"Do you know that?"

"What do you know?" Xu Feng and Yin Jiu obviously didn't know what I was asking.

I helplessly explained: "It's the end of the world. Don't you know?"

This kind of thing is very confidential, in order to ensure that it does not cause panic. The social order has collapsed, so all countries are trying their best to limit the spread of this matter. However, with the passage of time, preparations for immigration plans in various countries have gradually been on the right track, and in order to gather social resources as much as possible and gradually transition. In the doomsday state, countries have now begun to disclose some news about the doomsday to some people on a small scale.

Neither Xu Feng nor Yin Jiu are ordinary people, and they now know our existence, which shows that this matter is no longer necessary for them to keep secret, so I will not hide this matter anymore and just asked directly come out.

"The end of the world?" After hearing my question, Yin Jiu stared at me with an expression of disbelief. Core fusion, now tell me the end of the world. I know that your Dragon Fate’s technology is very difficult to deal with, but you can tell me something reliable?"

I am helpless Shrugged, then turned to Xu Feng and said: "Yin Jiu has a problem with understanding, should you believe it?"

Although Xu Feng is not too sure of his own judgment, he still nodded and said: "I think you What you say should be true. But the end of the world... will this really happen?"

I nodded seriously said: "Earth is very fragile, or our solar system is very fragile. Fragile. The current solar system seems to use a magnet to attract several iron blocks. On the one hand, you have to rotate the surrounding iron blocks to prevent them from being attracted by the central magnet, and on the other hand, you have to ensure that the speed of rotation cannot be prevented. Too fast, or the centrifugal force of the iron block is too large and it will fly out of the system away from the magnet. If an individual is maintaining this system, it can already be classified as acrobatic high level skills, but the problem is our solar system But I am maintaining this balance. Can you imagine how fragile it is?"

Xu Feng nodded said: "I know a little about this. The planets in the entire solar system rely on the sun. The gravitational force of the planets gathers near the sun to find the rotation. Once the rotation speed of these planets changes, they will be attracted to the sun or fly out of the solar system due to the change of centrifugal force, no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing."

< p>I continued after listening: "You are right. Any planet out of orbit will cause gravitational chaos in the entire solar system. After that, the primordial trajectories of other planets will also change, and there is only one gravitational balance in the solar system. A small range, beyond this range, will inevitably cause planets to deorbit. Several planets in the solar system are not small, and they all have the ability to change the stability of the solar system. And we now know that a bigger guy is flying towards us , So..."

"What? Is there a meteorite about to hit Earth?" Xu Feng was really anxious now. He is not alone, he also has parents, wives and children. If this kind of world disaster occurs, let alone let them all survive, even if only save the next two, it will be difficult as heavenly ascension, but as a normal person, How can you calmly watch your family die? What's more, even if the news is known in advance, it does not mean that he himself will not die.

Listening to our conversation, Yin Jiu seemed to have begun to believe a little bit. He looked at me and Xu Feng with a nervous expression, but did not ask it out of anger. But I still explained to Xu Feng, and also by the way to her.

"You have already seen the technology of Dragon Fate. We can make man-made monsters, can strengthen humans, can produce megawatt-level energy weapons, and even destroy the moon directly from the surface of Earth, but... …We can’t do anything about that thing, because that is simply not a meteorite, but a derailed planet."

"Derailed planet?" Even Yin Jiu called out this time.

I replied seriously: "Our solar system is not the only one in the universe. There are countless small galaxies like the solar system in the Milky Way alone, and there are countless many galaxies like the Milky Way in the universe. Can you imagine how many planets there are in such a large galaxy?"

"The visitors you are talking about are deorbiting planets flying over from other galaxies?" Yin Jiu asked.

I nodded and said: "The planet we call the terminator of the solar system comes from a certain galaxy in the universe, but it has now escaped the gravitational restraint of the stars of the original galaxy and is heading straight Here we are. We have countless ways to crush it before it enters the solar system, but if such a massive object enters the solar system, even in a fragmented state, it will completely destroy the gravitational balance of the solar system. Moreover, this guy himself is a one A giant planet, it is a super planet that can only evolve into a star. When it enters the solar system, it will pull with other planets in the solar system. Our estimated orbit shows that it will eventually have a probability of more than 70%. Hit Jupiter, and then merge with Jupiter to become a new star."

