"Do you want me to be your subordinate?"

"It can't be regarded as a subordinate. It should be regarded as a cooperative relationship. Of course, if you are willing to join our guild, I will be more Welcome."

"Wishful thinking." Louise said directly: "I don't like men. It is absolutely impossible to join your organization."

"Even if you join us Yes, it doesn’t mean that you must have contact with men? Our guilds are not only men. I can arrange for you an all-female attendant team to assist you in your work."

Louise thinks a little bit. After a while, he said: "But I don't like to be in a stubborn environment."

"Aggrieved? Why do you think our guild is aggrieved?"

" Isn’t it?” Louise said seriously: “I’m here now, I come to participate in the Magic Festival once a month, and then at other times I am free in the magic forest. What's your... called?"

"The guild."

"Yes. After joining your guild, I will be locked in a cramped room every day. I’m not so stupid to make you candy here?"

I really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh when I heard this answer, but in order to let Louise join our guild, I still patiently explained to her: "I didn't say I would lock you in a room. As long as you don't mind, you can walk around. Of course, given your special status, if you want to leave our guild We will definitely send someone to protect you. As for making magic desserts, I don’t think you have to do it yourself. Bringing a few disciplines shouldn’t be a problem, right?"

" Isn’t it the same and very aggrieved?" Louise said: "If you leave your sphere of influence, someone will follow. What is the difference between that one in jail?"

Will you send someone to follow you? Only when you enter an area that we cannot absolutely control will send someone to protect you."

Louis disdainfully said: "That's not the same? Your sphere of influence How big can it be? Is this wizard canyon so big?"

"Wizard canyon?"

"Yes, this is the canyon where we are standing. Your sphere of influence can have Is it big here? I need a space several times this area to move around. When you can control an area several times larger than this canyon, I will join your guild. No need to cooperate, I will give it directly. You are your subordinate."

When I heard this, I directly extended the hand and said: "Congratulations on making the right choice. From now on, you are the expert of our Frost Rose League. It's a magic pastry chef. "

"Wait. When did I say that I would join your guild? "Loise yelled immediately after hearing what I said.

I didn’t speak yet, Ling helped me and said: "Our bank currently has four super cities, 33 ordinary cities, Seventeen towns, eighty-three villages, and a floating continent. The total area is still uncertain, but it should be at least a hundred times larger than this canyon. This is only the area of ​​our directly affiliated cities and towns. In addition to the cities and towns, we are talking about the actual control areas of our guilds and the affiliated areas with super influence. The total area of ​​these areas should not be less than one hundred. 10,000 square kilometers, is this range enough for your activities? "

"One...one million square kilometers? "

"This is a conservative estimate, because although some areas are under our actual control, we can't be sure that they are safe. After excluding these areas, there are probably so many remaining parts. "

Loise was stunned for a long time before she woke up from the shock caused by this huge number, and then she suddenly argued: "I...I don't like it everywhere. Don't think that the area of ​​the city is big. I don't like lively, I am not used to living in the city. "

"You can live in the city of the sky in the twin cities of Isengard, the headquarters city of our guild. "

"Isn't that in the city yet?" "

"You just said that you don't like crowds, but you don't hate cities. The ground city of the Isinger Twin Cities is the open area, and the Sky City is the exclusive area of ​​the guild. At present, the guild has only two hundred thousand adventurer members and nearly 100 million natural existences, but they are distributed all over the world. Isengard’s adventurer special zone, the armed forces are all in the Isengard mobile fortress, and the office staff They are all in the ground city of Isengard, Sky City only has an adventurer residence, but because everyone usually works everywhere, Isengard’s side is almost the ghost city, sometimes there are only a dozen or 20 people in a few square kilometers. It's absolutely quiet enough to let you hear your own heartbeat. How about it? How is this environment? "

"I don't like living in the city. "

"Then live in Steel City. "

"Steel City is not a city?" "

"The outer circle area of ​​Steel City is all desert, but it is all under the absolute control of our guild. We can build a studio for you in the desert, surrounded by no-man’s land, how? Sample? "

"I don't want to live in the desert. "

"Where do you want to live?" Live in the forest like now? It’s okay, we have it too, and it’s a large area. "

"I don't want to live in the forest. It's all forests, so I might as well live here and don't move. I don't want to live on the ground. "

"We also have Underground City. We have a total of four Underground City, respectively..."

