The people who were terrified by Long Yan did not feel any pain or pain, but felt a heat wave. Although it was very hot, it was still bearable. This strange phenomenon caused everyone to look up quickly, and they saw a wall of fire erected not far in front. This is how the billowing heat wave I felt before came from, but a closer look revealed that the wall of fire was actually not what it wanted to be. Yes, but was forcibly blocked by a huge energy shield, the flames that had no way out had to extend to all directions, thus forming such a wall of fire.

Long Yan jet relies on the exhaust of the dragon’s lungs to blow special secretions to ignite in the air, so it is impossible to last too long. Although that kind of secretion can continue to spray for a long time, if the giant dragon does not blow outward, the secretion will not be able to leave the giant dragon's mouth quickly, but will burn in the dragon's mouth. The temperature of Long Yan is very terrifying and corrosive. Giant dragons themselves cannot withstand Long Yan. Although they are not as afraid of Long Yan like other creatures, they don’t want to be burned. So in order to avoid burning themselves, giant dragon Once you feel that your lungs are out of breath, the jet will end immediately. This is instinctive control. Even if the giant dragon takes the initiative to control it, this linkage effect cannot be changed.

The sprayed dragon flame was quickly over due to the limitation of lung capacity. As soon as Jingjing took the shield, I passed directly through the energy shield and dragon flame that had not completely dissipated and flew up. Eternal was turned into a super long knife with a blade length of more than three meters by me, and then cut it according to the dragon's head.

The giant dragon on the opposite side also reacted quickly when he saw the cutting edge on the face. As soon as he bowed his head, he planned to use the dragon horn against me, but instead of jumping up, I flew up. The person who jumps up has nowhere to borrow in the air, so from the moment he takes off, his flight trajectory is roughly determined. The general direction of the range adjustment cannot be changed. But I am different, I flew by myself. The basic element of flight is controllability. I can adjust my body posture and flight direction in the air.

Looking at the dragon horn that came up, I quickly adjusted the angle of the wings, the whole person immediately tilted forty-five degrees and passed through the two horns of the giant dragon like lightning. After passing by, while holding the dragon horn in his hand forever, he only felt a huge resistance suddenly coming from his hand, but he quickly passed through, and then quickly soared into the sky and distanced himself from the giant dragon.

I flew up here, but the sightseeing group over there was terrified, because just after I flew over the dragon’s head, a huge object was twisted and nailed to the front of the crowd. In the middle, one of the most unlucky guys fell in fright when he saw the thing flying over. As a result, as soon as he sat on the ground, the thing was nailed to the space between his legs with a chuckle. If the thing flies one centimeter further forward, his Second Brother may be about to disappear.

Although there is no such exaggerated immersive feeling, the people around are still scared, because this thing is too big, and it looks very hideous, because of this Things are originally dragon horns of giant dragons. Just now I cut a dragon horn when I passed between the two horns on the top of the giant dragon's head. However, because the speed was too fast, I didn’t notice what I had cut, and the giant dragon itself didn’t know that my horn was broken. After all, the horns have no nerve system like nails, so even if they are cut off, they don’t feel anything. The only thing the giant dragon can feel is that one of the horns on the head seems to be hit by something, and I didn’t care at the time. After seeing the broken corner in front of the ground clearly, he yelled angrily as soon as he touched his head.

Hearing the roar of the giant dragon, the people around immediately crawled back. Someone dared to attack the giant dragon before. It was because they knew that there was a brave man in front. Now that even the brave is dead, how can they dare to fight against this dragon? Besides, looking at the current state of this dragon, it is clear that it has been completely violent, not to mention that the brave is dead, even if he is still alive, it is estimated that he will die again soon.

"ao..." The giant dragon squatted suddenly in the roar, and then spread its wings and struggling to shoot down. At the same time, the whole dragon body slammed with all four feet. Get up and chase me in the sky.