"Do you mean that the solar system will have an extra sun?"

I nodded again: " It’s not just an extra sun. The planets will undergo a starburst before they become stars, and its formidable power will be enough to destroy the entire solar system. By then, all planets in the solar system, including the sun itself, will be destroyed, and then they will be in gravitational force. Under the action of re-gathering, based on new stars, re-establish a balanced solar system, but that has nothing to do with us, because by that time, if we have not left the solar system, then we must have become a bunch of cosmic particles."< /p>

"In other words, is disaster inevitable?" Xu Feng asked.

I didn’t mean to deceive them, so I actually replied: "Disasters are inevitable. We have calculated countless times and thought of various methods. In the end, we can’t change the final result, and if we destroy this The terminator of the solar system, then it will enter the solar system in the form of a meteor shower. When the time comes, scattered meteorites will fill the solar system, making our escape more difficult."

"Escape?" I just heard about it. The world is doomsday, there is no doubt that there is a situation like death, whether it is Xu Feng or Yin Jiu, there is a feeling of heavy heart and almost unable to breathe. This unpreparedly suddenly heard the word escape, both of them were stunned, and then it was as if the drowning person saw a life preserver, almost instinctively grabbed me and asked loudly: "What are you talking about to escape? Is there any way to escape such a galaxy-level disaster? But Earth will be blown up, where are we going to escape?"

"The solar system will indeed be over, but as long as we leave the solar system, it will be fine." Pointing directly to the room in front of him, he said: "This is part of the escape capsule."

"The escape capsule? Can something like this small coffin block the big explosion that destroys the solar system?" Yin Jiu didn't believe it. Looked at me and asked.

I had no choice but to explain: "Of course this thing cannot block the supernova explosion. In fact, it may not even be able to block a single shell. But this thing is an important part of escape."

"An important part of escape?"

"Yes. After knowing the news that the end is approaching, scientists from various countries gathered together to discuss a feasible human preservation plan. Finally, they discovered the actual form. It’s not as bad as expected. We humans actually already have the technology to escape this disaster."

"Do we have such a technology?"

I nodded and said: "We We can build spacecraft, and then look for planets similar to Earth’s environment. We can even find a planet with a similar orbit to Earth and transform it into a habitable planet."

Xu Feng listens Here suddenly frowned: "I know it can be done to survive in the universe. After all, the National Space Station has been in the sky for several decades. I heard that the couple who volunteered to participate in the experiment of human survival in space have already lived in the space station. They have not returned to Earth for more than two decades, and they have also given birth to two children in the space station. They are all normal now. This at least proves that the current time can sustain human beings in space for a long time. But... we can How many people will be sent out of the solar system? How to choose these people? Who will go and who will stay? What about the rest? Will not really send away only a few hundred people to be human seeds, and the others will wait for the end to come together?"

"Similar to what you said, we can't send everyone away."

"You officials must run by yourself again, you bastards!" Yin Jiu heard this suddenly. He grabbed my collar and yelled angrily.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her off her body with a light force. Compared with my strength, she was far too far behind. "I'm really surprised that a high-level police officer like you is actually an angry young man. But don't be dazzled by anger. Hot blood is a good thing. It is an idiot to be used by someone with a heart. We really can't take everyone away, but the number of places is far away. It’s not as pessimistic as you think. The room you see now is a test model of the immigration ship’s personnel loading area. These coffin-like things are human care equipment, and each of the loading bays is a game connector. You lie down Inside, you can connect to the virtual network like wearing a helmet. After the immigration begins, we will let all people who meet the immigration requirements enter this pod, and then use the super biological computer to move the entire game system of "Zero" to A huge virtual world is built on spaceship. After accessing the game, everyone’s body has a cabin for maintenance, and there is no need to go offline to solve problems such as eat, drink, shit and piss, and wash. The cabin will automatically assist the body to complete these tasks, everyone You can stay in the mental network all the time and not come out. This way, just like on Earth, you should go shopping for entertainment. Anyway, as long as you don’t go offline, it will basically not affect the normal life of immigrants. In this case, rely on these cabins. It is possible to transport a large number of people in a limited space, which will greatly increase the number of people carried."

