Under the instigation of Nobunaga Onitou, the surrounding Japanese players and the few Russian players hurriedly surrounded him. Seeing the crowd quickly approaching, all I can do is to run quickly in the direction of the machine over there.

Standing in the same place will be surrounded anyway, rushing in one direction is just to make the contact a little earlier, but if I stand still, I have to deal with all the Japanese players, and I am basically impossible to rely on now The state of killing so many enemies with bare hands, and as long as I can destroy the machine before I can take off, then the victory will definitely belong to me, because without the suppression of that thing, I have at least dozens of ways to deal with these people around me.

On the contrary to the group of Japanese players who rushed up around, Shiraba Maurizuru glanced at the crowd rushing towards me and suddenly walked out of the crowd by himself, and Nobunaga Oni Sou was at him. He shouted, but Baiyu Shouhe didn't bother with the other party's yelling at all, and just left the crowd and walked outside the warehouse.

Although I saw the departure of Shiraba Moruzuru, it is not a good time to communicate with him. Besides, I shouldn’t do this kind of thing, so I plan to notify Masaga Matsumoto to deal with it later. this matter.

I glanced at Baiyu Shouhe last and I turned my attention to the machine in front of me, and then rushed towards that machine with all my strength.

"Damn, he wants to destroy the blocker, don't let him pass." Nobunaga Onihand noticed my behavior, but his shouting did not allow Japanese players to gain extra battle strength. To stop it is impossible to stop it, not that he can stop it by shouting.

The two Japanese players who stood in the front saw me approaching and immediately jumped up. These two guys didn’t plan to fight me at all, they were just a pounce. I guess they probably wanted to hug me. Live me, then restrict my actions. In a normal state, the automatic counterattack magic on me is enough to kill these two idiots hundreds of times, but the problem is that it is not a normal state now. Once I am hugged in this state, it will take at least two seconds to break free. And this time is enough for people later to bury me under the pile of people.

Looking at the two guys who jumped over, I didn’t dodge their pounce as they imagined. Instead, I jumped straight on the spot, and then rose higher and higher in the surprised eyes of the two. , Finally surpassed the height of their bodies, followed their feet on their backs again, and continued to rise again with the help of strength. The two guys I stepped on hit the ground like two bombs, but I flew more than four meters high in one breath, and then rolled forward, followed by a group of people who jumped up from behind. He flew over his head, and when his power was exhausted, he suddenly stretched his body and dropped his feet to the ground at an angle of forty-five degrees upwards over the front. Of course, I didn't really land, but accurately stepped on the face of a guy who jumped from behind, and instantly that guy's entire facial features were completely deformed and collapsed by me. Thanks to this is a game, otherwise this guy will never see people even if he doesn't die.

With the help of that guy’s impact to offset the inertia, I stepped on his face and jumped forward. A Japanese player jumped out from behind him, but I moved faster. I leaned forward with my hands and The guy's hands crossed his fingers in the air and grabbed each other's palms. Originally, he meant to hold my hand and talk about me dragging it down no matter what, so that I could buy time for the people behind, but he really underestimated my strength and physical flexibility.

When I just clasped his palms together, my feet didn’t completely leave the face of the guy in front of me. So, when the two hands were clasped, I suddenly made a violent effort. I kicked that guy’s head, and then the guy’s head hit the ground with a bang like a sledgehammer, and exploded into a large red and white thing, and my body was lifted up again by the power of this kick. superior. But because my hands are tightly clasped with the guy in front of them, my hands can't rise, only my lower body rises. As a result, I was standing upside down like an inverted head, but because I was rushing forward, the kinetic energy of forward movement was not released, so when my body stood upside down on top of his head. , This kinetic energy took my body and began to lean towards his back, and rolled over from the top of his head in the blink of an eye.

In fact, at this angle, his arms can no longer be used. There is also a joint technique setting in "Zero". According to this setting, human joints have working angle limits. Once certain joints reach a certain angle, the strength will be sharply weakened. Now this angle is an anti-joint. Limit the angle. When I flew over his head, his hands were like raising his head high and twisting backwards. At this angle, his arms could not use strength at all. Besides, even if he could use the strength, he was impossible to rely on alone. The strength of the two arms supported my real weight and the kinetic energy accumulated before. So naturally, I jumped over his head, and then thought of the ground falling, and he reached a dead angle because of the turning angle of his arms, and his body began to instinctively follow my falling posture to bend backwards in order to match the turning angle of the joints. . When my feet fell on the ground, his body was already leaning back very badly. However, this is not over yet. When I landed completely, I didn’t let go, but with the inertia of the fall, I pulled him up from behind me like a sledgehammer, and then slammed over my head, bang slammed in front of me and rushed over. Of the two Japanese players.

