"Doesn’t it look like the defense is very tight?" After looking around, only two secret guards and a few patrolling guards were found, but they were buried under the ground. Magic traps, but that kind of thing will pit devil beasts and amateur players who have no IQ. A true expert can see it at a glance. It stands to reason that such an important place should not be so slack in defense, right?

Although I didn't figure out why the defense here is so ordinary, I didn't struggle outside because of this. At worst, it was discovered that the infiltration was turned into a storm, and it was useless to entangle the things that weren't.

Relying on the cover of trees, I quickly moved under the city wall. Those two secret whistles were both NPCs, so I killed them directly. If the player does a secret whistle, it will be more troublesome. After all, the player can be resurrected after death. Even if they are killed, the target will still be exposed. However, among the speaking of which players, there are really very few people who are patiently acting as a secret whistle. After all, the secret whistle cannot be moved. It is not fun to hide motionless in one place for a long time, so basically players will not do secret whistle.

Resolve the secret whistle and move to the bottom of the city wall. The next step is to climb over the city wall. This job is also very simple. Just turn over. As for the patrol team, this is easier. Use ghost worms to observe their actions. Then find the trajectory and drill through the neutral gear.

Easily enter the city wall and behind it is a contiguous forest. Because vegetation protection is very thorough, there are towering trees everywhere. As long as you hide in this place carefully, you may not be able to find it. even more how I am alone.

With the help of trees, I moved carefully to the entrance of Underground City over there. This entrance is a bit like the entrance of the camouflage air-raid shelter. There is a large protective door made like a mountain for protection, but the protective door is closed at this time, and only one can accommodate two people at the lower left corner of the door. There are small doors through side by side, and the most annoying thing is that there are fixed guards inside and outside the door. Seven or eight people stood guarding this big door, even if a fly wanted to go in, he would probably be spotted?

"It's strange that the city wall guards outside are so slack, it turns out to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside!" While sighing the location strategy of this place, he was thinking about solutions.

Most of the space shuttle abilities I can use require visual positioning, and there should be two kinds of abilities that do not require visual positioning, one is coordinate transmission, and the other is night shadow’s dream shuttle. However, these two skills are not used for secret infiltration, so there is no way to know the situation around the teleportation point. I don’t know anything about what’s going on in the cave now. If it’s plunged into the pile of people, it’s a secret infiltration of a fart?

If you fail to send it, you can only find a way. How did the gang of agents in the movie deal with this situation? Make fake identities and pretend to be insiders to mix in? It seemed hopeless. All the people who came in and out were NPCs. I didn't find any players. Even if I pretend, I don't look like it. Climbing the vent pipe? Is there such a thing in this place?

The transmission is insecure and there is no way to go elsewhere. How do I get in?

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally thought of a way to get inside safely, which is to make a hole by myself. Anyway, the reserved route couldn't be taken, so I had to open it myself.

"Ai, I had known that I entered a hole directly from the other side of the mountain, so why bother to avoid the guard post!"

I am planning to find a place to dig a hole. didn't expect city wall but there was a sudden shout from outside, followed by people in the whole city, a group of people hurriedly ran out of the gate, and then a group of people ran away a few steps later Come out, and there is chaos on the outside, and many people are running around.

I didn't hear the first call before, but now listening to the people inside, I finally know what happened. It turned out that the bodies of the two secret whistles I had killed before were found. When the other party saw the corpse, he knew that there was an enemy, but for the time being, he didn't know who attacked them, and didn't know the number and location of them, so all he could do was raise the level of security. The previous shouting was to alert each other.

I was watching the development of the situation, and suddenly I saw a player running from not far away, and then after reaching the gate, the guard wanted to intercept him, but he didn’t even bother with the opponent. Slapped and cursed the opponent, then rushed in in a hurry.

When I saw this guy’s appearance, I immediately lit up, and immediately asked Eminis to create a disguise for me with a phantom, simulating the image of a Japanese player that is common here, and then go around. A big circle ran out from the other direction and ran straight to the door.

