"You, you, you..." After struggling on the ground for a long time, the guy got up, then walked tremblingly to the broken tree and pointed at me to say something What, but he just said three words and he was pushed to the ground by me, and then grabbed one of his arms with one hand, and the other hand drew a more orthodox whiteboard from the Phoenix Dragon space. According to this guy's arm, it was cut with a sword.

"Ah..." Accompanied by a scream, blood was splashed on the guy's arm, but his arm was still there, and it didn't fall off.

I looked at his arm, and then looked at the attribute read by the star pupil and said to myself: "The defensive power doesn't seem to be improved much. Is it just magic resistance? Could it be said that the magic lollipop is a magic potion and does not take effect on the physical system?"

While talking, I shot again, facing the guy’s arm for a few consecutive times, and finally cut the guy’s arm whole. Come down. Throwing the broken arm aside, I grabbed the guy who was still screaming and didn't care about his wailing, directly pointed the fracture on his shoulder to myself and observed it, and finally reached out and dialed it twice, of course this caused it again. There was a heartbreaking scream, but I didn't take it seriously.

"Well, it seems that this lollipop also has a hemostatic effect. Is the attribute added in the form of a skill? Or is it simply a sealed state magic? It seems from the subject's body You can know so much. The key is to find the pastry chef."

After studying what I need, I threw away the painful guy who was about to lose consciousness, and then I turned to face it. The big beauty over there asked: "I heard that there is a very powerful magic pastry chef living in Reykjavik. Do you know the place?" The big and small beauties on the side will definitely show me the way. After all, I’m pretty good for them. According to Wiki, the pastry chef is a household name in Reykjavik, so I should ask them immediately. Just tell me. However, there is a huge gap between the actual situation and my thoughts, because after I asked the two beauties, instead of answering my question, they looked at me with weird faces.

"Why? Is there anything wrong with my words?" After I asked, I found that the little beauty over there continuously gestured behind me with her eyes, and then I turned my head suspiciously, except for the one on the ground. Apart from the dog-like guy, no one saw it. "What do you mean?"

The big beauty next to me probably found out that I didn't understand, and simply said directly: "The pastry chef you are looking for has just been beaten down by you."

< p>"What? He is the magic pastry chef in Reykjavik?" I asked in surprise.

Beauty nodded: "This is not a secret. The whole Reykjavik knows it."


"How impossible? "

"He doesn't have the Secondary Profession attribute of the magic pastry chef."

As soon as I finished talking here, the big beauty over there asked in surprise: "You can see The attribute to him?"

I directly nodded and said: "He has only one auxiliary profession, he is a blacksmith. I don’t think much of the pastry chef you mentioned."

"You What?

I turned my head and stared at the guy and said, "What? Do you have an opinion?"

"No, no." When I saw that brain-disabled child was repaired by me After that, no one dared to blow his beard and stare at me anymore. Listening to my bad tone, the person quickly explained: "We are just curious. We must know that our Reykjavik magic candies are very famous, and the candies we produce are provided by Ice Fist, but you said these candies It’s not made by him, this is..."

"Do you think I have to lie to you?"

"That's not true, but if he is not the pastry chef, then Where did these magic candies come from?"

After hearing that guy’s words, I turned around and walked towards that guy, then I picked up the dying guy and asked. : "Hey, haven't you died yet?"

"hmph, don't bother." Although this guy is about to hang up, but his ears are fine, he heard our conversations, so he just Said: "I admit, I am not the pastry chef, but I am the only one who can get magic desserts. I want me to tell you, dream." After that, the guy immediately shouted to the people around him. Said: "You all listen to me. You still want to get magic desserts from me in the future, then kill this guy for me, otherwise I will not sell you a piece of broken sugar in the future."

