The 48th Palm Random Entry

What the Attendant Clydia found is actually nothing very special, but a little blood and some clothes scattered on the ground Things like that, and looking at the degree of this scattering, it's clear that they are caused by fighting.

"This is Louise's clothes. Was it attacked?" Hagros Great Demon King frowned said.

I took a look at the scene and said: "It seems that there was a fight before. With Louise's battle strength, she needs to fight even to subdue her, which shows that the opponent's battle strength is not very good. In addition, from the situation here, it seems that Louise also injured the other party."

The Great Demon King of Haglos looked at the few drops of dried blood on the ground and asked: "How do you know That’s not Louise’s blood?"

"Please, my Demon King-sama, haven’t you seen the blood of the succubus? Besides, the strength of the magic power in this blood is very low. The opponent should be a warrior Yes, Louise should be regarded as a legal profession, right?"

Haglos nodded said: "Purple Moon are you good at tracking?"

"Take that word away I’m good at tracking, don’t you have that."

"That’s right, hurry up and see if I can catch up."

"Don’t worry, since the opponent is bleeding, then There is no problem of chasing and losing."

With my words, Bailang has appeared next to me. He simply sniffed the blood on the ground, and then Bailang circled the house for a while. I started to look for one direction and rushed. I snapped my fingers and went out of the night shadow magic god and stepped on it, and then turned my head to the Great Demon King of Haglos and said, "Leave it to me here. Go back and wait for the news. The opponent’s battle strength is not strong, and we are crowded only to affect the speed."

Haglos Great Demon King They also think what I said is reasonable, so they nodded and let me go first, and I don’t agree. They were polite, grabbing Ye Ying's belly, and Ye Ying rushed away following the white waves.

At this time, in the outer circle area of ​​the fairy tale forest, a large group of tourists from all over the world are visiting the area of ​​the call story "The Brave and the Dragon" under the leadership of the guide players. This fairy tale is actually not an orthodox fairy tale, because it has not been compiled into a formal collection of stories, but a form of stories similar to folklore.

Although there is no book, the story is quite famous and the content is very simple. The beautiful Princess is captured by the evil giant dragon, and then the hero is invited by the king to kill the giant dragon and rescue the Princess. And she will live happily with Princess ever since. This story template has actually been extended by many works to develop many different versions. Although the details have their own characteristics, the general story line is like this, which is why everyone is so familiar with this story. In fact, many people may not have read the original version of this story. The reason why they know so much detail is entirely because there are too many adapted stories based on this story.

Strictly speaking, the story template used in the fairy tale forest in "Zero" is not the original one, and because of the peculiarities of the story, this scene is now almost turned into a theme park-like scene. After the players come here, not only can they watch, but they can also participate. Players who come to play will first be interfered and blocked by special scene coordination NPCs in various ways. Eventually, the scattered players will be divided into waves of people, and then each wave of players will be gathered together and arrive at the kingdom at the same time. According to the script, these players will be assigned the identity of a foreign warrior, and then the king will invite them to join the king’s guard, and then the dragon will attack. Everyone can witness the dragon steal the Princess throughout the process, and even participate in the battle to protect the Princess. . Of course, considering the battle strength of giant dragons, except for the top 100 players in the battle strength list who dare to say that they will be able to kill a dragon, most players can only run a dragon suit. of.

Princess will be robbed at last, and then the brave will appear, and then the king will let the players who come to play follow the brave to slay the dragon, the players can follow, of course whether they really participate in the fight against the dragon The attack depends on your own interests. Anyway, the giant dragon will attack the brave man and carry out limited attacks on other people involved in the attack. However, the dragon will not attack those who have not taken the initiative. This setting guarantees different entertainment methods for different players. Otherwise, if a dragon is really allowed to play according to its own habits, the players who come to play will have to hang up collectively. It is important to know that without the participation of the top 100 people on the battle strength list, so far the major guilds rely on the number of people to kill dragons. The casualty rate is usually more than 270%. The reason why this number exceeds 100% is mainly because of it. Some people died several times in a dragon slaying. After all, those who can organize dragon slaying are all big guilds, there will definitely be resurrection mages, and when slaying dragons, they will inevitably bring resurrected mages, so some players who participated in the battle are often resurrected in situ immediately after they die. Although the casualties were high in another battle, the characters in the dragon slaying team would not actually change much until the magic power of the resurrected mage could not keep up.

Because the attack method is restricted, the game scene of "The Brave and the Dragon" can allow players to participate, otherwise, like those purely sightseeing players, and those like visiting amusement parks. Little child simply cannot participate.

Today as usual, the scene of "The Brave and the Dragon" began to refresh again. A group of players were put into the area, and then they were like normal mode. First, they protected the Princess. Of course, the result was The inevitability of the failure, followed by the appearance of the brave, everyone followed the brave to rescue Princess.

