The magic pastry chef who made me exhausted suffering untold hardships finally appeared, but the appearance of this guy directly made me dumbfounded.

The magic pastry chef in front of me is a Little Demoness, and I am quite prepared for this. Because this is the center of wizards, the magic pastry chef is a witch. I also found out last night. In addition, according to the information known by Clydia’s attendant, the magic pastry chef is not only a witch, but also age not to old, so I knew early on that I would see a young witch today. It’s just... why the imagination and reality are so poor. so much?

People who have read a lot of Japanese manga think of witches are naturally the kind of youthful and beautiful loli witches, while orthodox Europeans think of witches are almost like a dirty linen robe. I knew in advance that the magic pastry chef was a young witch, so I thought that the other party was the kind of loli witch, but later because almost all the wizards I saw at this magic festival were dressed in linen costumes, it can be seen from this. The standard of living here is relatively average, so I also changed my mind, thinking that the magic pastry chef should be wearing a linen witch dress, looking a little younger, plain and even a bit ugly.

Because of the previous speculation, when I saw the real magic pastry chef, the huge contrast really made me a little unacceptable.

The magic pastry chef in front of me is indeed a witch, and indeed very young, but the problem is... she doesn't look like a loli at all.

The basic element of Loli is that the body has not developed yet, which is the kind of airport in front of her chest. But this one...Although it can't be said to be an exaggeration, it is really quite a spectacular size, especially her witch dress with a waistband. The leather waistband with many metal belt buckles bound her waist as if it could be held by one hand. In the contrast of the slender waist, even the originally not exaggerated bust would look quite predictable, not to mention the fact that people were already rich in capital, and now it looks even more spectacular.

Black's Gothic girdle separates the witch's costume into two parts. The lower part is simpler, or the fabric is less. The first thing close to the waistband is a pink mini tutu. The material of Melaleuca seems to be transparent, but you can't see anything when you look closely. The pleated structure, multi-layer composite superimposition, looks fluffy and full of layers, plus the serrated edge design, looks very vibrant. The only problem is that the length seems to be too short. I guess it just covered the top part of the thigh. I can guarantee that as long as the skirt is one centimeter shorter, the most mysterious triangle will be exposed.

Under the tutu skirt are two extremely white, dizzying long legs. Because they are too perfect, they look like artistic photos edited by a computer.

The two legs are a pair of black boots. Glossy patent leather design, the boot shaft has been wrapped up to the knee joint, and the heel is at least eleven centimeters. Even if the height of the waterproof platform is reduced, the inclination angle of the sole of the shoe will be quite exaggerated. Of course, in the game, because you don’t have to worry about sore feet after wearing it for too long, the shoes you are happy with are usually high heels, and there are also types with exaggerated shapes. After all, in reality, in addition to aesthetics, comfort is also an issue that has to be considered, so beautiful women usually don't dare to wear exaggerated high heels, but there are no such problems in the game. As long as it looks good, you can ignore everything else. Anyway, what kind of shoes you wear in the game will not make your feet tired, and the player's endurance attribute is not for the soles of the feet.

Even because of the setting of the system, most of the shoes worn by female players and NPCs are high heels, but these are still in the normal category. Seven or eight centimeters of high heels are used in the game. Here is the most common. It is both gorgeous and not very exaggerated. Of course, this height is actually very tiring in reality, and few women wear such shoes to go out and walk around. However, even in the game, the eleven centimeter high heels are definitely an exaggerated height. Even if the two-centimeter-plus waterproof platform in front is removed, the drop between the front and rear of this shoe is nearly ten centimeters.

Due to the exaggerated design of the shoe shape and the use of shiny patent leather, these boots look very glamorous. In addition, because the little witch's legs are very white, it forms a strong visual contrast with black boots. On the one hand, the legs are more white, and on the other hand, the boots are more attractive.