"But even if this life support cabin can meet various physical needs, how about the reproduction of humans? Do?” Xu Feng asked: “Even if I’m not a science, I know how big the universe is. Interstellar immigration is impossible in ten days and half a month? Don’t talk about the adults on these ships, even how old they are. Big and little children, their future grandchildren may not be able to wait for the day when the immigration ship landed? How do you solve the problem of human reproduction in this process? Arrange for people to go offline and find a room to do that reproduction after a certain period of time. Human?"

I shook my head and said: "Immigration ship is indeed impossible to find a planet suitable for immigration so quickly, and in case the planet environment needs to be modified, it will take extra time. It is conservatively estimated that this voyage will take at least eight For a hundred to a thousand years, when the time comes, all human beings must be dead, so reproduction is necessary. Otherwise, human beings will all die in space if they don’t insist on their destination. However, we have no plans to let people quit. The system reproduces, because as long as someone goes offline, the space needed will be dozens of times that of his life-sustaining capsule. For this reason, building a special capsule to waste space is not as good as putting a few extra life-saving capsules to save more people."< /p>

"What about breeding the next generation?"

"Manual assistance." I said directly: "Everyone’s consciousness is connected in the game, not in a deep sleep state, so in In the game, we can still fall in love and play Normal sexual activity. Of course, this will not produce offspring. After all, the game is virtual, and the body does not actually touch. However, we will use artificial assistive equipment. If two people do reproduction activities in the game, our equipment will collect sperm from the man’s body and implant it in the woman’s body. If they are pregnant, it is equivalent to their child appearing. During the woman's pregnancy, the characters in the game will also change, so that everyone's consciousness is the same as in reality. Later, when the pregnant woman gives birth, our device will assist the pregnant woman to give birth, and the synchronization state will also appear in the game. After the child is born, our device will transfer the newborn and mother into the dedicated life-sustaining cabin together, so that the child can grow to the third place next to the mother. They are transferred to independent life-sustaining cabins at around the age of age, so as to ensure that the bodies of the child and mother are in contact for a longer period of time to ensure the establishment of normal neonatal functions. Of course, in the operation of these all are devices, everyone will not feel any difference in the game. It's like giving birth to a child normally, and this child can also be raised normally, but what they raise is actually only the child's consciousness, the child's The body is raised by equipment in the life-sustaining cabin. "

"This method sounds like a good solution to the problem of reproduction. "Xu Feng said.

I nodded and said: "Not only can it solve the problem of reproduction, the most important thing is that this method reduces consumption. If a person does heavy physical exercise, he will eat more, and our life-sustaining cabin uses electric current to stimulate the body without causing muscle atrophy and so on. At the same time, it will try to keep the people in the cabin at a lower level. Generation thanks status. The natural consumption of the human body in this state is approximately one third of the natural environment, which means that the materials used to feed one person can now support three people. This design allows us to save space to the greatest extent and take more people away. Of course, this whole system also has a flaw, that is, we must limit the rate of reproduction. The materials on spaceship can be recycled and reused, but the recycling capacity of spaceship is limited. In order to bring as many people as possible, we will accurately consume materials, space, and energy to the standards of each person, so even if there are more births Being alone means that the newborn does not have his own life-sustaining cabin available. Therefore, we can only limit the birth rate and use a quota system to give birth to offspring. For every elderly person who dies on board, we can allow a newborn to be reproduced, so that there are enough life-sustaining cabins for newborns to use. After all, the space on the spaceship is limited. What we can guarantee is that the total population remains unchanged, and the number of humans cannot be increased. We may even deliberately limit the number of reproduction, through the natural death of the elderly and the birth control of the newborns. Compressing the population, reducing the population to four-fifths or less when boarding the ship, so that more spare materials can reduce the pressure on the equipment, and in case of any accident, we have enough capacity to deal with it. "