When the players and the brave discover the evil dragon's lair together, according to the normal script, the evil dragon will rush out of the lair and fight with these players and the brave. The subsequent advancement of the plot will be determined according to the player’s effort. Whether the dragon is killed by the brave or the dragon is defeated and then ran away is a small branch plot. However, this normal script is destined to be impossible to complete today, because just as the players just entered the dragon lair area and were discovered by the dragon, a wretched silhouette also happened to drag a big sack and appeared in this area. . If you look closely, you can see that the sack seems to be squirming, as if there is something living inside.

In fact, this sack is indeed a living thing, and it is the magical pastry chef Louise I am looking for. As for the person who drags the sack... It’s the ice that I killed before. fist.

Bingquan’s battle strength is really scumbag. It was good before because everyone thought he was a magic dessert chef, so they sold him a bit of face, plus he has magic candy in his hand to improve his fighting state. , So the mix is ​​very good. However, now Bing Fist without magic candy can only be regarded as a stray dog. No one sells his face, at this time he is slightly better than ordinary players, and even because he is not used to this unassisted combat mode, he can't even play the normal combat level. This is why he would be injured even when he kidnapped a wizard like Louise. Of course, even if she was injured, Louise was impossible to do ice boxing. After all, Louise should be regarded as a logistics support staff strictly speaking. Her specialty is the making of magic desserts. Similar to Medicine Refining Master, she is not good at it at all. fighting.

At first, Bing Fist tied her up after she stunned Louise, then put her into this big sack, and finally dragged her and started to escape, but Louise was on the way. I woke up and started struggling, but it was a pity that the whole person was tied up like a zongzi, even if I struggled hard, there was no effect except letting the bag dangling.

"Damn, how come here!" Bingfist, who had just climbed a hill, immediately found that the situation ahead was not right. In front of them is the periphery of evil dragon's lair. This place is a valley surrounded by a large crater, which looks like a huge natural colosseum. The valley as a whole can be said to be relatively flat, and the mixed ground composed of hard soil and rock is relatively strong. However, this place is only relatively flat, in fact, the topography inside is still somewhat changed. For example, in the northwest corner of this area, there is a large rift valley like spider web. The ground in that place is basically composed of stones, but there are many criss-crossed shallow trenches on the ground like trenches. Some of these gullies are as deep as three or four meters, some are less than one meter deep, and in some places they can be more than two meters wide. In some places, only small people can barely squeeze through them. In addition to this rift valley, there is a large stone forest at another corner of this area. In this stone forest, there are mostly thick stone pillars, which look very solid, and are simply natural barriers designed for evil dragons. Of course, these all are deliberately designed for players, in order to let everyone experience the feeling of fighting a giant dragon. If according to the normal setting, how could a smart creature such as a giant dragon settle down in such a place full of unfavorable environments?

When Bing Fist climbed to the top of the mountain, he saw the dragon emerge from the cave, and then raised his head, a flame spurted out several tens of meters in length, and it was completely shouting that I am not to be trifled with. mean. Bingquan's strength sees this situation, isn't it flashing? That's why he complained, but it's a pity that there is a saying that you can't live by committing sins. Just after he finished complaining, he suddenly got a kick in the back, either by someone else or by Louise he put in the bag. Although tied up, Louise can stretch and stretch her body, so the kick just now was actually quite heavy. However, if it’s normal, it’s at most a staggering step, but the problem is that this is on a ridge, and the front is on the slope of the mountain almost as small as the cliff. The ice fist staggers forward, and immediately stomped on the ground, following the whole person. Planted down. However, in desperation, Bing Fist turned his head and grabbed the edge of the sack, and then pulled Louise down. The two of them rolled all the way down the steep slope into the valley.

According to the setting, anyone who enters the valley is equivalent to entering the script, so the evil dragon has already identified them as the people who came to slay the dragon when they rolled down. Of course, as long as these two don’t take the initiative to attack, the giant dragon will not attack them first, but unfortunately, these two are not tourists, so I don’t know there is this setting. When he came over, the idiot Bing Fist attacked instinctively, and then he and Louise were fanned by the giant dragon with wings.

Even if it is an active attack, the giant dragon still takes the brave as the main target, so Bingquan and Louise can be regarded as regaining their lives.

Loise, who fell to the ground, sat up at once. Thanks to the advantage of the demon physique, Louise, who inherited the characteristics of the succubus physique, was very resistant to being beaten. Fist resumed action first.

Due to the attack just now, the sack has rotted, and Louise arched out of the sack in a few clicks. Look around and immediately find a broken stone pillar. Now there is only a small section of the stone pillar exposed on the ground, and the fracture is very sharp, and since the lower part is still in the ground, it has a fixed effect. It is the best tool.

It wriggled like a caterpillar to the side of the stone pillar, then moved up and rubbed the stone pillar with the hands tied behind the back a few times, and the bang rope broke. After the arm returned to freedom, the rope was simply a decoration, and it was completely untied in a few strokes. However, just as Louise broke free and got up, she suddenly heard a roar behind her, and as soon as she turned her head, she saw Bing Fist leaping towards her.

