According to the method I explained in advance, the NPC guards in Reykjavik were all mobilized after the Guild War mode was activated, so that no NPC would encounter me on the way , And the players all know that this is a false declaration of war, so it is impossible to have friction with me.

After entering Reykjavik swaggeringly, I saw the three local manager’s guild members who came to greet me. Although I didn’t ask them what their positions in this guild were, I wanted to come. They can decide to declare war without saying hello to others, so there must be at least one president and one Vice-President among the three people here. If necessary, the system will not pass the judgment.

After the three people saw me, they began to follow me. The destination was naturally Bingfist’s house. Because Reykjavík has entered a state of war, the invincibility effect of private houses has been lifted, and private houses without invincible attributes are not even as defensive power as those functional buildings in the city. After all, private houses are all private houses. If it weren't for the invincible effect of the system to protect personal privacy, they are absolutely impossible and more robust than military facilities.

The small villa without protection in front of me is not much better than the cardboard house. After walking to the door, I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it slightly. With a click, the door opened directly. This is of course not because Bing Fist forgot to lock the door, but because I directly pulled the door handle from the door with the lock cylinder inside.

Throw away the deformed door lock and push the door to enter. The situation in the room at this time looks like a mess. Many things are disordered and in a mess scattered on the ground, which is obviously caused by someone leaving in a hurry. .

"Oops, it looks like the ice fist guy ran away." said a player in the local manager's guild.

"As long as you come in, there is no problem of running away. What we want is that the clue is not that the guy who caught the ice fist, he ran away."

"But What clues can he leave if he runs away like this?"

"There are many clues, it depends on whether you want to find them." I snapped my fingers as I said, and the gate of the earth appeared on the road outside. , And then Scott and the others ran out, and then entered the house and began to search all corners of the room, and their search method was rather exaggerated, as long as they saw large things, they moved outside, and then there was mine outside. Other Familiars and Qilin warrior are responsible for disassembling large furniture and everything into pieces to check if there is anything hidden inside.

For our smasher-like search method, the players here are quite surprised, but I don’t care about their feelings. I am still commanding the pets and other summon creatures. Demolition things.

Soon everything that could be moved in the room was cleared out on the street, and there were so many summon creatures, these things almost turned into piles of fragments, which is basically impossible. Hide things again.

Looking at the empty room, the three local manager's guild players who followed me into the room frowned. Obviously they thought that our judgment was wrong and this is not the hiding place of the magic pastry chef.

"It looks like we have found the wrong place." One of the guys couldn't help but say it.

The two next to me still wanted to agree, but I took the lead and said: "Finding clues requires patience. You can't find clues like this."

My side As he was talking, he suddenly heard a bang from the wall next to him. As soon as the three of them turned their heads, they saw a fist sticking out from the wall next to it. One more hole. In fact, this is just the beginning. Almost all the surrounding walls have been treated similarly. There are people everywhere in the big holes. After a while, the walls inside the house have all turned into riddled screens.

"Master, there is a discovery here." The three people over there were about to ask me if this would collapse the house. Didn't expect suddenly heard a shout.

As soon as I heard the sound, I ran over, and then I saw the two ringtones Knight was expanding a hole, and behind that hole was a vertical passage. As the Bell Tone Knights were demolished, the surrounding walls were gradually opened, and soon the passage was completely exposed.

The passage is very narrow, and it feels like a chimney. There is a vertical metal ladder inside, but we are not the entrance of the ladder. The top of this escalator is on the second floor, and the vertical well on the first floor is sandwiched by several rooms. The depth of the house is used to hide the depth of this passage, so that people can ignore the occupation of this passage. space. But my summon creatures are not looking for any weak spots. They are just digging holes everywhere. In the face of this completely unreasonable search method, even the best disguise is useless.

"Mira." Seeing that the passage was opened, I immediately turned back and shouted.

