"Okay. You selected ten representatives and I will take you in. However, the representatives who enter here must ensure that they will never reveal any information about what you see inside, especially if they cannot Let the Chinese know."

After Nobunaga said this sentence, he began to let Masaka Matsumoto and the others choose people, and Masaka Matsumoto and the others chose people very quickly. Masaka Matsumoto himself is the leader of this group. Of course, he has to count as one. There are also three presidents of the guild who assist Masaka Matsumoto in the remaining crowd, because they are in an alliance with Masaka Matsumoto and have always supported them. Matsumoto Masaga, so of course these three people should also be counted. The four of them were removed, and the remaining six places were directly selected by everyone at random. In less than 30 seconds, a few people with good popularity and credibility were selected.

After Ten Men Squad gathered enough, Nobunaga Guishou immediately led them into the warehouse inside, but when he entered, he immediately closed the door with his backhand, and Nobunaga on the outside The subordinates guarded the warehouse gate to prevent anyone behind from approaching.

The players outside all believe that Masaga Matsumoto’s strength. After all, Masaga Matsumoto had two head-on conflicts with me in front of many Japanese players. One of them forced me away and the other. Killed me once more. With my battle strength recognized in the whole world, I can play this kind of performance with me, and the strength of Masaga Matsumoto is naturally recognized by Japanese players. As for Nobunaga Guishou, that guy is both taking drugs and swindling. He used a lot of crooked ideas, and I haven't seen any time that I suffered a little bit. Every time I was beaten scared witless. Therefore, even the people of Oninote Nobunaga are convinced that Oninote Nobunaga is definitely not Matsumoto's opponent, and the strength of the two should be much different.

Because everyone didn’t believe that Masaka Matsumoto would be attacked by Nobunaga Onisha, even if Nobunaga Onishon closed the gate without saying hello, the people outside Masakah Matsumoto did not make a fuss. Anyway They all think that Nobunaga Guishou really has any intentions, and it must be Nobunaga Guishou that is unlucky in the end.

The situation outside is relatively quiet, and the situation inside is similar. When Nobunaga Onitou closed the door, Masaka Matsumoto and the others were not looking at him at all, but were looking at the situation in the warehouse. Except for Matsumoto Masaka who knew that I had already played with Nobunaga Onitou, no one knew what was going on here, so it was naturally quite surprised to see the mess inside.

"You have seen it too." Nobunaga Onishu closed the door and walked over. Then he stood in front of the crowd and stretched out his hand to compare the messy materials that were similar to the ruins behind, and said, "I If you collude with Purple Moon, can you make this place like this? You are not newbies who just entered the game. This scene should be obvious. You can see that someone has fought here. You have just come in, before Except for you, all I need is my own people and Purple Moon. If this weren't caused by Purple Moon fighting with us, we wouldn't have made it like this, right?"

A follower of Matsumoto Masaga Nodded, the guild president who came in together, said: "There are some truths, but we can't believe you based on this. What are you installing here before let us come in and see?"

Nobunaga Guishou I glanced at the people present, and then hesitated for a while before gritting his teeth: "Well, I will tell you the truth. I have established contact with the players on the Russian side, and then I got a batch from them. Weapons of mass destruction."

"Weapons of mass destruction?"

In reality, Japan is the only country in the world that has been hit by nuclear weapons, so there is no People in any country would be as eager to possess nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction like the Japanese. Although the world pattern in the game is slightly different from the reality, the players are all living people in reality after all, and this national characteristic will still be brought into the game. Therefore, almost all the Japanese players present were excited when they heard about weapons of mass destruction.

It was said that the players present were all excited. In fact, only eight people were really excited. Masaka Matsumoto and another player from his team were not really excited, but just pretending to be very excited. Interested the same. In fact, one of the people that Matsumoto Masaka brought in was the one we arranged for Matsumoto Masaka, that is to say, this is actually a Chinese.

