"Do you use a hook and sickle spear?" Baiyu Shouhe looked at me in surprise and asked.

"Why? Is it weird?"

"It seems that I may have too high expectations of you." Baiyu Shouhe suddenly came up with such a sentence that made me a little unfathomable mystery feeling.

Although I thought it was strange, I didn’t plan to entangle him in this matter. I just picked up the eternal hook and sickle and danced out a spear pointing directly at Baiyu Shouhe’s face door shouted loudly: "Come on, let me know how powerful a real ninja is."

"As you wish." When Shiratori finished this sentence, the person was gone, but it was not an instant movement. , It's just faster. I can see an afterimage in the eyes of people around me, but the figure of the other person in my eyes is very clear. After all, my dynamic vision is not comparable to humans.

Shouhe Baiyu, who rushed over from my side around an arc, came to my side with a flash, and the long sword in his hand immediately raised upwards, but I was standing there before. At the last moment, he suddenly twisted the body of the gun and turned the Eternal Scythe Spear around, and the barrel of the gun was slammed down against the long sword of Baiyu Morihe.

When. With a sound of metal crashing, Baiyu Shouhe and I felt a huge force from our hands at the same time, but in contrast, the strength I endured was much lower than that of Baiyu Shouhe. After all, I used a long weapon. , And the eternal hook can't be regarded as a light weapon. Although it can't be regarded as a heavy weapon, it's definitely not light. In contrast, Baiyu Shouhe's long sword is obviously much lighter, and he always picks and cuts from the bottom up, while I smash it from the top down, naturally it is my advantage.

Huge power came from our arms, but neither of us let go. We gritted our teeth and added our strength. As a result, the position where the eternal hook and the long knife touched side slipped, and the white feathers guarded the crane. Following the trend, I twisted my wrist and the blade tilted along the barrel of the gun, and then it slashed towards my hand. In this case, most people don't want to lose their fingers and can only let go, but I am not an ordinary person. Just as his knife was slashing along the barrel of the gun, I directly raised the head of the gun, and the tail of the gun sank, and then when the body of the gun was fully erected, I slammed my kick on the tail of the gun. The tail immediately bounced and moved towards Baiyu Shouhe's belly and flew over.

The eternal hook and sickle gun is not a normal standard type hook and sickle gun. It is different from most genuine hook and sickle guns in that it is edged at both ends, except for the front head, at the tail of the gun. The part also has a slightly shorter spike similar to a triangular pyramid. If Baiyu Shouhe did not change his tactics at this time, but continued to cut upwards, then before he cuts to my finger, the tail of my eternal scythe would hit his chest first. I don’t know if my hand is still there when the time comes, but his ribs must not be kept. In contrast, his injury was obviously more serious than mine, so after weighing the pros and cons, Shiraito immediately rolled to the side to avoid my attack. Of course, his knife had to be retracted.

The first time I came into contact with the fruitless Baiyu Shouhe a little distance from me. After looking at me again, he suddenly said: "It seems that I underestimated you. Be careful, I Now I’m going to do my best."

"It’s okay, even if I can transform, I still won’t lose."

"Are you confident. Confidence is not enough."

Just after Baiyu Shouhe finished this sentence, he immediately rushed up again, but this time he suddenly threw out a few during the charge. The cross sign, but what made him didn’t expect was that I was more ruthless than him. When he threw the cross sign, I suddenly tossed the eternal hook up lightly, and then changed the direction and held it with one hand. Stopped the hook and moved towards like shooting a javelin, he threw the entire eternal hook.

The eternal hook and sickle gun was originally more than two meters long. The distance between the two of us was not very far. With his previous charge, we are now very close. The direct result of this distance is that as soon as the eternal hook and sickle gun on my side was released, the tip of the gun was actually almost in front of him.

Such a short distance flash is definitely inevitable, so Baiyu Shouhe can only block with weapons. He stopped suddenly, and then held the knife with one hand, and with the other hand against the back of the knife, he blocked the flight path of the eternal hook with the side of the knife at a forty-five degree angle.

Only hearing a crisp sound of Ding, Baiyu Shouhe felt his hands suddenly sink, and then he completely lost consciousness. He didn't expect my power to be so great, he lost consciousness for a short time with his arm that was shocked with both hands. However, although his arm lost consciousness, his eyes were fine. Just as he was holding my eternal hook, he was surprised to find that I actually rushed towards him, and on the way, as if reaching out to pick the leaves, I took off the crosses he launched from the air. , And without giving him any reaction time, I directly threw the cross sign back in my hand.

