It was already early in the second day after the information was sorted out, and it was almost dawn after a simple offline wandering around.

Because people began to arrive yesterday, the Magic Festival actually started very early today, and even some wizards stayed up all night and have been communicating with those colleagues. Intelligence and item trading.

Speaking of which wizard here may not be a good person, but it’s surprising that the Magic Festival itself is very harmonious, let alone fights, it’s like a family gathering, no matter what you know I don't know each other. When the two people met together, they couldn't find something to talk about.

I like this kind of academic atmosphere very much, but unfortunately I am not a wizard, so I can't get in with what they discuss. Besides, I am not here to engage in academic exchanges.

With the company of Chief Guard Roswell, I quickly reached the front of the magic dessert shop. In fact, when I came yesterday, the witch had already led me to admit the way. Today, I just asked the Chief Guard Roswell to help me as a lobbyist.

Obviously we arrived a bit early, the magic dessert shop has not opened yet, but that’s okay, because there have been many wizards in the morning and last night, so we have a lot of places to go shopping, the most important It is the fixed shops on both sides of the valley that almost all opened in the morning, so you can just stroll through them one by one.

Compared to the roadside stalls in these stores with fixed stores, the products are obviously much more formal, not to mention brand issues. The wizards don’t have any brand concept here either. They just say that half of the things in the shop are finished products that everyone uses, not primordial materials. The most important thing is that many of the things sold on the stalls are unconfirmed and unstable products. , And the shops are reliable medicines.

Speaking of this unstable product, this is mainly determined by the characteristics of the wizard profession. Because wizards are very good at making all kinds of medicines and medicines, most of the things they sell are such items. Although the wizards rarely use those drugs themselves, for the purpose of communication and research, they will actively sell their own drugs and buy some others' drugs for research. Of course, because it is experimental in nature, the attributes of many things are not stable. For example, sometimes there will be some violent potions on the stalls, the target is to increase twice the strength without any side effects, but after drinking it, it directly increases the strength by seven or eight times, and even the magic resistance increases by a large amount. But people also lost their minds. After more than ten minutes of medicine efficacy, they fainted because of excessive physical exhaustion.

Unstable potion stalls like this violent potion can be seen everywhere, but this phenomenon rarely occurs in fixed stores. There are also unstable medicines in fixed stores, but that kind of things will be placed in a separate location and some possible dangers will be marked, and the items that are officially sold in the store are absolutely reliable.

Of course, I didn’t come to buy the so-called reliable products. Because of the grade problem here, these so-called reliable products are actually useless to me. What I really want to find is a special kind of thing called extreme potion.

The name Extreme Potion is actually what I heard from the attendant Clydia last night. As a legal profession, she herself lives in this wizard concentration area, so she naturally has some medicine for the wizards. Research. According to her, there are sometimes some unstable potions in those fixed stores, but because the owners of these stores are powerful, the unstable potions they configure generally do not have bad results. However, some unexpected products often appear in these unstable agents. I don't know to what extent this kind of surprise can be unexpected, but since I feel that Clydia's attendant can reach the high level Divine Race's strength, then she probably won't be the ordinary goods that can be valued by her. Besides, I didn't plan to buy it and drink it myself anyway, but took it back for research, so it doesn't hurt to buy a bit.

Accompanied by Chief Guard Roswell, I quickly walked around all the fixed storefronts, only to scan a bunch of goods back. Among them, I unexpectedly bought a sky vine. This thing is a magical plant, but it has no attack power. The ability of this thing is very special, that is, it can break through the boundaries of space and make holes in the barriers of space. This ability cannot be used for attacks, but it can be used to make a Transmission Gate, and it is a Transmission Gate that does not require additional energy support. In addition, this thing can also be turned into a siege weapon if it is used with Elf Race’s plant mage. Because this thing has the ability to pierce the space barrier, it can be used to erode the opponent’s magic barrier and breakthrough the opponent’s space blockade. It is definitely a good thing to push the city wall.

After a round of shopping, I went back to the Magic Pastry Chef's shop with the Chief Guard Roswell. This time I did not disappoint. The shop was already open. But I didn't rush in, but turned around on the spot, and accompanied by a whirlwind from under my feet to the top of my head, my image immediately changed to Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

"You, you..." The Chief Guard Roswell, who stood by my side, watched me complete the transformation with his own eyes, so when he saw me reappear, he was surprised that he couldn't even speak well. NS.

My silver moon trumpet is now fully integrated with the large Purple Moon, attributes and everything are connected in series, but the appearance can still be switched back and forth, and certain abilities will be different under different foreign trade addition. The Silver Moon is still mainly biased towards auxiliary and magic output. When using the Silver Moon state, my magical attack power will increase significantly, and I will get more benefits when communicating with NPCs. After all, the charm value of Yinyue is much higher than that of Purple Moon.

Of course, the reason why Chief Guard Roswell was surprised was not because I would transform, and not because of my attribute changes. He was not strong enough to read my attribute data with his eyes. What really surprised him was my appearance.

In the system setting, the appearance of the two accounts are adjusted in the opposite direction. This is a mandatory setting and cannot be changed. Because I look a bit more feminine, so in order to look more masculine, when setting the Purple Moon account, I made a big adjustment to the direction of the thick line, although after the adjustment, it still feels like a pretty boy, but At least it's not a mother. However, when I landed on the Yinyue account, I found out that the two good looks of a person are reversed from each other. After you set the appearance of the first account, you have set the second one. The appearance of the number. As a result, because Purple Moon was greatly masculine, Silver Moon was greatly feminized. Originally, my basic appearance is already difficult to distinguish between men and women. This is again feminine, and my appearance is more feminine than a woman.