The guard over there also appeared to want to stop after seeing me, but it seemed that he thought of the two slaps on the face just now, which would hesitate again. Seeing the reaction of the opponent in my eyes, I rushed to the door without any reduction in speed, then went up and slapped the guard in a circle, then kicked the next guard into the door and spoke in Japanese. He cursed: "Baga, are you dead? Didn't you hear anyone invading? What are you doing standing stupid? Go to two people to adjust more guards to strengthen the defense, just a few of you, the enemy really rushed over, how do you stop it? "

The two guards who were beaten quickly got up and confessed their mistakes. The other guards also kept quiet out of fear. I walked directly into the door and said, "Don’t stand stupid, go ahead. ."

Only then did the guard reacted and hurried to call for someone, but I went straight into the mountain, found a corner that no one saw, and concealed directly into the darkness. It is estimated that the guards at the door never thought that they had just let in the intruder. I am afraid that they are still planning how to strengthen the defense.

The information sent by Masaga Matsumoto said that this is a warehouse, but when I was looking outside, I felt that this was a city, but after I came in, I trusted Masaga Matsumoto’s information again. Because this is indeed a warehouse.

After entering the gate, it is not the Underground City as imagined, but a tunnel wider than the sixteen-lane super highway. The tunnel Dao Foundation is originally straight, and the ground is slightly undulating, and the height may be about 15 to 20 meters. The depth is temporarily unclear because the tunnel is slightly curved, and I can't see the end here.

There is a huge metal gate at a distance on both sides of the tunnel. The two gates closest to me are wide open. From my side, I can see a mountain of unidentified materials piled up inside. In fact, not only the gates, but the tunnel in the center is also stacked with a lot of materials, dividing the entire passage into many small lanes, just like the temporary storage yard of a container terminal.

Thanks to these messy goods in the tunnel, I can move here very easily without worrying about being discovered, because there are more than N goods between them besides the main road. The gap is available for walking, as long as you are not driving around here, you can almost say that there are roads everywhere.

What I am looking for is weapons of mass destruction, not general supplies. Although there are many things in the outer circle area, they are all very common things. There is nothing particularly worthy of attention. I have to Push inward along the channel. Because of the disguise that Emmenes helped me do, it doesn't matter if I am seen occasionally. I just swaggered all the way into the Central Region of the tunnel.

Before, I couldn’t see this side at the entrance of the tunnel because of the bending problem of the tunnel. After I waited here, I discovered that the tunnel was not all the way to the end, but halfway there was a metal gate dividing the tunnel into the front and back. Two paragraphs. Completely different from the first half of the tunnel, this place is guarded to the point of desperation. Although the gate that separates the tunnel itself is movable, it is closed at this time, and the only communication between the two sides is a small gate that opens on the gate. This small gate is three meters wide and about three meters high like the small gate at the entrance of the cave outside. On both sides of the gate is guarded by a team of about twenty people, and you can see through this gate. The space inside the door is almost in a state of five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry, let alone people, even a fly can't even get in.

After hesitating for a while behind a pile of goods not far from the door, I still didn't expect any way to enter the back of this door. It seems that there are only dozens of guards in this place, but in fact I just scanned it with magic power and found that there are more than a dozen hidden experts nearby. What's even more annoying is that the door also has detection invisibility and anti-counterfeiting. Disguise Formation, that is to say, relying on illusion is definitely not mixed in. Besides, what if you enter? There are more guards inside the door than outside. Not only are there double posts at the entrance of each sub-warehouse, but the patrol personnel inside also appear in groups. Every door will be stared at by at least seven or eight pairs of eyes at the same time. There is no blind zone in the interval, this kind of place simply can't get in.

Originally, if there are more magic detections, I can still rely on the Spirit Armor bug to find the way, but the problem is that there are too many guards in this place. Even the Spirit Armor bug is impossible. It is guaranteed not to be found under the sight of people, so this kind of place is almost impossible to penetrate.

"It's really troublesome!" Blocked by this damn door and unable to enter, I began to plan again whether to let Matsumoto Masaka and the others appear, but just when I was about to call Matsumoto Masaka again , But there was a sudden noise in the rear, and then I saw a large group of people running over.

All the people who ran over were groups of four carrying a large box. The box was made of metal. Not only was there a mechanical lock on the outside, but also a magic seal.

