It’s not really that difficult to find a magic pastry chef. After all, this ice fist is just an ordinary player, and there seems to be a problem with his brain. Anyway, his intelligence is not high. For such ultra-amateur personnel, even if they can consciously conduct anti-reconnaissance processing, they should not be too rigorous, so as long as they investigate carefully, it is actually very easy to find the magic pastry chef.

"How are you going to find that magic pastry chef?" The big beautiful woman leaned over and asked.

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, it is the conventional methods. Try them first to know if they are effective."

"Can I follow along and see?"


"Of course, even if I found the pastry chef, I didn't intend to hide him. At most, I would fight for Level 1 agency rights." The reason why I didn't want to have a complete monopoly like the ice fist The output of the pastry chef is not that I don't want it, but that I am not sure if I can do it. I haven’t seen the magic dessert chef in Reykjavik until now. I know nothing about him except the part about magic desserts, so I don’t know if I can move. People cooperate with me. After all, they are an independent individual. Although I am eloquent, I am not so arrogant that I think I have any kind of arrogance, and others will worship as soon as they see Natou. Therefore, even if the other party is found, the other party may not cooperate with me, so it doesn't matter if someone follows. The magic pastry chef always sells the sweets he can make with me. If it doesn’t work, he will also find someone else to sell it. When the time comes, I will buy it again. It’s amazing. The money is just to dilute the profits. Anyway, leaving empty-handed, the probability is not big.

Because I thought that the magic pastry chef might refuse to cooperate directly with us, I did not refuse others to follow. This can be considered. Buy insurance in advance. Anyway, the pastry chef really wants to cooperate with me. It doesn't matter if people go with me, and if they don't cooperate with me, if I bring these people over, they will take advantage of me to some extent. If they talk about cooperation, they should not refuse.

There was a big beauty who took the lead, and other players asked if they could follow along to find it. Of course, I never refused to come. Even the people who Bing Fist brought before have completely ignored the existence of Bing Fist. To my side, after all, you can see from Bingquan’s previous behavior. This is not a good person. Before, everyone had to cater to him for the magic candy. Now that there is hope to get rid of him, the fool gives him Be a little brother. However, after these people took refuge in, I suddenly found Bingquan’s younger brother, who was killed by me at the beach before, and the one who brought Bingquan to ask for trouble did not know when he ran away. He had been killed before. I forgot, and I haven't paid attention. When I remembered it, this kid had already slipped away. However, this kind of person can't be a major event anyway, and I don't bother to chase it.

Let the people around you quiet down and step aside, I first took the white waves summon out, and then let him sniff the guy a few times to remember the smell of the ice fist, and then the white waves led the way in Reykjavik. On the way, I didn’t directly track the smell and run everywhere. Instead, I released ghost worms to mark all the areas I passed along the way. Finally, I released a group of Qilin warriors at intervals and started to follow the ghost worm signs to find nearby shops. And the NPC on the street outside asked for various information about ice fist.

This kind of large-scale investigation simply cannot be completed by one or two people. A large number of experienced personnel must be divided into separate tasks. This is why police investigations are often faster than ordinary organizations. The main reason is that there are a large number of police officers and a complete division of labor system, which can condense and summarize the massive amounts of disparate information. In the end, the information is almost screened. As long as a smarter person looks through the information, they will know the whole sequence of the case. Of events, and as an ordinary person, no matter how smart you are, you are still a person. Just a large amount of information can drown you.

There are many players in Reykjavik. After knowing that Bingquan is not a real magic dessert chef, there are naturally no lack of individual clever ones who left early to find news about magic dessert chefs, but these people are either doing it alone. Either the staff is scarce and the cooperation is not close enough. A professional team like my Qilin warrior is difficult to find among players, even more how Iceland is not a place with many individuals, and it is even more difficult to have such a guild organization.

