Just like I thought, Titans can become the main god of the Dark God Palace. He has already exercised his heart and temperament, and the most important thing is that he is not stupid at all. Knowing what is more important.

Strengths like Haglos Great Demon King can exist as a gold medalist in any organization. Such a person is hopelessly stupid as long as he is not unwilling to submit. Do stupid things, any fault of his is forgivable. Like the Great Demon King of Haglos, worrying that Titans would not want her, this is really unnecessary.

In fact, if it weren't for the Hagglos Great Demon King, their identities are too special, and they have a strong sense of belonging to the Dark God Palace, I want to bring them to our Frost Rose League. After all, we also have our own Divine Race forces. Although Titans has a cooperative relationship with us, they are outsiders after all. Of course it is best to stay in our own home. It's a pity that we can't get rid of their status and psychological state, so I just sell my personal feelings and return them to Titans, which is considered an emotional investment.

Because of his excitement, Titans even forgot his identity, so I wanted to greet the Great Demon King of Haglos, but he was excited but I was not excited, so directly He pushed him back to his seat.

"What are you doing?" Ditans, who was pressed down, looked at me with puzzlement, wondering why I didn't lead the way and let him sit down instead.

I'm not confessed, he asked, "Who are you?"

Such a strange question certainly puzzled Titans, but Titans really is Smart, quick response, almost thought of the problem in the next second. "Oh sorry, I'm so excited!" After trying to understand the reason why I didn't let him go, Ditans really calmed down a lot, and then he thought for a while and asked out aloud: "Where are they now? Is this far away?"

"It's not far, it's next to your house."

"In France?"

I'm nodded. "The location is not far, so you don't need to worry. The other party is just afraid that you will settle the accounts in the fall, so they dare not come back. You just need to write me a letter of guarantee that you will not care about the previous things and will reuse them, and they will be happy. Ran back."

"After the autumn, how dare I ask them to settle the accounts? This kind of talent can't even think of it. Who cares about who is with them is just short-sighted."

"You are No shortage, but don’t get too excited. First write the guarantee, I will take it to them, and then bring them back."

"Okay, you wait." Ditans quickly I ran out and returned in a while, still holding a contract in his hand, and looking at the rays of light on it, I knew that it was an effective contract. This is not an agreement-type contract, but a unilateral guarantee contract, so as long as Titans signs it, it will be effective without the other party's confirmation. Of course, the binding force of the system contract is always valid.

I immediately put the contract away, and then bid farewell to Titans and return to the Great Demon King of Haglos. Following Ling's breath, I quickly found the location of the Great Demon King in Haglos. It is still very lively here, because the Magic Festival has not yet ended. Although I have flown back and forth to Dark God Palace, the speed of the flying bird is very fast, and this back and forth did not take long.

When I reappeared, the Great Demon King Haglos was staying in their castle with Officer Clydia and Captain Roswell, because I was worried about whether I could get Demon this time. Tans promised, so they were very nervous.

As soon as I came back here, Haglos Great Demon King, they immediately felt the feedback from the castle demon array, so they ran out of the castle, and there were a few behind them The guys I haven't seen, but from the breath, they are also Divine Race level strength, and they are the same as the Great Demon King of Hagros. Of course, even if the strength of these people is weaker than that of the Chief Guard Roswell, they can be regarded as a powerful Divine Race anyway.

"How is it? What did Ditans say?" Because they were too nervous, Haglos Great Demon King didn't care about etiquette. They called out when they saw me.

I didn’t say a word, so I just handed over the guarantee contract, Hagglos Great Demon King took it and looked at it for two seconds, then suddenly turned around excitedly and hugged Clydia. The attendant shouted: "He is unified, he agrees!"

Although the attendant Clydia and the others did not see the content of the agreement, they heard what Hagros Great Demon King called out. The content also knew the answer, so this group of people cheered.

Without disturbing their venting behavior, I walked to the side to find Ling who followed afterwards, and then sat on the side of a flowerbed and chatted with Ling. Hagros, Great Demon King. They have been cheering and venting for seven or eight minutes before regaining their sanity. Seeing me and Ling were chatting, these people finally realized their rudeness, and rushed over to apologize again. Thanks for.

