"This ice fist is really cunning. It actually hid the magic dessert chef in the European continent, and then went to Iceland to sell magic desserts. It was so costly to mislead others!"

"That's not quite right." I frowned said: "From the previous situation, this ice fist doesn't seem like a very scheming person, but this way of hiding the magical dessert chef It's... it's very strange anyway."

Hiding the magic dessert chef in the European continent, and then traveling all the way to Iceland to sell magic desserts, this kind of thing is absolutely very rare, and it is not ordinary people. The way to think of it. However, a series of Bingquan’s previous behaviors were all very, very brain-dead behaviors. I can tell from his revenge for his younger brother. This is an ordinary person who has no overall sense of the whole situation. If he can come up with something like this Hidden method, I think it's too accidental.

After much deliberation, I still feel that this matter is more difficult to figure out, but now I can't find Bingquan and ask him directly, so for the time being, I can only follow Bingquan's whereabouts with this suspicion.

Before, when Bing Fist entered this super wide seabed tunnel, we discovered that his behavior was abnormal. At the time, I guessed that the tunnel might not be very safe, but in fact I soon The speculation was confirmed, because Bingquan really met the monster.

This is a cute monster. It has a fluffy and very soft feeling. It’s head and body are directly growing together, so you can’t see the neck at all. It feels like this A big hairy ball with limbs. Of course, this thing’s furry body also has eyes and ears, and this guy’s ears are quite individual. They are short and round, like bear ears. Anyway, they give people a way to pinch them when they see it. The feeling of pinching. However, although the ears and body are quite cute, this guy's eyes are not so pretty. In fact, it is mainly because this thing has four eyes, and the distribution is irregular. It is neither symmetrical from left to right nor from top to bottom. It is distributed messily on the front of the body, giving people a rather weird feeling.

As soon as this kind of monster popped out, the Bing Fist guy immediately flew into a piece of grass, and immediately saw that one of the eyes on the monster's body suddenly shot out A red ray swept across the area where Bing Fist was standing before. Then, after the red ray swept across, the plants in that area were all brushed short.

"Damn, does this thing have its own laser weapon?" To be honest, I didn't really take it seriously before seeing this furry monster. After all, the monster's limbs are too much compared to the body It’s too thin, so it doesn’t look like a strong athletic ability, and I’ve never seen this thing’s mouth, so I don’t know its biting ability. A pair of good teeth is in vain if you can't bite. However, now I understand why this thing does not need strong limbs. This thing moves the laser cannon as a whole, as long as the limbs can move for it, it doesn't matter whether it is strong or not.

Bingquan obviously knew the attack method of this thing for a long time, so when he saw it immediately, he rushed out. Fortunately, he flashed fast, otherwise he would definitely be as short as the forest behind. Half way down. But even if he passed the first wave of attacks, it was useless. After all, the monster attacked him impossible once, so after he got into the woods, the second wave attack immediately shot into the pile of bushes, but his reaction was also Quite quickly, I got out in advance.

Of course we don’t care about that guy’s life and death in normal times, but the problem is that we are following him now, if he gets killed, we can’t be sure where he will be resurrected, so we can’t Let him die, otherwise if he is resurrected in Reykjavík, it is okay to say, if he is resurrected in other cities, it will be a big trouble.

Seeing that guy was chased by the monster's rays and fleeing in embarrassment, I also had to take action. Of course, I can't be discovered by that guy that I'm helping him. Taking back all the familiars around me, I followed the mental induction from the darts to catch up. Since Bingfist is running away, the monster is chasing behind Bingfist, and coming up from behind is equivalent to chasing behind the monster.

The height of this furry monster is about 1.8 meters, and because of its round body, it looks taller than a human being, but this kind of body is actually not very suitable in the jungle here. So the movement speed is not very fast, otherwise, with the sharp laser weapon, it is estimated that the Bing Fist guy would have been dismembered long ago.

Quickly chased behind the monster. I thought I could kill the guy in a surprise attack. But what I didn’t expect was that this thing seemed to have Sixth Sense, and suddenly turned around and aimed at me when I got close to it. A laser beam was fired in this direction. Because it happened so suddenly, and what this guy fired was not an energy weapon that looked like a laser weapon, but a real beam. Although the general energy weapon looks like a laser, it shoots a bright line, but because it is not a beam, the flying speed does not actually reach 300,000 kilometers per second. Although this kind of energy weapon is also very fast, as long as your reaction is fast enough, it can still be opened, at least with the speed of my nerve reflex. It’s a pity that this guy fired a real laser. I was attacked almost as soon as it fired. Fortunately, although the beam travels at the speed of light, the guy cannot move the beam at the speed of light to chase the target. So I just got out of the attack range after being irradiated for a few tenths of a second, and although the opponent was also adjusting the attack direction, it never hit again. As for the exposure of a few tenths of a second, it was directly blocked by the Dragon Soul suit, and it did not cause much damage. Although the defense was broken, the damage was already very low, almost negligible.