Although these people are the first to start searching, their speed is far from our opponents. Soon I marked all the areas where ice fist had been active in Reykjavik, and then sent a large number of Qilin warriors to pull the net for a little bit of rejection. Finally, it took a whole day to reach the early morning of the second day. It was time to finally gather all the information. However, at this time, the number of people who are following me hoping to borrow my power to find the magic pastry chef is already more than half. After all, I don’t need to sleep and I don’t feel tired because I’m Dragon Clan, and most players are normal. Human beings, even if they don’t want to go offline, they will be kicked out after the fatigue level rises to the warning line. Therefore, those who are still online at this time either came after the news came, or they are smarter and know that I won’t be so short. Smart people who have been able to find their goals, so they are off the assembly line in advance.

Anyway, there are a lot less people on my side, so it looks clean, but when the Qilin warriors came back, it immediately became lively. Many Qilin warriors do not directly contact me to report the situation. Their report object is the ring tone Knights, and the ring tone Knights' job is to analyze, filter and eliminate information. Finally, after all the ringtones Knight heard the report, they gathered together and took out their own information and compared them with everyone. Finally, after they had discussed for more than an hour, Scott finally left the team and walked towards me. .

"Boss, the news has been compiled."

I nodded and asked: "Is there anything you noticed?"

Scott holds a record Ben said as he watched it: "Excluding irrelevant information and wrong information, there is not much information that can be determined at present. The first is that Bing Fist enters a nearby volcanic cave every three days, every time it goes for half a day. , And never let anyone go with him, but others have entered the exploration when he is not going. It is said that the cave is not deep, except for some Fire Element monsters used for leveling. Very low-quality ore, and this ore itself is an additive for smelting, and it does not seem to be directly related to food."

"Is there any other information?"

" There are two more. One of them is about a private house in Reykjavík. Because the private house sold by system has a privacy agreement, and this guy bought the highest level, so there is no Anyone has entered his house, including his younger brother. Moreover, the candy store in the city that sells magic sweets is moved out of his private house by Bingquan himself every time, so this private house Among them is likely to have something to do with the magic pastry chef. Even if the magic pastry chef does not live in this house, this house is at least a transit point."

"Isn’t there another message? What is it? News?"

"The last piece of information is that Bing Fist has a long-term mission to acquire Drunk Dragon Grass in the city, so..."

Scottish did not finish. , A player next to him couldn’t help but breathe in and interjected: “True! I still think you can investigate what news! It turns out that it’s just such a thing. That mission has been hanging out for several months, and the entire Reykjavik Ke knows it. The cave and his private house are not secrets, and the whole Reykjavik knows it. Did you get such information after investigating for a day? I would investigate it myself if I knew it, it's a waste of me Time. I’m Aiya..."

The guy was slapped and slapped and slapped flying out before he finished speaking. He really flew like a spinning top and didn’t know how many times he turned in the air. After landing, I walked over and stepped back on the ground before I finally got up. "First, it is you who want to follow me to listen to the news. I am not asking you to listen. Therefore, in addition to listening with your ears, let me take care of your stinky mouth. Second, these all are mine. Your subordinates are not yours. Even if you want to teach it, it’s my business. It’s not your turn to like the fox which exploits the tiger's might. Third, don’t show up ashamed if your IQ is low. My subordinates report everything. It’s very targeted and important information. You can’t understand that the key is your business. Don’t give me a joke here and annoying people. Now, give me as far as I can go, and then show up in front of me. I add a block, I will let you know about the terrifying of the Frost Rose League. Don’t think that you can’t cure you if you hide in Iceland and stay away from the continent. I want you to die. The difference is only to see if I am willing to do that. Now You can roll."

After I let go of the foot on his chest, the guy immediately got up and scared witless and ran away. It was because I was sleepy and confused before, but now he was beaten by me. I just remembered that I am not a bully passerby, but the Head President of the Frost Rose League in the world's first guild, the top super player in the world battle strength list, he really is not even a fart in front of me.

With this dead chicken, all the nearby monkeys became quiet, and no one dared to show their dissatisfaction anymore. With a clean environment, Scot's reporting work can continue, but there is really nothing to say. The very difficult to deal with information is streamlined. The remaining three items sound like household names, but in fact they are all key information, but many people have not seen it.

After thinking about the situation here, I directly summoned Crystal, Plague, and Mistress. Of course, because this is inside Reykjavík, the three of them appear in human form. Otherwise, as soon as the three dragons come out, at least one street will be destroyed here. In addition to the three dragons, I also released the white waves, as well as the small dragon girl.