The eternal hook and sickle spear that had just been under the crotch was temporarily suspended due to inertia. It has not fallen yet, but has lost its strength. Baiyu Shouhe instantly judged the course of the darts and hurriedly retreated and swung the knife up and down three times. Accompanied by the crisp sound of impact, all three darts were knocked into the air, but when he swung the knife to block the dart, I was already I rushed to a place more than two meters away in front of him and grabbed the end of the handle of the Eternal Scythe, followed the force of his arm to rotate the handle of the gun and swept it horizontally.

The characteristic of long weapons is that they are relatively long, and according to Pi, the longer the radius is, the longer the side of the circle is. The length of the gun body of the eternal hook and sickle gun, the path that the gun head travels after one rotation In fact, it is quite long. Having accumulated power for so long, the eternal hook and sickle gun at this time is not only fast, but also extremely powerful. Baiyu Shouhe clearly saw my movements and knew what I was doing. He also knew that at this time, he absolutely couldn't stop the hook and sickle gun. But, knowing that you know, sometimes you know you can’t do something. This can only be done.

Because of blocking the three darts that I caught and threw back, Baiyu Shouhe and Ben didn’t have time to leave my attack radius, so they could only watch me spin around. Gather energy for the Eternal Scythe, and when he fends off the darts, the Eternal Scythe of which I have gathered my strength has arrived in front of him with the whistling wind. If you don't stop at this time, you will definitely be cut into two parts by this gun, and at least you will have to shoot seriously. In desperation, Baiyu Shouhe could only stand the long sword in front of him and used the other hand to withstand the back of the sword to take the heavy blow.

When. Accompanied by a vibrato with a clear echo, my eternal hook and scythe slammed into the blade of Baiyu Morihe, and then I saw Baiyu Morihe as if he had been hit by a locomotive. The man turned his head and flew out. It slid more than ten meters on the ground, and only stopped completely after knocking down a large pile of boxes full of supplies.

The group of Japanese players who originally thought I would lose this time were there after I started with Shiraba Moruzuru and waited happily to see how I was beaten, but I waited for a long time to see What they thought was that Shiratoruru who was able to crush me was hit by a home run by me like a baseball, and the whole person turned into a ball and flew out. The contrast is a bit too big, the group of people who did it

The bosses with open mouths didn't even know what happened.

"How is it possible?" Guishou Nobunaga was also surprised at this time and didn't know what to say. The original plan was very good. Use the almost invincible Baiyu Shouzuru in reality to deal with my game expert, which may only be an ordinary person in reality, and in order to make Baiyu Shouzuru win, I also contacted the Russian sleepwalking to get this new type of magic net blocker. Created this kind of combat environment that simulates the real environment. However, all this did not play any role at all. The high hope Baiyu Shouhe was knocked into the air less than ten seconds after the start of the battle. Although he would definitely not be able to kill anyone at this time, at least one thing is certain that Baiyu Shouhe's strength is obviously not enough to crush me. Even my strength is not as good as that.

When Nobunaga Guishou was stunned and didn't believe everything he saw before him, Shiraiwa Moruzuru, who was thrown into the pile of debris over there, finally supported him and got up. Carrying a long knife and walking for two steps, he suddenly looked towards his hand with a puzzled bull head, but it didn't matter if he didn't look at it, he was taken aback. An obvious U-shaped structure appeared on the long knife in his hand. You don't need to guess about this shape, you can see that it was smashed just now.

"This kind of thing will happen!" Once again, he looked at the weapon in his hand regretfully, Baiyu Shouhe directly threw the long sword aside, and then drew two handles from his body. The shorter katana comes out. This knife is basically similar in shape to the large Toyo knife, except that the length is shorter, so the flexibility will be slightly better.

Dual wielding katana means that Baiyu Morihe intends to transform his way into the direction of speed. After all, Dual Blade Flow pays attention to speed. If it is slow, there is no advantage at all.

Although the weapon was changed, Baiyu Shouhe's mouth was not softened, but he said unconvincingly: "It's a pity that the weapon is too disappointing, otherwise it won't be so bad."

< p>I ignored Baiyu Shouhe’s excuse and said directly: "If it wasn't for the attribute being restricted, you would have become two pieces with your weapon just now."