The next job after the courtesy is to take them back to see Titans as soon as possible. Compared to Titans, Haglos, Great Demon King, they don't have so many restrictions. Just like in China, Divine Immortal of Celestial Court can’t leave China at will, but monsters can travel around the world. Although Divines can’t leave the sphere of influence of Dark God Palace and come to France, Hagross Great Demon King, they don't have so many restrictions. Of course, there is no limit just to say that the system has no limits, not that you can run unscrupulously. After all, other power areas have their own power divisions, and how much you an outsider suddenly breaks in will always cause some changes. If it's those areas controlled by the hospitable or nosy local forces, it's okay to say, in case it encounters the existence of the previous Light God Palace, the Holy See or the Odin Divine Race, it would be miserable. He rushed into their territory, and the result was only three. One is to join them, the other is to die, and the third is to run out. It is absolutely impossible to live in peace and security within their sphere of influence.

"Are we going to see the Lord Titans right now?" Because of the recognition, Haglos Great Demon King, they have changed their name to Titans, and they are actually in Titans. The honorific title was added after the name of Si. But this is what it should be.

I thought about it for a while and said, “I’m definitely going to see when I see you, but I can’t just run over just like that. The wizards are also a force. If I’m Titans, I’m sure This force will not be dissipated. Therefore, I guess that even if you go back to see Titans, you will just complete the process of belonging to the temple, and finally give you some rewards. You will definitely be sent back to continue. In charge of this side."

Although the Great Demon King of Haglos looks young, but in fact it is only because of her high strength and long lifespan, not that she is really young, so her There is also a lot of knowledge, and the reaction of Titans who had not correctly judged before was just because she was concerned and confused, not because she was stupid. Now that the problem of returning has been resolved, she naturally no longer worries, and her thinking has returned to a normal level. Soon she realized that I was right, so nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. If I were the Lord Titans, I would definitely do the same. Moreover, I think the Lord Titans would definitely let us take A Transmission Formation came back to establish the connection between this side and the temple."

"Have you never studied Transmission Formation?" I couldn't help but ask aloud when I heard the words of the Great Demon King of Hagros.

Haglos Great Demon King looked at me in confusion and asked: "How do you know?"

"Because you actually think that Titans will establish a Transmission Formation connection on both sides. You Don’t you know that there is a transmission block on the border line?"

"What? Then, don’t we have to be divided into two parts with the temple?"

"That's not necessarily "I explained directly: "The national border is just a divided zone. In this zone, the Transmission Formation of the two countries can be connected at the same time. Of course, the central area of ​​this zone has a lot of interference, and the transmission will be very unstable, so The best way is to build a Transmission Formation on the two borders of this zone. When you come from Dark God Palace, you can use any Transmission Formation in Germany to directly transmit to the edge of the German side of the barrier. Then walk through the isolation belt, and use the Transmission Formation on the edge of the isolation belt on the French side to pass to this valley here, so that the Transmission Formation connection can be realized after a transit. Of course, finally the road in the isolation belt area is still to be walked , But the widest place of the isolation zone is less than one kilometer, and the narrowest place is even tens of meters wide. That distance shouldn’t be a problem, right?"

Actually, this method I just mentioned It is indeed possible to realize the Transmission Formation connection through the national barrier, and even if you are willing to spend money, according to the above plan, add another Transmission Formation in the center of the isolation belt, then you don’t even need to walk, just use Level 3 jump-type transmission. It can be quickly transferred from the initial Transmission Formation to the end Transmission Formation. In this process, a total of five Transmission Formations are used for four transmissions, but the person being transmitted does not need to move, but the Transmission Formation is relaying each other. The advantage of this method is that it is fast, but the disadvantage is that it burns money. Of course, it is still affordable for some rich and imposing guilds or NPC organizations. But why does no one do this? There is a reason for this.

NPCs don’t do this because they don’t have overseas coordinates to teleport. Not everyone happens to have overseas colonies like Dark God Palace. Haglos Great Demon King Their valley is equivalent to opening up a colony in another country. This is a special case. Normal NPC organizations do not have this ability, so they cannot establish Transmission Formation in other countries.

There are many transnational guilds in player guilds, and there are not a few that have cities in different countries. However, players, like NPCs, cannot use this method for transnational teleportation. Although players do not have the restriction that NPCs cannot fix Transmission Formation abroad, players cannot protect the package Transmission Formation.

