Bingquan is not a smart person at first glance. There were originally countless monsters in the seabed tunnel, and he himself knew what was going on here, but suddenly the whole passage became very quiet, but he had no doubts at all. This can be regarded as a smart person, then in this world I can't find any idiots.

Although this guy is a fool, it saves me a lot of trouble. The ice fist, who had not noticed that the surrounding monsters had been cleaned up, was still moving forward against the edge of the tunnel, and because there were no monsters around, his actions were much faster than they were yesterday.

It took more than three hours. After walking a section of the road that was equivalent to yesterday's full-day journey, we finally saw the end of the passage. The reason why the advancing speed is so fast today is mainly because there is no monster blocking it, which makes Bingquan's courage a lot stronger. At first, he fumbled forward cautiously, and then he almost trot all the way. This speed is the same as the thief yesterday. The same posture is naturally different.

After approaching the entrance of the passage, the speed of Bing Fist slowed down again, but this time it was not because of the monster, but because of the terrain. At the entrance of the passage, it was as if a dividing line had been drawn artificially. At the position of this line, the forest suddenly ended. On this side of the line is a lush and green forest, with lush and leafy trees above, and various shrubs and weeds and some vine plants below. However, the cross-border line immediately changes on the opposite side. It became a pile of stones, not to mention the trees, even the roots of the grass were not found.

This kind of abrupt terrain is quite weird, but because I have to track Bingquan, I have no time to stop and investigate the situation here, so I can only follow Bingquan.

Starting from that dividing line, the forward part is no longer a forest, but a rocky slope that gradually rises. This rocky slope is full of large chunks of gray and black rocks. , Is very large, and because it is an underground environment, there is no wind erosion effect, so all the stones are sharp and angular. This is also in the game, everyone is wearing armor, if there is such a rock slope in reality, climbing up it will definitely mark the climber's clothes as beggar. Of course, there is absolutely no good place in the human body, and the uncut mandarin fish is just as lucky as the squirrel mandarin fish.

Looking at Bingquan awkwardly avoiding those sharp rocks and advancing towards the top of the slope, I sometimes want to go up and help him, but unfortunately we are following, so we can only watch.

Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers was scrapped, the idiot of Bing Fist finally climbed to the top of the slope, and then saw that he found a rock in the stones pile, which seemed to be nothing unusual, and followed hard. Pushing it inward, suddenly a piece of rock on the rock wall next to it retreated inward automatically, exposing a hole.

To be honest, I was really surprised when I saw this thing, such a hidden secret door, without knowing it beforehand, I would not have thought of such a secret door, let alone looking for it.

After the secret door was opened, Bing Fist immediately released the rock and turned and drilled into the cave. The boulder automatically started to restore after a few seconds after he entered. The stone of the organ also automatically retreated with the restoration of the boulder, and gradually became what it was before. If you don't pay attention, you can't find that there was a gate here.

Because the darts followed after Bing Fist entered, I didn’t rush to open the secret door, and waited until the Bing Fist guy went deep inside for a certain distance before opening the secret door like Bing Fist and followed in. .

Inside the hidden door is a rock passage, but it is very obvious that it is not naturally formed, because the foot is artificially excavated steps rather than a sloped riverbed formed by the impact of an underground river.

Along the one-person-wide passage, we moved diagonally upward for about fifty-sixty meters, then the stairs disappeared and we entered a large cave underneath. The structure of this cave is still without any plants, and it is dark. The most annoying thing is that the height of the cave is only 1.7 meters. Will it bump your head? You must bend over to ensure the safety of your head.

This underground space is quite wide, the total area is very, very large, but its interior is uneven, and there are many stone pillars and some large-scale walls, so it feels like a huge maze, although there is no It’s a dead end, but the average person is still easy to get lost. The most important thing is that those stone pillars, stalagmites and walls will force you to go around them, and you will find yourself losing your sense of direction when you go around them, and the final result is that you can't find your way. As for Compass or something, don't think about it. This place is a huge magnet. The walls and the ground are all Magnetite. In this place, I believe Compass is not as reliable as tossing a coin.

Bingquan is obviously not familiar with this place, because he has been walking along the marks on the ground and the rock wall after entering. These marks are Y-shaped metal spikes. The front end of the pike is driven into the rock wall, and the end section is bent. The tail section of these bent spikes points to the position of the front and back spikes. Follow these spikes to find the position of the two adjacent spikes, so that you will not get lost whether you are going forward or backward.

With the help of these spikes, Bing Fist took an entire hour to reach the other exit of the cave, but it feels like this is not the only passage here.