Listen By my end, Baiyu Shouhe's original dissatisfaction disappeared immediately. As a ninja, the ability to plan and act afterwards is a very critical ability, so he actually understood my battle strength and various characteristics before discussing with me. Just because he understood my abilities and attributes, he couldn’t refute it when he heard what I said, because the facts are the same as what I said. If my eternity can maintain the previous attributes, then the battle would have ended just now. . Don't say that any weapon was smashed and bent. I'm afraid that even people would be cut off at once, right?

Because I understand that I am not looking for an excuse, Shiraiwa Morizuru also knows that he didn't continue to say anything about this matter. After all, he and Onishou Nobunaga are not the same kind of people, and they have better accomplishments.

"I was negligent just now." Although Baiyu Shouhe didn't talk about weapons anymore, his pride still didn't allow him to say that he couldn't, so he could only continue to find excuses to save face. "Now I admit that you are an opponent worthy of my life-saving skills. You are the real opponent I am looking for."

"Sorry, you are not my opponent yet."

My answer made the other party apparently stunned, because although what he said just now was arrogant, but he was also lifting me in a disguised form, but I turned my head and kicked his face directly on the ground, suffocating him. Morizuru almost didn't catch it in one sigh of relief.

"You, you..."

"Don't point me, I'm not joking with you. Your strength is really not enough to be my opponent. But I know you Now I will definitely not believe what I say, so I intend to use practical actions to let you know where the gap between us is."

What I said is very arrogant, but this is the fact, it may be inside. It feels like cheating, but that is my strength after all, so I said this without the slightest hesitation.

The Baiyu Morihe who was about to blow his lungs was finally completely angry, but his reaction after being angry was very special, it seemed that the whole person was quiet.

The completely quiet Baiyu Shouhe burst out of a very special temperament. It feels like this is a wild beast in human skin, a kind of violent and cold coexistence. Feeling emanating from him makes me feel that this person is not really useless. According to conscience, among humans, Baiyu Shouhe is definitely a Level 1 genius. Diligence can make up for one's weaknesses, but the most outstanding talents can only be those who are both diligent and innate talent. Baiyu Shouhe is such a person. Smart people are not as hard-working as him, and hard-working people are not as smart as him. Therefore, he is the most awesome kind of existence. If it's not because I'm too special, I might actually explain it here today.

At the same time that the white feather guard with the strange aura came over, I also activated my electronic brain, then turned on the combat assist mode, and adjusted my brain from standby to normal status. Yes, it is adjusted from the standby state to the normal state.

Our Dragon Clan brain and auxiliary electronic brain outside the brain, these things have too strong information processing capabilities. The information that needs to be processed in the life of normal people is similar to the computational load required for normal intelligence adults to grab and eat with one hand for our brains. Most people can eat melon seeds while watching TV, because the task of eating melon seeds is so simple that they can be easily done without paying attention.

For us, this thing in life is just like eating melon seeds. There is no need to think about it at all. Subconsciously behaviors are enough to complete this part of the thinking and calculations are more than enough. Because of this, our usual brains are actually in standby mode, or energy-saving mode. In this state, our brain functional areas will be divided into many parts, and then start in turn. Our Dragon Clan does not need to sleep because of this energy-saving mode, because usually the brain is taking turns, there is no need to make time for the whole brain to work together. It’s a holiday, so we don’t actually need to sleep, but we’re sleeping all the time, but even if we are in a half-dream and half-awake state, the thinking ability of this brain is even better than that of a human being fully awake.

Usually our brains are taking turns, but this does not mean that our brains cannot be fully activated. Like now, when I need some resilience, I can properly activate a part of the brain’s computing power. . However, Shiraba Morizuru is a very good Martial Artist. I can see the situation just now. This guy is different from Onitou Nobunaga or Matsumoto Masaka. Masaga Matsumoto is a politician, and the etiquette team is what he pursues. Although Masaga Matsumoto has taken refuge in us now, it was because of his previous fiasco that he was discouraged. He was abandoned by Japanese players and completely trampled on his last bit of patriotic enthusiasm. Under this extremely humiliating state Matsumoto's psychology has been extremely distorted. His thinking has changed from being single-minded for Japan to being completely reversed from single-mindedness for himself. Therefore, he is now relying on us who can give him the best benefit, and he is willing to run to China in reality. Come and put your body beside me as hostages, in order to get our maximum trust. This is Masaga Matsumoto. He is not a Saint, or even a good person. He can only be said to be an immature politician.