I have observed this monster’s attack mode through the field of darts before, and the opponent’s launch speed is temporarily uncertain, because the ice fist has been running before, so the monster needs time to aim, so I see The firing interval may not necessarily be the cooling time of the laser weapon, it may also be possible that the thing can fire continuously. However, at least one thing has been confirmed, that is, this thing can only last for three seconds each time it emits a beam. From the beginning of the beam shot, the beam must be extinguished in three seconds, and the moment the beam extinguished, I stopped the dodge action and turned back to the eye of the monster that just launched the beam with an arrow. The formidable power of the crossbow arrows fired by the Avengers is huge, and the body of that thing seems to be very soft, at least the eyes are very soft, the crossbow arrows directly penetrate its eyes and shoot into the monster's body, even the arrow clusters can not be seen.

Although he was hit by an arrow, the monster did not fall down, but the other eye above the body suddenly lit up. After seeing it once, I knew it was a sign before launching, and immediately it was a beam of light that jumped out, thinking about obliquely, and then a beam of light swept over where I was just now and swept in the direction of my dodge, but at this time I have erected the Dragon Soul Shield, and the beam weapon in the place is obviously not strong enough to penetrate my shield, so it is directly blocked.

I have been counting down the seconds during the dodge process. When three seconds have passed, I immediately put down the shield and plan to make another arrow. Who knows that the shield has just fallen down, and it’s a beam of light right in the middle of me. The tingling sensation appeared on the center of the eyebrows, and I also instinctively raised my arm to block the front of the forehead, and then there was a tingling pain in my arm. Fortunately, the time of three seconds was too short. It just caused a slight damage to the beam. ended.

Seriously, I really didn’t expect that the monster’s four eyes can actually emit light beams. Although it seems that they can’t be fired together at the same time, they can fire continuously one after another, and when the last one Only after firing, the first one enters the second cycle. In other words, the laser weapon of this thing is actually not spaced. In addition to the time required to re-aim, if it only strikes a fixed target, it can be launched to itself. Until the energy is exhausted.

After I blocked an attack with my arm, the opponent’s second attack came one after another. I didn’t have the slightest reaction time and I was hit continuously. Fortunately, the attack power of this thing was not real. It was so strong, so the damage to me was not serious, and after two consecutive hits, I erected my shield again, and the attack was immediately blocked.

Since I know that there is no interval between the attacks of this thing, I don’t have to play any tactics. Anyway, the only thing you can do with this kind of attack is to rush up against the attack, or at the opponent’s range. Fight back outside. In addition to attacking it, I also need to be careful not to be discovered by Ice Fist, so long-range magic attacks are directly ignored. The easiest way is to attack me, so I set up my shield without the slightest hesitation and stare at the guy’s attack. When he arrived in front of it, he directly relied on the inertia of the charge and slammed into the thing with the shield.

To be honest, the feeling of bumping into this thing is really not painful at all. I guess even if you don’t use a shield and don’t wear armor, you won’t feel any uncomfortable feeling, because this guy’s layer is soft. The hair seemed to be full of fat, and the whole body was soft like a cushion of water. I almost bounced back from the flesh when I hit it. It felt like what I hit was not a monster but a box-spring bed.

Although I was almost bounced back, I finally stabilized my body, and the monster was knocked to the ground by my moment is big, power is deep. Then, without waiting for it to react, I immediately slammed the shield and ejected the claws with both hands. Two of the eyes facing the monster were two punches, two pops, two puffs of green liquid exploded from the two eyes of the monster. The one shot by me before, now this monster has only one eye left.

The monster, who knew he might be killed, immediately fired a laser beam in a panic trying to resist. Unfortunately, the distance was too close. I turned my head and let it go, and its eyes also had the shooting angle problem. Not the me who clings to it. After the design of this round was completed, I directly retracted the claw and replaced it with eternity, and plunged into its only remaining eyeball, but even if all four eyes burst, this thing was still struggling and twisting there, just Its limbs are really weak, so it's useless to struggle.

After drawing out Eternity, I walked directly to the top of its head, and then used Eternity to make another sword. This time the monster immediately stopped moving. Obviously this was the point.

After I killed this thing, I finally knew why I saw this thing and ran away before Bing Fist. Even I had to work so hard. Bing Fist obviously couldn’t handle this thing at all, even if I had underestimated it. The reason for not understanding this kind of creature is among them, but it is a very powerful creature anyway. Anyway, three ice fists bundled together may not have done a monster of this kind.

The ice fist in front had no idea that the monster that was chasing him had been killed, and was still running desperately, until he didn't see the monster catching up for a long time before slowing down a bit. It can be seen from Bingquan’s reaction and the monster information I have. If you don’t plan to kill this monster after encountering this kind of monster, then Bingquan’s method is the most correct, because this kind of monster is very difficult. And its attack is very sharp, so it is not wise to fight with it. Considering that the limbs of this thing are short and lacking strength, the arousal speed is bound to be unsatisfactory, so escape is the best choice.