The whole process of speaking of which is a lot, but in fact it is only a matter of a few tenths of a second. The two Japanese players in front were shot by the guy who I threw over without seeing what happened. . The weight of a big living person plus the kinetic energy after spinning acceleration can't be blocked by two players without attributes. The guy I used as a sledgehammer died on the spot, and the two guys who were smashed were also seriously injured. He fell to the ground and basically didn't expect to get up in a short time.

This series of actions was completed by me in the blink of an eye, and after completing this action, I had already crossed the front area where the crowd was the most crowded and entered the middle of the Japanese player’s defensive circle, although there were still people in front of it. , But they didn't expect that I could reach them in an instant. Not only did many people fail to respond, but their positions were sparsely gathered yet.

Looking at the sparse crowd, I didn’t waste a second. I stepped on the three hapless bodies on the ground and rushed over, and then jumped off the ground one by one, with my left leg bent in front, using my knee joint. There was an intimate contact between the part and the face of a player who just happened to be blocking the route. That guy was the same as the guy I stepped on before, and he lost his face in an instant. And I stepped back and flew back. The guy's chest ran all the way to his head, then he jumped again, raised his legs in the air, and then slashed with a gorgeous tomahawk, and opened the scoop for the guy behind with a click. After landing, I didn’t wait for the people around me to gather, I just rolled along the ground and passed between the two stupid players, and then suddenly stretched my body and bounced up, an uppercut, accompanied by a cracking sound, a guy. I made a trapeze and rose more than two meters high, but I got under him before he started to fall, then raised my left hand, and hit the bridge of the nose of the guy behind with a left uppercut. In an instant another guy with a blossoming face flew out, but my combo ended here.

As I knocked that guy into the air, a good player on the side immediately turned and kicked. After I knocked that guy up, I had no time to dodge and caught his calf in the air. , And then the whole person is like playing a horizontal bar. The waist and arms at the same time exert force and follow his leg with a forward and up-bar motion to turn over from his leg. At the same time, with the help of inertial pressure, the center of gravity of his whole person is biased. In the end, a big split came directly with a click, and he sat on the ground.

That guy is obviously not as flexible as my body. This big split directly broke his leg ligaments, and then he couldn’t get up when he was sitting. The whole person screamed in pain. The voice has changed. But I guess the main reason for his reaction is not the torn ligament, but... he fell into the egg. So, splits are still suitable for women, and men can kill people if they don’t play well.

I didn’t care about the person who almost changed to Court Eunuch. This time, his painful face was not right. I turned around and fisted and the fist of another player who had just arrived came in the air. meet force with force, followed by a click, that guy’s arm was directly bent into a three-cut angle and turned into a weird angle, and I followed and gave his eye sockets a punch and KO in an instant Dropped this guy.

As this guy fell, there were only two Russian players left between me and the blocker. Moreover, the most desperate thing for Nobunaga Guishou was that those two One of the Russian players is obviously a technician, and the other is a young and outrageous teenager.

Although the young man over there is a combat professional, he doesn't seem to come to fight with me. He appears in this position only because he has been guarding the blocker. Seeing me rushing over, this unusually delicate and pretty Russian teenager stepped back two steps in fright and stumbled himself.

Since that guy fell on his own, I didn’t plan to take care of him anymore. I just jumped over him and smashed the completely stupid technician into Rinku with a punch. After flipping two and a half laps, I landed on the back of my head and hung up on the spot, and I was already standing next to the machine, and the one closest to me was the boy who was still sitting on the ground, and besides him, the nearest living person It is also three meters away.

Is three meters far away? It should not be far away, but the distance between me and the machine is closer, and I am not the kind of soft-legged shrimp that can't even be destroyed by a precision instrument. On the contrary, people like me should be classified into the category of rare beast.

Under Nobunaga's desperate eyes, I slammed a punch on the switch on the top of this thing, and then went all the way to the end. It felt as if it was made of a pile of plastic, fragile and fragile, and it was completely shattered with a punch, and then I felt a magical wind blowing around me, and the various attributes on my body instantly recovered.