This exit does not seem to be a regular exit, because it is very narrow, almost like a dog hole, you need to crawl in on all fours, and some locations even require ice fists to take off the armor and raise your hands. Go over your head, and squeeze it from those narrow places like a snake. Fortunately, this path of suffering is not very long, and it is only seven or eight meters long in total.

"Master, I am blocked." My side was tracking the target through the senses of darts, and suddenly I heard the reminder of the darts.

"I saw it."

Because I am sharing the vision of darts, I also saw what happened to darts. The ice fist in front entered another underground cave after drilling out of the passage, but that cave was much more comfortable than the cave here, at least it was tall and wide enough, and there were a lot of unknown white glow on the top of the cave. The body, although it cannot be said that the whole cave is illuminated, at least it can guarantee the basic light source. However, these are only the situation that the darts can see at a glance, because after Bing Fist drilled out of the ultra-narrow passage, he turned and covered the entrance with a stone.

"What should I do now?" Darts asked me.

"Come back first."


After calling back the darts, I threw the rose vine directly into the passage, and then the rose vine immediately Swim to the entrance of the passage. After sticking the branch to the wall of the cave and sensing it for a while, the rose vine carefully stretched a rattan tentacles under the rock, and then gently opened a gap on the top of the rock and slowly extended one. Sensing tentacles with visual crystals. However, just as the tentacle just came out of its head, suddenly a black shadow moved towards the huge crystal head was inserted.

Pa...pu... With such a sound, the shared sight of Rose Vine was immediately interrupted, and Rose Vine also twisted and twitched in pain. Although the auxiliary branches of the rose vine can be discarded at will, the main branch with the observation crystal has sensory nerves similar to the animal body, so you will feel pain when injured. An eyeball was suddenly pierced just now, and Rose Vine naturally twitched in pain.

Because I have been sharing the vision of the rose vine before, I was shocked when the dagger was inserted, and then I remembered that it was not my eyes, but I also immediately Realize that I was exposed. Those just now were obviously deliberate, and Bing Fist had clearly discovered my whereabouts, so he had been pretending to be stupid before that? But, if that's the case, his acting skills are also very awesome, right?

In any case, it is now exposed, and Bingquan must not be allowed to run away. Even if he refuses to cooperate, at least he can get a little information in the dialogue with him.

If I want to understand, I don't keep my hands anymore, and directly threw the rose vine into the training space, followed by a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb into the channel, and then hurriedly flashed people. After a delay of five seconds, I listened to a loud explosion sound. The originally narrow passage became a big hole for trains. I didn’t wait for the collapsing rock above my head to fall again. I had already rushed through the passage where I was and entered the opposite side. In the cave.

The cave here is already filled with smoke and dust. Although the explosion did not happen directly here, the shock wave in the enclosed cave cannot spread and can only move forward along the passage. The formidable power is almost It has risen more than ten times, not only smashed the ice fist that hit this side to the ground, but also shattered the cave wall a lot, making this side a miasma.

As soon as I came over, I glanced around, and then I immediately spotted the ice fist half buried in the rocks, and then stepped forward and grabbed half of his exposed arm and dragged him away. The cave that was still collapsing entered a relatively stable area outside. However, when I waited here, I realized that something seemed to be wrong.

"Who are you?" I asked the guy who was pulled out by me at the same time.

"Are you an accomplice of Bingquan?" I asked after a bit of a daze.

"Who is Ice Fist?" The guy on the ground was also taken aback, and then asked me back, but as soon as he asked, he immediately said: "You mean the guy who just got out of it?"


I nodded and said: "That guy. Why? You are not his person?"

"I just saw him."

"Then you Why did you attack me?"

"Attack you? Wait, that thing is your familiar?" The guy on the ground finally reacted, and then he quickly explained: "That guy just got out of the hole After drilling in, I used a stone to seal the hole. I asked him what was going on. He said that he was being chased by a monster and that there was a monster that was very difficult to deal with inside. Then he turned around and ran away. I saw what equipment he was wearing. No, I think he was scared because of his lack of strength, so I just waited there and prepared to see what monster attacked him, and wanted to see how EXP. Then your familiar came out, and I took it as The monster cut it."


"I didn't mean it."

"I didn't say you." After listening to this guy After that, I finally understood. Bingquan is still an idiot, and my previous judgment is okay. This player should have come across by accident, but when the enemy saw his stone blocking the hole, he lied casually. Didn't expect such a misunderstanding happened to happen, but it helped him. The rose vine was stabbed.

Leaving this guy angrily, I immediately turned around and rushed out. The ice fist might have been disturbed just now, so I must go to confirm the situation as soon as possible. However, the more anxious, the more things I have. I just charged ahead and left the passage where I was now less than five meters into a more spacious passage. Obviously, I was in a fork of the main passage, but I just Turning to the main aisle unpreparedly, I saw an oncoming axe thrown sideways.