"You guys stay in the city, use your nose to help me smell the drunk dragon grass in the city, find all the places where there is drunk dragon grass, and then mobilize the Qilin warrior Look at those locations, is this all right?"

Small dragon female nodded and said: "No problem, it's just a city, we can do it."

"Then Okay, I'll leave it to you here, but before I come back, try not to make too much noise. If there is no fighting, it is better not to fight."


After explaining the small dragon women and them, I summoned the night shadow and rode on it, and then moved towards the cave where ice fists often go to according to the information reported by Skott. Although the people around felt that the information I had investigated before was useless, they all chased after me when I ran, but their mounts were so bad that they could hardly keep up with the speed of Night Shadow. Ying was just running at a very normal speed, not speeding up at all, and they were still being pulled farther and farther, and finally only three people followed when I reached the entrance of the cave over there.

"This is the cave, isn't it?" I compared the photos given to me by Skot, the topography of the cave entrance seemed to be the same, it should be the cave where Bing Fist often goes, just before here There have been many people here, so I am not sure what clues I will find.

The three guys who followed up came to the entrance of the cave and saw that I didn’t go in. They stopped and stood there honestly without disturbing me. The previous killing the chicken to warn the monkey still played a role. Yes, at least these people know how to constrain.

After comparing and confirming the appearance of the hole, I snapped my finger to show the lucky summon. There was no summon deliberately in Reykjavik before. Luckily because I suspected that this is the place where Ice Fist collects Drunken Dragon Grass.

The intelligence gathered by Sgoth shows that Bing Fist has a long-term task of acquiring drunken dragon grass in Reykjavik, which means that his demand for drunken dragon grass is very large, and it is not temporary. Needs, but long-term needs. Generally speaking, this kind of long-term demand means a lot of consumption, and if something consumes a lot when making magic desserts, it means that this thing is probably a kind of basic material, which cannot be completed without it. The finished product must be an item. However, if only the intermittent supply of those acquired, it is obviously impossible to meet such a large consumption, and according to the intelligence surveyed by Skot, the supply of magic desserts by the magic dessert maker has never been intermittent. What does this show? This shows that the drunken dragon grass needed in the magic dessert can be obtained in other ways.

Before this, Bingquan should be the only person that the magic dessert chef can contact, otherwise it is impossible that only he has magic desserts, and no one else has any news. This shows that Magic Pastry Chef’s Drunken Dragon Grass can only be obtained from Bing Fist, and Bing Fist has no other way to obtain Drunken Dragon Grass except for the part of the Drunken Dragon Grass he purchased. Then he is the only one who can obtain Drunken Dragon in large quantities. There is only this cave where there is grass.

The reason why drunken dragon grass is called drunk dragon grass is because this thing is a plant that Dragon Clan likes very much. As long as the giant dragon eats drunken dragon grass, it will be like a human being drunk. Certain anesthesia and hallucinogenic effects. Because this effect is very similar to drunkenness, Dragon Clan likes this thing very much, as if humans like to drink. For this reason, Zuilongcao has this name. Of course, in fact, Drunken Dragon Grass is not only useful for Dragon Clan, it is also very useful for other creatures, but most people can’t eat Drunken Dragon Grass directly, otherwise it will definitely end up with alcohol poisoning like drinking two liters of medical alcohol, but if After a little processing, get out and dilute the juice of the drunken dragon grass, and add some substances that do not affect the psychedelic effect but can reduce the toxicity, and finally you can get a very good food additive.

Because the extract of drunken dragon grass is also a well-known food additive, there is no doubt that Bingquan will buy drunken dragon grass. After all, magic desserts are also eaten, so it contains drunken dragon. The composition of the grass is normal. However, although everyone knows that there is drunken dragon grass in it, no one has thought of starting from here to find a magic pastry chef. It's not that there are no smart people besides me. In fact, many people think of this. However, the drunken dragon grass itself has no obvious characteristics, and this drunken dragon grass is also a collection material, which is the most common drop by players. The drop item is one of the materials recognized by the system that can be put into the space equipment, which determines that it is difficult for others to track the magic pastry chef through the drunken dragon grass. However, other people's failure does not mean that I can't, because there is a dragon by my side.