Onitou Nobunaga is different from Masaka Matsumoto. This guy is a reckless man, just like the boss of the black society. He pays attention to his own interests, and he doesn't hide anything about it. His thinking is very simple. Although he can use tactics, his purpose is obvious, and he basically doesn't know how to detour too much.

However, Baiyu Shouzuru is a different existence from them. What does this guy say. It can be said that he is a man whose life is martial arts, but he is not a martial idiot. His motivation for seeking the strongest strength is not to get the strongest strength but to get the strongest strength. His goal is to be worshipped and admired by others. To put it bluntly, this guy is actually a more expressive person, but he has no obvious concept of good and evil, and his concept of the country is very weak. This is very different from Matsumoto Masaka and Nobunaga Onitou.

Because this guy has a very weak conception of the country, I suddenly feel that this is actually a very good target to attract. We are not afraid of other people's pursuit, we are afraid that others will not pursue it. As long as a person wants something, we can use what he wants to control him and guide him. The so-called surviving Qianren is strong without desire, which means that the person without desire is the strongest, because he has almost no weakness.

Baiyu Shouhe wants the admiration of others, but he himself is not fully aware of this need. It's like in reality that many people make money for the sake of making money, and in the end they forget everything for making money. The ultimate purpose of money is to meet material and spiritual needs, and the most fundamental goal of meeting material and spiritual needs is actually to make one's life better. Some people simply make money for the sake of making money, completely forgetting the original intention of making money, and ultimately do not understand why they always live so hard.

Baiyu Shouhe is one such person. What he needs is the spiritual worship of others. According to my indoctrinated psychological knowledge, he should be such a person. However, he himself did not know these, or he had some feelings, but it was not clear. The only thing he is clear about is that he wants to be outstanding in what he is good at. This kind of outstanding performance is actually for showing off, but he thinks that this state of outstanding performance is what he hopes to achieve.

Since Shiraba Moruzuru is such a person, then I can find a way to get him to Matsumoto Masaga. Give him some technical guidance, equip him, and give him attributes. Anyway, it will strengthen him a little bit. In the process, he will feel that he is getting stronger and stronger, and my powerful enemy will become the carrot hanging in front of the donkey. He will keep moving forward for this carrot. He does not know that as he moves forward, the carrot Also moving forward, he will never eat that carrot.

Use the condition of defeating me as the carrot, and use the resources provided by Matsumoto Masaka or we through Matsumoto Masaka’s hands as the material conditions, constantly attracting him, and finally making him a subordinate of Matsumoto Masaka In the future, he can even replace Masaga Matsumoto and play with me in front of Japanese players, thus establishing him as Japan’s second national idol.

When he became the second national idol, even if we tell him the truth, he will not rebel against us, because he will be like those who are addicted to drugs at this time. Even if we know that this is a Road of No Return, we will go to the dark one by one. Moreover, it is not the Road of No Return that helps us, but the bright future. In addition, Baiyu Shouhe is a person with a low conception of the country. Many factors determine that my ideas are absolutely maneuverable.

However, Shiraba Moruzuru was found by Nobunaga Onishu after all. People have preconceived notions. A novel is adapted into two movies. Even if the level of the movie itself is exactly the same, the audience will have a higher opinion of the one that you watched first. As long as the filming effect of the latter is not much better than the previous one, it is destined to be considered by others. Is not as good as the previous one, this is preconceived.

Shiraba Morizuru has had some exchanges with Nobunaga Onitou, and his preconceived thoughts have emerged, so it is not easy for him to hop from Nobunaga Onishe to Masaga Matsumoto. Solicitation is fine. The more important point is that my current identity is still unable to recruit him, and even Masaka Matsumoto cannot come forward to recruit him now, because he has preconceived his approval of Nobunaga Onishu, and Masaga Matsumoto has nothing to recruit him at this time. Odds.

In order for Shiraba Morizuru to switch to Matsumoto Masaga, he must first leave Guishou Nobunaga, otherwise we will not be able to start, and the method of letting him leave voluntarily, I have already I got it.

The method of releasing Baiyu Shouhe to leave is very simple, that is, I am now, here, completely defeating him. Not a general defeat, but a complete crush. To put it bluntly, it is crushing, hit him until he is convinced, hit until he loses his temper, hit until he feels that he has no hope of defeating me in this life. The pursuit of Martial Dao now is his spiritual support, and I want to completely destroy his spiritual support and then let him mentally break down.

