing will not be good at all. If you do it again, even if Onizu Nobunaga is a good husband, it will definitely break out, even more how he is not at all. A person who is accustomed to suffer losses."

"no no no, I am not talking about us attacking." Yingyu Shencu quickly explained: "I mean letting the president and them attack."< /p>

"The president, they are not us..." Matsumoto suddenly reacted halfway through his words, so he stopped and asked: "You mean the Frost Rose League sent troops directly from China to attack. Nobunaga's warehouse city?"

"Can't it be done?" Ying Yu Shen Chi asked.

Masaga Matsumoto glanced at me, realizing that he didn’t know how to answer this question. I lowered my head and pondered for a while and said, “It should be possible. Some sacrifices are about to be made over there."

"Sacrifice?" Yingyu Shenchun obviously didn't understand what I was referring to.

I explained directly: "If it was before, we occupied a lot of cities in Japan and had a large number of troops in Japan, so this matter is not a problem at all. But now the situation is different. Because With your existence, the Frost Rose League’s forces on the surface have already withdrawn from Japan, and the only thing left is a pivot city. If we want to launch a raid on the warehouse city, relying on the pivot city alone will not work, we The people of Nobunaga can’t show up directly outside the warehouse city of Onitou Nobunaga, and if we march on Japanese territory with great fanfare, as the leader of the Japanese players on the surface, you are impossible to stay out of the matter. So, if we start from the fulcrum city Send troops and advance to the warehouse city of Nobunaga Onihand. You must stop us halfway, otherwise it will affect your reputation and status. If you can't stop it, it will also affect your reputation. If you stop it, it will also affect your reputation. To death, our plan was immediately invalidated. Moreover, this kind of completely useless self-person hitting oneself is obviously an act of flooding the head."

"So what?"

"So if we want to attack Nobunaga's warehouse city, we can only use leapfrog tactics."

"Leapfrog tactics?" After all, Ying Yu Shen Hina is a girl, what kind of war, military advisor? Not very interested in anything. Although she is also a combat player, the magical fighting style in the game is more beautiful, so it is very popular with girls, but in reality, the planes and cannons, male children can think that it is the art of steel, but few girls are right. Interested in this kind of stuff. So this thing about leapfrog tactics knows that all male children who have paid a little attention to military information, but Yingyu Divine Young have never heard of it.

Masaga Matsumoto knows that not only Sakura Yujin Hina, but August Kaun and Chi Fire Dragon Hime are also the same, so he simply helped explain: "To put it simply, the so-called leapfrog tactic is to use airplanes for airborne landing. Combat. This tactic has changed the traditional ground propulsion tactics, but blossomed directly inside the enemy’s occupied area, because the fighting pace is fast and the target can be chosen arbitrarily, thus avoiding the opponent’s strongest defensive front. Tactics can often have tactical effects beyond imagination."

August Xun and the others just don't understand military affairs and are not stupid, so Matsumoto's explanation immediately reacted.

Sakura Rain said: "There are no planes in the game, but our Frost Rose League is equipped with air superior pets. If our guild came forward, it would be true to play leapfrog tactics in the game. Feasible. It’s just that this person is easy to handle, what about heavy equipment?"

"This is where I am talking about sacrifice. We need heavy weapons to quickly rush into the warehouse city of Onisha Nobunaga. "

"Why must it be fast?" Chi Fire Dragon asked.

August Kaun helped me replied: "Because this time is different from last time. Onizu Nobunaga was beaten once, this time the guard must be stricter, and the last time it was Song this Monarch Leading the Japanese players to charge in, Guishou Nobunaga could not find anyone to help, but if it was President Purple Moon and the people from the Frost Rose League rushed in, Guishou Nobunaga would find anyone, as long as the other party is Japanese players will definitely help, so if this goes on, the longer the time goes on, the more reinforcements Nobunaga will have. If you want to enter the warehouse city, the best way is to use the fastest speed before Nobunaga and the others react. Go and rush in."