Two of the people in the group who first carried the box to the door took out a crystal from their body immediately after putting down the box, and then the person in the door also took out a crystal, two Individuals put the crystals together, and then took back their own crystals. It seems that the crystal should have shown some changes to play a role in recognition, but because of the distance and angle, I did not see what was displayed.

After facing the crystal, the people outside immediately put the box down, and four people came out of the door and lifted the box and entered the door. The four people outside saw the box being carried away immediately He turned and left here and ran out.

When I just saw these four people and the people who were still running from behind, I immediately thought of impersonating them to get in, but now it seems to be completely useless, because they simply won't go in. People on the outside brought things to the door, and naturally someone inside would pick up the goods. There was no movement of people at all, so it was impossible to get in. However, when my attention shifted from these people to the boxes they transported, I soon thought of another way.

"Damn it, why is your box leaking? Come here and put it down." When a group of people from the back and a group of transportation teams were separated by a group of cargo piles, they suddenly found the front Four transporters dressed like him came out from behind the pile of goods, and the other party screamed when he saw the box he was carrying.

The four NPCs who transported the boxes didn’t expect that the box would break. They immediately ran over instinctively and prepared to unload the boxes with the help of the other party, but they were just being pulled. Entering the pile of goods over there, I suddenly felt black before my eyes, and then I didn't know anything.

"The control is complete, you can start work." Just as a few porter NPCs lost consciousness, a group of people ran out of the surrounding debris and surrounded them, and these people were naturally Me and my familiars.

Emiennes immediately ran to the entrance of the debris pile that brought them in, and then quickly created a real illusion to block it, turning our area into a small enclosed area. In this way, even if the people on the outside run past, they cannot see the environment inside. Although the door over there is designed to detect invisibility and illusion, it doesn't exist here, so no one will notice that there is a small pile of goods in the pile of goods.

After Emmenes closed the entrance, we quickly unloaded the boxes carried by the four porter NPCs, while Ling controlled these four guys to stand aside.

Lingling and Jingjing standing on the side quickly dragged a box from the side and placed it underneath, and then we put the box on it. After placing the box, I immediately attached Eternity to the keyhole on the side of the box. Eternity instantly liquefied and flowed into the keyhole. After less than two seconds, I heard a click and the metal padlock bounced automatically, and we quickly Take it down.

After the padlock was gone, Xiaochun and Ling immediately affixed them and began to study the magical seal on the surface. After a few seconds, Ling tried to remove several seals, but the last one was a very complicated one. It would take at least half an hour for Ling Lai to lift the seal, obviously too late.

My side is quick witted in an emergency, and I suddenly thought of Martial Goddess Corolla. Sure enough, on the magic array Corolla is definitely a senior person. As soon as I brought Corolla Summon out, she immediately took off her magic armor and threw it on the ground, and then asked us to help lift the box up. During the process of transferring the boxes, Corolla’s magic armor has been automatically folded and combined into a disc-shaped magic array and spread on the ground. When we put the box on, the magic array disk immediately began to rotate automatically like a disk-shaped combination lock of a safe. In less than ten seconds before and after, the disc suddenly stopped after a round of rotation and combination, followed by a flash of rays of light, the magic seal disappeared immediately, and the box automatically bounced open.

The contents in this box are not weapons of mass destruction. The real weapons of mass destruction should be in the tunnel I want to enter. These things are just relatively expensive conventional materials. , Probably because I killed two secret whistles, making the other party feel that these things are not safe to put outside, so I thought about transferring them to the inner tunnel to store them. However, it is now cheaper for me.

The boxes are filled with magic materials, and they are all a very high level magic metal with considerable weight.

I don’t have time to care about this magic metal right now. I directly swept all the contents into the Phoenix Dragon space, and then jumped directly in. The box was immediately closed again, and then Corolla’s magic armor was automatically added. The seal is restored to the state that was not unlocked before. The other familiars immediately entered the training space after the box was closed. Ling walked over and threw the padlock into the Phoenix Dragon space, then put Eternal on the lock, Eternal immediately transformed into the lock and hung it outside the box.