The setting of nationality login in "Zero" is not based on the actual personal identity. In other words, your actual nationality is not directly related to the nationality in the game. What really affects your nationality in "Zero" is actually your own choice and your first login location

Because the personal account of "Zero" is tied to your personal identity, each natural person can only have one account, and Only two characters can be created under this account. Therefore, although the player's character can be deleted and re-started, the account cannot be moved. The system will determine your approximate login range based on your IP address when you log in for the first time. This range is not precise, but the division between countries is very strict. If you are Chinese, but you log in in a foreign country when you log in for the first time, then when you log in for the first time, the system will tell you that your nationality information does not match your region, and then ask you if you are using Nationality information or location information for registration. If you choose to log in according to your nationality information at this time, the system will ignore your location, log in directly as a Chinese player, and then divide you into China, where your game character's starting position and your actual login position are It's okay. However, if you choose to log in according to your location, the system will in turn ignore your real nationality, which country you are in, and which country you are from after landing.

The reason why our guild was able to assign so many Japanese players to Matsumoto Masaga to assist him was because of the system setting. These so-called Japanese players are actually Chinese who work or study in Japan. They temporarily live in Japan for work and study reasons, so they landed in Japan for the first time. Some of them chose to log in according to their nationality, and they were naturally logged in back to China, but there were still many people who tried to log in by location for early adopters. As a result, they became the default Japanese players of the system. Such Japanese players can choose Japan's characteristic occupations like real Japanese players, such as ninjas. Yuzhe from our guild is such a player. He is a Chinese, but he landed in Japan in the game, and he also chose a special Japanese occupation, so he became a ninja.

This is such a Chinese player who just came in with Masaka Matsumoto, but his identity is Japanese, and his profession is the Japanese warrior in the advanced Japanese career in the warrior department. .

Japanese warrior is actually not a special Japanese occupation, but a special professional advancement. If you want to become a Japanese warrior, you must first ensure that you have an account with Japanese nationality, and then you must first become a warrior player, and then Can do missions and transfer to a Japanese warrior. Warrior players from other countries will also have their own special career advancement when choosing advanced tasks, such as the Teutonic warrior in Germany, which is based on the warrior at the beginning.

This Chinese player who pretended to be a Japanese warrior was not as excited as the other Japanese when everyone was excited. He was originally a Chinese and knew that the enemy had weapons of mass destruction. , It’s good if he doesn’t worry, how could he still be excited? After a brief exchange of glances with Masaga Matsumoto, he immediately interrupted the excited real Japanese players to raise their own questions.

"Wait a minute."

"Huh? What's the matter?" The specific performance and mode of action of large-scale destruction weapons, didn't expect was interrupted by others.

Seeing that everyone’s attention has been concentrated, the player asked with an unkind expression at this time: "Ghost Nobunaga, did you just say that these things were obtained from Russia?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Onihand Nobunaga didn't realize what was wrong with this, and some of the people around were the same as him, but the one who reacted quickly was already reacting.

A guild leader who followed Masaka Matsumoto is obviously a more flexible head. He suddenly reacted and stared at Onitou Nobunaga and asked: "The Chinese just left some time ago. A group of Russian red-haired ghost fleets ran to our Sea Territory to attack this Monarch fleet that was finally pulled up by everyone's money, and the group of Russians also looted several coastal islands and bombarded many cities. We and the Russians are basically at war, but you actually got weapons of mass destruction from them? These weapons of mass destruction are not machetes and sticks. Generally speaking, others will sell you to you? Think about the reality. In China, when have you seen two countries buy and sell nuclear weapons with each other? But the Russians actually gave you weapons of mass destruction. What do you think is your relationship with them?"

This Although the player did not directly say that Oni Shou Nobunaga was in collusion with the other party, this is actually already obvious. The other Japanese players around are not stupid, and they all reacted at once. One of the president’s cities happened to have been attacked by the Russians, so he immediately said with outrage: “I said why the Chinese were driven away by the Monarch on the front foot, and the Russians on the back foot came in again. It turned out that it was you. The guys who eat inside and outside colluded with them and attacked our own people!"