In the human form, Mira moved quickly to step into the passage without touching the ladder, so she landed directly at the bottom of the well. With a bang, it landed easily, and judging from the interval between the impact and the sound, the depth of this vertical well should not be very deep, at most it was only one or two stories high.

"Master, you can come down."

After hearing Mira’s voice, I followed one step in, and then my other familiars, here and there All three players followed my familiar.

There is no passage at the bottom of this vertical well. It is directly a room, and the room is quite empty. There are only a few pieces of furniture in total, and you can see them all at a glance. However, on the floor in the center of this room, this is something that they didn't expect completely.

"Transmission Formation?"

Seeing the huge magic array on the ground, the three managers in the guild players were all stunned. Transmission Formation this thing is not rare at all, as long as it is a city, there will be one or two, and even a city with many Transmission Formations like Isengard is not uncommon. However, even if there can be many Transmission Formations in a city, those Transmission Formations belong to the city manager, and there are Transmission Formations that you don’t know about in your city. How can this not surprise the three present? ?

The three of them came down late, so what they saw when they came over was that there were already a few of my monsters surrounded by Transmission Formation, and it seemed that they were busy with something, but they couldn’t understand it. That's it.

Although I don’t know what my demon is doing, but I seem to be idle next to me, so the three people decisively came over and planned to ask us what we were doing, but I didn’t wait for them to ask. Ling, who was squatting next to the magic array, stood up, and then said to me: "Master, the Transmission Formation has been cracked, do you want to start it now?"

I nodded and said: "Call everyone on it down , We are ready to teleport."

"That...Purple Moon President? What does this mean? Teleport? Where is the teleport?"

"I don't know." I directly replied : "Transmission Formation was used a few minutes ago. Obviously the ice fist was here before. He escaped after discovering that the invincible protection was cancelled. After completing a transmission, if no adjustment is made, Transmission Formation will automatically Memorize the teleport coordinates of the last target, and the next time teleportation will automatically teleport to that coordinate. No other wizards are found here, so no one can help him modify the coordinates after the ice fist teleports away, so now we only need to restart this Transmission Formation, it will automatically send us to the place where Bing Fist goes."

"so that's how it is." The three people said so, but they were overwhelmed in their hearts. They hadn't even heard of Transmission Formation before, but they saw it today. The most important thing is that the speed of our cracking is really scary. They were indeed the last to come down before, but the problem is that they did not delay for a long time, at most it was more than a minute later than when I came down, but in just over a minute, we actually completed the Transmission Formation cracking. , Which also means that if anyone wants to use Transmission Formation to run away from our eyes in the future, it is basically the same as dreaming.

I didn't care about the three guys, anyway, they just followed the soy sauce. After recovering all the summon creatures, Ling was left to operate Transmission Formation. After Transmission Formation started, I even put Ling away and quickly entered the scope of Transmission Formation. The three people over there watched me entering Transmission Formation and hurriedly jumped in. Transmission Formation flashed right after we entered, and in the next second we were already in a large jungle.

"Is this...?"

Looking at the scene in front of us, all four of us were a little puzzled, because we all thought that this would be the Transmission Formation in a certain city. , But didn't expect it will be in the wild, and it is still a teleportation point that no one has discovered.

Under our feet is a Transmission Formation Plate with a diameter of only three meters. In Transmission Formation, this is a small Transmission Formation. The formation disk is not repaired on the ground, but located in the trunk of a big tree. Half of the Transmission Formation is wrapped in a tree trunk, forming a cave-like existence, but quite shallow, covering only half of the Transmission Formation, while the other half is directly exposed to the outside.

The edge of the Transmission Formation extends beyond the tree trunk, and is at least one meter away from the ground. When we were standing on the Transmission Formation, we didn’t feel it. After we jumped down and landed on the ground, we looked back and found that the Transmission Formation didn’t seem to be the case. Judging from the situation at the scene, this should be a war Transmission Formation, that is, the kind of temporary Transmission Formation Plate carried with the military. This kind of Transmission Formation Plate has no foundation, and the magic net pattern is directly integrated into the array plate, so that the entire Transmission Formation can be made into a discus-like thing to take away, and only need to be placed on the ground when it is needed. Then do a space calibration and start it.

