This time it was not the small spaceship that took us to Japan in the last sneak attack on Olympus, it was only used for special reconnaissance or single-digit invasion. The carrying capacity of special vehicles is too low. The spaceship we are using this time is a medium-sized spaceship with a length of 80 meters and a width of 48 meters at its widest point. In addition to personnel, the ship is also equipped with some weapon systems. In addition, this time in addition to the spaceship we were riding in, there were also two accompanying combat spaceships that took off behind us.

"It's really unimaginable, something like this can be made." Looking at the spaceship under our feet, a bunch of high level thugs in the guild were dangling on the deck. After all, they are all people who can’t stay idle, few people are willing to sit obediently and honestly in the cabin. Besides, this ship is considered to be a battleship, and the cockpit is not luxurious, so it is better to look around on the deck.

As soon as Kristina finished sighing, Bingbing next to him said: "This ship is so beautiful. If it is on the battlefield, it would be a pity that it would be broken?"

"It's a pity that I don't know, but it's not easy to break it." Noreen suddenly walked out from behind the two, and then handed each of them a small ball.

Christina took the ball-shaped object and looked at Noreen in confusion and asked: "What is this?"

"Tactical guidance recognizer." The answer was not. Noreen is me.

"President." Kristina raised the ball and shook it in front of me and asked: "What is this thing for?"

"This is not for You used it, but for the experimental mobile angels over there." As I said, I pointed to the two spaceships that had been following us.

It’s different from our ship’s silver-white body, with golden decorations in some places. The two spaceships behind are all in the same color and one black to the bottom. The entire spaceship is completely matt black. There is no reflection at all. Even if we are above the clouds and there is a huge disc-like moon above our heads, the two spaceships can only see a little outline, as if they want to merge with the darkness.

Actually, there is a reason for the two ships to have this color, and the reason is that the two are night assault ships, which are night-only types. Of course, it does not mean that they cannot fly during the day, but that they can fully play their combat performance at night.

In addition to the color, those two spaceships are also very different in appearance from our luxurious spaceship, which looks like an Imperial Family car. The hull of our ship basically still maintains the shape of a wooden galleon, but the overall structure is slightly slender, and there is no main mast, a central island bridge and some streamlined designs have been added. On the whole, it looks like some retro decoration and beautification on the basis of modern battleship. This shape makes our spaceship look a little gorgeous and simple as a whole, but without losing a modern sense.

However, the two guys in the back have no sense of retro. Moreover, the two spaceships are not retro at all, but they are very forward-looking. The surface of the compact design of the hull can hardly find any protrusions, and the smooth transition of the corners makes the hull look fat, but it does not appear bloated. The bow part is slightly raised, just like the nose of a civil aviation airliner, and the middle part looks like the vertical missile compartment of a strategic nuclear submarine, obviously using a trapezoidal structure with rounded corners. The tail section of the ship is not swelled outwards, but gradually narrowed and thinned like a submarine, and finally becomes a vertical tail rudder. As for the thrusters, they are hung on both sides of the spaceship hull, and use rectification with the hull. The cover is connected, and it feels as if two rocket thrusters are attached to each side of the spaceship main body.

Such a strange design makes these two spaceships look like future cosmic spaceships instead of magic flying machines. What’s even more strange is that there is no weapon visible on the outside of this thing, obviously it is built-in. the design of. However, this design seems to be unnecessary in the game, because there is no radar in the game, and the integrated design is to counter the reflection effect of radar waves. Isn't the use of radar stealth design in a world without radar obvious superfluous?

Although I don't know why there is such a design, it does not hinder the design performance of these two weird spaceships. At least, before Woma left, I told me that this thing is very awkward.

Kristina didn’t know what was special about the design of the two spaceships. She just looked at me curiously and asked, “Are there many mobile angels in there? But what they used. What are you doing for me?"

Norraine replaced me, replied: "The two spaceships are actually special transport ships for mobile angels. In the future, the mobile angels of our guild may be used together. This is a new tactical argument. , These two are test planes. In addition, the mobile angels equipped with these two spaceships are not the kind of mobile angels we usually see, but an improved model. This model of mobile angels is relatively stupid and does not have the ability to recognize We are the enemy, so we need to guide the device to distinguish ourselves."