Since Drunken Dragon Grass is called Drunken Dragon Grass, it is because Dragon Clan likes it, and giant dragons don’t spend money to buy Drunken Dragon Grass. They all look for it by themselves. Although drunk dragon grass does not have obvious characteristics that are easy to find, drunk dragon grass has a growth characteristic, that is, it is a fire-friendly plant, that is, the magic plant of Fire Element. Like most Fire Element magic plants, drunken dragon grass usually only grows in places where Fire Element is dense, and places such as volcanic craters and volcanic caves are undoubtedly the best growing environment.

Knowing this characteristic of drunk dragon grass, it is not difficult to find the place where drunk dragon grass may exist. In fact, the distribution of drunk dragon grass is also very wide, and the yield is not too low. The difficulty is that they The place where the temperature is very high, and often accompanied by Fire Element monster, which determines that although there are many drunken dragon grass, but the collection is very problematic. Of course, giant dragons are not worried. Apart from knowing the growth range of Drunken Dragon Grass, they also have two advantages that players do not have.

The first is that Dragon Clan has a very good nose. Although the drunken dragon grass has no obvious smell, it is for humans. Dragon Clan's nose is better than that of a dog. As long as it enters a certain range, it is absolutely fine to smell the approximate position of the drunken dragon grass.

Secondly, giant dragons can completely ignore the guardian monster. As the top-level existence in devil beasts, giant dragons can swagger and collect them as long as they know where the drunken dragon grass is. Will choose to ignore the behavior of giant dragons. After all, giant dragons are too strong, and BOSS are not stupid, knowing that they don’t come to trouble themselves and they rush upwards. They are full of food, and they are simply unhappy.

For the above reasons, it is too easy for Dragon Clan to obtain the drunken dragon grass, while the average player wants to get the drunken dragon grass, although it is not said that it is super difficult, but it does not pay a price. impossible. However, this problem is not a problem for me, because not only do I have dragons by my side, but I am also better than Dragon Clan.

Since it’s now at the entrance of the cave, Lucky Nose naturally won’t miss anything. It almost just took a deep breath as soon as the lucky one came out, and then enjoyed the general exclamation: "It’s great, here The quality of the drunken dragon grass is surprisingly good."

"Smell it?"

The humanoid state of luck nodded and said: "At least a few thousand plants, and it seems that I still smell When it comes to other things, wait a moment, I will smell it again." Lucky took a breath after speaking, and then frowned suddenly exclaimed after thinking about it for a long time: "Damn it, I know what it is!"

"What's the matter?"

Fortunately exclaimed: "It's the Halloween Flame Flower! Hahahaha, I'm lucky today!"

"Halloween Flame Flower? What is it? It’s more powerful than Drunken Dragon Grass?"

When I was lucky, I immediately said: "Drunk Dragon Grass is nothing but a good snack. It doesn’t matter. It’s like ordinary wine. It has the same meaning to people. Except for the drunkard, no one can get away from the wine, right? But this Halloween flame flower is different. This thing is like opium. , But there are no toxic side effects. Instead, it can greatly enhance the magical power of magic creatures. It can also greatly increase your magic recovery speed, magic attack power and magic release success rate. More importantly, this thing can improve your Spirit Attack Resistance. Of course, the taste of this thing is also invincible. You only need to taste it once to ensure that it will make you cool."

"Isn't this thing invaluable to you?"

< p>"It's priceless, because this is one of the few things that Dragon Clan can spend money to buy."

I was also surprised when I heard the lucky explanation. There is a saying in Dragon Clan that is said. "Dragons that use gold coins to buy things must not be giant dragons." The meaning of this sentence is very simple, that is, giant dragons will not use gold coins to buy things. It is not that they do not know how to trade, but that giant dragons do not. Will use gold coin to trade. They don't mind buying things with Silver Coin and copper plates, or even bartering, but you should never expect a giant dragon to pay you gold coin, because every dragon is a hardcore gold coin collector. Many giant dragons sometimes prefer to die rather than abandon their gold and silver treasures, which is why every dragon lair is almost a treasure pit. The giant dragon, who can not even guard his own treasure, is willing to spend gold coins to buy the Halloween Flame Flower. From this, you can see how attractive this thing is.

