Papa, two crisp applause ended the silence in the warehouse that could suffocate people, and everyone's eyes were attracted to Matsumoto Masaka who made the sound.

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were gathered, Masaka Matsumoto began to say: "Onitou Nobunaga, your behavior makes me feel very shameful. I even want to tear you to pieces. "

Nobunaga Onishi heard Matsumoto say this, but he didn't dare to reply at all. In this world, there are many people who dare to do bad things, but after doing so, they dare to just and honorable everywhere. The number of people is very small. Most criminals actually know that they are doing something wrong. If they are asked to tell the truth about their crimes in front of many people, most of them will feel ashamed.

Of course, Nobunaga Onitou also belongs to the category of most people. He is not so frantic that he feels that what he is doing is very correct, so when Matsumoto Masaka said in front of the people around his At that time, he could only put his head lower and deeper, almost digging a hole to bury his head in it.

People around heard Matsumoto Masaka’s lesson of Guishou Nobunaga’s intention to say a few words, didn’t expect Matsumoto Masaka said after a short pause, he immediately followed: "But, although I’m ashamed of your behavior, but now is not the time for us to fight a civil war. The Chinese, Russians, and those Americans, they are all foreigners and our enemies. Now we are under the eyes of all the powers. To survive, we must ensure our internal unity. The enemies around us are so powerful. If we are wasting our limited power on internal consumption, then our Great Japan Empire will become the delicacy of others and be divided and eaten. You Do you want that?" The last sentence Masaka Matsumoto said while looking at a few Japanese players around him. The meaning was obvious, and it meant that they wanted to figure out what they wanted.

Although this kind of question is very sharp, it is not difficult to judge. Everyone was silent for a while before shaking their heads and expressing that they did not want that.

After everyone has expressed their opinions, Masaka Matsumoto said: "Since you don’t want to see this result, I will give you an official order here in the name of the Japanese player leader. Please Forget everything you saw today. Nobunaga Guishou did not collude with the Russians. The Russians are just a group of robbers who want to come to fight the autumn wind. Do you remember it?"

"Hi..." At the same time, the surrounding Japanese players stood at attention and firmly stated that they had remembered this command.

Different from those players, at this time Oniji Nobunaga looked at Matsumoto Masaka with a stunned look. The unbelievable meaning is simply written on his face, and everyone can see it. Out.

Shoga Matsumoto turned to Nobunaga scolded after giving orders to these people: "Don’t be surprised, I’m not for you, but for our Great Japan Empire. I can’t wait like everyone else. Split you into a pile of minced meat to feed the dog, but for the future of our Great Japan Empire, I can’t do that. So, you don’t have to thank me. If you really want to be grateful, then turn your gratitude into action , Always remember that you are a Japanese, a Yamato warrior. The Russians are enemies and can be used, but you can never really believe them. If you dare to do this kind of thing in the future, I promise you will die It's ugly."

Although Matsumoto's words are very unpleasant, Nobunaga Onitou is now crying from being scolded. To be honest, Nobunaga Onishu was really moved. Perhaps he will still take his own interests as the first starting point in the future, but at least now he is really moved. I have to say that Masaka Matsumoto was really not in vain during the time in our guild. Before sending him back to Japan, I found a lot of professionals to train him the qualities and skills required by various spies. Now it seems that these things are in handy.

Clapped his hands and interrupted the touched rustling sound Nobunaga, Masaka Matsumoto pointed to the box over there and said: "This is the end of the Russian affairs. Don't mention it again. Now first Let us see what kind of super weapon you got from the Russians. I hope it can really help us."

"no no no, this will definitely help, And it can help us break into the Chinese continent."

"Infiltrate the Chinese continent? Is this something so powerful?" A player next to him asked unbelievably: "Even if you get this big from Russia Weapons of mass destruction are indeed very difficult to deal with. At most, they will make the Chinese lose a little bit at the beginning. Once they know how powerful such weapons of mass destruction are, there will definitely be corresponding countermeasures. It’s impossible for us to push it down like this."