After getting rid of the laser hair ball, the ice fist took a short rest and then started to move again, but it didn’t go far before it ran into a monster again. Fortunately, this time it was just a mob. Bingquan solved it directly by himself, and then moved on. Later, Bingquan encountered some monsters one after another, but in general, the level was very average, some were solved by Bingquan, and some were secretly done by me. Anyway, Bingquan left without danger. A very long section of the road.

Although I don't need to sleep, Bingquan obviously can't. After a while, Bingquan finally couldn't hold on and chose to rest offline, and my tracking plan had to be suspended.

Now that guy is on the run. Of course, it’s impossible to go offline for a long time, but I don’t plan to wait here until he goes online. Anyway, there are darts squatting over there for 24 hours, and I don’t have to follow around, just to explore this seabed tunnel when he is not online.

According to the action on this day and comparing the coordinate map, I found that our current location is actually close to the European continent, which means that we have passed through Iceland to the European continent in one day. Part of the Sea Territory is only tens of kilometers away from the real European continent. Of course, the entrance of the passage is unlikely to be on the seashore, so although it is already not far from the European continent, there should be some distance from the exit of the passage.

While Bing Fist was not there, I directly released a large group of monsters to help me search this area. Don’t worry about Bing Fist’s discovery, we don’t have to be cautious, just rush forward all the way. .

Our arrogant behavior certainly attracted a large number of monsters, not to mention, the level is not low, but it is almost against me. Of course, there is not really no powerful monster here, just relatively few. Brigitte, who was exploring a jungle in the morning of the second day, found a monster that looked like Xiaoqiang.

Many people are afraid of this thing about cockroaches, but they are not afraid of it hurting themselves, but they are afraid of getting dirty. Human fears are divided into many types. The fears of Insect are mainly dirty fears. Even if they know that they cannot hurt themselves, they are still afraid. However, the Xiaoqiang who only ate the golden carats in front of him, even the person without filthy fear, can absolutely not bear it, because this thing is really too big.

I said that the main reason is the size of the real Xiaoqiang. In fact, this Xiaoqiang-like monster is not really big, at least not a large creature. Their current body length is about five meters, standing on the ground is more than a meter high, and their body width is more than one meter. The whole looks like a purple-red business car.

It was said that we have seen a lot of creatures of this size, and we didn’t think it would pose a danger. The point is that the mutant cockroach-like monsters in front of us are not one or two, but just like real Xiaoqiang. The insects were thriving, Brigitte had just killed one, and then I saw a large area of ​​hiding the sky and covering the earth burst out, almost instantly submerging Brigitte’s body, if it weren’t for Brigitte herself. The lightning was strengthened, and the lightning protection was directly activated, which scorched the monster beside him and flew up.

Bridges, who stabbed the cockroach nest, notified us after she flew up, and we also rushed over immediately, followed by the magic scrub, which directly burned the forest to ashes. Only scared away those monsters. Yes, it is not annihilation, but a scare back.

Now I really suspect that this thing is a cockroach, because their characteristics are too much like a cockroach. These guys didn't actually live in this passage. They didn't pay attention before, and the caves on the ground were exposed after the forest was burned out of a large white ground. Obviously these things live in deeper underground, and they only come here to hunt through these passages. In addition, in the magic attack, we found that even if many cockroach monsters were all split up and in pieces blown up by magic, those separated limbs would still not die, and they were still struggling to move around. Even after the heads of the cockroach monsters were blown off, they persisted until we burned all the forest and not died. When we finally found this head, it was half-cooked, but even so, the big tongs in the mouth of that thing were still opening and closing in an attempt to bite people. I guess this kind of life force is also Xiaoqiang. Can have it.

Afterwards, I checked the attribute and found that I called these things cockroach monsters really good at all, because the name of this thing in the system attribute is actually written directly-big cockroach. Yes, it's the big cockroach. It doesn't even have descriptions of demonization or mutation, so it's just called the big cockroach. Moreover, the most cheating is that the level of this big cockroach is actually-1200. One thousand and two hundred level monsters, and thousands of them appear at every turn. You say this thing is not a super monster? Anyway, ordinary players are absolutely helpless when they encounter this stuff. No wonder Bing Fist entered here so cautiously before. Maybe he suffered a loss in the hands of a big cockroach before, so he was so careful.

After cleaning up the cockroach monsters here, the ice fist side also happened to be online, I quickly took back the demons and went back to follow them. Bingquan, who was back online, didn't know anything about the surrounding changes, but felt that the forest suddenly became much quieter, but he didn't go into details. Seeing his poor alertness, I finally affirmed that it was not his idea to hide the magic pastry chef in Europe. This guy is definitely not so smart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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