After leaving Transmission Formation, I didn’t rush around, but summon went out of the white waves and started tracking the smell of ice fist. This guy’s smell was recorded by the white waves before, so now He couldn't hide from the smell of the white waves at all. Of course, when I was looking for the smell in the white waves, I was not idle, but trying to observe the surrounding environment.

The forest where Transmission Formation is located feels a bit strange. Although it looks not much different from a normal forest, it always feels different, giving people a very abnormal feeling. The area near Transmission Formation is quite open, but a little further away is densely packed jungle. Because the nearby trees are extremely tall, you can't see the sky at all. When you look up, you can only see a trace of pale red light except for the spreading branches.

Wait a minute, the light of pale red?

At that moment, I suddenly thought of something wrong. Regardless of the three guys next to me, I jumped directly onto a big tree next to me, and then I used the strength to rise from the branch, and then I looked for the next footing point and continued to jump up. After going back and forth several times, I quickly topped my head. The branches and leaves became unusually scattered, and part of the sky could already be seen through the gaps between the branches and leaves overhead. However, what I saw was not blue sky and white clouds, but a large area of ​​dark tones.

I used my feet again, and the last one sprinted. As my body rose, the surrounding tree trunks were scattered and wide enough, so I opened my wings and flew. As my body surpassed the height of the treetops, the sky above my head immediately appeared in my vision.

"Sure enough!" When I saw the situation above my head, I immediately understood what was going on with the abnormal feeling before. Because here is not a forest on the surface at all, but a forest in the Underground World. The sky above us is not the sky, but a rolling fire cloud. The fire cloud is not bright and the temperature is not very high, but it can continue to glow and heat, thus replacing the sun as the light source of this underground world. However, this thing cannot be compared with the sun after all, so the light it emits looks a bit dim, and the color is reddish, rather than the white of daylight.

After discovering that I was in Underground World, I started to observe the surrounding situation with the help of the current height, and found that the surroundings were all surrounded by forests that were out of sight. I don’t know what’s going on in Iceland. It seems that there are a lot of Underground Worlds, and one of them is as big as the other. According to the scale of the two I see now, they are at least a lot bigger than the Underground World seen in China. ten times. However, if you think about the geothermal resources in Iceland, it is normal that there are so many Underground Worlds in this place. After all, the crustal activities here are more frequent, and the underground environment is relatively complicated.

After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, I can only land again on the ground. After all, there are forests all around, so there is really nothing to look at. However, after falling to the ground, I was surprised to find that the peaceful ground just now is in a state with swords drawn and bows bent.

White waves and the players of the three manager guilds are gathering back to back into a defensive circle at this time, and in the jungle around them and on the ground at the edge of the jungle are a large group of densely packed monsters.

This is a very fairy-tale monster, because I remember that this kind of creature once appeared in a fairy tale, as if their name was called the flying monkey. Of course, the creature in front of you should not be the flying monkey in the fairy tale world, because this thing does not look like a monkey, but rather like a baboon, but these guys really have a pair of bat-like wings like flying monkeys, but their wings It's very short and doesn't look like it can fly. However, if the wings are not decorations, even if they can't fly, it shouldn't be a problem to help these guys glide.

Although these creatures in front of me look like baboons, they are not as small as baboons in nature. Instead, they look like gorillas after losing weight. It can be seen that their size is quite large, especially these things. There are a lot more in the jungle nearby. Almost all of these things are in the jungle nearby, and you can see countless pairs of red eyes shining bloodthirsty rays of light in the jungle with a glance.

"It looks like you are in a bit of trouble."

Hearing my voice, one of the three immediately looked towards me and asked for help: "President Purple Moon, please help Help, these things look bad!"

"It's just a group of low-level monsters, don't worry too much." As I said, I jumped off the branch next to me, and then moved forward with one hand. With a wave, the unseen breath of naked eye swiftly rippled along the ground, and the surrounding baboons screamed as soon as they came into contact with this breath, and then turned and ran as if they saw a natural enemy. The surrounding area became peaceful in the blink of an eye, and there was no more shadow of a monster. "Look, what am I talking about. Low-level monster, don't worry."