"Why haven't you heard of such a good thing?" One of the three players who had been following me before finally couldn't help but say this question. Although he had seen me teach others before, he felt that he was just asking a question and there was nothing impolite about it. There should be no problem. Besides, he really couldn't help it.

Of course I don’t mind his question, because I want to ask too, but he preempts it. Fortunately, I probably know I want to know the reason, so I directly replied: "Because the Halloween flame flower is too rare. The magic plant of the Halloween flame flower only grows in lava, and the seeds will move around with the underground lava flow. , So the place where you can see the Halloween Flame Flower must be connected to the lava channel. Let’s not talk about how high the temperature is in this place. It is not easy to deal with monsters in such dangerous environments. Our giant dragon is Don’t be afraid of lava monsters, you people can’t do it. Moreover, the Halloween Flame Flower does not appear in patches like Drunken Dragon Grass. As long as the red element is strong enough and the ground nearby is big enough, Drunken Dragon Grass will even appear to be overgrown. The situation of the entire cave. However, I don’t know if the Halloween Flame Flower has the effect of suppressing each other. Every time I find there is only one plant. I have never seen two growing together. Moreover, this Halloween Flame Flower has a comparison. The troublesome problem is that it will continuously absorb Fire Element and heat energy during its growth. Therefore, if the nearby lava veins are not vigorous enough, it will eventually cause the lava to cool and harden, and finally the Halloween Flame Flower will wither by itself because it cannot absorb the Fire Element. But. If the surrounding Fire Element is strong enough, it will be more troublesome, because the Halloween Flame Flower will suppress the Fire Element when it is there. After all, the excess is absorbed by it, so the volcano will become very calm where there is the Halloween Flame Flower. But once you take it off..."

We don't have to be lucky to finish the following words and we will know what the result will be. The Halloween Flame Flower is like a water pump, except that it pumps heat and Fire Element instead of water. If it is in a balanced state somewhere, it means that once it is not there, the Fire Element here will immediately Eruption, and then coming one after another is a volcanic eruption. The giant dragon can bathe in the lava, naturally, it is not afraid of the volcanic eruption. Just pay attention to the Halloween flame flower and run away and not be buried alive, but other races are different. Even if your hot kang is high, the erupted volcanic crater will hang if it is sprayed directly. Don't forget that the volcanic crater is not only high in temperature, but the impact of lava eruption is also very terrifying. There is a volcanic cap explosion that occurred during a few volcanic eruptions, and its formidable power can catch up with a small atomic bomb. If someone stood in the vicinity at that time, what would be the result? The giant dragon is not afraid of high temperatures, the defensive power is high enough, and the strength is great, and the most important thing is that it can fly, so it runs fast. Generally, creatures will almost die if they encounter this kind of thing. Because of this situation, even if the Halloween Flame Flower is discovered, most people can't get it out at all. The more common method is to know where there are people with the Halloween Flame Flower who directly sell information on the task. Whoever is interested and has the ability to spend money to buy the information to get it, anyway, most of the discoverers do not have the ability to get it.

"There are halloween flame flowers and drunken dragon grass in it. Does that mean that the number of Fire Elements here is very exaggerated?" I looked at Dong** and asked.

Fortunately nodded: "The place where the Halloween Flame Flower grows shouldn’t grow other Fire Element plants. After all, the Halloween Flame Flower will absorb a large amount of Fire Element and make the surrounding area enter the Fire Element thin. In fact, such conditions are not very suitable for the growth of other Fire Element creatures. However, there are actually thousands of drunken dragon grasses and Halloween flame flowers accompanied here, which only means that the number of Fire Elements here is incredible. That's right."

When Lucky said this, another player who followed immediately asked nervously: "Then what will happen if the Halloween Flame Flower is taken away?"


Lucky directly compared a blooming motion with his hand, and imitated the sound of the explosion and said: "The result is a boom...This area went up to the sky together, and since then, Iceland has a new volcano."

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