Boom. I didn't have time to wear the Dragon Soul suit again and simply switched to Silver Moon mode. As soon as the mage appeared, the fiery flames rose into the sky and burned. The few players who were chasing me just now to prevent me from destroying the machine slammed into my solar field before the brakes. Even the screams instantly turned into a plume of smoke and disappeared into the flames. middle.

Huh. Waving the burning staff to fend off the two sharp arrows that followed, I directly slapped the staff to the ground, and a ring of flame spread out with a bang, and all enemies approaching me were hit by the ring of flames. Going out and being set on fire at the same time, people all around were screaming and rolling around.

"Sure enough, it feels more comfortable to have power." After the flame ring dissipated, I walked out of the fire sea on the raging flames, behind me was the huge space door that just opened. , My Familiars swarmed out from the space gate like a flood of a dyke, and the crowd rushing around turned into screaming and retreating in an instant.

"Is this your strength?" Baiyu Shouhe, who had just left, didn't know when he ran back, but it was completely opposite to when he left. At this time, the warehouse is completely mine. The world is gone. Because Masaka Matsumoto had already rushed into the ropeway outside, Ling had helped me send all the familiars back to Fenglong Space, and at this time they had already reached me through Fenglong Space. As a trainer, my strongest state is the gathering of demons, so now there is no chance for others to survive in the warehouse. In the past, Nobunaga Guishou was counting on relying on the blocker to suppress my strength, and then relying on the real fighting ability of Shiraiwa Morizuru to kill me, so he never thought of using any expert to contain me, and now my strength is restored. , There is no in-game expert, naturally no one can cause even the slightest hindrance to me.

The Japanese players and Russian players in the warehouse have almost been cleaned up. I saw that Shiraba Maurizuru did not plan to kill him, but walked to him casually and said, "How about The abilities in the game are still quite spectacular, right?"

Hakuyu Morizuru is nodded, but he didn't show any excitement. He just said flatly: "But what I pursue is that it can be used in reality. The fighting ability in the game is not this...magic."

Although our Dragon Clan can actually partially simulate magical effects in reality, I was impossible and Baiyu Shouhe said that it can only be nodded. Said: "These things are really not usable in reality, but you can study the skills of the warrior department. Although many skills are indeed achieved by magic, some of them are body refinement-type skills. What are the attack principles of these skills? In fact, you can learn from, but you need to distinguish. Many things in the game are realized by the strong physical ability of the players in the game. Some actions are indeed feasible, but in reality, human physical ability is actually impossible to do. "

White Feather Shouhe nodded, then bowed to me and said: "Thank you for your enlightenment, I will remember your help."

"hahahaha, you It’s really an interesting guy. Don’t forget that we are enemies."

"The enemy is the enemy. It’s the inheritance rule of our Baiyu clan."

"Nice clan rule." After I said it, I turned and looked towards the interior of the warehouse. After searching around, I didn’t find the Nobunaga of Ghosts, but To my surprise, the voice of Masaga Matsumoto suddenly came from the tunnel outside the warehouse.

"Guishou Nobunaga, why are you with Purple Moon?" Although this is a questioning sentence, in fact, speaking out under this situation is no different from buckling Guisou Nobunaga's head. It's a poop.

Ghost Nobunaga is not stupid. How could it be possible for Masaka Matsumoto to slander his image and immediately wanted to explain, but my reaction was not slow. I heard that sentence before Masaka Matsumoto. He ran out. Before Guishou Nobunaga had time to explain, I pretended that I hadn’t noticed the situation outside and walked outside and said: "Kishou-san, let your people block me for a while. I see, otherwise others will think...Eh, it’s awful!"

"No, it’s not like this!" Nobunaga Guishou saw me suddenly come out and said something like this. I was dumbfounded, my words were heard, the ghost hand Nobunaga is equivalent to yellow mud fell into the crotch, not shit or shit. When he reacted, he hurriedly explained, but apart from saying no, even he himself didn't know how to explain it.

Who am I? There is no need to plan ahead. When I heard Guishou Nobunaga's words, I deliberately froze for a while, and then suddenly reacted to pull out the staff and pointed to Guishou Nobunaga angrily roared: "Guishou Nobunaga, since your helper is here, let it go today. You, sooner or later, I will come back again. You will wait for me to kill you back to Novice Village."