After seeing that there was nothing suspicious, Ling directed the four zombie-like porter NPCs to come and lift the box again, and then Ling erased the part where they were called in. Memory, and then inform Emmenes of the complete illusion and hide back into the training space, followed by Ling himself.

The four NPCs regained consciousness immediately after Ling disappeared. I looked at the surrounding environment with some doubts, and found nothing too abnormal, and then with a little doubt, he continued to carry the box and walked out from the turn enclosed by the cargo pile.

Just after leaving that turn, the four people heard one yelling at them: "Move fast, who made you lazy, send things quickly, it took time and was snatched by the intruder. I'll kill you all!"

The little doubt that the four NPCs originally had was thrown into the Pacific Ocean after this roar, and they rushed to the isolation with the box and babble. By the door. As before, four people came out and carried my box and entered the second half of the tunnel warehouse.

This box is not our forged box, but their own box, so the anti-stealth and detection magic on the door did not work. As for the eternity hanging outside the box, although it was originally a weapon , But this deformation is a physical deformation, not an illusion, so the detection magic did not react to it in the slightest, and it easily let us through the seemingly insurmountable gate.

The boxes I hid were not directly piled in the tunnel after being sent inside, but were transported to a separate warehouse behind the tunnel and piled up. After that, many boxes were brought in. The box I was hiding in was completely buried, with only one side open to the outside.

Actually, the box I’m hiding in now has been drilled a few small holes in advance, and the pattern on the surface of the box is used to block it. In addition, the inside of the box is dark and the outside is bright. People outside cannot notice it. A few small holes, but through these holes I can see the situation in all directions.

Because of the large internal volume of the box, I can not only move in it, but I can also turn over and turn around. If I want to see the situation, I just need to get to the hole over there. Now only one hole around the box can see the outside, indicating that there are things in other directions, so I guess the box I am in should be the edge of a pile of boxes.

I waited quietly in the box until there was no sound outside before I was careful that the summon device eternally came. Eternity got the order to move immediately. First, a small part was broken out and a small hole was opened on the outer side of the box. Although the hole is not big, it can at least let me stretch out my hand.

After opening the hole, I immediately released a ghost worm from the hole. The ghost worm entered the ghost mode as soon as it appeared, and then carefully climbed up the side of the pile of goods piled up by boxes, and then quickly reached the top edge of the pile of goods and began to observe the situation in the warehouse.

The internal space of this warehouse is quite large, the length is definitely more than 100 meters, and the width is also more than 20 meters.

In the middle part of the warehouse are piles of goods up to five meters high, neatly arranged into a square array, with access channels flowing out in the middle.

After observing the situation in the room, I found that the cargo pile I was in seemed to be in the middle of the warehouse, so I began to manipulate the ghost worm to move to the edge, and soon reached the edge of the entire warehouse. . Along here, I carefully stretched my head and looked at the situation outside, and I found that there were guards inside the warehouse, but luckily, I only saw one guard standing around the corner, and the other person didn't seem to be very serious.

After confirming a guard, I released more than a dozen ghost worms and checked all the conditions in the room. It turned out that there were as many as six guards in the warehouse alone. Not counting the two standing outside the gate.

Four of the six guards located inside the room are fixed posts, located at the four corners of the warehouse, so that everyone can monitor the entire passage in two directions at the same time, and each guard Both can be seen by at least two companions at the same time, and if someone has a problem, they will be discovered immediately. In addition, in addition to the four guards standing at the top corner of the room, there are also two patrol officers inside. The two guards always circled around the channel around the room, and the two patrols did not seem to be fixed. Every time they walked to a corner post, they would leave one person to continue guarding the post. Then the remaining one and the people at the original sentry position formed a duo to continue patrolling down. This way of patrolling can ensure that everyone in the room has the opportunity to exercise, and will not be bored because of standing for a long time, and will not be tired because of walking for too long.

Looking at such a terrifying guarding force here, even I have nodded my skin tingling, thanks to me coming in, otherwise it’s a different person, even if you are an assassin of Heaven Defying Level, you don’t want to be discovered. Solving the guard here is simply a idiot.