The border isolation zone between countries is set by the system. The function of this thing is to isolate the borders between different countries to ensure the basic stability of the territory of each country. Players are not controlled by the system, so it's not that the system says this is an isolation zone, and players will take the initiative to avoid it. In order for the player to avoid it, there must be a corresponding force. The method adopted by the system is to set up a dangerous environment on the isolation zone. These barriers are usually not high level devil beasts crawling all over the ground, or the terrain is so steep that even monkeys can't get through, or there are miasma, swamps, anyway, the terrain is very bad, and it is impossible to cross.

In these areas, there is definitely no magic cultivator Transmission Formation where there is a problem with the terrain. It is a natural environmental problem, and it cannot be modified due to system restrictions, so Transmission Formation cannot be repaired. The remaining relatively flat isolation zones, the terrain is okay, but the monsters are high-level, low-experience and do not explode equipment, and usually the monsters in this place riots at two ends in three days. Players build a Transmission Formation simply guard here. Can't help. Even holding it is useless, because the capital required to hold these Transmission Formations will far exceed the value that Transmission Formation can generate. Who does this kind of loss-making business?

For the plan I proposed, Haglos Great Demon King also thinks it is a more feasible way, but now the top priority is to meet Ditans first.

Although it’s the first time to meet back home, but Hagros Great Demon King and so many of them can’t run away all at once. Anyway, after the establishment of Transmission Formation, the contact will become very simple, so this time we only need to Just go back to a few key personnel. The so-called main personnel are of course the three of Haglos, Great Demon King, and the others may not want to see them even if they go back to Ditans to be honest, so it's better not to go back.

Although the three who went back this time are all good at strength, their own flying ability is definitely not as fast as the long spear, so I still have to solve the transportation. Although Asuka is an advanced version of long spear, he is my favorite. The guardian long spear distributed to each player in the guild will not be cancelled because I have an advanced version of long spear. On the contrary, because I am the president, so my guardian default is to guard the best in the race, and because I have two numbers, besides the flying bird, I also have two guardian long spears.

The Great Demon King of Haglos was invited by me to ride the Asuka with me. Clydia Squire and Roswell Squire each have a long spear, so that we are all Jet up. Although the speed of long spear is still slower than that of flying birds, it has a cruising speed of eight or nine hundred kilometers. Europe is not as big as our country. It is only a short distance from the forest here to the Dark God Palace, even if it is At the speed of long spear, it doesn't take a while to arrive.

Titans knew that I wanted to bring people back, naturally impossible to sit in the temple. In order to show respect for the Great Demon King of Haglos, he stood directly at the gate of the temple and did it today. The players and NPCs who come to the Dark God Palace to work are all cautiously, for fear that they will accidentally provoke this super boss.

Unlike the players who don’t know, I see that Titans will of course not have any thought changes, and I directly introduce the Great Demon King and Clydia’s attendant. Get to know Ditans, the next thing is their own business. Of course, even if it has nothing to do with me, I can't get away. After all, I am a middleman. I can't leave until they are completely resolved. If something happens on the way, I can handle it better here.

The meeting between the two parties will be very normal, and basically nothing unexpected happens. Ditans first took the initiative to express his attitude. Regarding Haglos Great Demon King, they did not immediately return to the Dark God Palace where he inherited the throne. Ditans expressed full understanding and understanding, and publicly reiterated this matter. He won't care about it anymore, just as if it hadn't happened to him.

With this attitude of Ditans, the rest of the communication becomes much simpler. Haglos Great Demon King They are just worried that Titans cares about this matter, and they have no other extravagant expectations. Now since Titans has said this thing, he doesn't care about it, then Haglos Great Demon King they are even more nothing. Requested.

After a polite greeting and agreement on the return, the remaining part is how to arrange the Hagros Great Demon King and their questions. This question was originally an internal issue, and I shouldn't have listened to it, but Titans didn't drive me away, so I didn't move. After all, this kind of thing is not a big secret. Besides, I know a lot of more secret things, which is not bad.

Like our previous speculation, Titans did not let Haglos Great Demon King directly return to the Dark God Palace to take up their posts, but let them continue to manage the wizard alliance. .