If I say this alone, of course Nobunaga Guishou will not have any suspicion, but I just called him intimately about Guishoujun two seconds ago, and the following words clearly indicate that we are in a group. This will suddenly change our words, and the change is so abrupt, it has become a helper who clearly pretends to be not a group. Nobunaga got rid of the relationship. Although Oninote Nobunaga and I are indeed not in the same group, the more I explain this way now, the less people around me believe it, and Oninote Nobunaga doesn't even know how to explain it. If he now says that we are not in a group, it is equivalent to doing the same thing as me, and it is tantamount to deepening his level of suspiciousness, but he cannot explain that we are in a group, neither can be said on either side, but no The explanation is tantamount to acquiescing to this fact, or it may be thought that someone has discovered his secret and is speechless. Anyway, Nobunaga Guishou jumped into the Yellow River today and was not clean.

While pretending to explain, I quietly notified Ling to send a signal to Matsumoto Masaga. The attention of everyone around me is on my body, so no one notices my pet. Woolen cloth? Therefore, Ling used my spare communicator to get in touch with Masaka Matsumoto quietly and conveyed my meaning.

Saka Matsumoto received instructions and immediately began to act. Masaga Matsumoto of devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence suddenly stood up at this time, and then pointed at me and shouted: "Don't care if Nobunaga was wronged. Anyway, Purple Moon must be our enemy. Let's deal with Purple Moon first. , Nobunaga Onitou will not disappear. If he colludes with Purple Moon, I can talk about it later."

The surrounding players felt reasonable when they heard this, and they also felt that Matsumoto Masaga was more generous. , Even some of the surviving subordinates of Nobunaga Oni Shou began to unconsciously wonder whether their boss was really in contact with me.

Looking at the players rushing over, I was of course Ruthless's wave of hand. My familiars threw a piece of magic over, and immediately released a large piece, following me and quickly put away all the familiars. I jumped on the Asuka and rushed over the crowd. When the Japanese players reacted, there was only a voice from me in the tunnel, shouting: "I will be back."

Seeing me flying out, some people wanted to chase me, but they were stopped by Matsumoto Masaka. "No need to chase. Purple Moon's familiar is too fast, you can't catch up. Let him go!"

"But we..." Some more radical Japanese players are obviously unwilling to give up. Good opportunity.

Matsumoto Masaka said: "Acknowledging failure is to accumulate motivation to move forward. If you don't admit failure, you will never get out of defeat. We have to have this stomach."

Think about everyone. They were nodded, and then apologized to Masaka Matsumoto and said that Masaka Matsumoto was right, and Nobunaga Onito was already on the ground and didn't know what to do. The current situation makes him almost inhumane. The previous attack on Isengard Mobile Fortress was framed by a public opinion counter-framing by us and Masaga Matsumoto. At this time, Nobunaga's prestige and credibility among Japanese players have been quite low. Now this is again. There is an unknown incident. Can you say that the reputation of Nobunaga Onitou can be improved?

After comforting the players over there who were chasing me, Masaka Matsumoto glanced at Nobunaga on the ground, and finally walked directly towards the warehouse inside. The Japanese players who rushed in with Masaka Matsumoto saw Matsumoto Masaka walking in, and naturally followed along. Although they didn’t know what Masaka Matsumoto was doing now, they were all of Masaka Matsumoto. People, Masaka Matsumoto walked in and they naturally followed.

After Masaka Matsumoto passed by Oninote Nobunaga, the players following saw the limp Oninote Nobunaga and suddenly remembered that he hadn’t solved this guy’s friend or friend problem, so he confronted Matsumoto. He asked: "President, what should this guy do? I haven't figured out if he colluded with Purple Moon?"

As soon as this guy's words were uttered, the surrounding Japanese players immediately paid attention. All of their strength was concentrated, and they also felt that this matter should be dealt with. However, Masaka Matsumoto did not make a fuss about this matter, but waved his hand and said, "I believe that Nobunaga-kun is not such a person. There is no definite evidence for this matter before we tentatively believed him innocent. Purple. Moon’s Frost Rose League is too strong for us. What we need now is to unite all the forces that can be united within the Great Japanese Empire. Therefore, let’s put aside all internal fighting."

< p>"Hi!" As soon as Masaga Matsumoto said this, there was a neat response around him. Such generous and detached words instantly lifted the image of Masaka Matsumoto to a height that everyone looked up to. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto said this in order to achieve this effect.