"Huh?" Kristina looked at Noreen in surprise and asked: "Isn’t it an improved version? How can I go back more and more. Wasn’t the previous mobile angels very smart? How could it be improved, but they can’t even identify friend or foe?"

"Because of a waste of resources." Noreen's answer was simple. "The research results of our mobile angel research department show that there is a limit value for the reaction speed of artificial souls. That is to say, once this value is reached, the reaction speed will be at the top and cannot be improved. Of course, this limit is very far-reaching, at least We still can’t touch its side. However, as our technology advances, it is indeed harder and harder to increase the reaction speed of mobile angels."

"So you just improved A second fool type mobile angel whose hands react faster than his head?" Kristina is indeed a high-level talent. Although she is not a researcher, she understands the truth at first.

Norraine immediately nodded acknowledging Kristina’s question, and then explained: “Yes. It’s very difficult for the artificial soul of the mobile angel to increase the reaction speed. The magical mechanical shell of the previous mobile angel The performance is not high, so this problem is not obvious, but recently our guild has absorbed the technology of the steel empire. Their research on pure machinery is too advanced. As a result, our grinding machinery technology has all jumped up a few times. Level, the body of this mobile angel surpassed the reaction speed of the artificial soul. So now, the bottleneck that enhances the performance of the mobile angel is no longer a body, but a soul."

In fact, The situation that Norin said also exists in reality. The most obvious of these is the airplane, or fighter jet. Now with the continuous improvement of the technical strength of various countries, the performance of the main fighters of various countries is improving rapidly, but the aircraft can be upgraded, but people cannot. Fighters can perform various air maneuvers under accelerations of tens or even hundreds of Gs, but pilots cannot withstand them. Therefore, fighters can only give up their performance to accommodate the pilot's bearing capacity. In addition, the airborne electronic system of modern fighters is becoming more and more advanced. Many fighters can capture hundreds of targets within a few tenths of a second, and then analyze which ones are threatened and which should be attacked first. These actions only take a few tenths of a second. Then all feedback to the pilot to choose. But the problem is that the pilot is not a computer. He can't process hundreds of signals at the same time. So the final result is that the electronic system has already completed the detection and attack lockout, and even how to evade the opponent's attack and carry out the attack after the weapon trajectory and launch. The second blow after the first miss of the first has been calculated. However, these are all useless. Even if the electronic system has made a choice, it still has to wait for the pilot to judge in the end. The result is that it can lock the firing electronic system within a few tenths of a second, and finally has to reduce the speed to become a system mode with a response time of up to one or two seconds.

Because the physical fitness of human pilots has been seriously lagging behind the increasingly powerful flight performance, scientific research institutions of various countries have to start researching unmanned fighter jets and various anti-stress suits and nerves. Things like accelerators are all the result of being forced out. Even the generation of Dragon Clan of us has this reason, because the same fighter, we are definitely dozens of times stronger than those of human beings. We can allow the aircraft to perform extreme maneuvers according to its own performance. If necessary, we can drag a string of missiles in the air to play acrobatics, and we can even pass through the barrage of enemy aircraft without worrying about being hit. Moreover, if the neural access mode is used, we can also synchronize the aircraft's fire control computer autonomously, so that the aircraft we fly can lock and attack hundreds of targets at the same time without having to wait for the pilots to confirm one by one like other aircraft. .

The current mobile angel is the same. The artificial souls equipped with mobile angels in the past have a reaction speed similar to that of humans, which is relatively fast, but their bodies are similar to the old piston airplanes. Therefore, these artificial souls are simply handy to manipulate these bodies, and sometimes they often feel themselves. The body's reaction is slow and can't keep up with the reaction speed of its own consciousness. However, the situation is now completely reversed. The bodies of these mobile angels are fast and scary, but the artificial souls have no time to react. Obviously the body has the mobility to evade the shells, but because the artificial soul is too late to react, the body that can't get the instructions will definitely not move by itself, so it will end up with the shells. This is tantamount to severely limiting the performance of the mobile angel, so our researchers began to think of ways to improve the reaction speed of the expert soul.