A player next to him also said: "Yes! If the formidable power of this weapon of mass destruction is really that big, why do the Russians give it? You? Didn't they fight against the Chinese people before? Even if this thing hasn't been researched out, you can continue to use it now. With this thing pushed into the hinterland of China, they have every hope of destroying China. I am If you don’t believe that the polar bears are so good, don’t you want to throw this advantage to us?"

Matsumoto finally followed: "I don’t think it’s too reliable. If the formidable power of weapons of mass destruction is Too small doesn’t make much difference at all, and don’t forget. Isinger’s mobile fortress is also equipped with a weapon of mass destruction, and according to the situation reported by the personnel I planted inside the Frost Rose League, Isinger moved There may be at least two weapons of mass destruction inside the fortress, so if we take the lead in using weapons of mass destruction, they will inevitably counterattack. It was not just because these weapons of mass destruction have their own restrictions, not flowers. Too much money means that the cooling time is too long. Nobunaga Ghost, the weapons of mass destruction you get should not be unlimited, right? If the formidable power is too small, even if there is no limit, you can’t fight the Chinese, but if it’s formidable The power is very large, and this limit is definitely not small. The system has always been very strict in this regard. I don’t think we can destroy China with a single weapon. Are you really sure that this thing can really wipe out a large number of Chinese? "

It's a bit unsure that Onishou Nobunaga, who was originally quite confident, was said by Masaga Matsumoto. He hesitated a little and said: "I am not very clear about this. The data and everything are provided by the Russians. I am not sure if this thing is really that powerful."

"hey hey Hey, did you trust their data without testing it yourself?" the guild leader next to him asked aloud.

Nobunaga Guishou awkwardly scratched his head and said: "They shouldn't be lie to me, right?"

The guild leaders next to him rolled their eyes, one of them Also frigid irony and scorching satire said: "The Russians told you that the stool is delicious, so do you eat it? How can this thing not be tested? In case everyone really takes this thing and prepares to use it to fight the Chinese. When I went to the battlefield and found that this thing was a waste, do you understand how much our loss was at that time?"

"This..." Nobunaga Onishu was speechless when asked again. Today, I suffered so many consecutive blows, and I was touched by the rustling sound of Masaka Matsumoto’s acting skills. Now my head has long been messed up. Where is the usual level of intelligence?

Masaga Matsumoto did not intend to trouble Nobunaga on this issue. Anyway, he even forgave him for colluding with the Russians, and he didn't care about such trivial matters. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto's forgiveness for Nobunaga Onishu's collusion with the Russians was not determined by Masaka Matsumoto himself. To put it bluntly, he has no right to decide such things. Don't look at Matsumoto Masaka who seems to be here alone. In fact, he has our guild communicator in his ears, and he also has a communicator recording device on his body, which means that they are talking here, our guild is that Both sides are monitoring synchronously. The news of the collusion between Onisha Nobunaga and the Russians just arrived at the same time, so we can tell Masaga Matsumoto not to make a fuss about this matter, but to suppress other Japanese players with righteousness to keep everyone secret about this matter.

Of course, this is not to help Nobunaga Guishou, we must be more active than anyone else if it can kill Nobunaga Guishou. The reason for this is actually to use Nobunaga Onisou to steal Russian intelligence.

Since the last time Russian players invaded China and were driven back, a large number of Russian players are still stuck on the Sino-Russian border, which means that they have a plan to invade again, at least it is an idea. Because of this tension, it is very difficult for us to obtain intelligence from the Russians. After all, we are already in a state of substantial military confrontation. In this state, the other party will of course defend us like thieves.

The Russians are not stupid. The last time the invasion failed, they realized that we are very powerful and we are not an existence that can be squeezed casually, so Russian players also thought of other methods. This method is Nobunaga Onishu. Russian players use Nobunaga Oni to deal with us. To this end, they need to arm Nobunaga on Nobunaga first, so they will exchange information with Nobunaga and provide weapons and other support to Onizu Nobunaga.