As long as Shiraba's faith collapses, his thoughts will be completely confused. At this time, Nobunaga's preconceived effect will disappear, at least it can be weakened to a very low level. At this time, when Shiraba Moruzuru gradually lost hope and sank in the loss, Matsumoto Masaka could appear. Just like when I abducted Matsumoto Masaga, I gave him a glimmer of hope, let him see hope, and understand that this is the only opportunity, then the formerly depraved Shiraiba Shouzuru will be stimulated with the strongest will to survive, and then ignored All the work under the leadership of Masaga Matsumoto, and how to tune afterwards, it all depends on our interest.

The plan is finished, so what is needed now is to complete the 1st Step-completely destroy the spiritual pillar of Baiyu Shouhe, let him collapse and make him desperate. To do this, it is not enough to rely solely on my fighting skills. Therefore, I need higher reaction speed and thinking ability. Therefore, I did not simply restore the activity of a few brain regions this time, but the whole brain Fully started.

In addition to the usual sleep or power saving mode, the brain of our Dragon Clan has three modes-standard mode, acceleration mode and extreme mode.

The standard mode is to fully activate the entire brain, but it still operates the brain in accordance with the execution method of an ordinary person. This mode is similar to when an ordinary person usually does things. The brain is involved in thinking, but it doesn't actually use the brain much. Most of the current work actually only requires the human brain to operate in this mode. Of course, the standard mode of our Dragon Clan is much more terrifying than that of humans. At least we will get sixteen times the speed of thinking of normal people at this time, and we can adjust the sense of time by ourselves, and when necessary, we can make ourselves feel the people around us. The time lapse speed becomes one-sixteenth of the normal state.

Do you know what it feels like to be one-sixteenth of the time passing by? To put it simply, if someone throws a brick at you, you will feel: "Why the brick hasn't come over yet? Hurry up! I'm waiting in a hurry!" It's almost like this.

If in reality a human can activate a sixteenth time lapse feeling, and he has enough physical strength to support himself to make normal speed movements at this loss speed, then he can easily You can avoid flying bullets, you can use your fingers to fly flying flies around you, you can stroke a lion casually without being bitten, because the speed of these things is like an old lady in your nineties. , Not to mention waiting, your heart is anxious, at least your nerve reaction speed can definitely keep up.

In fact, the standard mode is just the brain mode that we use to deal with some more complicated situations. This is not the limit. The acceleration mode in the future is the mode that we really get serious. In this mode, our biological brain and electronic brain will enter a mixed computing mode. In the previous standard mode, no matter what information, our electronic brain and biological brain will complete their respective calculations at the same time, and then compare the data, and then the biological The brain decides the final judgment. However, in the accelerated mode, our brain will not perform independent operations, but will unite the biological brain and the electronic brain to perform parallel operations. Various data will be separated according to the computing characteristics of the two brain systems. The branch that the biological brain is good at is handed over to the biological brain for processing, and the electronic brain that is good at computing is given to the electronic brain. Moreover, in this mode, our brain will activate the cell activation mechanism. In this state, our brain waves will increase approximately twice. In this state, our thinking speed can be increased by 7 times the speed of the standard mode. That is to say, in the acceleration mode, we can make the surrounding time lapse speed feel become one-128th speed.

What is the concept of a 128th speed? Basically, one second is stretched to two minutes, which is a little more. When someone fires a shot at you, the bullet originally took 0.5 seconds to hit your body. Now this time will become as long as a full minute for you. As long as the body's strength keeps up, do you think normal people can't avoid things that hit them after one minute?

Although 128 times the brain computing speed is already very exaggerated, this is not our limit. Our limit lies in that limit mode. This model does not have a fixed multiplier, but depends on factors such as equipment and environment.

Because in this mode our brain consumes a lot of energy and generates a lot of heat at the same time, so we need auxiliary cooling equipment. The armor we are now equipped with in reality is actually equipped with a head cooling system. With the help of this thing, we can activate the reflex nerves at a speed of 1,024x. In this state, the movement will basically be similar to teleportation. Even our body cannot bear the exercise in this state for a long time. Fortunately, in this state, we can actually walk freely with dozens of multi-barreled rapid-fire weapons, so generally speaking does not need to be faster. Of course, if it is to process a lot of information, it may also need to be faster, but that kind of thing must be done under the fixed large-scale cooling equipment, otherwise we will cook our own brains.

