There are so many weapons of mass destruction in the game, so it is very necessary for us to take a closer look, at least to figure out the method of destruction and attack characteristics of this weapon , Otherwise, due to the weird characteristics of the various monster systems in the game, maybe you won't even know how to die in the end.

Rose is so anxious to call me online because the opponent is hoarding more and more weapons, indicating that they may soon start using this thing. On the other hand, not only did the materials arrive at the warehouse this time, but a group of Russian players also came to Japan with them, and these people all arrived and temporarily stationed near the warehouse, which was also a sign that the operation was about to begin. If the Russians are not weapons users, they should be the tired people of the observation team, who are specifically responsible for observing the effects of weapons after they are used.

Because of the arrival of these personnel and materials, the army god and the staff of the guild have unanimously concluded that the enemy is about to take action, so it is clear that the enemy’s weapons of mass destruction Specific features become more and more urgent.

After knowing the details of the matter, I was ready to perform on-site infiltration. Xu Feng originally planned to go with me, but after thinking about it, he did not follow me in the end. The main reason was that he felt that this time The difficulty of the task is too high, and his level is too low to guide me. Speaking of "Zero", after all, it is still a game that relies on levels to divide the relationship between strength and weakness. Although a series of factors such as operational awareness, equipment, additional attribute points that have to be played before, and the method of adding points will affect personal strength, the level is still The basic of the basics. A Level 20 newcomer player, even if you are the reincarnation of Martial God plus Zhuge Liang's possession, it is absolutely impossible to defeat a level one thousand player, because as long as you attack the opponent, the automatic counterattack attribute alone is enough to kill you countless times. However, this kind of asymmetrical battle simply cannot be carried out.

Xu Feng is a special forces instructor, and his tactical literacy is definitely Divine Grade, but the problem is that his game level is not very high after all, and this kind of task is still too difficult for him. If it's an ordinary person, it's fine if there is a problem, but this time is a major task, which is related to the interests of the Frost Rose League, so it can't be sloppy. In order to avoid accidents, Xu Feng decided not to go on mission with me.

Without Xu Feng following, I was much faster by myself. Although I am like a rat crossing the street in Japan, this does not affect my actions in Japan. Anyway, the average player does not pose any threat to me at all. They can't catch up with me and can't beat me, so I don't worry about this at all.

Posted directly on Asuka to reach the target area at hypersonic speed, the voice of Masaga Matsumoto appeared in the crystal communicator. Although they knew about this earlier than me, they didn't arrive earlier than me. They just pretended to search for me in the depths of a leveling area in the vicinity.

According to the plan, Masaka Matsumoto will exist as my insurance. Once my penetration plan fails, Masaka Matsumoto will take someone to force me in in the name of arresting me, but we only rely on us to provide The people of Masaga Matsumoto are obviously not enough, and if you want to borrow real Japanese players to carry out this armed reconnaissance plan, you can’t tell the truth to them like your own, so Masaga Matsumoto can’t bring people to lurking in advance. Otherwise, it won't make sense. Therefore, Matsumoto's excuse was to find my trace near here, and then brought people over to encircle and suppress.

For such a high-sounding reason, Japanese players certainly won't have any opinions. On the contrary, everyone who is still motivated hopes to be the first to find my trace. Of course, I am simply not here now, so they must be unable to find me. If my penetration plan is successful for a while, then Masaga Matsumoto and others will lead people to abandon the search and leave here on the grounds that the search is not fruitful, and if I walk here and expose and require them to attack, Masaga Matsumoto can immediately. Let the people we sent to him pretend to report that they found me in that base, and then they can just and honourable rush in.

The plan is very thorough, but I didn’t arrive. This time Masaga Matsumoto is in a hurry, because many Japanese players have begun to be a little impatient. The main reason is that they came too early. Many people have been searching here for more than three hours. People will feel tired after such a long time of useless work.

Just when Masaka Matsumoto thought there was something wrong with me, didn’t expect the communication was connected. After hearing my voice, he immediately felt relieved, and then immediately A person was arranged to report that they had found the traces left by my passing, and then they immediately took the person to move closer to the base of Nobunaga Guishou. Although I still haven’t seen my people, at least there’s some news now, so those Japanese players who were already a little impatient immediately broke out with super enthusiasm and began to work hard to search for my tracks, and I was actually from this time They flew overhead, but my current altitude is 100,000 meters. Most flying devil beasts can't fly up at this altitude. Unless people on the ground have a telescope, few people can reach this distance with their eyes alone. See the silver white silhouette of Asuka.

Because the bird is a creature that flies by jet propulsion, its flight performance is closer to that of a jet fighter. It is indeed fast and agile, but the noise is better than those that rely on flapping wings to fly. Countless times bigger. I'm going to sneak in secretly, so I must be quiet, and rush in with the movements of the birds without being noticed, unless I want to break into a base made up of deaf people. Therefore, as soon as I reached the sky above the base, I put away the flying birds, and then relied on shadow teleportation to directly teleport from high altitude to the shadow behind a big tree on the ground.

Guishou Nobunaga’s secret base is a semi-underground city. The main body of the city is in the midst of a hill. There is only a city wall and a few buildings outside. What else is inside? I don't know, after all, the information sent back by Masaka Matsumoto is not very detailed.

Fortunately, this city of Onizu Nobunaga seems to be designed with concealment as the design idea, defense is not its focus, so the forest outside the city has not been cleared, the entire forest has been extended to Below the city wall, there is no isolation zone outside, and there are many trees inside the city wall. It feels as if the city wall has been built in the woods. There is no difference between inside and outside the city.

The advantage of this strange design is that unless you walk near the city wall, you won’t find a city here. Even if you fly over from the sky, the vegetation will be too lush. Ignore this. However, there are gains and losses. Although this design makes the city very concealed, it also provides a lot of concealment for my infiltration. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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