"Ah..." After seeing this situation, Louise screamed instinctively, and then I was attracted by the scream, and I saw it right away. Louise.

Seeing Louise here, without me reminding Ye Ying, it’s just a vertical leap. Her figure immediately turned into a cloud of black smoke and dissipated in the air. At the same time, she was beside Louise. A faint crack opened suddenly, and then a large cloud of black smoke quickly gushed out of the crack and gathered into the image of me and Ye Ying in the blink of an eye.

Night Shadow’s dream shuttle ability is really super easy to use. It is more convenient than instant movement. The most important thing is low consumption, zero cooling, and can be used without interval. It is absolutely the first support skill for melee combat.

"Where are you going?" I suddenly stopped in front of Bingfist, followed by the hook that turned eternity into forward and blocked the way of Bingfist.

When Bing Fist saw this situation, he was a flashback, and then rushed to the side to go around me. I almost instinctively raised my hand and threw away a sword glow.

In fact, sword glow is not a must-use sword, as long as it is a weapon with a sharp edge and a certain length, it can be used. However, sometimes people are used to calling the knife issued by the Blade Qi, and the gun picks out the spear sting. In fact, they are all the same thing, but the name is different.

I threw away the scarlet spear with a hook and scythe. I directly turned into a half-moon flying shot. Bingfist was so scared that I stopped and turned around, but it was still a little slower. Half of the forefoot of the foot has been cut off, and even the right hand has a few fingers cut off, but this is not a fatal injury, and there is nothing at worst except for some blood. However, this spear stabbing that failed to kill the ice fist produced unexpected results.

My attack power is as everyone knows. Spear stabbing is originally a skill instead of a normal attack. The formidable power is even greater. How can it disappear just by cutting off half of the sole of the foot and a few fingers? The spear stabbed the Moonblade with almost no energy consumption, and then hit the brave man who was facing the evil dragon from behind in the eyes of everyone's surprise, and then he was in the blood light, which should have led many to come. The sightseeing player who slays the dragon and the brave man died just like that. However, the matter did not simply end, because Moon Blade was still moving forward after killing the brave.

The hero uses the hero template, while the evil dragon uses the BOSS template. The hero’s characteristics are high attack power, good luck, and good equipment, but in the final analysis he is still an ordinary person, so although he is capable of an evil dragon, his own defense is completely unable to compete with the evil dragon with skin is rough and flesh is thick. compared to. It is also because this guy is too fragile, so the light blade only consumes part of his strength after cutting his body. The body is still moving forward, and finally hits the dragon’s claws, leaving a very large line on its front claws. Only after the clear mark does it disappear completely.

At that instant, all the people present were petrified.

The brave was killed, and the dragon is still there. Is this a magical situation? The script is not written like this!

"ao..." Compared with the entanglement and shock of the players, the dragon with the BOSS template is the quickest response. According to the script, his task is to fight these dragon slayers, and, according to the original script, he should attack the brave first. However, now that the brave is dead, then attack the second-placed target-the person who has attacked him.

When there was a brave, this dragon could still fight according to the script, but after the brave was gone, this guy completely returned to his nature. The giant dragon, which did not contain the target, broke out completely. First, it flapped its wings to several people who had attacked him before, and then slapped its wings and rushed towards me in a straight line.

"Damn, what is this going to do?" I was shocked when I saw the giant dragon rushing over, and quickly pulled the reins. Ye Ying jumped directly into the dream space, and then came out from the side in the next second. As a result, as soon as it appeared, she felt a hurricane head down.

"I rely on!" I really didn't expect that the dragon could catch our position so quickly, when the head was hit by the tail, but fortunately, I reacted quickly and immediately felt the airflow around me. Variety.

It's too late to evade. No matter how fast the night shadow is, it is impossible to dodge the attack in an instant. It takes a little reaction time to some extent. At the moment, I can only withdraw the summon of Ye Ying and Jingjing to help, only this thing is a zero interval skill, and I can complete it with a move of my mind.


With a loud noise that made people’s eardrums sore, Jingjing and I were slammed into the ground by this tail more than a meter deep, but the dragon’s tail was indeed blocked. .

Seeing that we hardly put our tail on, we didn't die, and the surrounding crowd dropped their glasses all over the floor.

"hey hey hey, I'm not here to kill the dragon, what are you looking for me for?" Together with Jingjing, we lifted off the dragon tail, and the two of us jumped out of the pit that had just been smashed out. Came out, but the opponent seems to have no normal giant dragon's intelligence at all, just a fake with the strength and appearance of a giant dragon.

The dragon didn't listen to me at all. Turning his head, a mouthful of dragon flame spurted out. The crowd standing behind me screamed and avoided immediately, but the expected pain did not appear. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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