If we imagine the mobile angel as a robot, then the artificial soul is equivalent to the central processing of the robot. This thing is directly related to the intelligence and reaction speed of the mobile angel. If the performance of the artificial soul can be improved in an all-round way, then the problem will not exist. But the problem is that artificial souls belong to cutting-edge technology. As far as the information our guild currently has, it is possible that only our guilds have mastered artificial soul technology in the entire world, and they are still half-knowledgeable. It takes a lot of investment to improve, and it can The expected effect will not be too significant.

The performance breakthrough input is too large, the output is negligible, and the price/performance ratio is terrible, so we started to work hard in other directions. To send more money, one is to increase income and the other is to reduce expenses. Now that it is difficult to increase income, consider reducing expenditures.

The information to be processed by artificial souls is not only the combat part, but also many other aspects of information. The judgment of the enemy is an important issue. If you close your eyes and keep attacking things around you, your attack speed is definitely faster than the person who opens your eyes and chases a target in the crowd, because he has to constantly judge which person is the target. This person can hit, That person can't fight, it all takes up thinking time.

Because these friend or friend judgment information cannot be used to define whether to turn on or not, it can only be turned on or turned off all the time. The previous artificial souls used the always-on mode, that is, the use of the judgment of the enemy or the enemy occupied their computing power. Now in order to reduce the waste of computing power of artificial souls, the experimental mobile angels on these two ships have been modified into the identification friend or friend shutdown mode, which means they have no judgment ability. They will attack all living creatures, unless the opponent has such a guiding device.

The guidance device is an external input signal. Equivalent to is to turn on the identification of friend or foe from the outside so that mobile angels do not attack themselves. This does not require artificial souls to think about who is the target in front of them, whether they need to attack and how to attack Things like this, which saves the amount of calculation, so the reaction speed of the mobile angel can be improved a lot immediately.

In addition, in addition to the identification of friend or foe, this ball has another ability to command and guide.

In addition to the identification of friend or foe, there is also a large operator that consumes computing power among the information that artificial souls need to process, that is, logical thinking.

Now the artificial soul of the mobile angel in our guild is the same as the human soul, which can independently perform large-scale calculations and can handle very complicated things. Although these things are also very useful, they can cause the mobile angel to be distracted and slow down the reaction speed. Many people will find that in fact, people with simple minds are more likely to fight. The simple mind does not mean that the other party is stupid, but that the person's knowledge is narrower. To put it bluntly, it means that he has no education. Two people have the same intelligence, and one of them is well-educated, so his mind is more complicated, and many things will be considered in advance, but this will delay time in the battle. The other person is as smart as his brain, but he doesn't understand anything, so he doesn't want to do anything except fight, so his reaction speed must be faster than the other one. This high and low immediately distinguishes the combat capability of the two.

The adjustment and transformation of artificial souls takes advantage of this feature. Instead of loading mobile angels with all the basic theoretical knowledge as before, they only instill a small amount of knowledge about combat, and at the same time change the way of thinking. They consider the layout and overall issues, and only think about their current response and short-term cooperation with their companions in small units nearby, without considering complex and huge information. This way of thinking can save at least the next half of the thinking ability. If all the nerve reflex speed is filled, not to mention doubling the reaction speed, at least it can increase by 20% to 30%. Don't underestimate the 20%. The speed gap of 1% is sometimes the difference between life and death, let alone 20%?

Christina and gold coin looked at the two faintly discernible spaceships in the dark behind, and the other people around were gradually attracted. They stood together in front of the railing on the back deck and watched. The spaceship discuss spiritedly at the rear, obviously everyone has heard our previous dialogue.

Actually, Noreen did not explain in detail before. The mobile angels on the two spaceships are not all combat-enhanced mobile angels that have reduced their macroscopic thinking capabilities. Among them, there are some commands that specifically strengthen the overall intelligence. type. As long as there is a great general and a small group of low-level commanders with certain thinking on the battlefield, the remaining soldiers hardly need much brains. The configuration of mobile angels does not require so many officer-type mobile angels. Almost all of the previous mobile angels can be officers, because their thinking abilities are very complete, and they all have a detailed war knowledge base. However, after making adjustments, most of the mobile angels have become soldiers with only execution power, while the individually strengthened mobile angels have become low-level officers. As for the players with guides, of course they are commanded by generals or general high levels. The identity of the personnel appeared.