Looking from the side now, we can be sure that this Transmission Formation shouldn't be here all the time. The big tree should have grown normally, but the Transmission Formation didn’t know what to do, it flew over from another place, and then it was embedded in the trunk, just like a high-speed rotation circle. The shaped grinding wheel is shot at a big tree. As long as the speed is fast enough, the grinding wheel will be embedded in the trunk. This Transmission Formation is obviously embedded in this way. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the Transmission Formation is suspended for more than one meter, instead of building. on the ground. As for the gap in the trunk, this is actually a better explanation. Transmission Formation is actually performing space exchange during the transmission process, that is, the space on the initial Transmission Formation is exchanged with the space on the target Transmission Formation. If a person stands inside the Transmission Formation with one foot during the transmission and the other stands outside the Transmission Formation, then after the Transmission Formation is activated, if the person’s own protection energy does not exceed the transmission energy of the Transmission Formation, then he will It is torn apart by the transmitted energy, and then half of the body is transmitted away, and the remaining half of the body remains outside the Transmission Formation.

This Transmission Formation is embedded in the trunk, which means that part of the trunk actually enters the transmission range of Transmission Formation, so when the Transmission Formation is activated, the part of the trunk that enters the transmission range is directly gone. .

Although we don't know how this Transmission Formation is embedded in the tree trunk, this is not something we care about. What we need to do now is to find the ice fist or the pastry chef as soon as possible. However, judging from the characteristics of this Transmission Formation, the Eight Achievements of this place are the real hiding place of the pastry chef, or the place where the ice fist imprisoned the pastry chef.

In fact, we have thought about this possibility before. Although the magic dessert chef may be an NPC or a player, since Bing Fist will pretend to be a magic dessert chef before, it means that he thinks the magic dessert chef is a more credible player. But why does he think so? The best explanation is that Magic Pastry Chef is really a player.

So, if the magic dessert chef is a player, maybe he doesn't know that the magic desserts he makes are very valuable? This kind of probability does exist, but it is very small, so we assume that the other party actually knows that their magic dessert is very valuable. Then the problem is coming. Since the magic dessert chef knows that his magic desserts are very valuable and of great value, why should he give all his magic desserts to Bingquan for sale? The information that Skye and the others investigated shows that the money Bing Fist made on the magic dessert is very terrible, which shows that he did not give all the profits to the magic dessert, but took up a large part of it, otherwise he is impossible. Willing to spend money.

If Bingquan has gained a lot of benefits, it means that the profits of the magic dessert chef have been diluted a lot, so why don't the magic dessert chef find someone else to represent it? At least others will not be as greedy as Bing Fist.

If the magic dessert chef is a fool, then this is understandable, but the other person who can make magic desserts is obviously not like a person with intellectual problems. Then, there is only one possible explanation, that is, the other party does not want to change agents, but can't change people, or that he is simply controlled by the ice fist. This is the most reasonable explanation for Bingquan to pretend to be a magic dessert chef. Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine that the magic dessert chef will turn around and take out a series of benefits such as his reputation, status, identity and money. Even if you are stupid, there must be a limit, right?

With the above speculation, we are now more confident to find the magic pastry chef, because if the magic pastry chef is really controlled, then the ice fist that has discovered that things have been revealed is most likely to do The thing is to go to the place where the magic pastry chef is and take the other party to transfer. Of course, considering that Bingquan's intelligence seems to be poor, he might even think that we won't find it through Transmission Formation. Maybe he just came to this place where the magic pastry chef was imprisoned to temporarily avoid the limelight. If that is the case, our next job will be even simpler. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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