"But if this is the case, there must be heavy weapons to cooperate. President Purple Moon, how many heavy weapons can you bring?"

"Use Space equipment and my door to the earth can carry some, but it doesn’t feel like enough, and I thought about it. If you want to use leapfrog tactics to attack, your vitality must be strong enough, so I thought about it. Make a little sacrifice this time."

"But what on earth are you going to sacrifice?" Yingyu Divine Young asked.

With a painful look on my face, I said, "What else can be sacrificed, of course, it is the sacrifice of banknotes!"

"Ah?" The other four people besides me at the scene Hearing my answer, all of them almost didn't dislocate their chin in surprise for an instant.

"You have to spend a lot of money after a long time?" Masaga Matsumoto looked at me in surprise and asked.

I waved my hand and said, "Don’t be so mad about money as I think, I don’t mean to spend a lot of money, but a lot of money, and it hurts me. If it’s a small money, I definitely don’t care. "

"But if you have money, can you quickly break into the warehouse city? President, don't you plan to use money to buy all of Guishou Nobunaga's men? If you plan like this, I suggest You still give up." August Xun said in surprise.

I shook my head helplessly and said, "How could I spend money to buy the people of Nobunaga Guishou, the guys around him are all diehards of Nobunaga Guishou, that kind of people are buying Nope. Besides, you don’t know my image in Japan. I will buy Japanese players. Ten out of ten people will fight with me. It is impossible to buy successfully."

"But we are not Have you taken refuge in you?" asked August Xun.

"How much do you think you can account for the total number of players in Japan? You are an individual phenomenon and cannot be considered."

Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked all: "But you said sacrifice You can get in quickly with a small amount of money. What is the sacrifice? You are not planning to spend a lot of money to buy magic crystal and then make it into a liquefied magic crystal steam missile to blast all the way in, right?"

" I'm not that stupid. Nobunaga Onishi definitely has a Demon Crystal Ability Suppressor in his hand. Even if I am willing to spend money to saturate the attack with a liquefied Demon Crystal steam missile, it will definitely be useless to Nobunaga Onishun's warehouse."

"Then how do you use it?"

"How to use confidentiality, anyway, you will know when I use it." I said, "I came here to ask you to help For your opinion, if you think this method of strong attack is feasible, I will implement it according to this method?"

Matsumoto thought for a while and said: "As long as you can guarantee a quick attack, my game will No problem at all."

August Xun and Chi Fire Dragon are also nodded together, saying that the plan is feasible.

In the end, all the approved plans were finalized, and I continued seriously: "That was the first thing I came here this time, so there is still a Two things."

"Let’s listen, let's talk about it."

"This thing is that I hope you can drink Russians and get online." I said calmly. Made this amazing decision. Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki didn't scream at all, but they were obviously irritated. "Hey hey hey, don't put on this expression one or two of you? Tell me if you can do it?"

"Then what...I said...Boss, why would you think This kind of thing?" Masaka Matsumoto said after a long time before returning to normal.

I said nonchalantly: "I just want to maximize the benefits. You think! The Frost Rose League took so much effort to send you to the altar of the Japanese player leader. If you only use you to control the whole of Japan, the benefits will be great, but after all, you can only gain benefits from Japan, so I want to develop your surplus value."

"Rely, boss, Even if you want to squeeze our surplus value, at least you should find a good direction to squeeze it? What's the matter with you like this?" Matsumoto Masaka said with an injured look.

August Xun did not complain with Matsumoto Masaka, but thought for a while before suddenly said: "Yes! It is indeed a good time to get on line with the Russians now."

"Huh?" Masaka Matsumoto didn't expect August Kaun would say that, and immediately looked at her in amazement and asked: "Are you okay? You can think of this kind of thing too?"