Louis said with a sweaty head: "Stop talking, I don't want to live in Underground City. "

"Then you refuse to live on the ground...Oh. I see. Our guild also has underwater cities. The whole city is under the water, you can see the sea as soon as you look up, and there are many beautiful fish swimming outside, and you can go to the water to play when you are fine. "

Loise couldn't help but look yearning when she heard what I said, but after holding it for a long time, she pressed it down and continued to find the fault and said: "I don't want to live on seabed." I want to live far away from the ground. But not underground and seabed. "

"Is that so?" "

Seeing me thinking there, she immediately smiled triumphantly and said: "How? Is it not working? I'll just say you are not strong enough. You can't satisfy such a request and want me to work for you? There are no doors. "

"Is it ok as long as it is not on the ground, underground, or seabed?" "

"The sea is not good either. I don't want to live on an island. "

"So what about heaven? "

"Heaven? "Louise was stunned again. Although it is a succubus parasite, Louise is still half human after all and does not fully inherit the characteristics of a succubus, so she can't fly without wings. Even if she is looking for me. Stubble deliberately confronted me, but her yearning for the sky is not negligible. However, Louise is definitely a more exaggerated type of rebellious girls. Even if she likes the sky very much, she is willing to give up the actual benefits in order to rebel. Quick talk. "What are you talking about? Do you still have a city that can fly? "

In Louise's surprised gaze, I slowly nodded and said: "We really have one, and there are more than one." In addition, we also have floating islands, some of which have been trimmed into floating forts and aerial buildings, but there are still some floating islands with a good environment that have not been remodeled. How about choosing one for you? "

"I, I, I..." Louise still gritted her teeth after holding back for a long time: "I'm not rare. "

"Then what kind of environment do you want to live in? As long as you speak up. "

Louise hesitated when she heard what I said, because she had already rejected all imaginable circumstances just now. Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, the seabed was drilled, Apart from these, where else can the city be? However, she just wanted to have trouble with me anyway, even if that was the case, she gritted her teeth for a long time and said: "I want to live outside the main material plane. "

"Louis, don't mess around. "The Great Demon King of Hagros finally couldn't help but speak. "Can the plane barrier be easily opened?" You have to be awkward. "

Louis did not give up immediately when he heard the reprimand of the Great Demon King from Haglos, but said coquettishly: "He said as long as I can say it. I have now said that if he can't do it, it means that he is not strong enough and is not worthy to recruit me. "

The Great Demon King of Haglos wanted to continue to educate Louise, but was stopped by me. Looking towards Louise, I asked very seriously: "Is it as long as I can be in my position? If I arrange a work area for you outside the area, you agree to join our guild as my subordinate? "

"Of course. "Loise said very positively, but she became a little uncertain after she finished speaking, because she always felt that I would not ask if I couldn't do it, but if I could do it, this would be too unimaginable. After all, the plane barrier is not so easy to open, as Hagros Great Demon King said, so she still feels that I am bluffing. "I just like to live in other planes, and I must be able to travel to and from the main position frequently. noodle. In addition, the space should not be too small, don't think that making a few rooms is a different plane. "

"Are you really sure? "

"OK. As long as the above requirements are met, I will join. "

"Then let's sign and confirm. "I took out a scroll directly, and said: "Lest some people renege on a debt, let's sign a contract to guarantee it." "

Loise glanced at my contract scroll, and then she was stunned for a long time before she suddenly said stiffly: "Who is afraid of whom?" "

The drafting of the agreement is very fast. After all, this is a system agreement. You can formulate terms according to your requirements as long as you think about it, and you can modify it quickly. After completing the agreement, I signed the name and handed it to Louise said: "You have to be sure. Although the environment of the alien plane is good, if your strength passes..."

My words are obviously provocative and despised, and Louise is obviously an extremely rebellious personality. Hearing my words, he immediately started to counterattack instinctively: "As long as you can get it out, I will dare to live in. And don't forget, I want to be able to go back and forth at any time, don't open the door for a long time. "

"You can rest assured. Okay, sign it. "

Louise started to whisper again when she saw me being so decisive, but after thinking about it, she still found it impossible, and finally signed her name cruelly. "Here you are, I'm done signing." , If you have the ability, please give me an out-of-plane studio. Don't forget that it is stipulated in the agreement. If you can't make it out, you will be punished. "

"I'm not as stupid as you. "I just snapped my fingers as I said, and just listened to a loud boom. A door hit the room and smashed a hole in the ground. The base of the door sank, but fortunately the distance from the floor of this small wood house. The ground is not very high, so the floor did not affect the opening and closing of the door.

As the door fell, the door panel silently opened a seam inward, and then it was billowing purple black. The gas poured out from it, and a layer was laid under our feet in an instant.

"Ah..." Louise screamed immediately after she touched the gas, because she felt it to the bone. The cold. It’s not the cold on the body, but the icy cold that feels like even the soul is freezing.