Of course, I don’t need a thousand and 24x speed to deal with Baiyu Shouhe. Besides, I am not wearing armor or cooling equipment in reality. Although I am in the game, the brain that can be used for thinking is still the one in reality. In order not to burn my brain, I am now in acceleration mode at most. In this mode, it can already support 64 times speed calculations. But now I think this speed is a bit too exaggerated. Although Baiyu Morizu is a ninja, he is still a human being. It is normal to react a little faster than a normal person, but it is also limited. The speed of being able to have an ordinary person three or four times is the limit. After all, training only stimulates the potential of the body, and the human body also has its limits. No matter how great the driver is, it is impossible to let the tractor run out of F1 speed, and the strongest martial artist is also impossible to train himself as a superman. One thousand shots may happen, but one bullet still falls down. Humans are still humans after all.

The reaction speed training of an ordinary person is at most three times that of the average person. Even if Baiyu Shouhe is a genius and their family has secret techniques or something, then I will let him go, even if he can It has reached the top six times the speed. So, will I die suddenly at 64 times the speed? If he throws a punch casually, I have to wait for a long time. Isn't this very tiring?

After thinking about it, I still activated the standard mode, that is, the brain is all activated, but the joint calculation is not activated, and the brain wave activity is not strengthened. In this case, it is 16 times faster, which is at least faster than the reaction speed of Baiyu Morihe More than twice as fast, Baiyu Shouhe wanted to hit me simply dreaming, but unfortunately he doesn't know this at all.

The Shiraiwa Morizuru who was irritated by my words came to me with a special aura, but I suddenly activated the standard mode after he entered within a three-meter radius of my side, and then... …The world has slowed down.

I can see the expression of Baiyu Shouhe in front of me change from completely cold little by little to hideous. He is opening his mouth and roaring, but his movements are very slow. It takes three or four seconds to fully open his mouth. He roared, and at the same time, his arms were gradually raised. It should be because he wanted to attack with those two katana, but it was a pity that his movements were very slow, and I felt it took more than three seconds to raise a hand. Of course, this speed is not slow at all. You must know that I am in a 16x speed mode. In my opinion, it took Baiyu Shouhe three seconds to raise his hand. In fact, it only took three-sixteenths of a second, which is less than 0.2 second. Ordinary person needs at least 0.5 to 0.5 to complete this action. One point six seconds.

Although it is more than three times faster than the ordinary person, it is still slow in my opinion. Slowly raised his hand, and then waved one hand to my neck, while the other hand held the katana and hid behind him, ready to make a sudden fatal blow at any time. Such a slow movement will not be cut at all unless I stand still.

I lifted the Eternal Scythe Spear easily. In this state, I can clearly feel that the Eternal Scythe Spear has become a little heavier, but it can still be swung normally under my power. Of course, this is mainly because the attribute is suppressed. If there is no such machine to make trouble, eternity should be weightless, and there will be no inertia, and any weird steering that violates the laws of physics can be made. This is an eternal hidden attribute. , I also found it after a long time, but unfortunately it is now sealed and useless. Fortunately, my strength is not low, although it is a bit heavier, I can still play well anyway.

Although I only lifted the Eternal Scythe at a speed that I felt normal, it was normal after my sixteen times the speed. In the eyes of Baiyu Shouhe, my Eternal Scythe was almost Suddenly appeared near his wrist, and then he wanted to use a knife to hold my Eternal Scythe, and then crouched and drilled under the tip of the gun. After all, the Eternal Scythe is a long weapon with the blades on the head. Going through the attack range of the tip of the gun, the hook and sickle gun is actually just a stick.

However, it is a pity that this trick is useful for ordinary persons, and it is completely useless for me in this mode. Although his knife turned, it was a pity that it couldn't keep up with the speed. I just adjusted the angle slightly, and the tip of the gun accurately hit the handle of the knife he was holding. I deliberately didn't stab his hand, but knocked on the handle of the knife. The katana immediately let go and flew out, following me with the counter-shock force to twist the gun body in the opposite direction. The head passed through its armpits and opened his arms with the barrel of the gun, forcing him to pull out another katana and shook the body of the gun violently. The tip of the gun shook, and the other katana was also given with a ding. Pick flying.

"If you don't agree, you can

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