Yin Jiu has seen us for so long and affirmed our thoughts for the first time. "Yes, this method is very humane. Although we have to apply for a quota before giving birth to a child, we guarantee that every It should be very simple for a couple to get one or more birth opportunities. Only those fertility freaks who want more than two children may be a little depressed. But even if we use this method of compressing living space as many as possible, how many people can we take away? It's always impossible, everyone has a chance to go to spaceship, right? "

I nodded and said: "Although the situation is not bad, it is not so optimistic. Now every country is taking care of its own, preparing spaceships for people in their own countries. Superpowers like China may provide a small number of space for small countries with close relationships, and may also sell them to foreigners in order to raise funds. Some positions. In addition to the 100,000 cabins prepared for these foreign personnel, according to the current progress, our country should be able to carry 1.1 billion to 20 million, with a plus or minus error of less than 10 million. "

"1.1 billion, twenty million? "It is obvious that both people are relaxed when I hear this number. Although this number is still a long way from the current Chinese population, at least half of it has been settled. If this is the case, the situation is actually not that bad. p>

Seeing that their expressions eased a bit, but they were still quite nervous, I went on to say, “Actually, you don’t have to worry, although there will be about five or six billion people who will not be able to board the ship according to this amount. But these people are not so difficult to select. First of all, don’t think that we will run away in a hurry the day before the end. The terminator of the solar system will eventually destroy the entire solar system, and we are impossible to wait until the last day to start running. According to our calculations, if we want to survive the explosion, we have to set off at least two or three years in advance, so the remaining people will not die immediately. "

"Do you want to leave all the old people behind?" "Yin Jiu immediately guessed what I meant after hearing what I said.

I nodded and admitted: "There is really no way. To filter. Our plan is to screen prisoners in the prison first. Those who have a longer sentence of eight years will give up directly. Those who are shorter than this number will be screened again based on the cause of the crime. Those who are excusable will be considered as ordinary citizens. , Give up directly for its own reasons. In this way, some people who are harmful to society can be screened out, and the next step is to conduct a physical examination. Although the society emphasizes that Old Gu is weak, sick and disabled, if we design dedicated life-sustaining cabins for special groups of people, it will inevitably reduce the number of our rescuers. In other words, saving a sick and disabled person may cost two lives. Although idealists clamor every day that human lives cannot be calculated by numbers, we cannot also be idealists, otherwise it would be God's help for these people on Earth to lose one or two achievements. Therefore, for special personnel, we can only distinguish them according to their physiological conditions. The talents that can use conventional cabins are counted as ordinary citizens, and those that cannot be used are simply given up. We can't take special care of someone. The sick and the disabled are also human beings, and their lives are not more precious than the ordinary person, so we can't pay extra for them, otherwise we are depriving others of their right to life. "

Yin Jiu and Xu Feng are both nodded to confirm this point of view. Anyway, we are not deliberately discriminating against the disabled. We just selected a little bit according to everyone’s common situation, such as disability or language barrier. All people can participate in the immigration program like normal people. Only those with severe body deformities or major genetic diseases will be excluded. After all, we have to do interstellar immigration. It is obviously not as good as taking away normal health. Gene samples are more valuable.

"Even if some prisoners and some serious genetic defects are screened out, this quota should not be much worse, right? "

I nodded and said: "The above-mentioned knowledge assists in screening, and the real mass is also in age control. Now because the news is still closed, there is no restriction. Soon the major developed countries in the world will start nationality control and no longer accept new immigrants, but they do not control immigration, so as to minimize population pressure. Then there is the restriction of birth, and various measures have been introduced to reduce the fertility rate in a short period of time, so as to reduce the number of new births as much as possible. Also, five years before the last immigration, the country will gradually open the world doomsday news, and gradually turn the country into a state of military control, and completely announce the doomsday news three years before immigration and immediately prohibit the birth of newborns. "

"Why ban it completely? "Yin Jiu asked puzzledly.