About this decision, I think it is basically an inevitable result. Haglos Great Demon King and Clydia Attendant are very powerful. Such personnel will be rushed for Divine Race. There is no doubt about this, so Divines accepted without the slightest hesitation. them. However, acceptance is indeed acceptance, and I think it is completely different whether it is trustworthy or not.

Ditans is not two hundred and five. If you randomly pull individuals to join the organization, you can use it immediately. This kind of thing can only be done with brain damage. Even if Hagros Great Demon King, they are all powerful thugs, but for this kind of thugs, it is almost the same as long as you first name them. As for trust or something, it takes time to slowly build up, not your strength. Strong can be trusted immediately.

Based on the above reasons, Titans is naturally impossible to give Haglos Great Demon King their very important position, at least it cannot be possible to deter his work, so Titans cannot let Haag Los Great Demon King stayed at Dark God Palace.

Dark God Palace itself is where Ditans lives, and as I said before, the strength of the Great Demon King of Haglos is only a little lower than him, so that such a powerful character can live next to him. How can this be possible without the other party receiving any trust? So Titans can't let Haglos Great Demon King live in the Dark God Palace, so the only thing left is to send them all out.

Although it is said to be sent out, characters like the Great Demon King of Hagglos cannot be randomly inserted. If someone is a nobody, it doesn't matter what position you arrange at will, but the problem is that the other party is not only super powerful, but also used to go out of Dark God Palace, and has a clear understanding of the internal management of Dark God Palace. If you assign them a bad post, they will find out immediately. Don't others think about why they are assigned to such a position at this time?

So, the location of the Great Demon King of Haglos cannot be placed randomly. It must be negligible. Even if the opponent rebels, it is innocuous, and this place must also look very important, otherwise the opponent You will find that you have been deliberately refrigerated, thus presuming that you are being squeezed out by Titans. As the Great Demon King of Haglos just returned to the Dark God Palace, if they had the slightest suspicion of Titans, then they might run out again, so Titans could not place them casually.

In addition, even if they find a suitable place to place the Great Demon King of Haglos, there is still a problem here, that is, the subsequent wizard alliance still needs someone to manage it, and since the beginning Gros Great Demon King, they can be sent to do this, which means that they not only have this ability, but now they have accumulated a lot of work experience. Because of this, Hagros Great Demon King was placed back to the wizard league. Simply is an inevitable thing, unless Titans' head is caught in the door panel, otherwise they will never change their jobs.

Arrange them to go back to manage the wizard alliance, then the remaining work is to establish a channel between the two places. Regarding this channel, Titans did not get rid of our original vision at all, and still used Transmission Formation.

For the use of Transmission Formation, Titans did not have the rich and imposing setting of five Transmission Formations as I imagined, but only made four Transmission Formations. Among them, the Dark God Palace Transmission Formation as the starting point already exists, so it is OK to build three additional Transmission Formations.

For ordinary small guilds to build a Transmission Formation is very incredible. After all, the construction cost of Transmission Formation is too exaggerated. It will cost a general guild to build an additional Transmission Formation. The funds are enough to make most guilds fall into financial crisis, and for Dark God Palace, this is just one hair from nine oxen, and the three Transmission Formation will be built.

Of course, the construction of Transmission Formation can’t be done by just dropping a Transmission Formation on the ground. Even because they are all NPCs, repairing Transmission Formation in the isolation zone does not need to be damaged by the Heart Demon, but the Transmission Formation itself At least something is needed to keep out the wind and rain. Besides, this important connection between Transmission Formation must be guarded by some people. You can't let the guards stand in the wild like Transmission Formation, right? Therefore, Transmission Formation must have supporting buildings, which all need to be built.

The construction of these things is not a huge project, but it is not a matter of two minutes, so I did not stare at them, but with Hagglos Great Demon King and they left the Dark God Palace first. Titans has received Divine Soul Seal notes handed in by several people, and now they have become part of the official Dark God Palace, so Titans doesn't care about them leaving.

It was already night when I successfully returned to the wizard alliance using the method of the past. The Magic Festival is coming to an end, but it is also the most lively moment. Many people gather at the Magic Festival to buy various synthetic materials, and some places are exchange discussion areas. Groups of wizards gather to discuss the new recipes they have discovered, and some people are showing themselves. New results.