One of the players exclaimed: "It's a low-level monster to you, not necessarily to us!"

< p>"haha, don’t care. Let’s find the damn ice fist first. We have worked a lot for this guy." I said, turning my eyes to the white waves next to me and asked: "Find that guy. Does it smell?"

White waves were nodded directly and began to lead the way. I also immediately followed along. Because we want to prevent the other party from transferring again, we move very fast, almost running at full speed, just to take care of the three drag oil bottles that slowed down a little bit, but the speed of the ice fist should not be as fast as us, so This speed is sufficient.

After chasing forward from here for almost a few kilometers, a small raised mound suddenly appeared in front of me, but after going around behind the mound, the white waves actually tracked the smell and got into the mound. In a hole in the ground. Although this hole doesn't look like it is for human use, since the white waves have penetrated in, I have to follow it. Fortunately, although this hole is a bit smaller, it is not really narrow, so as long as the cat is at the waist, it can barely move forward and crawl along the ground without using all four limbs.

After I got into the hole, I felt that the light inside became very dim in an instant. Fortunately, neither I nor Bailang wanted light. But in order to prevent the three people behind from not seeing the road, I still let Xiaochun Added a mobile lighting technique to us, and it is still long-lasting.

Following the passage all the way, after three hundred meters deep underground, the passage suddenly began to narrow. You could run forward with your waist, but now you really have to crawl on the ground. . However, this embarrassment did not last long. Just less than five meters ahead, the passage widened again, and it was wider than the previous section. With my height, I could walk in it even as long as I was slightly lower nodded. If you pay attention to avoiding the protruding rocks above your head, you won't actually touch anything even if you don't lower your head.

The slightly wider passage here changed again after only less than ten meters in advance, but this time the passage became a huge vertical well. Our position is not at the top of the vertical well, but near the top. There is a section above the vertical well, but not many, and it is not connected to the ground all the time, otherwise you should be able to see the sky of Underground World, that is, the cloud of fire. But even if we are not at the top of the vertical well, the drop from the bottom is still too large to estimate, because we can't even see how deep the bottom is.

"Damn, how are we going to go down so deep?" Because of a small piece of rock protruding from the opening of this vertical well, we were all able to crawl out of the narrow passage. One of the players in the manager's guild looked down and couldn't help complaining.

"It’s not necessarily going to the end." I pointed to the opposite side and said: "Maybe that is our goal."

It’s just across from where we are. That is, on the other side of the wall of the vertical well, there is also a small opening. The opening was very narrow, allowing one person to pass through at best, and the opening was vertical. It looked like there were more cracks than passages, so it was easy to be overlooked. But my eyesight won't be affected by this distance, so I immediately discovered the existence of the crack.

I looked at the crack on the opposite side, and then at the bottom of the hole below. After thinking about it, I said to the three people around me: "Although I don’t have the right to drive you away, you have also seen it. The terrain nearby is getting more and more complicated. It’s too difficult for players like you to move in this kind of place. Although I can take you there, I don’t think I need any support in combat, so it doesn’t seem to make much sense to take you there. "

I just said here, one of the people over there immediately interrupted me and said: "You don't need to explain to us. We just want to follow it and see, since the terrain does not allow it, You just go by yourself, don't care about us." Because I know the strength of the Frost Rose League and I, the three people here are very good at talking. They are what I say, and they don't talk to me at all.

Since they understood the truth so well, I stopped explaining to them and moved towards the opposite hole and flew over. As for the white waves, he was even more bullish and ran directly along the wall. As a secret road guard, Bailang is best at moving in complex environments. One of the necessary skills is surface walking, which means that regardless of the direction, Bailang can run on it as long as there is another surface, even if it is. The same goes for hanging upside down from the ceiling.

After reaching the entrance of the cave on the opposite side, I asked Bailang to sniff the odor inside. It really proved that this is not the route of the ice fist, so we started to run down, and as the altitude dropped, we were I found that the surrounding temperature seems to be rising gradually, which shows that we are getting closer and closer to the depths of the crust, because the deep part of the crust is close to the mantle, and the whole mantle is made of lava, so the closer to the mantle, the higher the temperature.