I have no interest in fighting giant dragons. Even though I am very strong, I definitely don’t want to fight giant dragons, because fighting giant dragons is equivalent to whoever is stronger than bulldozers. It’s pure Look for unpleasant behavior. The Giant Dragon Race is completely a bug-like race. The skin is rough and flesh is thick, not to mention, the blood volume is more like a blood bank. You have to talk about anti-hypertension, which BOSS is not anti-hypertensive? But the point is that the giant dragon not only guards against high blood and thick attacks, but also has high attack power. That's fine. But he is actually magical, invincible in hand-to-hand combat, and the magic attack power can scare people to death, and the magic value is too much to death. The point where it can't be used up before. Such attributes are already a headache, but Dragon Clan can still fly, and the flight is super fast, fast, flexibility is also very exaggerated, and the endurance is more terrifying. Coupled with the characteristics of Dragon Clan who likes to get together and get revenge for the same race, basically the ones who dare to provoke Dragon Clan are either the existence of cruelty, or the existence of brain disease.

Fortunately, the dragon in front of me is a special existence in a special scene. There is no problem of Dragon Clan's revenge, but even so, I don't want to fight him. A dragon is not so easy to deal with, and this group of guys have super attack power, and it is not a game to wipe it.


Although it is troublesome for me to deal with giant dragons myself, we have a pet. As a trainer, we must have the consciousness of the trainer. On top, we just need to follow up with the status and make up for it.

"Damn, how come a dragon comes out again?" The crowd on the ground also saw luck at this time, but they saw the swooping luck collided with the dragon before they finished exclaiming. When they got together, the two dragons entangled and fell to the ground, followed by a loud explosion sound. The people around only felt the whole earth tremble, and many people were even knocked to the ground.

Although the dragon on the ground has just taken off and has not yet flew high, but fortunately, such a large volume smashed him back to the ground, the impact is still quite terrifying.

The two dragons separated as soon as they landed, and they turned over and got up at the same time. Obviously, there was no damage, at least they were able to move. However, the evil dragon over there was confronting Lucky, and suddenly he heard a bang next to him, and turned his head to see that another dragon landed on the ground. The sound of landing here is not over yet, behind the evil dragon is followed by the sound of heavy objects landing again. When the evil dragon turned around, he saw a giant dragon with three heads standing behind him, which changed. It's three-to-one.

Originally, three-on-one is already very bullying, but our animal trainer is doing more and less bullying activities. It is the glory of the warriors to fight one-on-one. The animal trainer wants to More people bully fewer people. Single-handedness can only be entertainment for the trainer, and there is no need to consider those in the battle.

Adhering to the fighting mind of the animal trainer, my fourth pet tank landed for the fourth time. As a result, the dragon was surrounded by four pets at once.

"ao..." This silly dragon is obviously a mentally retarded dragon, even Dragon Language will not, roared in protest, and behaved like a wild beast more than a giant dragon with high intelligence. You must know that Dragon Clan's intelligence settings are higher than humans, which means that these guys are smarter than humans. With this kind of IQ, facing an enemy four times his own, of course he wouldn't want to continue fighting. However, the current incident is mentally retarded, so he will only demonstrate, with the intention of frightening us.

"You didn't surrender?" I saw this after successfully landing next to Jingjing and shouted directly to the other side: "Leave him alone, get rid of the problem."

After receiving the order, he immediately posed an attacking posture facing the lucky guy. The other party was really stupid enough, and he focused his attention on the lucky posture, but then he heard the rumbling running from the side Sound, it's a pity that it's a bit late to turn around at this time. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the tank on the side rushing towards him like a rhinoceros with his head down.

The evil dragon in anxious twist finally twisted its body before the tank hit, and its claws suddenly opened, and then it crashed into the tank with a boom. His two front paws directly hugged the tank's body, and his front paws and chest were used to withstand the tank, while his hind limbs were tightly clasped to the ground to resist the impact. However, the result was a shock to the dragon. With his strength, he couldn't stop the tank. Two claws pulled out two gullies on the ground like two plowshares, but the body was still pushed back, and simply couldn't stop the tank's forward trend.

Finding that the dragon is not dominant in strength, it immediately has two claws in the battle, scratching and scratching the back of the tank, but the result is making a harsh noise and pulling out. Apart from the fire star, only some shallow scratches could be left on the back of the tank. In desperation, the dragon simply lowered its head and opened its mouth as a dragon flame sprayed on the back of the tank, but although the tank screamed and screamed, it did not shrink back, but continued to stare at him and rush forward. As soon as Long Yan on the side turned off, a seam suddenly opened on the back of the tank, and then a strange thing stretched out for a while and then spouted a purple ball of light toward the head of the giant dragon.