Because the Russians have such an idea about Nobunaga Onishou, we thought of using Nobunaga on the other side. Just now Masaga Matsumoto did just the 1st Step, using the national justice to influence Nobunaga, and temporarily pulling him into the Japanese camp. With the words of Masaka Matsumoto before, even if Nobunaga Onitou will still compete with Masaga Matsumoto for the position of the Japanese player leader, but he will definitely be the same enemy in the external aspect, so Masaga Matsumoto can use Nobunaga Onitou to visit Russia. People’s news, and the Russians never thought that the news on Nobunaga's side would be delivered to us through Masaka Matsumoto, so the Russians guarded our news against Nobunaga, but they were completely undefended. As long as Nobunaga Guishou has access to this information, it means we know it. In this way, Nobunaga Oni is tantamount to becoming a spy for us to plant on the Russian side, and the best thing is that Nobunaga Oni is not aware that he is spying for us, he will only think he is. We are working hard for the future of the Great Japanese Empire.

Because of the need for the spy of Oni Te Nobunaga, we informed Masaka Matsumoto to abandon the investigation of this matter before, but now like Oni Te Nobunaga does not check the effectiveness of weapons of mass destruction. There is no need to care about things anymore. Interrupting everyone’s criticism of Oninote Nobunaga, Masaka Matsumoto said: “Now is not the time to be held accountable. The top priority is to study the principles and effectiveness of weapons of mass destruction provided by the Russians as soon as possible. By the way, Oninote Nobunaga. , You go get one and show it to us, let us know about the performance first."

"Oh, okay." Before that, Masaga Matsumoto forgave him for colluding with the Russians and attacking him. With regard to human affairs, Nobunaga Oni is about to become an admirer of Masaka Matsumoto. Hearing that Masaka Matsumoto asked him to get weapons of mass destruction, he immediately called two players to help and get them together. Come here.

"This is a weapon of mass destruction?"

What Nobunaga asked several players to help bring back was a box. The width is more than one meter, the thickness should be the same as the width, but the length of this thing is quite exaggerated, the total length may be close to more than four meters. Hearing Matsumoto's question, Nobunaga Onishu didn't answer, but went forward and used the key to unlock a row of mechanism locks on the side of the box, and then opened the long box at once.


Almost all modern people know the things in the box. This is a missile, at least it looks like it should be a missile. The inside of this box is filled with a lot of soft sponge-like materials. Obviously, this thing can't collide violently, otherwise there should be no need to fill the sponge. Because these sponges take up a lot of space, the missiles in the box are not as thick as the box and not as long. In fact, the length of this missile is only a little over three meters, and the diameter is only about sixty centimeters. It has a folding tail and a middle stabilizer. The front end is very strange. It is not hemispherical or cone-shaped, but is completely flat. It looks like a cylinder is cut in the middle, without any streamlined design. Moreover, there is no nozzle at the end of this thing, obviously not jet propulsion, at least not a rocket engine in reality. If it weren't for the tilt angle of the auxiliary balance wing of this thing, I couldn't even figure out which side was the head and which side was the tail.

"Why doesn't this thing have bullets and jets?" Several players quickly discovered the problem.

Guishou Nobunaga pointed to the position of the warhead in front and said: "Russian technicians said that the magic array carved in this place can play a role in guiding and reducing wind resistance during the flight."< /p>

"Is it a hybrid magic array of Hayate and Guiding Arrow?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

Guishou Nobunaga scratched his head embarrassedly and said: "I don't know this, you know I am good at this!"

"Well, then the tail is here What about the jet port? How does this thing look completely solid? Is this thing really a missile?" Matsumoto Masaka asked again.

Nobunaga Onishu said with a smile: "This is actually not a missile."

"What? Not a missile?"

"Well, this should be regarded as a missile. Bomb."

"Bomb?" A guild leader next to him exclaimed: "Are you not wrong? Does this thing need someone to bring it on top of the Chinese people and throw it down? Do you have a head? Enter the water? Don’t you know about the long spear formation of the Frost Rose League? Do you think there is hope for fighting against them?"