"The temperature of the surrounding walls is getting higher and higher!" Bailang reminded me while running down the wall. Because I glide and land on the bottom of the cave by the action of wings, unlike white waves that touch the cave wall, my sensitivity to temperature changes is not as clear as white waves.

When I heard the white waves, I slammed my wings a few times to block the falling process, and then approached the wall to test the temperature. The temperature at the beginning was very high, indicating that the back of the wall is likely to be It's lava.

"No, we must have missed something." Feeling the temperature of this wall, I knew I must have overrun. The temperature of the wall around this vertical well has exceeded the upper limit of the average player’s tolerance. I have fought with ice fist before, and in order to understand the attributes of the magic lollipop, I have also read his attributes carefully. His fire resistance will never reach this position and he will be steamed, so he is impossible to get down to the bottom of the tunnel from here. Then, the only explanation is that he entered another passage somewhere above. In this way, the crack-like passage we found before is not the only passage here.

Since we know that we have missed the passage, we can only search a little bit from here. Although the diameter of this vertical well is not very large, we must ensure that no gap is missed. Bailang and I obviously couldn't do it, so I directly summoned a large number of Spirit Armor worms attached to the cave wall to form densely packed dozens of circles, and then these ghost worms began to move up with us. Because there are too many ghost worms, they are almost next to each other, so as long as there is a passage on the wall of the well, they will not miss it.

Although my method is guaranteed not to miss the channel, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the speed is not fast enough. The Spirit Armor Worm is not a speed-type creature, and naturally it will not crawl too fast, so it takes time to search the entire shaft wall thoroughly. Moreover, I may be unlucky today. I found the entrance where we came down all the way from below, but I didn't find any other passages. However, although we have been looking for the passage from below, we have not found other passages, but the passage where the ice fist left was finally discovered by us.

"Damn it, it would be in this place!"

The final passageway was discovered by the Spirit Armor bugs, but when I learned the location of the passageway, it was Not depressed, because the passageway is actually above our heads.

I noticed before that the entrance to this vertical well was not at the top of the vertical well, but only near the top. The vertical well is at least a dozen meters high above the position we entered. However, relative to the total length of the vertical well, this section of more than ten meters is really negligible. However, the damn ice fist escaped from within a range of more than ten meters, and its entrance was actually six meters away directly above the entrance where we entered the vertical well.

You can imagine that if you were a policeman and were chasing a fugitive in a hotel, and the other party was forced into a guest room by you, and you rushed in and found no one, then what would you think of next moment? Normal people would think of the balcony, and then ran to the balcony to look down to see if the other person jumped or something. However, few people would think that the other person would climb up the balcony. This is a misunderstanding of thinking, although it is not difficult, but When it's really used, it's still unthinkable to a lot of people.

We made this kind of mistake before. When we came out, we thought that the other party had jumped down. We didn't even notice that there was a hole in the top of our head. If it weren't for this time I carried the Spirit Armor worm for a dragnet search, it would have been impossible to find the hole above my head. After all, the location of this cave entrance is really disgusting. The entrance was originally small and a little indented. In addition, there are a few protruding rocks below which block the line of sight. This kind of place is really hard to find.

After finding the channel, it is easy to handle. Directly let the white waves head, retract the Spirit Armor Insect Empress and follow the white waves into the tunnel all the way forward.

The entrance of this passage is very narrow, but less than three meters away after entering it is a turn. After turning this turn, the passage will start to widen and increase immediately, and you can stand after climbing less than two meters away. When I got up and walked forward, I walked forward five or six meters to stand upright, and after 10 meters, the passage was almost the same as the corridor in the general corridor, and it was completely possible to run forward.