The lower body is so exaggerated, and the above is basically similar. Gothic girdle seals generally have chest support, and this one is the same. With the support of the chest support, women's breasts will not sag, so they appear more prominent. In addition, this woman actually wore a thin top with a large open collar, and the result was that almost half of her chest was exposed. , I saw a large area of ​​white flowers at a glance, and the bloody blood might just spurt out my nosebleeds.

This large open-necked top uses a three-quarter sleeve design. The cuffs are more than an inch above the wrist without touching the wrist. The cuffs still use the design of swinging sleeves. Tighten it, and then extend a relatively wide cuff lace with a hem.

In the front of the cuffs, the little witch’s right hand wears a dark golden bracelet on her wrist. The background color of the bracelet is golden, but it is very dark, and the bracelet is also inlaid with a circle of dark The red one looks like a clot-like gemstone that is about to solidify. It looks very evil, but unexpectedly has a very amazing charm effect.

On the side of the bracelet, there is a small golden chain connecting from the bracelet to a ring on the witch's finger. This ring on the index finger is also made of the same material as the bracelet, and the surface is also inlaid with scarlet gems, but the color is slightly brighter.

The witch doesn’t have this kind of bracelet on her left hand, but her left index finger, middle finger and ring finger wear three rings respectively. The basic part of each ring is the same dark golden metal, but The gems above are in three different colors: azure blue, pure black, and colorless and transparent.

I raised my gaze again, and you can see that the witch wears a lace-rim collar around the witch’s neck. There is also a long oval dark red gem in the center of this collar. Look at it and it will feel like an eye. In fact, the circle of metal around the fixed gem on the neck is the shape of a magic eye, and the gem is the eyeball of the magic eye.

With the collar upwards, you can see that this witch has a baby face that looks quite young, but what is unusual is that this witch is painted with rather exaggerated heavy makeup. Although many people often describe that some women are covered by heavy makeup to cover their beauty, but that is actually the reason why the makeup skills are not in place. Take a look at those celebrities after removing their makeup and in front of the camera, you can understand how amazing makeup is. To be an exaggeration, make-up is a technology for mass production of beautiful women. As long as they are not inherently ugly, a good make-up artist can increase the appearance score of beautiful women by at least ten to twenty points.

The witch in front of me is obviously the kind of person who is very good at makeup. Her own appearance should be said to be in Loli style. The baby face is very cute and beautiful, but her makeup is forcibly changed her appearance from natural cuteness to mature and emotional. Moreover, her makeup skills are awesome. You can clearly see that she used makeup to forcibly change her look and style, but she doesn't feel inappropriate at all. Except for those special people who only like loli, normal men will feel that they can appreciate the beauty of two styles on the same face at the same time when they see her appearance. At first glance, she is very tempting, and it attracts your attention at first glance, but the more you look at it, the more you look at it, the more you feel that she is very pure. These two extreme contrasts appear on the same face at the same time, this technique is really nothing to say.

Normally speaking, in addition to the witch dress on her body, a witch should also have a certain pointy high hat on her head. This thing is the orthodox dress of the wizard. However, this one is obviously not an orthodox supporter. She also had a hat buttoned on her head, but it was the exact opposite of the big and tall witch hat that can keep out rain on rainy days. This hat was only the size of a duck egg. There is also a colored feather inserted in the little red hat. The whole hat is fixed obliquely on the top of the head. It is hung there. It looks like a hairpin is more than a hat. After all, what is such a big hat? Can't hide.

Looking at this outfit from top to bottom together, at first glance, it looks like a special sense of sex. If you look closely, you will feel playful and cute after a few seconds. Look at it for a while. Will feel very pure. Such a changeable temperament is really tempting, and it just captures the male psychology. However, there is always something wrong with this outfit like speaking of which.

The previous intelligence focused on this extreme aversion to the existence of any male. It is said that such a woman should not dress up for men. Of course, even women who don’t like men may like to dress up, but the way that women dress up is as good as they like, and they will not pass on sex-sensing style clothing. After all, sex-sensing is used to attract the opposite sex. Since you don't like the opposite sex, why do you still wear such a sex. What do you do?