Ghost Nobunaga said with a laugh: "Hehe, you just I don’t know. Although this thing is a bomb, we don’t need to airdrop it. I’m not stupid. Everyone knows the air defense capabilities of the Frost Rose League. Of course, I also know that it’s totally useless to grab air rights with them. But, this thing. There is a special launcher that can be launched vertically upwards to an altitude of 20,000 meters, and then this thing will dive at the enemy’s camp at a 60-degree angle, and then detonate above the opponent’s head."

"If it is Approaching at a high speed at a 60-degree angle, it may be possible to break through the Frost Rose League’s air defense net, especially if there are enough." Matsumoto Masaka said and asked: "But if this thing is intercepted, it won’t Has the technique been researched by the Frost Rose League? As far as I know, the technique of the Frost Rose League is very strong. If they get this thing and do a reverse research, they will not use it on our heads, right? This thing if it is Frost The Rose League is here to throw it. It doesn’t even need to be launched. Just throw it from our heads."

"Of course this won’t be possible." Nobunaga Onishu asked everyone to wait for a while. , And then asked for help to get two more boxes. The size of these two boxes is relatively normal, about the same size as an ordinary tote box. After the first box was opened, everyone found that there was a row of discs that looked like miniature flying saucers. Nobunaga Guishou introduced: "This is the launcher, which is similar to Transmission Formation. It also uses magic to send the weapon of mass destruction high in the air, but it is not teleported, and of course it is not relying on huge thrust to accelerate and throw it up instantly. It uses a special magic principle to make this missile rise to an altitude of 20,000 meters at a uniform speed. As for the box next to it, it is countermeasures."

"What is countermeasure? Measures?"

"The measures to prevent accidental injury to oneself." Nobunaga Guishou directly opened the second box, and the contents in it were flat and flat like the transmitter, but The size will be much smaller. The main body of this thing is the drop. The thickest middle part is about one centimeter thick, and the diameter should be within ten centimeters, which is slightly larger than the area of ​​the palm. In addition to the disc-shaped body in the center of this thing, there are four buckles attached to the edge part. Onizu Nobunaga explained that this buckle is designed to be easy to wear, because this thing must be hung on the body to work, and Must be placed on the outside, not in armor or clothing.

"Can this thing resist the attack of that weapon of mass destruction?" Masaka Matsumoto asked, picking up a small plate.

Guishou Nobunaga originally wanted to be nodded, but after thinking about it, he was unsure and said: "This is what the Russians said, and I have not tried it. Anyway, they said they just need to bring this thing You can resist the attack of the weapon of mass destruction by turning it on your body."

"What should I do if it is robbed by the Chinese?"

"It's okay, there is a connection on this thing The device can be connected to everyone's heartbeat after startup. Once the wearer dies or the thing falls off and the heartbeat cannot be checked, it will self-destruct, which can completely eliminate the possibility of being stolen."

"A creature without a heartbeat What to do?"

It's not reality in the game. Not everyone here has a heartbeat anymore. I won’t say anything about NPCs and devil beasts. There are four element races, vampire, zombie, and various undeads in the player alone. These races do not have heartbeat, and of course there are construct creatures. For these creatures without heartbeat, is the heartbeat detector simply a display?

Guishou Nobunaga quickly explained: "Don’t worry about this, this thing has two styles. Most of them are this standard model, relying on heartbeat to detect whether the Master is still there, and the other is The telepathic type is more complicated than this, and the price is more expensive, so it is best to keep those races without heartbeat from approaching the battlefield.

Masaga Matsumoto thought for a while and said: "The protective ability of the protector and the offensive of weapons of mass destruction are all spoken of by the Russians, and they must be tested. Nobunaga Ghost, you know Does this thing work?"

Guishou Nobunaga shook his head and said, "I didn’t ask. After all, you know that I’m not good at this aspect. My weapons of mass destruction are absolutely impossible to tell me how to make them."