"I, I..." Nobunaga Guishou couldn't think of how to refute the other party, because this is indeed the case. What the guild leader speculated was the truth at all, so he didn't know how to explain this matter at all for a while.

Speaking of which Nobunaga is also very unlucky. He was the leader of Japanese players at the beginning. As a result, under our strong support, Masaga Matsumoto quickly became popular and gradually squeezed his in the mind of Japanese players. The status, and later because of the few battles with me, completely established the identity of the new hope of the Japanese players. In a panic, Nobunaga thought about fighting back, but he hadn't begun to suspect that I was in collusion with Matsumoto Masaka. He was really fighting with us, but Matsumoto Masaka and us were singing a double song. You said this ghost. How did Soubu Naga beat Matsumoto Masaga? Therefore, after a series of decision-making mistakes by Oninote Nobunaga and Matsumoto's outstanding performance, Oninote Nobunaga's position was completely squeezed in an instant, and Oninote Nobunaga also had to run dingy with people loyal to him. Go back to my hometown to nest.

Ghost Nobunaga, who was robbed of his position, was of course not reconciled, so he thought of revenge. It was when Nobunaga was thinking about blood energy when he thought about blood energy, he directly called his allies, that is, the Russians to attack the Japanese player's city, in order to avenge himself.

In fact, although this thing sounds unethical, it is also such is human nature. In fact, Masaka Matsumoto is no better than Nobunaga Onitou. The reason why he would take refuge in us and completely betray the whole of Japan is that there is no difference between his psychological thinking and his behavior. The only difference between them is that they sell to Japan.

Matsumoto Masaka sold us Japan, and our idea is to master Japan, like a hunter, use Matsumoto Masaka as a rope to tie the Japanese wolf, and keep it as a dog. Later used to bite. On the other hand, Nobunaga Onitou sold Japan to Russia, but the Russians only wanted to make a profit and leave, and had no intention of controlling Japan at all.

Because of the different ideas, the processing methods are also different. We also expect Masaga Matsumoto to help us control the Japanese players, so we spared no effort to help Masaga Matsumoto think of many ways to conceal his actual traitorous behavior, so the image of Masaga Matsumoto now in the mind of Japanese players is almost a high-level Daquan. Super idol. But the Russians just wanted to get a vote and left, so they didn't care about Nobunaga's life or death at all, so Nobunaga didn't get any benefits. In addition, because we plan to drive Japan to bite other countries in the future, we are not like the Russians who take a bite of meat from the Japanese and leave. If we want Japan to bite, we will not make Japan hungry. How can a sick dog bite? Therefore, we did a lot of real things in Japan through Matsumoto Masaga, and these things have indeed benefited Japanese players. This is why Matsumoto’s current reputation is so high. Just by defeating me in the few battles, you can lie to the hot-blooded youth. Only when you really give the benefits to everyone, can people really support you. Because of our relationship, Masaga Matsumoto did it, so his reputation is unbreakable. Onitou Nobunaga didn't do it, so he can go downwind. If there is any failure, the Japanese players will immediately deny him.

Originally, the Russians didn’t care about the problem of Nobunaga Onizu. After all, few people knew that Onizu Nobunaga had colluded with the Russians. The key problem is that this time Masaka Matsumoto suddenly brought people. Come over and have to check the warehouse. Just now, everyone on the outside was so busy that Nobunaga couldn't find the steps, so he put them in when there was no way. At that time, Nobunaga Guishou was thinking about not letting them in. He didn't expect that he had a relationship with the Russians. In other words, he himself had forgotten the existence of this secret, and as a result, he was immediately stabbed through. In this haste, Nobunaga Guishou was not a shrewd person, of course he was speechless and nailed to death. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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