With a bang, the dragon was dizzy and dazed by the explosion. The other horn of the dragon was also lifted away, and a large scale was also lifted off, obviously attacking. Very high.

"ao wu..." The dragon that was blasted with its head hadn't slowed down, and immediately screamed again. It turned out that the three surrounding dragons rushed up. Fortunately, he bit the back of this guy's head and controlled his head rotation, while Xiaosan bit the base of the guy's neck, wings and side waist respectively. Finally, the plague bit the tip of this guy's tail from behind and controlled his tail. You must know that Dragon Clan's tail is quite powerful, so its actions must be restricted. Otherwise, even if it is the same giant dragon, it will not be a joke if it is caught by the opponent's tail.

After being bitten so many at the same time, this guy immediately screamed in pain, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't avoid the attacks of these dragons at all. The desperate dragon suddenly struggled to get injured and forced his head to turn to luck. It was just a mouthful of dragon flame spraying out. As soon as the tank saw the situation, he immediately backed away, then lifted the bone hammer on the forelimb to shine the guy's head so hard. The dragon flame of the evil dragon sprayed halfway and was almost cut off by this blow. As a result, the dragon flame that lost air pressure changed from the spray state to the divergent state, and the dragon flame was completely dissipated like a basin of water poured out. And it's still in the state where the force is too small and not too far.

The scattered dragon flame burned and landed on the ground nearby, instantly turning a large area around it into a fire sea.

If it's desperate, lucky they won't care about Long Yan at all, after all, who cares about being injured when desperately? But now there are too many people and less bullying. Fortunately, their psychological thoughts are different. They all want to try their best not to get hurt. So when they see the dragon flames spreading like mercury, they all relax and retreat. As for the tank, this guy has a hammer. He was the first one to run after the smash, so he has now successfully opened the distance.

Fortunately, after they escaped, the evil dragon himself ran out of the dragon flames, but compared to the lucky ones, he himself was the worst burned. After all, the dragon flames There was one third who caused the tank to be smashed back into his mouth. As a result, he burned his mouth first. After the remaining dragon flames dispersed, he was next to him, so he was also the most exposed. Besieged in the center, the time to withdraw was a little slower, and the burnt time was the longest, so naturally the burn was the most serious. However, a giant dragon is a giant dragon after all. Even if it has been burned for so long, it is nothing more than a lot of scorched areas on the body. It seems that it just burned through the scales and injured the flesh. Of course, with the defensive power of a giant dragon, it is not easy to burn the scales.

As soon as he saw the evil dragon running out of the dragon flames over there, the tank immediately made up a magic light bullet and directly blasted the guy back two laps, almost rolling again. Back to Long Yanzhong, but in the end he desperately controlled his body and didn't slip in. However, although he withstood the attack of the tank, he did not withstand the next attack.

Just as the dragon turned over and got up to fight again, a gorgeous red silhouette suddenly slammed into it from the side, and accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the two silhouettes rolled and fell together. Into the dragon flame that has not been completely extinguished.

After being knocked over, the dragon immediately felt pain. It was not hit but burned. There were already many places on his body that burned through the scales, and now his defenses have dropped so badly that he can't resist his dragon flames, so he got up like running, but the red silhouette next to him was immediately wrapped up and bitten. After removing his tail, he suddenly turned his head and dragged him back to the Central Zone of the Dragon Flame area.

Before the evil dragon was relieved from the panic of being dragged back into the dragon flames, he suddenly felt a rumbling footsteps, and then he found the dragon biting him. He even twisted his body and leaned towards him sideways. Then, before he could react, the other party suddenly pulled his tail by the force of lateral movement. Only when he heard the bang, the dragon felt world full in an instant. The stars were shining, and even the sense of balance was completely lost. After two steps crookedly, he fell to the ground with a puff.

I feel that I have lost the combat capability. The dragon is struggling like getting up and running away, but how could he run away without a sense of balance? He just got up and immediately hit his head again. Yitail, this time directly hit his ears with a blast, not only lost his hearing, but also deformed his eye sockets. The eyes that were drawn from the side have basically lost his vision, and only blurred images can be seen.

Such a series of heavy injuries, even the giant dragon is a bit unable to withstand, but before he can think of a solution, he suddenly feels that he has been hit hard for the third time on his head, and this time it is obviously better than before. The two blows were much harder. The dragon only felt his head numb, and he lost consciousness without even feeling the pain.