Freowned Matsumoto Masaga: "Even if you don't know the principle, you should at least know how this thing works, right? Was it a sudden explosion and spewed a lot of flames or something? Do you know what this killing process is like? It also has an impact on the terrain or something? Will it be inaccessible for a period of time after the use of nuclear weapons?"

Nobunaga Guishou hurriedly turned around and ran to the edge of the warehouse and started to open the door. The safety door was repaired in the fresh-keeping warehouse at the innermost part of the secret warehouse. It can be seen that it should be extremely confidential. thing. It took a long time for Guishou Nobunaga to open the door. After entering, he ran out again soon, and there was an extra crystal ball in his hand.

"I have this." Everyone knows the memory crystal ball. Masaka Matsumoto wanted to open it after receiving it. It turned out that it had been encrypted and it needed special incantion to open it. Nobunaga Guishou took back the crystal ball and said, "I'll do it."

Using a special incantation to open the crystal ball and input the magic power, the crystal ball immediately projected a scene recorded in it. The content of this screen is the launch test screen of this weapon of mass destruction. Nobunaga Onihand did not test this weapon himself before, because I saw this video, so I feel that there should be no need to test it again.

The position in the picture should be in Russia, but it is not completely certain. After all, there is a large ice sheet in the picture, and nothing can be seen except a piece of white.

Two Russian players quickly set up the discus-like launcher on the ground, and then the other two people carried the missile-like thing over and stood on the launcher. After fixing the weapon of mass destruction, a few people did not leave, so they touched the base directly, and there was no sound and light effect. They saw the weapon of mass destruction directly detached from the base, and then started. Hope to fly away in the sky, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It only took more than three minutes in total, and the thing finally rose to an altitude of 20,000 meters. The person who took the picture obviously also used some kind of flying method to follow the shot, so the picture has not been separated.

When the thing rises to the rated height, it starts to flip, then the ailerons unfold, and then dive down toward the ground at a large inclination of sixty degrees.

Because this thing rises vertically and the dive angle is 60 degrees, its glide distance is exactly half the height, which is 10,000 meters. Of course, this is only a rough figure, because this thing can be automatically guided, so its striking distance may be deviated, but it can't be wrong to hit the target.

Although the sixty-degree oblique fall is not a free fall, the speed is actually quite fast, and soon the thing reached the sky above the target area. Many experiment targets were artificially placed on the ground of this place. Among them were several big trees of different heights, and some devil beasts that were locked in cages or chained, and there were a few more here. There are devil beasts in the house, and there are also many players standing in a row here, all of them wearing armors. According to Nobunaga Oni's explanation, these people are all Russian testers. Although this weapon of mass destruction will kill them, the players in the game can be resurrected anyway. In order to test this important weapon, letting several players die once is not really the worst thing.

In addition to some players wearing various attribute armors, there are also a few players who are obviously wearing that kind of protective device. This is obviously a simultaneous test of the protective effect.

The weapon of mass destruction did not land after it fell near the target point. Instead, it carried out an air explosion at a height of eight more than a hundred meters above the ground.

There is no huge Fireball as imagined, and there is no flash. The effect of the explosion of the weapon of mass destruction is like a large firework, which directly bursts out tens of thousands of starlight. After this thing exploded, a large number of orange red light clusters spread around. Each of these light clusters was the size of peanuts, and the number was very large. It can almost be described as densely packed. The entire two-kilometer radius around the explosion point was covered by these photovoltaics, and the distribution was fairly even. But what is strange is that the explosion formed is not a spherical diffusion range, but a flat diffusion range, which means that although these light spots spread out a circular coverage area with a radius of two kilometers, it is flat. All the light spots are concentrated at a height of 800 meters above the ground, and the height difference between the photoelectric at the highest position and the lowest flying height is no more than one meter.

The final composition of these photovoltaics is simply a huge light cake, and after staying in the air for a second, the light cake suddenly began to sway the broad spots down like snow. Except for the light-dot orange red, the scene looked like it was snowing. However, when these light spots landed on the ground, the beauty instantly turned into a nightmare. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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