For these Haglos Great Demon Kings, they have no time to care at all. After returning to the castle, they immediately summoned the people they had brought and started to announce Ditans’ arrangements, and then they gave various Specific orders, the most important of which is to open up an open space within the valley to facilitate the establishment of Transmission Formation.

I didn't have time to watch them do civil engineering, so I told the Great Demon King of Haglos that my task was completed, and the other party immediately asked Clydia sergeant to take me to the library. According to the agreement, I helped the Great Demon King of Haglos successfully return to the Dark God Palace this time. My reward is all the knowledge of the wizard system.

All the knowledge here is of course not all the recipes and application methods, but the part that has been discovered. After all, the technology is improving, and the technology of the wizards is also constantly improving. In the library Even if the information is updated every day, it is impossible to really keep up with the speed of technological progress. However, compared with the hardware conditions of those wizards, our Frost Rose Alliance’s foundation is obviously better, so as long as we get their latest technology, we will study it ourselves after we go back. Even if we don’t surpass them, I believe it will be difficult to be Throw away. Besides, here will be the sphere of influence of the Dark God Palace from now on, plus the Haglos Great Demon King and I am so familiar with them, so it shouldn’t be a problem to come over and get some new technology or something at any time.

The attendant Clydia who received the order immediately took me to the library, and then copied all the materials to me. I didn't delay either. I came back to find the Great Demon King of Hagros and said goodbye immediately. Then a subordinate assigned by the Great Demon King of Hagros took me out of the castle.

After leaving the castle, I did not leave directly, but went to Louise’s magic dessert shop. According to the previous agreement, Louise should be here to wait for me.

"Louise, Louise, are you ready? We are leaving." Pushing the door open and entering the dessert shop, I directly called Louise's name, but there was silence in response. "Strange? Didn't you come back?"

Before I took Haglos Great Demon King and they went to see Titans, Louise had already gone back to pack things first. We went to Dark God Palace although I took a high-speed transportation unit like the long spear, but after all we ran so far, plus the delay in discussing some things with Ditans, it actually took us quite a long time. But, now that even us are back, Louise hasn't come yet.

"Damn it, I made an appointment to meet here, can't she escape halfway?"

I can't find Louise, I can only wait, but I didn't plan to wait either, but left Ling in the shop and waited for Louise to come back, and I went out and went shopping for a few laps before the Magic Festival was over.

The atmosphere of the Magic Festival is very good. Everyone can find something they are interested in, so it is very lively. It continued until late at night, the time had passed midnight, and in fact it had reached the wee hours of the second day, and the Magic Festival finally began and ended at this point in time. However, the end of the Magic Festival is not like the end of the movie theater. The way the Magic Festival ends is to gradually reduce the number of people, and finally become very deserted. Family. However, it was already past four o'clock in the morning. Although the sky was still dark, it was about to dawn soon.

At the end of the Magic Festival, I didn’t have to go shopping anymore. Back to Louise’s shop, Ling Zheng and Emiennes were playing magic flower ropes. This is a small game to exercise magic control, simple And practical.

"She hasn't come back yet?"

When I saw me appearing Lingtou didn't even turn back, he continued to flip the string and said: "She hasn't come back since you left. "

I nodded and said: "It may also be that she thought we would not be able to come back today, so she stayed in her own home. Let's wait until dawn before talking."

Ling shrugged , And then looked towards me and asked: "Do you want to play together?"

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so I joined Ling's game.

It was unconsciously ten o’clock in the morning, and the sun had risen before I didn’t know when, but Louise still didn’t show up. We reluctantly waited until noon, the sun was high in the sky, but Louise Silk is still silent.

"No, there must be something wrong."

If I haven't come back for so long, the fool also knows that there is a problem. Last night I thought it was Louise who thought we would not come back so soon, and wanted to sleep in my own house and wait until the morning of the second day. But she didn't come in the morning, and I thought she had slept in too late, but it was noon now. There should be a limit to sleep in, right? So, I am pretty sure that Louise is definitely in trouble, otherwise it is impossible to come so late.

The best way to know what happened to Louise is to visit her house. No one dared to touch Louise at the Magic Festival, so if Louise encounters a problem, it can only be on the way home, at her house, and on the way back, but the way back and where to go. It's one, so the only thing that needs to be checked is the road from Louise's home to her home.