In fact, the last one was not from the one who attacked him before. It was Mira who just smashed him into the Dragon Flame area and drew his two tails. Because the defensive power of the Diamond Dragon is also abnormal in Dragon Clan, Dragon Flame hardly affects them. The completely fireproof Mira drags the dragon into the dragon flame to fight in order to make it suffer extra damage, and Mira herself is completely immune to this kind of damage. However, although defensive power is relatively abnormal, Mira's attack power is still within a normal range. Although the attack power is not low, it is not high enough to be a final word.

However, speaking of the final word, the tank is definitely suitable for this.

The tank's body shape looks a bit like a unicorn, but he is not a unicorn after all. On the chest of the tank, near the bottom of the head grow a pair of huge knife feet. The shape of this pair of sword feet is a bit like that of a praying mantis, but not exactly the same. This pair of sword feet can be stretched out like the sword feet of a praying mantis for a swing attack, and can also be folded up and then launched through a special force. This launch does not mean that the knife foot is separated from the body, but the folded knife foot is instantly bounced, and there is a huge protruding part at the turning position below the knife foot. This part is like a hammer, when the knife foot bounces away. , This thing can have the effect of a siege hammer.

In fact, the method of using this knife foot on the tank also exists in reality. In the deep sea area, there is an arthropod called the mantis shrimp. The body structure of this kind of shrimp is very similar to a lobster. Only the part of the pliers is special. The mantis shrimp can accumulate the force of the pair of forelimbs that have evolved into a hammer shape by tightening the muscles, and then when the accumulating force reaches the limit, as long as it gently opens the fixed part of the pliers, the taut hammer-shaped forelimbs will be shot with a pistol. It ejects at the speed when it exits the chamber, and the formidable power is simply a cannon in the animal kingdom. The only drawback is that the charging time is long and the range is very short.

The tank’s forelimbs also have a similar design. As long as he folds the knife edge in the forelimb so that the bone tumor in the direction of the back of the knife protrudes, it can accumulate force at the joints of the limbs, and then eject like a mantis shrimp. . The reminder of the mantis shrimp is a bit smaller than our common small dragon shrimp, but even so, the attack power of its bone hammer is enough to break the finger bone of an adult or a diving goggles made of pressure-resistant glass. Imagine how much a tank that is larger than the mantis shrimp can cause a blow.

Despite the slow moving speed, the inflexible body, the poor flying ability, and even the low intelligence, the name of the tank is not in vain. Offensive and defensive integration is the main feature of the tank. The super defense can withstand the attacks of most enemies without evading and rushing forward, and the more outrageous attack power can also make most enemies dare not fight him. If it is a guerrilla warfare, there are many creatures that can kill tanks, but if confronted head-on, tanks are basically invincible.

It was the tank that just hit the dragon's head. Because it was knocked out by Mira's two tails, the tank rushed over and approached his head. Although it looks nothing special at this time, there are neither exaggerated sound and light effects nor horrible scenes, but the effect is amazing. It is known as the blood cow among the blood cows. The skin is rough and flesh is thick. The giant dragon, who couldn't die with soft hands, was brought down by one of its tricks.

At this time, the surrounding dragon flames have been completely extinguished. Although the ground temperature is quite high, it is not as scary as before. The surrounding players also saw the fallen dragon, and what surprised them was the wound on the evil dragon body and its horror. Let alone those large and small bite marks, scratches and burn marks on the body, the most frightening thing is the head.

Giant dragons sometimes hit people with their heads because of the horns on their heads. As a BUG-like race, the reason why Giant Dragon Race is so powerful is that all the combat parts on their bodies seem to have been artificially modified and evolved. Other species have only evolved one or two of the most practical physical functions, but giant dragons have weapons everywhere from start to finish, and all weapons have been specially strengthened. This head is no exception. Because they have to hit people with their heads, giant dragons are notoriously hard. Even if two dragons attack each other, they rarely hurt each other's skull. As for those who dig the Dragon Crystal, they cut the muscles and other soft tissues from the eyes to get the Dragon Crystal after killing the giant dragon. I have never heard of a hole in the dragon’s skull. It’s not that I don’t want to. , But can't drill at all.