"I said the president, we came out with so many experts, and you brought so many mobile angels. What are you going to do? So far you haven't even shown us a mission statement." gold Coin came around me and asked when I didn't know.

"Explain that in the cabin, what does it matter to me if you don’t go in?"

Hearing what I said, the people on the deck rushed to the cabin together, but Rose and Hong Yue are I definitely don't have to go. As the top executives in the guild who are really responsible for the operation of the guild, they sometimes know more than me.

This time, I went to Nobunaga's warehouse to find an unknown item, so the task profile was super simple. Everyone just took a look and ran out together, and then waited. The film will start in a while.

I think everyone called Kristina to her side after reading the mission introduction, and then nodded to Rose. Rose immediately took out a very unique jade bottle from her body. The overall jade green of this jade bottle is transparent, and it can actually emit a colorful circle under the moonlight, and the bottle body seems to be like a human heartbeat, and it will emit a buzzing light every once in a while. It is very regular and very very regular. The rhythm is like the pulsation of life.

"This is the Jasper Luminous Cup?" Kristina asked with some excitement, looking at the thing in front of her. Didn't expect Rose shook the head, Kristina immediately asked in confusion: "Isn't it? Why does it look the same as the legend?"

"You said it was luminous It's a cup, can't you see this obviously a bottle?" As I said, I took the bottle in Rose's hand with one hand.

Kristina saw me being so rude, she immediately wanted to hold out hands to receive nervously, but I didn’t catch it, so she didn’t receive anything, but she still angrily treated me Angrily said: "This is a Divine Item, the president, be careful!"

"You have said that this is a Divine Item, will it break like a glass when it falls on the ground?" I said with a smile: "Don't worry, I tried this thing a long time ago, let alone fall to the ground, my eternal sword can't do anything to it. This thing is the high level Divine I got back from Celestial Court Item, named Moonlight Bottle, can absorb moonlight and convert it into moon dew and store it in the bottle. Tonight is the full moon. This item is basically equivalent to an infinite magic replenisher. You can drink it with confidence."

"Moon Dew?" Kristina asked with some doubts: "I heard that the jade luminous cup can continuously produce aquatic jade liquid. As long as a small drop, it can instantly return to full state, and it can be restored in a small amount. Physical strength and life force, what does this moon dew do?"

"The moon dew can’t replenish health and stamina, but it can also replenish mana like Qiongye Yuye. Just one drop can make you magical. Recover 10%, and 10 drops can completely replenish your magic value. And like Qiongjiangyuye, this replenishment speed is also instantaneous recovery, there is no time delay."

"That's not better than Qiongjiangyuye."

" The liquid is much worse?"

"No, this thing is much stronger than Qiongye Yuye." I directly explained: "Although this thing cannot supplement your health and physical strength like Qiongye Yuye, Even the recovery efficiency of magic power is a bit worse than Qiongjiang Yuye, but this thing has an ability that Qiongjiang Yuye does not possess, and as long as it has this ability, it doesn't matter if there are no other attributes at all."

"What's so awesome?"

"Cancel the magic preparation and cooling time."

Puff... "Eh..." Hearing this Kristina stepped back two steps directly, and then sat down on the ground. We were all taken aback and hurried up to help her, but she didn't care about her wrestling at all, and just stared at me and asked: " What did you just say? Say it again?"

"I said this thing can cancel the magic preparation and cooling time. In other words, you can cast any skills instantly, and you don’t need to wait for the cooling time. As long as the magic power is enough, you can throw one and then come again."

"Really...really? Can you really cancel the preparation and cooling time?" As the entire Frost Rose League, or even the entire game The most powerful legal player in magic, Kristina’s understanding of magic can be described as very In-depth. It is precisely because she understands the terrifying of magic skills, so she understands better that once the two biggest constraints limiting magic-preparation time and cooling penalty disappear, then magician will become the strongest profession in the game, there is no one, because no matter it is destructive The magician has the advantage in power or attack method. The balance can be maintained before because the magic preparation time of the wizards is too long, and the magic cooling time affects the destructive power of the wizard, so the wizard becomes an even one. Occupation, and as long as these two skill restrictions disappear, it is basically the same as terrifying the warrior’s health bar multiplied by ten and then the individual strength is infinite.