This little witch is a special person who hates males. She doesn't like all males. But, if this is the case, why does she dress up like this?

I was looking at this in a daze, but the other person reacted before me. She walked up to me in a puzzled manner. Instead of continuing the previous questioning, she asked in a puzzled manner: "Excuse me...Are you a man or a woman?"

"Why do you ask?" The other party asked me in front of me, of course I couldn't continue to be in a daze.

The magic pastry chef who was asked me rhetorically said with some uncertainty: "I can distinguish between men and women by my breath. As soon as you entered my shop before, I felt your breath behind the shelf, so I I scolded you for letting you out because I hate men, and your breath is that of a man. But after I saw you..."

Since the other party has said so, I am not good to lie to her . Although the change to the Yinyue account before was misleading her, it was only misleading. Even if she wanted to pursue it afterwards, I could evade that she had misunderstood it, and I did not say that I was a female. However, since she asked this in front of me, if I said that I was a woman, it would be a deceit, so that it would be difficult to explain in the future. After all, I was going to dig her into our guild, and it was not a one-off sale, so integrity is very important.

"Your feeling is right, I am a man."

Hearing my answer, the magic pastry chef on the opposite side was so scared that he jumped out a lot, and then Pointing at me and asking in surprise: "You, you, you... are you actually a man?"

"authentic. Of course, I know that my appearance seems more likely to cause misunderstandings, but no matter from the physical or Psychologically, I am a thorough man. There is nothing wrong with this."

"Are you really a man?"

I'm nodded. "Yes, I am really a man."

"Then you can go out." The magic pastry chef said directly and I was stunned. "Man is not welcome here."

"Hey, isn't it? Anyway, I don't think you have any reaction before, why do you have to let me out?"

"Because This is my shop. I said if you let you go out, you have to let me out."

"Aiya, Louise younger sister, don't you need to be so angry?" The little witch over there stared. When I let me out, the voice of Hagros Great Demon King suddenly came from outside.

The magic pastry chef, who was still angry just now, changed a smiley face in an instant, and then jumped on the person. "Haglos Elder sister, why are you here? Every time I go to play with you. It's rare to see you come out once!"

"Nothing strange, because there is something important today Guests need to entertain, so I will come out."

"Important guests?" Magic pastry chef Louise asked in surprise: "Who needs our terrifying Hagg for such a big face The Great Demon King of Ross came out to greet him in person?"

"This is the one in front of you." Great Demon King of Haglos stretched out his hand and gestured to me directly.

Louise looked towards me in surprise and cried: "Just him?"

"Why? Am I not qualified?" I turned to Louise and asked.

Louis looked at me up and down again with a little surprise, but a few seconds later, a word that almost didn't anger me came out suddenly. "Just this guy who is not a man or a woman? Didn't you see any special place?"

"hahahaha......" Although I was half to death, Hagros Great Demon over there King and the Clydia attendant who came with her couldn't help but leaned forward and reunited with a smile, and they almost rolled on the floor.

"hmph, if it wasn't because you heard that you hate men, I need to be like this?" As I said, a whirlwind rolled around my body, instantly regaining the Purple Moon form, tight Following a blast of naked eye visible black mist began to diffuse, and soon drifted to the Great Demon King of Haglos.

"hey hey hey, President Purple Moon, I’m sorry, the joke seems to have been done!" Hagglos Great Demon King realized that I was really angry as soon as he came into contact with the surrounding black fog. Explain aloud.

The magic pastry chef Louise over there is completely act recklessly and strongly argued: "What are you afraid of him, Elder Sister Hagros? It depends on you and Clydia’s elder sister. But he? It’s really impossible. That bastard Roswell can be considered half a battle strength, right?"

"Hey, where am I bastard?" The roar of the Chief Guard Roswell came from outside the shop. Obviously, although he didn't come in, he kept listening to our conversation.