However, a miracle seems to have happened today. At this time, the dragon was limp on the ground, but his forehead was obviously sunken. Not only was there obvious signs of fracture and cracking of the skull, even the dragon horn above was smashed to the ground. Of course, as a bug race, the life force of giant dragons is not that fragile. Although this guy was smashed into the top of the head and blossomed, he did not die. He was just in shock.

Looking at this dying guy, I took off my gloves and pressed my palm on his forehead, and then activated the capture skill. Although I already have a lot of Dragon Clan Familiars, I don’t want more people. Because of my relationship with Long Dao before, I couldn't take the initiative to catch the giant dragon, but it's a different matter for the other party to provoke me in the first place. Besides, the evil dragon here is obviously the kind that Dragon Island doesn't care about. Otherwise, the brave would come to slay the dragon every day on average, and would he be killed by Dragon Clan soon?

Because this dragon has been in shock, and my capture skill level is also super high, and there are various attributes that support the success rate, it took only three times to capture it successfully. Putting the dragon egg away, I just turned around and saw a large group of players surrounding me.

"What are you doing?" Luckily, they all walked behind me when I spoke. The players in front saw the huge shadow and had to step back together. After all, surrounded by so many giant beasts, the psychological pressure is still great.

Although the crowd on the opposite side was afraid to come forward because of my familiar, some people still stood up excitedly and shouted: "Hello, respectable President Purple Moon, I just saw you fighting really It's amazing."

"If you want to be polite, don't worry, I have something to do, so let's talk about it." I interrupted the other party's flattery.

That guy didn’t expect me to be so direct, but after thinking about it, I still think it’s better to follow my habit, so he cuts directly to the subject in the next second: "That, may I ask you just got Do you sell that dragon egg?"

The familiars in "Zero" are very strong. Everyone knows that. But everyone is more aware of the preciousness of the cockroach in Zero. Because the number of pets is limited, and the pets obtained cannot be replaced, everyone has been entangled. On the one hand, they are eager to get a higher level pet egg, and on the other hand, they are worried after getting the pet egg, in case they find out later. Better yet, what should I do if there are not enough places for the pet. This kind of entanglement is almost every player’s situation. Unless they find a top-level familiar that exceeds their expectations, or an autonomous advanced-type familiar that doesn’t care about their level, players can hardly decide whether to consume their hands or not. Familiar in the house. The result of this is that in fact, the amount of familiars used by players is much lower than the burst amount of familiar eggs, because there are a large number of middle and low-level familiar eggs that are backlogged in the hands of various players. The result is one aspect. Everyone is holding a lot of Familiar Eggs in their hands, but on the other hand, they are eager to get a higher Familiar Egg. Of course, according to the statistics of our guild, in fact, even if you don't cover it now and use up all the low-level and higher-level familiar eggs that burst out, there will still be many players who don't have any familiars available. In other words, the actual number of familiars is much lower than the demand.

For the above reasons, the pet egg has always existed as a super gold mine, and the higher the creature, the more terrifying its price, and sometimes the price of the pet egg that is only a few levels higher can exceed several times. go.

I just captured the giant dragon screen and everyone in the room has seen it, among them, those who don’t know the goods naturally include children, such as children and people who are tired of non-combat players, but people who understand what I’ve done More. The rare high level giant dragon pet egg, what kind of opportunity is this? And from my appearance, it seems that I have no plans to use it myself. After all, if players want to use the pet egg, they will usually use it as soon as they get it. After all, the pet egg is always stolen or exploded before it is used. The probability of it, and even if it is not lost, it always takes up a place, doesn’t it? Besides, the longer the time after the familiar recognizing the Master, the higher the intimacy, so the earlier the familiar recognizes the Master, the better. For these reasons, any Familiar Egg that is determined to be used by itself will be used by any player without the slightest hesitation on the spot after getting it, and I just didn't use it, which only means that I don't want to use it anymore.

Since I don’t want to use it myself, there are other uses. Although I’m not sure if it is, it’s a good choice to sell, and these players want me to choose this decision because they can’t wait. Want to get that devil egg.

"Sorry, I don't plan to sell this pet egg."

"no no no, President Purple Moon, we will make a reasonable..." The guy said abruptly Stop, because when he excitedly rushed out of the crowd and shouted at me, I suddenly moved. He only saw me threw the Eternal, which was in the form of a long sword like lightning, at him, and then Eternal whistled past his ears. It took a few seconds before he saw a strand of hair float off his head.

