"Is it incredible, isn't it?" I looked at the dumbfounded Baiyu Morizuru and said, "You still overestimate yourself and look down on the players in the game."

"Why? Why is this? Where do I look down?" Baiyu Shouhe looked at me and asked.

I directly clicked on myself, and then said: "I am the representative of the players you looked down on before, and our fighting style is also what you look down on. You feel that you are really awesome in reality. Martial Artist, and those of us are just playing games, so we’re impossible."

"Isn’t my idea wrong?"

I’m nodded and said: "It's really wrong, and it's wrong."


"Because you ignore that our basis as a player is a real person. Since yours The ability comes from the fighting ability in reality, so are we players who must be ordinary persons in reality? Moreover, you seem to think that the world in the game is fake and it is relatively simple, as long as it can be done in reality. It’s easier to do things in the game."

"Isn’t it?"

"Of course not." I said seriously: "The reality of the world has its own Laws, these laws constitute our world. Of course, for Martial Artists, the laws that are often encountered are inertia, resistance, friction, gravity, kinetic energy and other physical things. The game world is also a world, and she also has her own Laws. Although the game "Zero" replicates many laws in reality, she actually has some rules of her own. The natural laws of the real world are composed of the natural rules of many objects. They are detailed and rigorous, but in the game Internally, there is a bias in the laws. Among them, the most important and the most obvious bias is that there are a lot of fighting-related laws, and they are very detailed. You can’t understand and use these laws, how can you overcome them like I fully understand them Player?"

As a genius Martial Artist, Baiyu Shouhe will naturally not be bad in understanding. After I finished speaking, he just thought about it for a while and immediately understood what I meant. The game has its own rules, just like inertia in reality. If a person is completely unaware of the existence of inertia, how much battle strength do you expect him to exert in battle? I'm afraid that people like that can wrestle even walking, right? The understanding of inertia I am talking about here is not a theoretical understanding, but an understanding in practice. Even illiterate, even wild people, even animals, they can understand inertia well and use it. This is in A rule that everyone has gradually adapted to in the process of growing up.

However, even if Baiyu Shouhe didn't enter the game for the first time, he did not enter the game for a long time. His account is likely to be brought up by Onizuke Nobunaga in order to use him to defeat me, so Shiratoru Moruzuru has not much combat experience in the game. Because of his lack of experience, he couldn't understand many of the unique rules in the game. This is not like the natural rules in reality. Because we live in reality, our body has been in contact with and constantly adapting to these rules from birth. Therefore, even if we don’t understand the theoretical knowledge of these rules, we can still do the same. Use them flexibly. However, people who have not played the world in the game can never fully adapt to it all of a sudden. Therefore, Shiba Yu Shouzuru has many things that do not perform properly, and he cannot adapt to these rules and naturally cannot use them. A person who doesn't even master the basic rules, what is the difference from a toddler? Can you expect a child who is still learning to walk to beat a healthy adult?

After trying to understand the key, Baiyu Shouhe finally admitted his shortcomings, and then said: "You are right, I really despise the player's ability. But after all, I am in reality. Martial Artist masters high-end techniques, and the world of this game is so close to the real world. Ordinarily, I should be able to easily defeat anyone?"

"No, you can only defeat most People, not anyone. For those who do not understand fighting techniques and only know the battle method in the game, you are indeed a bug-like character, and those people are not your opponents. However, if you know some fighting techniques yourself If we also know some fighting techniques, it will weaken the advantage of battle strength brought by your ninja status, and the advantage of being better than that we can also take advantage of the rules of the The understanding of the game can be avoided, or even counteracted. Of course, if we do not have enough advantages, it is still not your opponent, but you should not be too arrogant. The reason why you have the current performance is entirely because Oni's Nobunaga's machine helps you limit the abilities of ordinary players. If my equipment can still be used, my magic can take effect. I can fight a thousand people like you, and I will never get hurt. "

Baiyu Shouhe frowned after hearing what I said, but he did not refute, but continued: "Your strength in the game also comes from reality? Putting it that way you It should also be a Martial Artist, right?"

"You don't care who I am. All you need to know is that you are definitely not my opponent. Just to give you an insight into the increase, if you refuse to accept it, We can come again."

White Feather Shouhe directly put on a fighting posture, and then said: "Although I believe you are indeed stronger than me, I still want to learn about your battle. Skill."

"No problem." I directly inserted Eternal to the ground, and then separated my legs into a standard horse stance, followed by my hands in a circular orbit in front of me slowly swimming. Got up.

"Tai Chi?"

