"Who? Don't come near anymore." On the city wall outside the warehouse, a group of guards shouted at the crowd of unknown people who rushed over.

The player who rushed to the front shouted directly: "Is that bastard Purple Moon with you? We have to catch that bastard and don't stand in the way for me!"

"Asshole, this is the place of Mr. Nobunaga Onitou. Whenever you get it, you can enter?"

"Who is Nobunaga Onishou? I wonder if our boss is Mr. Masaga Matsumoto? That ghost Nobunaga is just a scum, so he dare to be called an adult? Don’t rush to open the city gates and let us go in and kill that bastard Purple Moon."

People on the city wall also know that now Arguing about the status of Guishou Nobunaga can only be said to be ridiculed by others, so he simply changed the subject and shouted: "Hurry up, there is no Purple Moon here. That bastard must be in China now. If you have the ability, just hit it. Okay, why are you crazy about running here?"

As soon as the person above finished speaking, he heard a guy in the crowd blocked by the city wall below suddenly pointed at the person and shouted: "Don’t Listen to his nonsense, that guy must be with Purple Moon and deliberately stop us here. We have all seen the jet flying creature just now, and that thing is only available in the Frost Rose League. Even if it is not Purple Moon, it must be Frost Rose. The people from the alliance are inside. Everyone ignore him and rush in and kill Purple Moon."

When the people below shouted out like this, the guy above immediately seemed to defend it, but it's a pity that the Japanese player below The meeting was in a state of excitement, and he didn't give him a chance to explain at all. Just after the person shouted just now, he immediately rushed towards the city wall. Before the crowd was blocked only because they saw a city and didn't want the unfathomable mystery to be enemies of the same Japanese players, so they didn't rush over. Now that it's all like this, who cares about them? As for the city wall in front of me, it is not thick enough, and it seems to have been attacked. The wall has collapsed in several places, and the city gate is not too strong. It can't hold back much time if it is strong enough.

As the crowd surging again, the people above immediately began to block without the slightest hesitation. After all, the opponent is siegeing the city. As a guard, they are of course impossible to let others rush in casually. The people below were only going to go in and fight with me. Now that the people on the city wall started fighting first, of course they started to fight back, and the conflict between the two sides broke out.

Originally, with the defensive ability of the city wall, the guard should take advantage of it. Unfortunately, the city wall was bombed by a bird before, and now it’s incomplete. What’s worse is that there is a ratio among their enemies. I can't miss Matsumoto Masaga.

Just after the people on the city wall attacked the crowd below, a huge energy ball surrounded by countless wind blades suddenly flew out of the woods outside the city. This energy ball is like a bulldozer ploughing a big ditch directly on the ground and hitting the city wall, but the energy ball did not explode. Instead, it made a hole directly in the city wall as if through a window paper. , And then penetrated into the city, followed by the sudden explosion of the energy ball, splashing a dense rainstorm-like wind blade in all directions around, and the entire city wall inside the cave outside the cave seemed to be half hit by a typhoon, instantly The houses collapsed for a while, all the buildings and the trees used for camouflage were cut out of shape, and the personnel suffered heavy casualties, especially the people on the city wall, who fell down by 60% to 70% almost instantly.

Such a terrifying attack stunned the people on the city wall. However, the Japanese players outside did not have any arcs. They immediately fell down after seeing the light ball rushing into the city wall. They didn't jump up from the ground until the wind blade broke out, and then swarmed into the city wall.

The already incomplete city wall now doesn’t even have enough guards. How can it stop outside players? Numerous gaps were opened almost instantly, and the Japanese players outside poured into the city like a flood after the dam broke, and then they quickly destroyed the last remaining debris of various buildings in the city. Then, when the buildings and trees fell, the hidden gate was exposed.

The gate disguised as a mountain is just to guard against being seen from in the sky, or to be precise, this thing is designed to guard against the Babel Tower of our Frost Rose League, just like reality The secret bases in anti-satellite reconnaissance are similar.

Although the resolution of modern satellites is already very high, it is after all looking at Earth from space. Impossible is as clear as a close observation. The resolution of the Babel Tower may be better than that of the satellite, but it is also limited. If you compare the Babel Tower with the close observation of the human eye, there is still no comparability. Therefore, although the inverted camouflage door is made very realistic, it is still unable to prevent human eyes from close observation. Before there were buildings and woods, I still saw not quite clear. After the buildings and everything were removed, this thing was completely revealed. After a few players went up and tried to chop a few times, the metal camouflage door immediately It was exposed.

In this world, there are only doors that cannot be found, no doors that cannot be opened. After being found by the players, they did not even wait for Masaka Matsumoto outside to come over. They completely removed the door by themselves. Then those people immediately saw a lot of players blocking the door. Seeing that the badge was still the guild of the same group of people. So the players outside were not welcome, and directly swung their weapons and rushed up.

Shoga Matsumoto arrived at the beginning of the melee on both sides. With him here, the enemies outside couldn't stop their invasion at all, and the Japanese players who rushed in quickly saw the dragons showing great divine might ahead.

My dragons have long been well-known familiar monsters, especially in Japan, so when I saw them, the Japanese players who followed Matsumoto Masaka’s attack immediately exploded with a hundredfold enthusiasm. , So the warehouse guards who were attacked by the enemy were quickly wiped out and cleaned up.

"Oh, did you rush fast?" Seeing that the people behind Masaka Matsumoto had rushed up, Ling directly clicked on a few imaginary lucky times, and they disappeared one by one. Then Ling added a black mask to himself, and immediately flew towards the depths of the tunnel, advancing rapidly.

Originally, the guards were divided into several areas because they wanted to block the assaults of several dragons. Now the large familiars suddenly disappeared, and Ling appeared so suddenly and fast, these people didn’t. When he reacted, he found that the opponent flew above his head and moved towards the back of the tunnel and shot.

As soon as the people brought by Matsumoto Masaka saw the target escaped, they immediately began to rush forward to catch up. The guards who had blocked the lucky ones originally saw Ling Fei in the past and planned to chase them, but when a large group of people rushed up here, they had to come back to form a defense line to block the players, and as a result, both sides broke out. Tragic armed conflict.

"The enemy...sometimes can also be used." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support, Is my biggest motivation.)

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