It doesn't matter how you look like this, you can't hit the helmet area, just cover your face. The point is that the guys in Egypt don't know if it was intentional. The reward equipment even gave me a vow suit. This thing is said to be a wizard armor, I think it is more like a costume, especially the hem of the robe is too thin, and then divided by the skirt armor and waist armor, it feels like this robe is like a skirt instead of a robe, the result is silver The image of Yue looks like a dancer in a singer costume rather than a male mage. The most hateful thing is that the head of the oath suit does not wear a helmet, and the helmet is equipped with a headgear. There are indeed male headdresses in the game, which are very common in mage equipment, but the headdresses they have are very simple, just to help the mage fix the hair, I look like a flower crown, and it is still crystal. Whoever thinks that I am a man after this set, then he either knows me or has eye problems.

Although this image is sometimes troublesome, sometimes you have to admit that this appearance is actually of great use value. For example, now, that magic pastry chef happens to be extremely disgusted with men, and I just use this image to avoid this trouble. However, because I forgot to say hello to the Chief Guard Roswell who was with me in advance, I didn't know the reaction of the magic pastry chef. The one next to me was frightened first.

"Are you a woman?" After stammering for a long time, the Roswell Chief Guard finally yelled out such a sentence.

"If I were a woman, you must have been tied home by me now. With a handsome face, a little self-confidence, right?"

What I said was just laughed, and then I surrounded me for a few times, and then I kept shaking my head and said: "It's so perfect. If you are a woman, I will marry you."

"Please don't disgust me I’m not interested in backs. If it wasn’t for the magic pastry chef who hated men, I wouldn’t have to go in like this."

"No matter why, your appearance is really tempting anyway. Don't you usually go out like this, don't you be afraid of being attacked by those who have the brains of the worms?" The Chief Guard Roswell couldn't help asking.

I said angrily: "First, I don’t use this image frequently, so few people have seen it. Second, I can kill a general second-third rate expert just with coercion. The rest of the people should have a little bit of brains and won’t do that kind of idiot. Besides, you don’t know me because your news here is too closed. I’m actually very famous outside, and there are many people who know me. There are many people who are so powerful. There are not no people who dare to move me, but there are very few for this reason. By the way, there are many beauties in my magic pet, so even if I appear in this image, I just want to summon a few If a familiar follow, you can help me disperse the firepower."

Roswell’s chief guard nodded said: "It’s strange or you don’t care, but now I suggest you go in quickly. People here are coming. The more."

I was reminded by the Roswell Chief Guard that I also found that there were many wizards around me that stopped and were watching me. As I said before, there are basically few wizards here who are really good people. On the contrary, it is not too much to say that they are all bastards. The situation of these wizards in Europe is similar to that of Monster Race in Asia. They are a kind of existence opposite to Divine Race, just like the status of the dark forces and the government in reality. There is also this kind of contrast between light and dark in the game. Divine Race is the on the surface controller, and the forces in the dark also exist, and are different from the Divine Race forces of various countries, and the dark forces of each country are not exactly the same. China is the Demon series, and the European side is the wizard series.

None of these wizards are good people. Now that I see a big beauty like me... at least on the surface, it is a big beauty. Just appearing in such a place like this, it is inevitable that some people will get crooked. However, even though these people were not right in their minds, they only dared to watch. Not because they are ethical, but because Chief Guard Roswell is standing by my side. You must know that this person here is a symbol of martial power. It is not wrong to say that he is the Minister of Defense here, and that he is also part-time police, city management and all the work of the army. Moreover, compared with those policemen in reality, Chief Guard Roswell has a more powerful right, that is, he does not need to ask why he kills here. As long as he feels that anyone has endangered his life in this magic festival, then he can kill unconditionally. To put it simply, Chief Guard Roswell has an unlimited killing license, as long as he wants to kill whoever he wants.

Because of the strong position of Chief Guard Roswell here, the wizards at the scene only dared to look around even if they drool all over the floor, and none of them dared to do anything. Of course, if they knew my true strength afterwards, then they would definitely be grateful to Chief Guard Roswell for stopping them here, because if Chief Guard Roswell was not here and they did something, it is estimated that it is here today. There will be a lot of unfathomable mystery.

I didn't care about the look in the eyes of these wizards. I'm used to it anyway. He turned around and walked towards the magic dessert shop, and the wizards in front of him immediately flashed aside. They don't care about drooling at me, but if you really want to do something, they don't have the guts to do it, at least they can't do it in front of Chief Guard Roswell.

Because the magic pastry chef hates all men, even Chief Guard Roswell did not follow up, but followed me to the door of the shop and turned around and stood there to block all the wizards. Is outside. The wizards outside immediately turned and left as soon as they saw this posture. The attitude of Chief Guard Roswell made it clear that they would not let in. Since they didn't have to look at it, it would be more than a loss to upset Chief Guard Roswell here. .

As the wizards outside gradually dispersed, I was stopped by tenderly shouted suddenly.

"Stop. Who let you in? Don't you know my rules?" After the babble, a playful little beauty in a purple witch dress walked out from behind a row of shelves. Little Demoness is not wearing a Japanese witch dress, but a Western witch dress, a purple waist suit and a big hat with a high pointed top. However, since I got here, the number of witches I have seen is less than one hundred or eighty, but the dress in front of me... I don't think it's quite right. Is this a witch dress? How come it looks like a sexy suit? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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