Finally nodded Louise eventually became our guild’s exclusive magic pastry chef. Hagros Great Demon King should support this, but I think she might I hope that after Louise joins our guild, I can work harder to help them return to the Dark God Palace.

Actually, the main reason for the Great Demon King Haggros’s worries is that she doesn’t fully understand me, so even after signing the contract, she still can’t rest assured. Another reason may also be because this matter is related to her vital interests. If this matter is done, it will be of great benefit to her and Clydia Attendant, but if it fails, the matter will be big or small. If Titans didn't pursue it, then this incident could be regarded as having never happened, but if Titans was to investigate it, then their peaceful life would be over, and it might not be possible to save their lives.

Because this matter is directly related to their vital interests, Hagros Great Demon King had to be cautious. However, although she cares very much, I am not worried.

Based on my current influence in the Dark God Palace, Titans is basically impossible to save my face because of Chen Guzi’s rotten sesame seeds. Besides, this kind of thing is actually not a bad thing. It is true that, psychologically speaking, Haglos Great Demon King and the others did not come to inform them that there is such a secret force after Titans inherited the throne. This is an insult to Titans. If you are an ordinary person, you will probably feel angry about it, but as a leader, you should have enough temperament in your heart to tolerate certain things. I think Titans will not take seriously at all.

As long as Titans does not care about this matter and is not angry about it, then it is logical to let Haglos Great Demon King and the others return to the Dark God Palace. After all, Hagros, Great Demon King, they are not ordinary goods, they were sent out to perform this kind of secret mission, which shows the strength of the three of them. This kind of powerful people are now rushing for Divine Race from all parties. Not to mention that they are originally the team of Dark God Palace. Use it with ease. Even if there are three wandering Divine Races, it is definitely worth recruiting to have this kind of strength. So I said, Hagros Great Demon King is totally concerned and messed up. In fact, as long as she calms down, this kind of thing will not be a problem at all.

Since Louise has been successfully included in the guild, the only thing left is to fulfill the promise of Hagros Great Demon King as soon as possible. According to the agreement, I must make Titans approve of their return, so that I can be considered to complete the agreement. Although I don't think there will be any trouble in it, I should always make a trip.

Because I will not return to Isinger for the time being, and I will come back again after completing the agreement, so I did not take Louise away, but asked her to take this time to go back and clean up. Things to go. Of course, I explained that you only need to bring personal items and some necessary things. The experimental equipment and tools of our guild are definitely N times better than hers.

When you go to Dark God Palace alone, you don’t need to be cautiously like last time. Ling will stay here so that I can use it as a coordinate when I come back. I directly summon the flying bird to the sky, and then straight Go to Dark God Palace.

The last time I came to Dark God Palace, I took some skeletons. I returned in less than two days. Ditans, who got the news, thought that I didn’t take everything thoroughly the last time. , I started crying poor as soon as I saw me.

"Hey hey hey, you are also the main god, how about this?" Looking at Ditans with a nose and tears, I was really speechless. Although I do like scraping land, it seems that I robbed the warehouse once in Dark God Palace. Besides, there are a lot of warehouses like the Dark God Palace, and they are not all robbed by me, making me look like a locust. I really lost to him.

Ditans immediately pretended to be very pitiful when he heard what I said: "You don't know! We were beaten badly by the guys from Olympus Divine Race, and this The troops started to spend money as soon as they moved. We faced off with the Olympus Divine Race for so long, which was very expensive. Besides, our enemy is not only the Olympus Divine Race, the Holy See and the Light God Palace are among us. The friction between them has never stopped. Recently, that kid of Jehovah is starting to make noise again, I..."

"Stop. If there is any suffering, wait for me to go, and you will remember it slowly. I am not here to scrape the ground anyway. Yes, you don’t have to cry poor with me."

When Titans heard what I said, he stopped, and then tentatively asked: "You really don't want things?"

"I am a robber or something? Every time I come, do I scrape your stuff?"

When Titans heard that I seemed to be really angry, he immediately began to explain: "How can it be? Isn’t I really tight? President Purple Moon is still very generous. Although I sometimes take a small advantage from me, it still gives me more benefits in comparison. Don’t worry, I’ll account for it. Nothing mess."

"hmph, if you dare to turn things around and say I have something good in the future, do you want to think about you."

"What? Is there really something good this time?" "Ditans, who discovered that I was not joking, hurriedly moved in.

I didn’t plan to go around with him, and I said directly: "There are indeed good things. It depends on whether you want it."

"Why not good things?"


"Because it might hurt your face a bit."

"How much is face worth?" Ditans directly played a rogue. Thanks to me and him in the room, if an outsider sees the glasses that must be broken.

"Since you don't care, then I will tell you directly." I first asked: "Do you remember the Dark God Palace Lord God before you?"

" Do you mean Hohenheim?" Fredans frowned asked, "Is it related to him?"

I nodded and said: "We don’t care about those things between you, anyway. It’s all in the past tense now. But, did you know that Hoinheim once launched a magical war against the wizard system?"

Ditans nodded said: "Of course I know this, and then the wizard system It’s been completely wiped out by us. What does this have to do with what we’re talking about?"

"The relationship is that the original wizard system was actually only crippled and not completely wiped out, and in order to control the wizard We don’t let them re-development and growth. Hoinheim also sent an elite squad to become the leader of the wizards."

"Elite squad? Why don't I know?"

"If you know that I don't need to tell you the benefits of this time."

It is natural that Titans can become the main god of the Dark God Palace. Come here. He exclaimed: "That elite squad is still there?"

I nodded and continued: "They are the direct descendants of Hoinheim. They are very powerful, and one of them is probably only better than you. Slightly weaker."

"So strong?"

I nodded again. "The opponent's strength is very strong, and they have a strong sense of belonging to the Dark God Palace. But because of the fact that you got the gods, they seem to have some opinions on you." When Ditans heard this, he could only touch his nose. I didn't dare to explain, otherwise it would really get darker and darker. I also know that this thing is not sound to say, so I took it directly to the aisle: "Anyway, they regret it now and want to return to the Dark God Palace, but they are afraid that you will hate them because they have been hiding for so many years, so they just Don't dare to come back."

"Why don't you dare to come back?" Ditans jumped up and shouted: "Such a high-end battle strength can't be grabbed. I don't want them if my head is flooded? Tell me where they are, I will send, I will pick them up in person." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. , Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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