Since the guards are wandering around the periphery, the inside is safe. Just be careful not to be seen by the guards passing the intersection between the cargo piles.

Let the ghost worm help me keep an eye on the guard's movement and calculate the time. I quickly cut off the side of the box with eternity, then quickly turned it over to reclose the box, and then followed the action He quickly climbed to the top of the pile of boxes and lurked.

After I hid it, I immediately started summon pets

There are six guards inside the warehouse. Make sure not to be discovered. No matter which one is attacked alone, it is absolutely impossible Thing, so to ensure that the guards in the room are cleaned quietly and efficiently, the most reliable way is to send six people to attack at the same time in a man-to-man manner, and then one strike certain kill ends at the same time before the guards react. Lose the lives of six guards, otherwise it is impossible to be discovered.

To complete this plan, it is impossible to do it when one person is strong, so I said that even the assassin of Heaven Defying Level is useless to come in. It has to be helped by a lot of demons like me. possible.

In order to ensure that the attacks start at the same time, I myself cannot participate in the battle, because I want to be the central server for the familiars in order to unify the action time, then I need six summon familiars.

The guards in the warehouse are just NPCs, they are not very strong, but if they don’t let the opponent make a sound, they must use self-improving battle strength. Therefore, the six executives I finally selected are: Yeyue, Linglong, Lilith, Pepper, Princess, and Prison Snake.

The reason why Yeyue and Prison Snake were selected is very simple, because their pupil technique is too powerful. Yeyue can instantly petrify the guard's head with Petrified Eye, and then don't expect to make any more noises. As for the Prison Snake, it was even more straightforward, staring directly at the target and then dying. It was the quietest way to kill.

Linglong itself is a mutant succubus, with natural charm. Male creatures will lose consciousness for more than a second when they see her, and this time is enough for Linglong to solve the opponent several times.

Although Lilith does not have the charm skills of Linglong, she can instantly turn into a mass of meat to wrap the enemy and eat slowly. Don't expect the other party to make a sound during this process.

The situation of Chili and Princess is similar. They are both mind control, but Chili uses mind to control objects, that is, mind power. She can seal the opponent's body so that the opponent knows everything but can't move or open her mouth, and then she can only wait for her to kill. Princess's ability is more powerful. It directly manipulates the spirits of others and makes them commit suicide by themselves. This method is definitely quieter.

After the six candidates were decided, I immediately issued an order for them to do their own things. After they all heard the news that they were ready, as I gave an order, the six people got out of the cargo pile at the same time. The top jumped down. There was no sound at all. In the blink of an eye, six people were struck at the same time, and there was no sound at all.

Threw all the six corpses to Lilith for disposal, and then I replaced the guard’s clothes with Qilin warrior and started patrolling the warehouse. People outside would never realize it even if they occasionally glance inside. This warehouse has been occupied.

"What are we going to do next?" Yeyue asked after getting the staff here.

I pointed to the door and said: "Chili and Princess, you two go to the door to prepare. After a while, Chili uses the spirit strength field to control a guard outside the door and let him enter the warehouse. When someone discovers your partner’s abnormal behavior and turns around, you stand on the side of the door to let him see you, and then control him to walk in. Do you understand?"


With my guidance, this thing is very simple to do. Soon Pepper and Princess ran to the door and brought in the two guards outside the door according to my plan. Of course, these two hapless guys were impossible to live anymore. They were solved by us as soon as they came in and unplugged their equipment, then replaced them with two Qilin warriors and went out and continued to pretend to be guards. Now they are completely safe here.

After the warehouse here was completely controlled, we began to search in the warehouse with confidence, and found that although there were a lot of things here, there were no weapons of mass destruction. It's just ordinary valuables.

In line with the thief not to go empty, ah, no, it should be take advantage of a crisis for personal gain...it seems not right. By the way, it should be based on the principle of not taking nothing for nothing. After discovering that none of the things here were the weapons of mass destruction we were looking for, I directly swept these things into the Phoenix Dragon space. Where is a pile of empty boxes left to pretend.

As my men emptied the warehouse, the ghost worm hidden on the Qilin warrior I placed at the door also showed the situation outside.