I stretched out my hand to signal Masaga Matsumoto to calm down, and then I began to say, "In fact, this matter is very understandable. The Russians gave all weapons of mass destruction to Nobunaga Oniji, what do you mean by this? "

Masaga Matsumoto pondered for a while and didn't think about what it meant. In the end, August Xun said: "This means that the Russians now urgently need to find an ally. They can't stand China. The pressure is over there."

As our strongest spy in Japan, Masaka Matsumoto has a very high level of confidentiality, so he knows everything about the guild. The Russians have never forgotten to come back in since the last time we took the opportunity to invade China when we supported Masaga Matsumoto. The Russians were very unwilling to rush in and were driven out last time. They have been gathering troops in the border area for this period of time and have had many border frictions with players in our country. All these actions show that the Russians have been looking for opportunities to attack again, but their offensive has been delayed again and again, and once again they have even begun a full-scale offensive. As a result, they suddenly retreated after firing a round of artillery. All of this shows that the Russians wanted to invade China, but were unable to make up their minds on time.

The reason why Russian players can't make up their minds is obvious-they are afraid of our strength. Therefore, to attack, we must weaken, at least temporarily disperse our strength, and to complete this work, there is no more suitable existence than Japan. Because of the Innate national hatred between Japan and our country, it is normal for the two countries to pinch each other. As long as Russian players provide Japanese players with suitable weapons, then Japanese players can become their natural allies. Start a fierce battle with us, thereby dispersing our strength, so that the Russians have the hope of invading our country again.

However, although the plan was good, it did not go so smoothly. On the one hand, the ally selected by the Russian players, Nobunaga Onishu is a bit unwilling to fight. Since being selected by the Russian players as the representative of communication with Japan, the power of Onishon Nobunaga has been on the decline, and his control is getting weaker and weaker. The status is also getting lower and lower, and now it is directly from the leader of the Japanese players to the leader of a medium-sized guild in a remote area. The strength can be described as shrinking very seriously.

This kind of ghost hand Nobunaga is obviously not a good partner, and Russian players are not very rich in time. The pressure on us by the soldiers is great, but don’t the Russians themselves have any influence? It costs money to put so many troops on the border, and the price paid is astronomical for every extra day. Even if this investment was collectively borne by Russian players, it is not a small amount for everyone. Therefore, if this matter cannot be settled as soon as possible and continue such a large-scale confrontation, without fighting in the end, the Russian players themselves will consume themselves to death.

On the one hand, the allies are bad, and on the other hand, they are in a hurry. It is precisely because of these two reasons that the Russian players have nowhere to go. That’s why they put such great efforts to deliver weapons of mass destruction directly. In the hands of Nobunaga Guishou, this is definitely the result of being forced out.

So, think about it in another direction. Since the Russians are so anxious that they have to use weapons of mass destruction to improve their allies' battle strength, will they be willing to change to a more potential ally once and for all?

Although August Kaun did not say everything she thought of, Masaga Matsumoto and the others are not stupid. Just mention it, and they immediately thought of the truth.

"In other words, if we take the initiative to contact the Russians now, they will probably abandon Nobunaga and cooperate with us, right?" Matsumoto said.

I said: "This is one of them."

"Anything else?" August Xun only thought of one. He didn't expect there to be others at all. thing.

I directly said: "Actually, I also have an intention."


"An intention to kill three birds with one stone." I Very excitedly said: "First of all, if you actively contact the Russians, it is equivalent to giving the Russians a best ally. There are two benefits of doing so. One is that Nobunaga will lose the support of Russian players from now on. The worst can also weaken the support he gets. Second, it can increase your strength, and then get various benefits from Russia, so that our guild does not have to invest so much in you, at least it can help us Save a sum of money."

"So what about the third?"

"The third is that your participation will give the Russians the courage to act. Don’t think that the Russians are in two The deployment of so many troops on the border of the country just dragged them down, and our side paid a lot. During this period, there were almost every day all large and small, dozens of times of frictions of various sizes. After all, even leveling will be consumed. This is acceptable. However, if the Russians are deploying a large number of troops on the border, we have to follow a large number of troops. The result of the confrontation between the two sides is that Russia has been consumed very badly, and we have also been in vain. A lot of money. Now we are not afraid of the Russian invasion, but there is no benefit to our anti-invasion. They don’t take the initiative to attack. It’s not a problem to keep spending so much time. So if you can give them confidence and let them launch an invasion war, Then we can get rid of this crazy cold consumption. This is the third best."