"Who?" With a lightning-like uppercut, I knocked the blade of the axe upward, and the whole throwing axe spun up to the top of the cave, but it didn’t get in, but hit A stalactite fell off again. Taking advantage of this time, I flew to the side of the cave and leaned against the cave wall, and a group of people ran out in front of me and blocked my way.

"Who you are?" A female player rushed out of the crowd who rushed in. The other party ignored my first inquiry and directly questioned me, and the tone was very bad. "What the hell did you do to my younger brother?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Although the explanation can explain it clearly, I am now anxious to chase the ice fist. How can I have time to ink with them. A little bit towards the ground with one hand, with a buzzing sound, a blue ice ring suddenly spread, and everyone around instantly turned into an ice blue. Following me, I passed through the crowd, and then chased the hole. outside. The group still wanted to chase, but when they moved, they found that their bodies were stiff and almost unable to move. Even the active people were as slow as an old man who was dying of his life. Let alone chasing me, this speed is almost the same as slow-motion playback. Similarly, tortoises are faster than them.

"hmph, I'm so mad!" Seeing that there is no hope of chasing, the woman vented angrily before.

An older male player next to him couldn’t help but said, “Don’t complain. We are lucky this time. People are obviously in a hurry and don’t bother to care about you, otherwise they will rely on this freezing skill. Killing us all is like playing. Do you still want to chase him? Do you want to catch him to death?"

As soon as the player said it, everyone around him understood that it made sense. Just one move freezes all of them. This is no longer a half-star difference in strength. This is simply like an adult bullying a child. If they really want to fight, they may not even be able to survive one minute, so they have to explain it all here.

Don’t mention the guys behind. At this time, I have chased out several hundred meters. A bright light suddenly appeared in front of me. I realized that it was at the entrance of the cave. I just waited for me to get out. After that, he was stunned. I thought this was a deserted remote area. The few people in the cave just happened to run into players who like to go deep into the danger zone. Who knew that as soon as they came out, they saw the lively scene of the vast crowd outside. There were players everywhere, and they were chaotically everywhere. Fleeing for the monster.

"I rely on!" This ghost place is actually a popular leveling area, and it is a super popular one.

Although I was stunned by the sight in front of me, I quickly calmed down and started looking for the target. At a glance, I saw the fleeing ice fist. The kid was just talking nonsense that there was a monster in the hole, but he hit it straight, causing me to clashed with the unknown player. After that, I overreacted and threw a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb. He shouldn't have run far at the time, he obviously heard the explosion, so he is now running for his life in a panic.

Since it has been exposed, it is useless to hide it. As long as the opponent has a little brain, he will never continue to run to the magic dessert chef in this situation. Although Bingquan doesn't look like a brain, I still don't think he will be stupid to that degree.

Since you can’t hide it, just grab it and ask for a confession. I’ll find it myself. This guy took me for such a big lap, it should not be far away from the hiding place of the magic dessert chef, so it should still be found, but without his exact information, it may be a bit of trouble to find it.

"Victoria." As I shouted, Victoria appeared directly beside me, and then quickly entered the bow and arrow mode, behind which was suspended a huge Wheel of Fate slowly lifted into the sky. At this time, the surrounding players finally discovered the strangeness here. Although they saw me coming out of the hole before, everyone’s attention was not on this side, just seeing one person, and no one would be particularly concerned about it, but now Seeing the huge Wheel of Fate spinning into the air, these talents realized that they were a powerful figure.

Since obtaining the part of her power that was sealed on Mount Olympus, now Victoria has completely unsealed her original ability. At this time, Victoria can not only use her golden bow to launch a hundred arrows of destiny, but also directly use the golden bow to launch attack type arrows with harmful power. Although this ability is not special, it is of great significance to me, because at last some archer-type personnel have appeared in my Familiar. You must know that this one has always been my shortcoming.

Slowly ascending into the sky, Victoria drew a golden arrow with golden light from the special quiver behind it, then pulled the bowstring away and aimed at it, then immediately loosened the bowstring, a golden light flashed. Passing away, the fist on the opposite side flew forward in an instant. There was a golden arrow stuck in the knee of his left leg. The arrow had passed through the front kneecap, and the cluster of arrows was still behind the knee bend. Shaking.

This is a reimbursement of more than 80% of Bing Fist's movement ability. Although he endured the pain and got up and wanted to continue running, it would be a ghost if he could run away in this case.

"If you don't want me to fix an arrow on your other leg, it's better to stay honestly." Bingquan, who was jumping on one leg to escape, suddenly heard me sound from behind He turned around in panic, just in time to see me riding Ye Ying standing behind him, looking at him condescendingly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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