There are too many people who know about Nobunaga Onishou this time, although Nobunaga Onishou was temporarily detained because of my quick wit, but this matter is actually very well confirmed. , So if Masaga Matsumoto bites on this matter, the final result is nothing more than proving that he is very small. Therefore, Matsumoto's plan is not to pursue this matter.

If Masaga Matsumoto does not pursue this matter, then this matter will become an unsolved case, and as long as this matter is not revealed, Japanese players will be wary of Oni Shou Nobunaga. What Matsumoto Masaka needs is this kind of guard, because no one can guard against a person while worshiping that person. This kind of guard can make it difficult for Nobunaga Onito to gather followers, and it can also make it easier for Matsumoto to get better. Multi-player support. Therefore, the more magnanimous Matsumoto's performance, the more downplaying the handling of this matter, the more unclear Oniji Nobunaga would be, and the suspicion has always been carried on his back.

After Masaka Matsumoto finished talking here, he turned around and walked towards the innermost warehouse. Nobunaga Oniji just heard this remark and felt something was wrong, but he is different from Masaka Matsumoto. He It's not a political one, and I won't be able to react to the twists and turns in this for a while, but I can't feel that something is wrong. However, he doesn't care about that now, because Matsumoto Masaka is walking into their secret warehouse. The guishou Nobunaga who reacted quickly got up from the ground and yelled: "Stop, who let you in? This is the warehouse of our guild. It is already very wrong for you to break in. Why should you enter us? Secret warehouse? Hurry up and get out of here."

"How do you speak?" At first, everyone was quite dissatisfied with Guishou Nobunaga. This would be stopped, and I heard such words. Naturally, it was even more intense. It is estimated that many people would have rushed to fight him if it hadn't been for Matsumoto's pressing in front.

Matsumoto Masaga gently raised his hand, and the commotion behind immediately calmed down. This shows that Matsumoto Masaga's prestige is high at this time.

"Ghost Nobunaga, I don’t want to go in your broken warehouse, but your suspicion has not been cleared. I want to prove that you and Purple Moon are not in the same group, then let us go in and take a look at Purple. What the hell is Moon doing. I'm trying to help you clear your suspicion. If you think I'm troublesome, as long as you say something, I will turn around and leave immediately, and then you will settle the matter by yourself. Now you give me a plausible letter , Do you want to prove your innocence?"

"This..." Nobunaga Guishou got stuck all of a sudden. Is this to let in or not to let in? If you let it in, the things in the secret warehouse will become a well-known secret. Is that a fart secret? But if he says he is not allowed to enter, he will have to hold the shit bowl on his head forever. Even if he finds evidence to clear the suspicion in the future, it is estimated that many people will not believe it, because today, when he has the most chance to prove his innocence, he has given up proving this point. It is hard not to make people think When he has a ghost in his heart, so whether it is to let Matsumoto and the others go in for inspection or not let them in, the meaning is actually the same, anyway, it is not a good thing for Oniji Nobunaga.

"Hey, are you letting in?" Someone couldn't help but urged.

"Yes, let me let you in at the end, let me know. We are helping you to clarify your suspicion."

"If you don't have any ghosts in your heart, you won't be afraid of being investigated."< /p>


The Japanese player behind everyone talking at once, I said, "Nobunaga oni said that he wants to refuse now, because they are so one Saying that the original refusal just couldn't get rid of the suspicion, but now the refusal is tantamount to admitting collusion with me. As long as Nobunaga Onite wants to mix in Japan again, he absolutely can't let this matter sit down. So he finally gritted his teeth and said: "Go in, go in and check it." When he saw everyone, he had to go inside. He suddenly regretted it, so he immediately shouted: "Wait a minute."

< p>"What's the matter?" Someone asked impatiently.

Guishou Nobunaga said: "Inside is our secret warehouse, filled with our secret materials, so many of you go in, if I lose something, who should I go to?"< /p>

"What did you say?" Guishou Nobunaga's words are equivalent to saying that people here will take advantage of a crisis for personal gain if their hands and feet are dirty Thief? Who can stand this?

Masaga Matsumoto reached out to stop the enthusiastic Japanese players again, and then looked at Oni Tei Nobunaga and said in a bad tone: "I am tolerant to you not because you are personal, but because of our great Japanese empire. For the future of our country, for our living space and national prosperity. Don’t use my patriotism as a bargaining chip. If you do too much, I won’t show mercy to you. Although now is the time to unite as one, but Some malignant tumors are actually better removed as soon as possible. The people who came with me this time are full of passionate patriotic warriors. You actually suspect that they are thieves. Do you think this is what someone said?"