Matsumoto thought for a moment and frowned and asked, "But if we hang out with the Russians I got the bait, what should we do when they attack the Chinese continent?"

When I heard this, I was slightly smiled, and then said: "Then you will follow along."

"Huh?" My words surprised everyone again.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji tentatively asked: "President, your head is not wrong, right? Let's really fight? Isn't there something wrong with this one's own person beating one's own person? Isn't there something wrong with this person's head? You played against Song this Monarch before. Also, you pretend to be defeated and withdrew from Japan. Although these are also battles, we have controlled them well. In fact, they are not very expensive. As for the loss of the Japanese occupation area, it is thrown to us anyway. This is for the Frost Rose League. It is the matter of handing the right hand with the left hand, and still holding it in the hands of our own people. But you let us fight with you. This is all manpower. When it is consumed, it is really consumed. What good can this be? "

Although August Kaoru and Matsumoto Masaka did not ask, they all looked at me blankly, obviously waiting for my answer. I saw them look so nervous, so I had to appease them and relax, and then said: "Don't understand it literally!"

"If you don't literally mean it, what can it mean?" Masa Matsumoto He asked.

"You just said that if the Russians gain confidence from you to invade Chinese territory, then you will be required to fight together. I would like to ask, who is fighting in this coordinated operation? Is it to fight the Frost Rose League?"

August Xun quickly said: "The Russians probably meant that we would fight against Chinese players. It shouldn’t specifically refer to the Frost Rose League, but now the domestic defensive In addition to the Frost Rose League, there are only some guilds such as the Northern Alliance and the Warm Blood League. To be honest, although they are considered first-line guilds in the country, they are only a small scale compared to the Frost Rose League. , Battle strength is really not the same thing as the day. You should know this guild leader yourself. If we really join the battle, even if we don’t fight directly with the Frost Rose League, these guilds will be hit hard, when the time comes Frost Rose League Faced with the difficulty of supporting the Russians alone, isn’t it the same situation? Besides, your relationship with these guilds is pretty good now. You really disabled these guilds. Is it good for us?"

I said with a smile: "Who asked you to fight the Northern Alliance and the Warm Blood League?"

"But in addition to our Frost Rose League and their two families, does China have guilds that can withstand the attack of the entire Japanese players? "Ying Yu Shen Young asked.

"I didn't say that I must stand up." I directly explained to them: "Don't worry, let me finish. After the Russians invaded China, I will use the Frost Rose League The influence of mobilize all the guilds we can mobilize, and then together resist the Russian invasion. On the one hand, this is to fight against the needs of the Russians, completely block the Russian invasion, and concentrate on the strength of the Russians once and for all. It’s miserable. At least they have to make them incapable of threatening us in a short time. This is only the first element. The second element is that when our Frost Rose League issues a call, we can do something to the guilds in our country. There is a large-scale selection. Any guild that comes for reinforcements is a guild that is one-hearted with us, at least on the surface, people are willing to listen to our orders. However, there must be guilds that do not listen to us and antagonize us. Exist. Will this kind of guild respond to our call, they will hide behind, and then let our guild be the first line of guard home, defend the country."

"Ah, I understand." August Xun suddenly wanted to understand yelled: "Our task is to deal with these guilds. When the time comes In order to resist the Russians, the elite forces of the guilds are bound to go north, and what is left in the south is these resistances. At this time, we come to a big detour, and then specifically attack these guilds, without keeping hands, directly maiming them, or looting by the way. The resources obtained can be used to strengthen ourselves, and this is actually equivalent to Frost Rose Alliance is investing in us. It must be very cool to invest with other people’s money."