"Because newborns and pregnant women cannot complete the launch process, the process from the ground to space will be quite exciting. In the past, only special training and spacesuits were used. Employees can withstand this process. Now our technology has developed a lot, and ordinary persons can tolerate this process, but it is still not the range that pregnant women and children under two years old can tolerate, and also people who are overly weak. This is why we do not give special care to the elderly, weak, sick, and disabled, because even if we give them places, we will only launch into space with a corpse. It is better to reserve places for people who can survive the launch phase. . "

"What should I do if I don't cooperate?" "Xu Feng asked.

"The countdown to the end of the day will be announced before the ban on birth and pregnancy, and the reasons for the ban on childbirth will be explained to the people. By then, those who are already pregnant will be allowed to continue childbirth, but they will not be added. The pregnant woman appears. If a new pregnant woman appears, persuade them to undergo an abortion. If the other party refuses, they will be excluded from the immigration plan. Anyway, even if they are included in the immigration plan, they will definitely not be able to enter space alive. Under this system, we who still insist on giving birth can only choose to abandon them to make room for others. "

"Even if it is controlled like this, the population will still exceed the standard. "

"Restricting newborns can reduce the population pressure by tens of millions, and then restrict terminally ill patients, and directly exclude the incurable terminally ill from the immigration program. Anyway, it will not live long. The road to immigration is dead halfway, it is better not to board the ship to reserve a place for people who can live for a long time. In addition, the remaining population pressure will be borne by the elderly. According to the lifespan, physical health status, occupational score and number of relatives of each old man, a comprehensive score is made. Finally, a sufficient number of old people are screened out to ensure that the remaining number can immigrate. We predict that after the implementation of this plan, the age line may be pulled to the level of 60 or even fifty-eight fifty-nine, unless the body is above this age unless the body is particularly strong, or has irreplaceable special abilities, such as master painting and calligraphy. , Scientist or something. Others may not get the quota. "

"How do you ensure that all elderly people can enjoy fair screening opportunities?" "Yin Jiu asked.

I shook the head and said: "We can't guarantee it. No matter how perfect the system is, there will be loopholes. If I were to implement it, I can guarantee that there will be no unfairness in my hands, but the problem is that I am only one person. The final data statistics, screening and other processes will definitely be It takes a lot of people to cooperate and complete it. These people are impossible and I hope that the screening will go on fairly. They also have their own parents and even grandfather grandma's elders, so they will hope to add some of their own people to allow them to get immigration quotas, and all walks of life in society during this period People, people, connections, ways, and wealthy people will find ways to contact these staff members, and then use a series of methods such as coercion and temptation to make them succumb and help them modify some of the data as desired. these all are things that are imaginable but almost inevitable. No matter how rigorous the system is, some people dare to take advantage of the loopholes. What's more, how many people will not take the risk in the face of such a big choice that can determine life and death? "


"We have a way to put an end to this unfairness, but the price for this will be that more people will not be able to board the immigration ship, so we What we can do is to use various systems and audit methods to create trouble for those people to the greatest extent, so that they cannot easily complete this method of obtaining quotas. As for other things, we really can’t do it again, otherwise it will be due to small mistakes. Big. "

Although Yin Jiu is obviously not satisfied, but he still didn't say much. Xu Feng also said in a roundabout way: "This kind of shit will happen everywhere, as long as you try to minimize it, you can count on one. It's not unrealistic either. "

"There are still too many people in our country, otherwise it would definitely not be so hard. "Yin Jiu sighed: "If we are like the United States or European countries, we must be able to take away all the people." "

"Yes, why do we have so many people!" "Xu Feng also sighed.

"Don't make things simple. Things are not as simple as you think. "I explained: "Although Europe has a small population, its manufacturing capacity is relatively low, and now speaking of which technology cooperation, in fact, all countries have left their cards, and no one has taken out all their technologies. Europe has suffered a loss in this regard and lacks key technologies, so the spaceship manufactured is not as capable of manning as ours. "

"Then are they worse than us?" "Xu Feng asked.