Because I wasted too much time in the vertical well before, I didn't dare to waste time here. I rode directly on Bailang and let him run at full speed. If it weren't for the passageway high enough, I would even plan to ride Night Shadow. Although Bailang can also move me, he is not a demon of the mount type after all, and the speed of the individual on his back must have dropped, and Bailang's body is indeed not very comfortable to ride. When carnivores run, their spine will continue to stretch and bend back and forth, so riding on their backs is basically the same as riding a bison tournament. Without a certain amount of skill, you can’t even sit still. Of course, even if you can’t fall off, ride It is still uncomfortable for a long time, after all, it is more bumpy than any wheeled vehicle.

"Can you feel the distance of each other?" I asked after riding on the back of the white waves for a while.

White waves replied: "No, the air is not circulating here, and the speed of odor dissipation is unstable, so the distance cannot be determined, but we can be sure that we are gradually approaching the target because the odor is getting stronger and stronger."< /p>

"That's good."

After Bailang ran at full strength for more than half an hour, when he suddenly stepped out, we flew out of the tunnel in an instant, around It turned into an open space at once, and obviously we entered another underground space. I quickly retracted the white waves, opened my wings and glide to the ground, and then summoned the white waves again to look for the smell. Bailang simply smelled it and found the direction and started running wildly. I also summoned Ye Ying and quickly rode on it.

This new crypt is dark, without any light source, and naturally there are no plants. The hard ground is entirely composed of solidified lava, and there are many pores on the surface. Except for some stalagmites, there are no obstacles around. This kind of space can be said to be just suitable for our full speed. If it weren't for the white waves to track the smell, I would even use a bird to catch up directly.

Although flying birds cannot be used, the white waves are not too slow to bear the burden. Under the full speed, they quickly reached the other side of the underground space. There is a passage on the wall of the cave. Although it is more than three meters above the ground, Ye Ying and Bai Lang will not care about this height, so they rushed up in one step, and then continued to run wildly. This passage is as bare as the outside, and it is wide enough, so there is no need to worry about obstacles. As soon as I saw this environment, I simply collected the white waves, and then the belly of Ye Ying urged him to explode with all his strength. Ye Ying reached extreme speed in an instant, and it blew past like a gust of wind in the passage.

Although we had delayed a lot of time in the vertical well before, our speed was still much faster than ice fist, so when we finished this passage in ten minutes, we immediately Found the goal.

The end of this passage is still an underground space, but unlike the dark space before, there is also a light source on the top of the cave here, but the color is not red, but a kind of white light with a slight yellow. It feels pretty close to daylight, but the brightness is not too high. However, although there is light in this area, there is no water, and the temperature is much higher than the previous areas. It is estimated that the ambient temperature has reached more than 40 degrees. If in reality, this temperature is already hot enough to kill people.

With such high temperature and no water, plants can't grow naturally, but such an environment is a good thing for me. Because there are no plants blocking the line of sight, as soon as I entered this underground space, I saw the target a few kilometers away. The opponent had already reached the opposite position of this space, and was almost able to enter the passage ahead. At this time, he was not walking fast, and he was probably saving energy or thinking that we would not catch up.

Before I couldn't see the target speed and couldn't burst out, now I can directly look at the target, even if I am afraid of him? But I didn't rush to catch up, but flew down and found a big boulder protruding from the ground and hid it.

My purpose is to find the magic dessert chef, not to hunt down the ice fist. This ice fist is just a brain-disabled child of dogshit luck, and it makes no sense to kill him or not. What I want is the magic pastry chef he hid, not him, so instead of chasing after him, it is better to follow him and let him take me to the magic pastry chef himself. From the previous section of the road, it can be seen that the magic pastry chef is very hidden. If I catch him, he will definitely not cooperate, and it will be more difficult to find it by myself. This is the most trouble-free.

It is too simple to track players of the level of Ice Fist with my strength, and it seems that the kid has no anti-reconnaissance experience, just an ordinary person.