"Eh, that’s not right!" Ying Yu Shen Chu said suddenly: "We can indeed make a big circle. Invaded mainland China from the south, but those guilds that strengthened you are only going to people, and their cities can’t be taken away. If we don’t attack these empty cities after we go ashore, we will find the trouble of those guilds that did not go north to take part in the War of Resistance. Is the trace too obvious?"

"Yes, how can this problem be solved?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji also asked.

"This problem is actually very easy to solve." I said directly: "After you go ashore, you can get close to some more valuable cities first, and then launch a surprise attack. At this time, you will be exposed, and then I A notice will be issued on the front line telling those guilds who have come to participate in the War of Resistance. Since they have responded to our call from the Frost Rose League to come to the war, our Frost Rose League will not watch their hometown be given away, so we An elite force will be sent back to stop you and drive you away from the cities that fell to our guild. After that, it’s time for both of us to sing duo. We chased, you ran, and accidentally missed a few along the way. The cities are not well protected, and these cities, unfortunately, are the cities of those who did not come to participate in the war of resistance. What do you think of this plan?"

"But in this case, it was discovered afterwards that those who were attacked They didn't go to the guild of the War of Resistance. Will they be found out?" August Xun asked with some worry.

Matsumoto Masaka said: "I don’t think it’s a big deal. Everyone can see this kind of thing. The Frost Rose League calls on everyone to fight against the Russian invaders. If these people don’t cooperate, the Frost Rose League must be angry. It’s justified to let us deliberately destroy these cities in the process of blocking us. When the time comes, this kind of thing will become a well-known secret. Everyone knows this is the case, but no one will To be clear, and the guilds that support the Frost Rose League can definitely understand it. As for those opponents...their nests are gone, why do you oppose it?"

Listening to Matsumoto Masaga’s explanation, August Xun and the others also felt very right. After all, there is no complete Saint in this world. What's more, the Frost Rose League is an organization and an interest group. Since it is an interest group, it is natural that interests are the first priority. Some people openly rebelled against us, and our revenge is nothing. As long as this kind of thing is not done by us personally, others will not say anything about us. This should also be regarded as a kind of social morality, which is recognized by everyone as unwritten rules.

"If this is the case, I think the plan is feasible." August Xun said.

Sakura Rain God Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji also raised their hands together and said: "Yes."

Matsumoto Masaka also followed: "I agree, but who wants this matter? Go and do it? I am definitely not appropriate."

Sakura Yushenyo said: "How about the three of us?"

I reached out and stopped them and continued talking. Go down. "I don't think you need to do this. Let Masaka Matsumoto find a real Japanese player to do it, or someone who doesn't know the relationship between us, and has enough weight."

"This kind of person I have so many here, but why don't you let them go?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

"Because the status of the three of them is relatively detached. It is true that they are not as powerful as you, but their identities are closer to the existence of idols. They must be holy and must not be stained. As the leader, as long as you don’t make mistakes in the general direction, you can carry some stains, and even some stains like blood on your body will increase your personal charm and make Japanese players more dependent and trustworthy. You."

"So our status is so special?" It was the first time that Fire Dragon Ji heard about her identity, and she felt as if she had become a lot more noble for nothing.

I said with a smile: "Don’t think of your identities too simple. Your identity is defined by players who have studied psychology in the guild and specifically helped you define your identity. You are Japan Player’s idol, so you must learn to master the psychology of others. Also, for things like assisting Masaka Matsumoto’s weapons of mass destruction in the Asian Games this time, it’s best for you to do less in the future. This time it’s helpless, but in the future Try to avoid it. You should keep a certain distance from Masaka Matsumoto. Don’t think of yourself as Masaka Matsumoto’s subordinates, but as his powerful foreign aid. The more detached you are, the more Japanese players will admire you. This is the opposite of Matsumoto Masaka."