Louis ignored him at all and said directly to me: "You said, can you beat my Hagros elder sister? She is the strength of the main Divine Grade. There is also Clydia’s elder sister, that’s also the strength of the high level Divine Race, just relying on you..."

Louise was used by the Great Demon King of Hagros before finishing her words. He blocked it back, and then Hagglos Great Demon King quickly apologized to me: "Compared to President Purple Moon, Louise is spoiled by us. If you have any regrets, don't worry about her. "

Hearing the words of the Great Demon King of Haglos, I also recovered a bit of my senses, forcibly suppressed the anger in my heart, and then condensed the mist of death that had emanated. After a few deep breaths, it was considered complete. Calmed down. "Well, I don’t care about it before, just be a little child ignorant. But I hope I don’t provoke me anymore. Although I think my temper is pretty good, it’s impossible to be humiliated and not angry. If I’m Confused by the anger, you should know what the result will be."

"Thank you for your tolerance." Great Demon King Hagglos said respectfully.

Since the signing of the agreement, the Great Demon King of Haglos has known that I have the ability to have an equal dialogue with Titans, and I can also influence Titans’ decision to a large extent, these all are invisible strength. With such strength, even if my strength is a scum, it is not something they can offend casually. even more how my battle strength itself is terrifying enough. Besides, even if you decide to offend someone, you have to have a reason, right? It's okay to say for some benefit, but to offend an existence like me just to take a verbal advantage, it's too uneconomical.

"Haglos elder sister, you..." Louise broke free from the control of the Great Demon King of Hagros and was held down after just saying a few words.

Haglos Great Demon King turned her to him, then looked into her eyes and said with a serious face: "Louise, listen up now. President Purple Moon is not you can do whatever you want There is an insult, so please respect him as much as you respect me. I know you don’t feel his power, so I don’t think he is worthy of respect, but what I want to tell you is the reason why you don’t feel his power, then It’s because his power is beyond your perception just like me."

"What?" Because the Great Demon King of Haglos has a very serious expression, Louise really listened this time. Went in. After hearing that I was as strong as the Great Demon King of Haglos, Louise screamed even more. "Is he really strong to that level?"

Haglos Great Demon King shook the head, and then said in Louise’s puzzled eyes: "I only know his strength and me It is within a range, but I don’t know who is stronger. Therefore, he is likely to be stronger than me."

"How is it possible?"

"There is nothing impossible. Louise, this world is very big. This area we live in is only a small part of the world. You can’t use our standards to measure the existence outside, so I hope you can put away your stubbornness toward Purple Moon. I apologize for a long time and promise not to offend him again."

Louis looked towards Haglos Great Demon King in surprise, and then turned to look at me again. Finally, to my surprise, she There was no resistance. I just hesitated for a while and stomped fiercely and turned and bowed to me at a ninety degree. Then loudly shouted: "I'm sorry, President Purple Moon, please forgive me for the offense."

Loise's character traits are obvious. She should be a rather rebellious existence, but her behavior now surprises me very much. Such a person can change his perception and apologize to me because of a sentence from the Great Demon King of Haglos. This is definitely not a general deterrence or a good relationship.

Presumably seeing that I was surprised, Haglos Great Demon King suddenly explained to himself: "Don’t be surprised. Although Louise calls us elder sister, she is actually me and Kerry. Dia raised it."

"Huh?" I looked at Louise in surprise and then at the Great Demon King of Hagros and Clydia's attendant.

The attendant Clydia followed the words of the Great Demon King of Haglos and said: "Louis is actually an orphan. Her parents were killed in that battle. When we found her, she My mother hadn't died yet. When we saw her push Louise, who was still a baby, towards us with the remaining limbs connected by only a few tendons, we were completely conquered by the begging in her eyes. Think about it afterwards, As Archfiend, we shouldn’t be sympathetic. At that time, she should have used some special ability on us. However, in terms of words, we do think she is very pitiful, so we adopted the baby, which is The current Louise."