"'s crooked!"

"Ah!" I suddenly complained and scared the guy to react suddenly, then turned and ran.

When I saw that guy run away suddenly, I remembered that he might have misunderstood. In fact, he only needs to look back and know that I was not aimed at him at all. Whether it was the self-talk or the eternity that was thrown out before, it was not directed at him. It should be said that he was just standing in the wrong position. .

Although the guy misunderstood, I didn't intend to explain, but went straight across the crowd in one direction. With the lessons learned just now, no one dared to speak this time, all immediately flashed to the side, but when they flashed away, they saw the place where Eternity was inserted.

Behind the crowd, there is a guy they don’t know standing there shaking, my eternity is nailed to his feet less than an inch, as long as he goes a little bit forward, it’s probably I have to lose more soles again.

In fact, this guy is not someone else, just ice fist. In order to attack him before, I even killed the brave, and I got involved with a dragon, but this guy is alive and well. Although the fingers and half of the foot are missing, this can only be regarded as a minor injury in the game.

At this time, Bing Fist was already trembling with fright. That moment just now was really at the crucial moment, and a bit more crooked eternity would definitely be inserted into him. Of course, this is not my intentional beating, but forced. In fact, the position I threw is the position in front of him, so from the target position, I actually did not miss, but my original purpose was to kill the ice fist directly, but unfortunately because there is a crowd between us, in order to avoid the head. , Don’t injure unrelated personnel, so I can only find the one closest to him to launch and expect him to hit it himself. Unfortunately, he walked a little slower, so I couldn’t make a hit.

Although this sword missed a shot, at least it achieved my first goal, which is to stop the ice fist. Just now that guy thought I didn’t pay attention to him and touched Louise secretly. He thought he could sneak attack. Louise continued to take her away, but I didn’t even forget when I dealt with the dragon. Pay attention to his position. After all, an evil dragon may be troublesome for others, but for me, who has as many as five giant dragon monsters, this is simply not a problem, so I still have time to pay attention to his movements.

Walking past the crowd, the ice fist over there recovered from the shock when he saw me appearing. He quickly stretched out his hand and pulled out the eternal weapon on the ground that wanted to take me away, but it was a pity. Just like countless people who have tried to meddle in eternity, Bing Fist is also a tragedy.

"Ah..." Accompanied by a blue arc jumping, Bing Fist trembled violently, and at the same time smoke began to be emitted from his body, and his hair stood up and gave out a scorched smell.

After shaking for a while, Bing Fist suddenly fell down with a thump, and Eternal was also thrown out by him. Looking at the landing of Eternity, I stretched out my hand at Eternity, and Eternity immediately flew from the ground and landed on my hand in the blink of an eye.

"I thought you were a stupid before, but now I see stupid not enough to describe you." I walked to the fallen ice fist and said, "I'm very curious. Save your IQ, how did you get magic candy before?"

"That's because he accidentally saved me once, so..." Louise had already ran over at this time. She was avoiding Bing Fist, and she didn't immediately see me throwing an eternal stop Bing Fist, so she ran a little far away, and now it is safe to come back.

"It is understandable to repay your gratitude, but I am very strange. How can his strength save your life?"

Loise was somewhat sorry and said: "I can't Say it?"

I thought about it and felt that this just made me a little curious, and it was not something that I had to know. Since Louise didn’t want to say it, she nodded and said: "If you don’t say it, Don’t tell me.” I thought for a while and asked, “Where are the people who were kidnapped with you?”

“en?” Louise looked at me questioningly and asked, “Except for me. Has anyone else been kidnapped?"

Hearing this answer naturally means that Louise doesn’t know about it anymore, and in this way, I heard that the servants Clydia said that they were The kidnapped wizard didn’t seem to be done by Bingfist. After all, we tracked it all the way and didn’t seem to see Bingfist with other prisoners. If the other party has space equipment that can hold people, then the first one should be installed. It's Louise.

"Hey, this little current can't kill people, don't pretend to be dead on the ground." I kicked the ice fist that fell on the ground, and I asked aloud: "Quickly, you are from the Magic Festival Where are the wizards that were kidnapped?"

"wizard?" Bingfist paused and then suddenly said, "Yes, I kidnapped those wizards. I killed them all. The bodies have been Buried by me, you can only find a bunch of corpses even if you can find

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