After reaching the passageway over there, Bing Fist finally remembered to look back, and after confirming that he did not see any chasing soldiers, he got into the passage in front of him. I stretched out my hand as soon as he entered the passage, the dart appeared in my palm, and then shot out directly, chasing behind the guy in the blink of an eye. At the speed of darts, it is absolutely impossible for that guy to want to run. After all, darts move at the speed of light. Can he be faster than the speed of light? It is no exaggeration to say that the darts move faster than Transmission Formation. After all, Transmission Formation takes time to start. The darts move at the speed of light and can circle Earth several times in one second. Teleporting to the opposite side of Earth is only equivalent to a half-circle around Earth, and the entire teleportation process may take more than ten seconds. At this time, the dart has already traveled back and forth dozens of times. Of course, in fact, darts can't do that kind of thing, not because his speed is fake, but because of endurance and vision. Although the dart can move at the speed of light, his endurance value is slightly higher than that of ordinary creatures. Therefore, the endurance will bottom out at most for a run of 700 or 800 kilometers, so even at that speed, he can't always maintain this speed. Another trouble is the light. Because the dart moves at the speed of light, the light cannot be transmitted to his eyes during the movement, which means that as long as the dart runs, he will not see anything, so he usually confirms the next one within a short distance. Then run directly to the target point, and then stop to confirm the next position and run again, so that there will be a gap in the middle, so in fact the average speed of the dart is impossible to reach the speed of light. Of course, even if the average speed is not up to the speed of light, it is not something that ordinary people can avoid. Anyway, people can really move at the speed of light.

When I release the darts, I will be more leisurely. I directly rode the followed along of the leisurely courtyard of the night shadow. As long as we don't get thrown too far, we don't need to chase too far.

After following this way for more than two hours, the ice fist went through a series of complex terrains. To be honest, I almost collapsed this way. I didn’t expect that he would use that magic power before. The pastry chef hid so deep. I guess they must have had other ways to trade magic desserts before, instead of getting them by Bing Fist personally, otherwise the time would not be right. It would take at least half a day to walk this way at the speed of Bing Fist, and I don't know how far ahead. If he had to personally come over every time to get the magic dessert made by the magic pastry chef, and then return, then he would be able to run on both sides without doing anything every day. However, in fact, Bingquan has a lot of time, so he is impossible to waste too much time on this road. Then, the only reasonable explanation is that the magic dessert is not fetched by ice fist, but another transportation channel, but this time the ice fist went to the magic dessert chef personally, so it took so long.

Two hours and ten minutes later, Bing Fist finally entered a place where I didn’t know whether it should be called an underground passage or an underground space after passing through a passage. This place looks like an enlarged tunnel through the mountain. If it is filled with water, it is absolutely wide enough for an aircraft carrier battle group to maintain a battle formation. However, even though it is so wide, the passage is even longer. It extends to the point where I can’t see my head, and this is not because the passage is bent and blocked by obstacles, but because the passage is really too long. , The front is beyond my visible distance. You have to know that I have star pupil assistance, and my vision is better than telescope. In this way, I can't see my head, and I can see how long this space is.

After Bing Fist entered this passage, he obviously slowed down, and he appeared very careful. It was obvious that there was something dangerous here, otherwise he was impossible so cautiously. But I don't have time to care about his performance now, because I suddenly thought of something.

"Emiennes, use a phantom to show me the road map we have traveled before." Following my order, a three-dimensional map immediately appeared in front of me. I looked at this map and frowned and thought for a while and immediately said: "Zoom out the route map and cover the Nordic map."

"Master, I don't have a complete map, and the middle part..."


"Only display the parts you know, especially the map near the entrance to Iceland and the coordinates of the area we just passed by."


The map changed again, and soon a broken road map and a three-dimensional map of the surrounding area appeared in front of me, and at this time I was surprised that I didn't know what to say. "Damn it, no wonder I couldn't find the location of the magic dessert chef before! This ice fist... I really underestimated him before!" Looking at the map in front of me, although it is incomplete, it can be seen from the marked azimuth coordinates and the surrounding coordinates It can be seen from the map stitching result that the long passage space we are seeing now is probably a cross-sea tunnel. One end of it is connected to the Underground World on Iceland’s side, and the other end points directly to the European continent. Not sure where the exit is. In other words, the magic pastry chef we are looking for is actually not in Iceland at all. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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