The outside of the warehouse we are in is the main tunnel, but because this is the second half of the tunnel, the defense is much stricter than the first half. In addition to the two guards standing at the door of each sub-warehouse here, there are more than two hundred guards swaying around in the tunnel arbitrarily. There is no dead corner at all in this search method. How to avoid it, and this inner tunnel is different from the outside. There is no material piled up in the tunnel, it is completely empty and empty. There is no hiding place in such a place, and there is no way to hide in the past.

"This is troublesome. How can I go to other warehouses to find things?"

I'm thinking about it. Ling, who didn't enter the tunnel with me before, used it. Telematics suddenly said: "Actually, I can create chaos outside, and then you can find a way to mix into other warehouses."

Ling did not follow up when I entered here before, but I kept her It's not for sabotage outside, but for the convenience of evacuation after the investigation is over, but now it seems that leaving Ling outside is more than that useful.

"A good plan, just do what you said and create a little chaos. I'll see if I can take advantage of the chaos to lurch in the past."

"Okay, wait a moment "

After Ling agreed, there was no sound. After waiting for a while, I first heard a scream, followed by a scream of the alarm, but it rang less than once. The second was overshadowed by a loud noise. Obviously there was an explosion over there, and the formidable power is not small.

"What's the matter?" As soon as the explosion sounded, the guards here immediately became confused. Except for the guards at the gates of the warehouses where they did not move, the other guards started to move towards the gates. Run over there, after all, the explosion happened outside, and no one knew that I had entered.

"President, did something happen to you?" I was looking at the situation outside through the eyes of the ghost worm, and suddenly heard the voice of Masaka Matsumoto from the communicator.

"I'm fine here, but how do you know there is chaos here?"

"We are now not far from you, and we just heard this direction suddenly There was an explosion sound, so I thought you were spotted here."

"It doesn't matter, I made it on purpose to attract the enemy's attention. You don't have to come here yet."


After cutting off the contact with Masaka Matsumoto, I continued to observe the situation outside. Ling seemed to have discovered the trick to creating riots. Less than ten seconds later, there was another explosion, and the formidable power of this explosion was at least seven or eight times larger than the last time. The lime of shua shua falls down.

"Damn, take care not to trample the hole!" I quickly contacted Ling and asked about the situation.

Ling’s calm and composed replied: "I didn’t do it."

"What? You didn’t do it? Who was that?"

" I released Mira and asked her to do her best to destroy it. Now it seems that the effect is good. The guards around are all attracted."

I nodded and said: "My guards have basically all Moving to the door, you try to make the movement bigger, we are ready to act."

"If the movement is to be bigger, it’s not impossible, but first declare, make the cave. I'm not responsible for the collapse."

"Okay, as long as you don't bury yourself in it."

"Understand, then I'll just let it go."

< p>Almost Ling just cut off the communication on this side, and immediately heard a loud explosion sound over there, and then immediately saw a large group of flames spraying in from behind the gate in the middle of the tunnel. The guard immediately turned into a burning man, yelling while running, but soon fell to the ground and convulsed gradually into a scorched corpse.

"Damn, this game is big enough."

I just sighed, and there was a loud noise immediately from the door over there. Then I saw that the entire isolation door was recessed inward, and what surprised me was that from the shape of the recess on the door, it seemed that the tank had hit it with its head. Not only is there the shape of a tank's head on it, but the big horns above his head can be seen very clearly.

"How sturdy!" Yeyue exclaimed while sharing the vision of the ghost worm.

"It might be more exciting to switch to a tank." Pepper suggested.

"Don’t be distracted, our task is to take this opportunity to mix with other warehouses to find the secret weapon in the legend."

"But how do we know which one is the one with so many warehouses here? Is it the one with weapons of mass destruction?" As if it was specially arranged for us, Princess had just finished talking about it, and the change happened.

Along with another loud noise, the isolation door in the middle of the tunnel was recessed inward again, and it looked like the tank came out of it. However, soon, there was another huhuhu voice outside the gate, and at the same time, I saw that the gate began to turn red rapidly at the speed visible by naked eye, and then an orange red spot appeared at the center of the gate, and then The bright spots got bigger and bigger, and fi

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