"Wait, the war didn't seem to be fought more than ten years ago, right?"

The Corrida attendant knew what I was wondering about. , Directly explained: "Loise had actually been injured by the destruction magic in the internal organs and part of the soul, so in order to save her, we used a demon egg to parasitize her, and we used Archfiend's secret spell to kill her. The new soul evolved from the demon egg, so that this body is completely owned by Louise. However, it seems that part of the soul fragment of the demon egg remains and merges into Louise’s soul, so that Louise’s personality has changed a little bit, and because the scope to repair the body is too large, the whole process takes decades. In addition, Louise is actually not as small as it seems. You We also know that the lifespan of our demons is actually very long. Even if it is partly demonized, Louise’s lifespan cannot simply be calculated according to human standards."

I nodded and said: "Finally I understand why she has such a weird temperament."

"Huh? You can see this too?" Louise looked at me in surprise and said, "Elder sister Hagglos said you are very difficult to deal with, so I believe you must be really difficult to deal with, but I want to see your strength. If you can tell why I have such a temperament, I will even think you are really good."< /p>

"hahahaha, if you can see that even if your soul is powerful, then what you said is too worthless, right?"

"Don't interrupt, you just have the ability Let’s talk about it."

"That’s good. Your temperament looks very sexual, seductive, and confusing at first, and it gives people an urge to throw you down. But As long as five or six seconds have passed, you will immediately find that under your surface temptation, there seems to be a playful and cute feature hidden, but if you look at it for a while, you will feel pure again."

"This is my characteristic, you haven't said the reason yet. "

"The reason is simple. The problem should lie with the devil egg back then. It shouldn't be a normal demon egg that merges with you, but a succubus, and it is a very rare egg left by the advanced reincarnation of a high-level succubus. "

"Can you really tell?" "Louise asked in surprise.

The Great Demon King of Haglos was also nodded and said: "It was indeed accidentally mistaken to get the egg, and it ended up like this. "

I shook my head and said: "You can't blame you for this. After all, once the succubus evolves to the advanced stage, it is even Archfiend. At this time, if the advanced reincarnation is carried out, it will form an Archfiend egg instead of Succubus egg, so if you don't read the soul of this egg, you will definitely not be able to distinguish it from the appearance. It is understandable that you took the wrong one at the time. "

"You really have an unusual relationship with Dark God Palace, and you know so much about the devil's affairs. "

"I know so much detail not because of Titans, but because of her. "Following my words, Ling suddenly appeared next to me.

The Great Demon King of Haglos and Clydia sergeant on the opposite side were all taken aback when they saw Ling. After a few seconds, the two people suddenly screamed together. "You are that... that...? "

"My name is Ling now. "Ling said directly.

"Do you know each other?" "I turned my head and looked towards Ling and asked.

Ling was nodded to me, but it was the Great Demon King of Haglos on the opposite side, explaining: "We have met several times in Dark God Palace before, but We are not a system, so we are not very familiar, we just know each other. "

Clidia's attendant also nodded and said: "Yes. Ling's status at the time was much higher than ours. I heard that you went out on your own afterwards? how……? "

"Goddess is tired, it's nice to change the taste. "Ling said with a relaxed smile. At that moment, both the Great Demon King of Hagglos and the Attendant Clydia felt that she was so great, because it sounded like "I haven't been a big brother for many years". Feeling. Of course, this sentence does not have such an effect by everyone. Most people say this kind of thing only as a joke or bragging. After all, Ling is a Goddess who has really worked for many years, so this sentence is from What she said in her mouth was particularly shocking.

"Okay, let's talk about it when I have time. "I interrupted them: "Since Louise was raised by the Great Demon King of Haglos, can I ask you to ask her to help me?" "

"This..." Hagross Great Demon King originally wanted to agree, but after thinking about it, he said: "It still depends on Louise's own meaning. We will not interfere with her decision. "

"So what did you say? "I turned to Louise and asked. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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