"Don't be so surprised. This is a high level Divine Item after all." Rose took the bottle in my hand and put it to Kristina, and then said, "It will be yours from now on. Yes, but you have to exchange it with a guild contribution point. Of course, you can choose not to."

"Yes, why not?" Kristina is not stupid. This thing is too useful for her. With this thing, he is simply a tiger out of the cage, biting whoever wants to bite.

"Don't be too proud, this thing is also limited." Seeing Kristina holding a bottle there was so beautiful, I poured her a basin of cold water. Sure enough, Kristina's gaze immediately moved from the bottle to my face.

"You said this thing is defective?"

I nodded and said: "Nonsense, if this thing is not defective, think about it for yourself, what will happen after you get it I am afraid that even I am not your opponent, am I?"

Christina thinks this is true. This thing cancels the restriction on the use of big moves, which means that as long as she knows the large skills, it can be instantaneous, and many of them have enough damage output to kill me. If there is no restriction, it can be continuous. How can others live? Should we kneel in front of her and sing conquest?

"What is the limitation of this thing?"

"The limitation is that the thing must appear." I pointed to the top.

As soon as Kristina looked up, she saw the moon high in the sky, and then said: "It must take a full moon night to take effect?"

I hooked the head and said: "It's not necessary. It's just that this thing will only start to replenish the moon dew in it at night, and during the day only the remaining point in the bottle will not increase, and the rate of increase of this moon dew is related to the fullness of the moon. The rounder the moon, the faster the replenishment rate. It’s like today’s full moon state. You can take a sip every few minutes, and you can definitely keep up with your consumption rate."

" What if there is no moon on a cloudy night at night?"

"Then there is nothing wrong. But you can consider flying. The moon is always in the sky. The cloudy sky is just blocked by the cloud. If you fly to the cloud The above can be added. Besides, there is not much rain in the game, so you don’t have to worry about it."

"Will places like houses or caves block the effect of this thing?"


"The house will not, the cave will affect the effect a little, but the effect is not big, but if you go to the Underground World, it will not work. Of course, if the stock is full, it can still last a lot of time."

Christina said with a smile: "It's not bad to have such a thing anyway, at least it's better than nothing."

"Boss, I see the coast ahead. "I was talking here, and suddenly I heard the yelling of the big pot of rice in front of me.

"Are you here? Is this ship very fast. Okay, everyone is ready. We will storm the warehouse of Ghost Hand Nobunaga for a while. Note that this is not a secret raid, so there is no restriction. Skills, all abilities can be released."

Kristina asked: "President, will you give me this moonlight bottle without request?"

I nodded. "Onitou Nobunaga’s warehouse is inside the cave. In addition to the outside defenders, there will be many gates. Because we can’t stay for too long, otherwise the surrounding Japanese players will gather to attack us, so we Use the fastest breakthrough to get in. We can rely on the weapons on the spaceship to blast off the fortifications outside. If the spaceship in the cave can't get in, we can only count on you."

" Isn't it enough to use liquefied magic crystal steam missiles?" Kristina asked puzzledly.

Rose explained to me: "It’s not that simple. The liquefied magic crystal steam weapon is useless in there. Nobunaga Ghost has a magic crystal energy suppressor. You should know this too. We The liquefied magic crystal steam weapons will fail here, so we can only use the traditional method."

"Okay, I see, you guys have given me such a big advantage, even if I try my best this time To complete the task!"

"It’s not so exaggerated, right? With that thing, isn’t your humanoid self-propelled gun like a bulldozer?"

"Hehe, I’m not Show your determination."

Japan is only a small area, and it is long and narrow, so we will be there soon after landing.

Although Nobunaga’s people have strengthened their defenses, they have just been through a breakthrough. Although the defense has been strengthened a lot, few people below really think that someone will Come attack them during this time, after all, this can be considered to commit crimes against the wind. It's a pity that some things don't happen if you don't think they won't happen, at least the brothers of Nobunaga Guishou are wrong.