Nobunaga Onitaka was severely criticized by Masaka Matsumoto for standing on the righteousness of the country. Now he is speechless, because rebutting Masaka Matsumoto is to confront the country and the Japanese nation. He is absolutely impossible to stand without any water in his mind. Going to the opposite side of all Japanese players, so he can only be silent except for silence.

Of course, Masaka Matsumoto did not intend to use this matter to kill Nobunaga. Anyway, this kind of thing is not a matter of national justice. It can only be said to be a matter of morality and character, so Matsumoto thinks Nobunaga's face is almost lost after a while, and he didn't plan to hold on to this matter.

"Guishou Nobunaga, I tentatively believe that you speak without careful diction, but you must give us a reason why you can't let everyone in."

Guishou Nobunaga was naturally stuck when asked like this. How to answer this kind of question? Say I suspect you are thieves? Isn’t that your own courting death? What can I say? It is said that this is a secret warehouse, and there are secret things in it. Can't you see? But this reason has been used before, and it's meaningless to put it out again. It is equivalent to going back to the discussion about whether there is a ghost in my heart again. So, the rest is to tell the truth and tell everyone that weapons of mass destruction are hidden inside. However, if you do this, doesn't it mean that all your previous efforts have been wasted?

In fact, things are like this.

When I first entered the secret warehouse, Nobunaga Guishou knew that they might not be able to stop me, so he actually played a trick. That blocker and Baiyu Shouhe was indeed an attempt by him, trying to use this thing to completely solve my super trouble once and for all, and they used this news to attract me to a duel with Baiyu Shouhe in a specific environment. This is indeed the same as Onizu Nobunaga's statement is his strategy. However, he did not finish.

Onitsuka nobunaga actually got a weapon of mass destruction from Russia, and at the same time he got a blocker and found Shiraba Shouhe. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest. Onihand Nobunaga knew that our guild’s intelligence gathering ability was abnormal. He was also worried that weapons of mass destruction would be discovered and destroyed in advance, so he deliberately set up such a Dragon Sect array. First attract me in the name of a secret weapon, and then use the blocker and Baiyu Shouhe to attack me. If it succeeds, then naturally everything is fine. But even if it fails, it is not completely meaningless, because I will eventually find that this blocker is not a weapon of mass destruction, so I will believe his lies, thinking that the so-called weapons of mass destruction is a bait for me. Lies, so their weapons of mass destruction are completely safe.

This trick can be described as a trick. The combined use of the trick and the trick is surprisingly good.

Although Guishou Nobunaga is not a politician and he is not so smart, he is a leader. The leader doesn't need to be smart, as long as he knows people. There is an impossible lack of military advisors around any leader, and Nobunaga Guishou is no exception. This strategy was the method his military advisors gave him, and it worked well, but now it seems that the plan is about to fail.

If the results of the plan are now protected from people’s eyes, then Nobunaga Oni's losses will be even greater, because he will completely stand on the opposite side of the Japanese players. When the time comes, maybe you can’t wait. With these weapons shown great divine might, he has already been pulled down from the throne of the leader. However, if you want to tell Masaga Matsumoto why they didn’t let them see it, it would actually mean that you have broken your plan. Although the news may not reach me, this probability not only exists, but also It's quite big.

Guishou Nobunaga, who had been entangled for a long time, finally had no choice. Under the urging of everyone, he could only choose the least dangerous method. He said to the Japanese players: "I really have troubles that I can't say, and I can't explain it to you. If you must see, you can recommend a representative that everyone trusts for him to check in, and then he needs to treat us. Keep it secret, and just tell everyone if I’m innocent. Isn’t that the head office?"

"There are too few people." Masaka Matsumoto said without thinking, "Even for preservation." Some secrets are too few for one person. We have thousands of people here, and at least ten representatives are needed to supervise each other. Even if you can buy one or two of us, it’s impossible to buy ten people at the same time. , So that the result of the check is true and credible, so that everyone can believe that you really did not collude with Purple Moon."

Despite extreme reluctance, at this time Nobunaga Guishou has no retreat. . In desperation, I had no choice but to nodded and said: "Okay. You choose ten representatives, and I will take you in. However, the representatives who enter here must ensure that they will never reveal any information about what you see inside, especially not let the Chinese people. I know." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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