Because I don’t know where Louise lives, the wizards who left after the Magic Festival messed up the environment outside the valley, so I definitely can’t track it myself. In the end, I still have to find out. Hagros, Great Demon King, they can do it.

"Huh? President Purple Moon? Haven't you already left? Why are you back again?" Suddenly seeing me, who left yesterday, the Roswell Guard Chief who was planning to go out for business was obviously stunned. For a moment.

"Captain Roswell." When I saw Captain Roswell, I hurriedly stopped him, then pulled him and said: "You just came out, and I have something to look for you."

"What? What's the matter?" Although Chief Guard Roswell is not very smart, but after spending so long with the Great Demon King of Hagros, you can still see the good and bad things.

Since Captain Roswell has asked about it, I have no choice but to follow the news that Louise bought it all now.

After listening to my words, Chief Guard Roswell immediately fell into thinking. After a few seconds, he said seriously: "If this is the case, then Louise is probably in trouble. However, it’s better to go to the Great Demon King of Hagglos. After all, Louise was raised by her. This kind of thing should be known to her."

I nodded and said: "In that case, you just Hurry up and do your business, I'll talk to the Great Demon King of Haglos."

The Chief Guard Roswell grabbed me and walked back and said, "It's all this time. What else is there to do? Finding Louise is the most important thing!"

"That's what I said." Since Chief Guard Roswell said so, can I still say Louise? Don't you want it? So I can only nodded at this time.

Haglos Great Demon King is busy handling the connection between the Dark God Palace and this side, but the Roswell guard is an important person here after all, and there are no guards guarding the door. Stopped and let us in.

Haglos Great Demon King had been looking down at something before, and he said without raising his head when he heard the footsteps: "Don't disturb me, I'm thinking."

< p>"Haglos Great Demon King." Seeing the other person like this, I had to interrupt her aloud.

The Roswell Chief Guard didn't dare to interrupt the thinking of the Great Demon King of Hagros. I didn't care, so I just yelled it out. Hagros Great Demon King was taken aback when he heard the sound, but he was even more surprised when he raised his head.

"President Purple Moon?" Great Demon King of Haglos looked at me in surprise and asked, "Didn't you return to the Frost Rose League yesterday? Why...?"

< p> "Hagros, Louise is gone!" The Chief Guard Roswell couldn't help interrupting the inquiry of the Great Demon King of Hagros and said aloud.

"What is Louise missing?" Great Demon King Haglos asked suspiciously.

"It means literally, disappeared, disappeared." I said aloud.

Haglos Great Demon King frowned, and said: "What happened?"

I heard Hagros Great Demon King like talking to himself It seemed to be talking to us at the volume, I couldn't help but interject: "You said it's impossible for Louise to feel unconvinced halfway, so she ran away secretly?"

"Impossible. "The Great Demon King of Hagglos replied very simply. "Although Louise this child is a bit rebellious, she will not regret what she promised. Since she has promised to join your guild yesterday, she will not run away halfway."

"If not She ran away by herself, what would it be?" I asked again.

Haglos Great Demon King frowned when she heard my question, and she didn't expect clues, but the door was suddenly opened. Attendant Clydia came in from outside, still holding a stack of papers.

"Huh? President Purple Moon? Didn't you go?" The attendant Clydia had sharp eyes and found me as soon as he entered the door.

Guard Roswell hurriedly talked about the reason why I didn’t leave and the circumstances of Louise’s disappearance. Attendant Clydia was also extremely surprised, and immediately afterwards I ran to the Great Demon King of Haglos and handed the stack of documents in his hand to the Great Demon King of Haglos.

At first, the Great Demon King of Haglos looked towards Clydia Servant in doubt, but when she opened the information, she immediately stood up in surprise.

"When did this happen?"

"It was yesterday." Clydia sergeant replied.

The Chief Guard Roswell saw that they were not responding normally, and he immediately walked over and picked up the documents laid down by the Great Demon King of Haglos and flipped through them. Just reading the two pages of Chief Guard Roswell’s expression became extremely angry, and I was also very curious about what was written on the top of the document. Fortunately, the other party didn't intend to conceal it. After turning a few pages, Chief Guard Roswell threw the stack of paper money to me. I just turned a

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