"Do you know the goods." I said directly, "Come and try? If you want to learn to beat people, you must learn to beat people. You should Understand, let me hit a few more times to ensure that your strength will rise sharply."

Bai Yu Shouhe did not refute my arrogant words at all, but rushed forward directly. The moment he approached, I activated the normal mode again, and my thinking speed entered a state of six times the speed. Primal Chaos Fist is a boxing technique that uses slow speed and softness to overcome rigidity. My current speed is 16 times faster than a normal person. In addition, my power attribute itself is not low. This is combined with the Primal Chaos Fist method. , Formidable power is obviously broken. As soon as Baiyu Shouhe rushed over, I directly held the hand knife he had cut with my wrist, and then flipped and pressed the wrist, following the direction of his force, directing his power to the ground, and at the same time, the body took a step forward. Supporting his abdomen with his left hand, turning slightly to his side, with a light touch on his foot with his right foot, he directly hung off the ground for a circle with my palm as the axis, and then lay down with a chirp. There was no movement on the ground for a long time.

"Hey, didn't you die?" I squatted down and patted him, and said, "Teach you the difference between the game and reality. The physical fitness of the people in the game is much stronger than in reality. The method of falling will not be as big as the formidable power in reality. Generally, it will not kill people, but it will be forced to have a stiff effect, that is, the body will lose the ability to move for a period of time. How about it? Try it again?" I said Then he raised his hand and gestured to slap him on the head.

Shouhe Baiyu, who was stupefied just now, saw that my hands finally reacted, and quickly yelled his head with both hands: "No, I give up!"

"Admit defeat Don’t you? Let’s forget it. Seeing that you didn’t sneak attack me while I was changing equipment, it means that you are not a bad guy, so I decided to let you go.” After saying this, I stood up directly from the ground. , And then stretched out the eternal hook still stuck on the ground and walked towards the machine over there.

"Stop him." At this time, Nobunaga Onitou finally reacted from the shock of me defeating Shiraba Morizu. He had never thought that I could win before, let alone so soon. Won. How long has it been since Baiyu Shouhe first shot? Is there 3 minutes? There is still more than half of the time in the chat, and the real battle process takes less than 30 seconds to add one piece. What kind of situation is this?

Guishou Nobunaga called out the order to intercept me, but the surrounding players hesitated after reacting. Baiyu Shouhe could be said to have been promoted by Oni Shou Nobunaga as the trump card of victory, and now even the trump card has been easily knocked out, what else can they do?

After yelling, he found that no one was moving. Nobunaga Guishou was also stunned for a moment, but soon he understood what was going on, and immediately shouted: "Even if he is really good, he doesn’t have an attribute point. It's just an ordinary person who can beat him. Let's go together and kill him with the number of people."

This shout really worked, and Nobunaga Guishou was right. I can indeed win easily against Shiraito, but that's because Shiraito is only one person. His combat skills are indeed good, but just like in reality there is no enemy who can test ten thousand enemies, no matter how good Baiyu Shouzuru’s skills are, he is only one person, but the Japanese and Russian players here are the same. There are so many, let alone a large group of NPCs close by.

When there is an attribute, I can zoom in on the move. Those large-scale skills are like map cannons, sweeping a large area, of course, I am not afraid of crowds. I can run no matter what. Whether it's riding a mount or flying by myself, my speed is beyond the enemy's reach. But now the attribute is sealed, and I am an ordinary person whose individual can be several times stronger than the average person. One should be able to hold ten or one hundred, but the enemy here is no less than two or three hundred, right? ? This is the reason why most of the guards are attracted to the past by my familiars outside. If they are all piled up here, then I will really be in big trouble.

The surrounding Japanese players are not stupid, and they knew that it made sense when I heard the words of Nobunaga Onitou, so the courage immediately recovered. Everyone quickly gathered around me and planned to play rogues and play gang fights.

Seeing a group of people approaching, I grasped the shaft of the Eternal Scythe with decisive hands and held it flat in front of me. Then, with my hands, the Eternal Scythe was instantly broken into two pieces, and followed It was directly decomposed and deformed into two spiked helmets that wrapped my hands, and at the same time it split out a part that followed my arm upwards and formed a collar on my neck and split again into a part in my neck. The chest was transformed into a mirror armor, and three chain buckles were separated around my body and fixed a circle to completely fix the mirror armor on my chest.

Regardless of whether the attribute is present or not, the heart and throat must be paid back. Eternity, even without the attribute, cannot be penetrated by ordinary weapons. Therefore, he protects my heart and throat. At least I will not be People are lost in one stroke. As for the thing on the fist... this is the ultimate weapon. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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