"Attention, everyone, after reaching the target location, the three spaceships will first carry out a spot cleaning. You will wait for my order. As soon as I give a signal, everyone will jump down together. Do you understand? "

"Understood." Everyone answered together.

After getting all the personnel's confirmation, I immediately used the communicator to contact the captain in the bridge, so the attack started.

The time here in Japan is now 3:50 in the morning. It can be said that the number of online personnel is very low. Therefore, the proportion of players in the guards is very low, and most of them are NPCs. There are indeed a lot of night owl players, but not everyone is like this.

Under the silent moonlit night, Nobunaga's Warehouse City is quietly dormant in the darkness, and at this time, a slight noise that seems to be non-existent is gradually moving towards the city wall of Warehouse City. Slid over.

Of the three spaceships, one of the most magnificent spaceships we are riding has entered the state of optical invisibility, and the other two spaceships are completely dark and hard to be found under the moonlit night. Of course, the one in the forest Animals have discovered three spaceships, but the people of Nobunaga on the ground didn't know this, because all the secret whistles they had left in the woods had been killed.

In order to increase the suddenness of the attack, all three spaceships turned off their engines, and the anti-gravity device did not make any noise. The spaceship itself would not make any sound without propulsion. After sliding to the top of the city wall by inertia, the bottom of the spaceship we were riding in suddenly opened three armor plates, and then two rocket nests and an unknown weapon connected to a large number of cables and electromagnetic coils also moved from the front and bottom of the bow. Stretched out.

As soon as these three weapons appeared in the warehouse city guards, they discovered the danger, but unfortunately it was too late to react at this time. As soon as the rocket nest under the spaceship we rode in appeared, it began to spray frantically with small liquefied magic crystal steam missiles. The density has reached the state of rainstorm, and the outer circle area of ​​the warehouse city has almost instantly turned into a fire. Sea, Rose watching and the Japanese player in charge of guard management feel a toothache together. Of course, the reason for their pain is different. As for the specific reason... just listen to what they shout.

When the guard chief saw the outer line of defense covered by a fire sea, he shouted, "My man!"

As for the rose, it is forbearance. Shouting distressedly: "My money!"

The liquefied magic crystal steam is all made of magic crystal, as everyone knows magic crystal is a hot product, the price has not been low, so crazy Those who bombed indiscriminately, at least hit a few thousand crystal coins in one go. Of course, Rose's character would feel distressed.

The first round strikes came very suddenly, and the Japanese players in the outer layer almost didn't react and were taken in a pot. Of course, the NPC didn't run away.

As soon as the bombing was over, we heard a sharp whistle from behind, and when we looked back, we saw a liquefied magic crystal steam missile dragging a long tail flame. Flew out from the back of a spaceship behind. This liquefied magic crystal steam missile is obviously much larger than those small rockets launched by our ship, which also shows that its formidable power is extraordinary.

The missile we saw just lifted off, and there was another noise on the other spaceship. The second missile flew right away, and then we saw that the first missile had begun to drop. The bullet head moved towards the real gate of the warehouse city flew past.

The outer city wall of the warehouse city and the buildings in it are working areas. The real storage area is still inside the mountain, and this missile rushes to the gate above the mountain. However, just before the missile was installed on the gate, it flew out from the side, a beam of light shot through the missile laterally, and then heard a loud explosion sound, a large flame instantly completely covered the vicinity of the gate. NS. However, the second missile kept following up, directly into the flames. After a delay of one second, there was another explosion. But judging from the rubble rolling down the mountain, this shot It should have hit the gate.

"Over there, the firepower is covered." Although the gate was blasted off, I had no intention of letting off the person who had just attacked the first missile. After capturing the position of the person with naked eye, I pointed directly at that person, and Kristina next to me raised her hand to draw out a huge burst of Fireball, instantly hiding that person. The ruins of the building were completely blasted into a big pit. Kristina, who had finished casting her magic, directly nodded to me, meaning that she received a kill notification and that person had been killed.

After this guy died, even if the outer circle area of ​​Warehouse City was completely emptied, although there were still many people in the warehouse, at least it was safe outside.

The spaceship we were riding in began to move forward after the person was killed, and at the same time lowered the flight altitude, and finally reached the entran

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