Amidst Louise’s screams, I stood in front of the door, and then went to the door. Li made a please gesture, and then said: "Although the environment cannot be said to be so pleasing to the eye, at least it is absolutely quiet enough. Please, we have to Miss Magic Pastry Chef. "

"This...Where is this place?" "

"Hell, the underworld, and the Netherworld are all a world anyway. How about it? Does this meet your requirements? Absolutely different plane, and very famous, you should have heard of it. "

The Yin Sector in "Zero" is actually an independent world. You can think of it as a planet with the same continents as Earth, and then people from various countries die Will enter different areas. The boundary between these areas is the sea of ​​silence. In fact, most areas of the underworld are seas of silence, and the land is distributed like islands on the sea of ​​silence. Although this place is very common, you I have to admit that this place is indeed a different plane.

"Ah...I don't want to go in, how can people live in this kind of place? This is a place for dead people, no one can enter at all! "Louise was almost scared to cry. After all, this is the underworld, the place where the dead gather. That kind of place the living will not want to go.

I asked in a feigning ignorance way: "But this is what you said, as long as the different planes do. "

"Even if you want a different plane, at least you have to be able to live! Don't talk about Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, at least there must be a normal environment. I don't admit this kind of place! "

"Sorry, you have signed the agreement. Even if you don't admit it, I have completed my part of the agreement, and the agreement will still take effect. "

"Don't do it...I don't want to admit it. There is no way to live in this kind of place. Don't do it, you must change to a separate plane. This does not count. If you don't work with me, then you will be passive and sabotage, and you will not work when you join your guild. "

"Although we already have an agreement, considering that the underworld is really not suitable for normal people to live in, and to show my generosity, I can allow you to modify the agreement again. "At this point, I paused again, and then continued: "But I'm done. If I find another alien plane and you still refuse to live in, then you must complete the agreement to become a member of our guild anyway, and you are not allowed to pick and choose. Your future living conditions will be determined by me. You only have the right to make suggestions, and it is entirely up to me whether to adopt it or not. Moreover, you must not use any excuse to slow down your work passively. "

"You can no longer use this inhabitable environment to force me. "Louise said smartly.

I nodded: "This time the environment is absolutely top-notch, and Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, the whole is like a big garden. In fact, there is indeed a garden. "

"The garden of the alien plane? "

"Correct. Therefore, you can no longer shirk. Come on, look at the last alien plane I prepared for you. "As I said, I put away Gates of Hell, and then a golden gate appeared and opened automatically.

Although the gate of the earth is not as violent as Gates of Hell, its appearance will be there. Several people were shocked. The previous Gates of Hell was just a shock to Louise. Haglos Great Demon King and Clydia sergeant did not respond, but this time, even them Both looked at the door in front of them dumbfoundedly.

"Come on, Louise, how is the environment here? Look at the sky, the grassland, the forest and the lake in the distance, what a perfect environment. How about it? Let you work here in the future, right? "

"Woo...you bully..." To my surprise, Louise started crying. Of course I knew she didn't dare to enter the gate of the earth, but didn't expect her I will cry.

Hearing Louise’s cry, Haglos Great Demon King recovered from the shock and quickly embraced Louise to comfort him, but afterwards it was still slightly Reproachfully said: "President Purple Moon is very strong, and following him is more promising than staying here. You have to know good or bad, don't quarrel with President Purple Moon anymore. "

"But I really dare not live in it! Haggros, elder sister, don’t you feel the breath in it? That kind of suffocating oppression, I feel as if I am going to disappear! "

When the Great Demon King of Haglos heard this, he glanced at the Gate of the Earth with lingering fear, and then comforted: "Don't worry, President Purple Moon is not so unkind." I guess he opened this dimension to scare you. Who told you to deliberately make trouble? You used to live in a small wood house in the forest very happily. Which of the floating islands and underwater cities provided by President Purple Moon is tens of thousands of times better than the small wood house? Don't worry, you just have to apologize sincerely to President Purple Moon, he won't care about you. "

"Really? "

As soon as Louise finished speaking, I rushed in front of the Great Demon King of Haglos and said: "As long as you try your best to work hard for our Frost Rose League in the future, of course I will not treat you badly." As for the accommodation, just tell me what kind of environment you like, and I will help you arrange it. But don't make things difficult for me this time. Otherwise, I will let you live in Eighteen Levels of Hell next time. "

"Oh, can't I be obedient?" "

Although Louise’s character is a bit rebellious and lively, in my opinion this character is actually the best, because it is her nature, although it looks a bit rebellious, in fact But it's very sincere. Compared with the kind of flower-like existence that smiles in front of you, turns around and stabs a knife in your back, I still feel that this kind of frankness is more sensible. Besides. It can be said that this kind of personality of Louise was not caused by her herself. You must know that she had merged with high-level succubus. Although the soul was obliterated, the physical memory would not be eliminated. The psychological characteristics of the succubus were originally It’s strange that Louise is just a bit rebellious. It’s pretty good if she doesn’t become a mental disorder and a perverted woman. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for it Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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