Matsumoto murmured to himself as he listened to me: "I understand a little bit now. I am the king of the earth. I should kill and decisively. , Can be cruel, evil, but not faint. As long as the direction is correct, my method is not important. They are like Goddess on that day. You don’t need to care about everything, and occasionally show a spirit or something to satisfy everyone’s wishes. To get everyone’s admiration, but to show up too much will be counterproductive and make everyone no longer pay attention to their manifestations."

"Yes, do you think it is quite thorough." I said with a smile: " This is how your identity is positioned. Masaga Matsumoto is the monarch, and you are Goddess. His status is real, but you are illusory. The more things he does, the more practical the better. The more mysterious your whereabouts, the better. "

Fire Dragon Ji heard my words and immediately said with a smile: "So I am destined to be a legendary woman!"

"hahahaha......"Everyone I was amused by Chi Fire Dragon Ji's words.

After we laughed, we went back to the topic and began to divide the work, mainly to arrange everyone's affairs.

The invasion of Nobunaga’s Warehouse City does not need to be handled by Masaka Matsumoto. I just came to ask for advice. However, the Russians must be responsible for the affairs of the Russians, or the main responsibility is Matsumoto Masaka. We really can't interfere with this kind of thing at all, otherwise the more trouble it gets.

After I finished the discussion, I returned to Isengard first. The things displayed on the Empress’ soil stele still made us feel uneasy, and we must get it done as soon as possible. As for Matsumoto Masaga and the others, they are busy on their side. As for how to get online with the Russians, I don’t need to worry about this. After all, the Japanese also have their own intelligence network. This kind of thing is not easy to deal with Matsumoto Masaga. Let's kill a piece of tofu.

Don't worry about Matsumoto's affairs, of course I need to concentrate on my own work. To break through Nobunaga's warehouse area requires super battle strength, and super battle strength must not be achieved by me alone, so a helper is necessary. As for heavy weapons... In fact, that thing can be replaced by people. Don't forget that our guild also has a humanoid self-propelled gun.

"Kristina, where is it now?"

"President? I'm on the Sino-Russian border. A small-scale conflict broke out here just now. Recently, the Russians It's getting more and more restless!"

"Get back to do what you have at hand, I have a task and need your help."

"OK, wait for me one minute. "After cutting off the communication, Kristina looked directly at the hundreds of Russian players in front and the thousands of NPCs behind, and then said to herself like: "Sorry, I have an urgent matter. I have no time to accompany you today. I'm playing." After finishing speaking, I saw Kristina's clothing suddenly burned, and then a set of dreamy colorful tulle clothing was unfolded from her, and at the same time, the elemental light particles that were clearly visible around her began to flash. In the blink of an eye, Kristina entered the elemental wizard mode from the normal mode, and immediately after the conversion was completed, she immediately spread her hands to the sky god to make a pose like embracing the sky, but she did not hug the sky. , But a small light particle appeared between her hands, and then the surrounding light particles began to gather at this light particle rapidly, and as the light particle became larger and larger, the people around found that the sky was connected to the sky. They all seem to be darkened a lot, and the Buddha's radiance lines are all absorbed by the light ball in Kristina's hand that has swelled to the size of a volleyball.

"Quickly, don't let her gather energy, she is going to amplify her move!" After fighting for so long, the Russian players across from Kristina’s battle method are of course very clear, but they blocked Klee. There is absolutely no possibility of Stina's intentions, because there are more layers of protective shields around Kristina, and this thing is like invincible mode, no matter how these people attack, they will not respond.

After more than ten seconds of gathering energy, Kristina finally turned the light particle into a light ball with a diameter of more than one meter, and then she saw her throw the light ball into the sky. The ball immediately flew into the midair tens of meters high, and then suddenly exploded without a sound, turning into ten thousand points of light, covering all the ground within a radius of 500 meters. And the enemies in this area... now they are basically briquettes!

"Huh, get it done, go back to see the boss." Kristina looked at the scorched earth in front of her, confirmed that there was no living person, turned around and disappeared in place. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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