I shook my head and said: "No, although their production capacity is not as good as ours, but the population is also smaller than ours, so the final personnel transportation ratio is actually not as much as ours. Almost every major country has 10% to 20% of the population unable to transport, and even in the United States, more than 13% of people cannot get immigration quotas. Of course, compared with countries like Africa and South America, developed countries can at least transport most of their people away. Those countries that are completely unable to build space immigration ships are the real tragedies, except for a few capable people who can follow other countries. The ship left, most people can only stay and wait for death. "

"Will these people who are left behind and the countries unable to immigrate be psychologically distorted because of jealousy and hatred, and they will have to be buried with others when they die, and then they will be perish together with us by launching nuclear weapons or something? ? "

I nodded and said: "This is very likely to happen, so we Dragon Clan was born. "

"You are used to suppress civilians? "

"No. We are the star navigator, the pilot and maintenance personnel of the immigration ship, and the security personnel. "I said: "The lifespan of human beings is limited. A thousand-year-old migration cannot be easily accomplished by humans. If there are pilots on the way too old to carry out spaceship control and maintenance, replacement personnel must be available. These replacement personnel require training and operating experience, and completing these requires them to leave the life-sustaining capsule. Once these people plow the life-saving capsules, they need several times or even dozens of times the space and material consumption. At the same time, they adapt to the beautiful and dreamlike environment on the Internet, and suddenly appear in a white, cold-feeling spaceship, they will definitely be. There are many people who do not want to stay in spaceship and want to return to the online world. Under this situation, it is undoubtedly necessary to train a part of the staff as a backup. In contrast, our perseverance and tireless Dragon Clan is a better choice, and our lifespan determines that we can continue to drive the boat until the Your children and grandchildren are sent to their destinations and establish an Earth ecosystem. More importantly, our physique decided that we can leave Earth after all ordinary persons have taken off, and we can guarantee that we can still fly even if we get revenge. Therefore, we are the insurance of the Chinese immigration plan. As long as we have no problems, there will be no problems with the immigration plan. "

"So you are so important! "

"Nor can it be said that it is important, it can only be said that it is a heavy responsibility. "

"In any case, the ordinary person's immigration plan will eventually fall on you. I think you are still very important. "When Xu Feng finished speaking, he suddenly asked something as if he remembered something: "Wouldn't you let us live in now when you brought us here?" "

I shook my head and said: "Of course I didn't live in, but instead of using this game helmet. Didn’t you say that there is no helmet? Use this, just lie in it. "

Yin Jiu nodded said: "Just enjoy the cockpit of the immigration ship in advance. "

I said with a smile: "Actually, I don't feel anything at all. After connecting to the game, you have no sense of your body. Impossible to feel your own body. Oh, yes, I just forgot to ask. Do you two have accounts in the game? Even if you only stay in the city to be our coaches, you still need an account with at least Level 20, right? "

Yin Jiu asked me with his arms crossed, "Do you treat me as an alien?" How could I not have an account for such a famous game as "Zero"? To tell you, not only do I have an account, but my character has more than 1,300 levels and is already considered a high-end player. "

Xu Feng also nodded and said: "I also have an account, but not as high as Yin Jiu. My account is now just one thousand one hundred and one hundred, but the equipment is not bad. Oh, by the way, tell you a little secret, we have actually seen it in the game. "

"Huh? I looked towards Xu Feng in surprise and asked: "Have we met?" "

Xu Feng said with a smile: "You don't know, my account is actually a member of the Frost Rose League, and I once again fought with you in Japan. At that time, we were guarding the city wall and it was almost impossible to stop it. You suddenly jumped over the city wall above our head and fell outside the city, and then suddenly fell a large area of ​​the Japanese players and monsters outside. I watched it at the time. It's you, but you didn't see me. "

I nodded that I understand. I don't think I have any impression of him. It turned out to be a meeting in that situation, and it can't be regarded as a formal meeting. It can only be said to have passed by.

"What is the name of your game character? "

"Great bull. "

"It's really sturdy! "After I finished speaking, I turned around and asked Yin Jiu: "Where's yours?" The name of the account person, and where is it now? "

"My character is Law Enforcer under the moon. But everyone likes to call me Law Enforcer directly. My character is currently doing a serial mission on the Sino-Indian border and cannot leave for the time being. "

"Then you first report to Isengard, I will tell the military god your name, eh, I forgot to say it. Military God is a battlefield command computer, but there is a player

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