Although this guy's head is really problematic, it's not really stupid enough to be hopeless. Now he is the only one who can get the magic dessert from the magic dessert chef, and this magic dessert is so popular, it is equivalent to a monopoly, and the goods it sells are still necessities of life. This kind of almost complete seller's market business can not only set prices at will, but also because it deals with things close to the necessities of life, so it can in turn require the buyer to make some additional payments for the seller in addition to the transaction.

The benefits of such an exaggerated business are conceivable. Anyone with a little brain will definitely not give up this kind of business. Although he is half disabled by me now, this is a game, even if he is killed? Dropped? How many levels of EXP can compare with this kind of business? Even if he is killed back to Novice Village, as long as he still holds this kind of business, what is at the worst? As long as you can hold this business, you can get a lot of money income continuously, and these income can completely influence the behavior of many players. Although the game "Zero" does not officially set up any setting to link money and strength, the rich can still open the way with money. As long as you have money, you can spend money to ask a large number of high level players to take you to the high level area for task leveling, and the level will be quickly brushed up. Needless to say about equipment, just spend money to buy it. It is no longer possible to purchase equipment tasks, and then hire someone to do the task to get the equipment, anyway, as long as you have money, you can get the equipment at any time. So, this guy is not afraid of death at all, even if I can kill him back to Novice Village, as long as the secret of the magic pastry chef is not revealed, he can be said to be invincible forever. As for whether the magic pastry chef's information will be leaked... Anyway, he doesn't think it's possible.

"You..." Before I had time to say something, a large group of players suddenly rushed up to me and started to grab this guy, everyone talking at once, and asked about the magic pastry chef's information. The news of this magic dessert chef is a big cake. Before everyone thought this kid was the magic dessert chef, so he respected him, but now suddenly learned that he is not a real magic dessert chef, just mastered the magic dessert Teacher’s news, how do you say the people around you will react? Anyway, everyone is excited now, and they want to ask for the exact news of the magic dessert chef. After all, it means wealth. No one is stupid. Everyone is impossible to see such an important source of money being monopolized by this guy named Bingquan.

"hahahaha." The Bingquan surrounded by everyone has no fear, but arrogantly said with a big smile: "You may fight, you may kill. You dare to move me today, tomorrow you will Don’t expect to get a jelly bean. The news of the magic pastry chef is that I will not say that if you have the ability, you can find it yourself, but don’t blame me for not reminding you that the person looking for the magic pastry chef is my enemy, if you are If you can find it, count your luck, if you can’t find it, don’t expect to get my magic dessert again."

"Go away." I directly dispersed the crowd around and walked to the ice fist. , Followed Summon out Ling said: "Add a tracking seal to him."

Immediately after I finished speaking, Ling quickly drew a magic array in the air with one hand, and then moved towards the guy with a shot, The seal flashing with purple rays of light immediately fell into that guy's forehead. After the thing disappeared on that guy’s forehead, I said, “This is a soul-locking seal. No matter how many times you die, this thing can’t be erased. Don’t worry, this thing won’t do any harm to you. You will not even feel its existence. However, we will be able to know where you are at any time after that, so you'd better find a way to get the goods from him without contacting the magic pastry chef, otherwise, As long as you buy the goods, I will know where he is."


My method is absolutely vicious. No matter how much he hides it, he will eventually It’s to pinch this method of making money, but the problem is that he has to frequently go to the magic pastry chef to replenish the goods if he wants to make money, and there is this thing, as long as he goes to the magic pastry chef, I know the magic pastry chef. The position means that he will worship the magic dessert chef forever. However, if he does not go to the magic pastry chef to capture, what will happen after the desserts in his hand are sold out? To make money, you have to restock!

The guy who was originally quite arrogant is really anxious this time. After all, he has not received any substantive threat before. Even if he is killed back to Novice Village, it is nothing to him. He is simply not afraid of accepting the loss, but my current behavior is directed at his roots, which is tantamount to breaking his roots.

Just when he was flustered and helpless, I continued to stimulate him: "Oh, yes, there is one thing you don’t know. My demon is Ling, she is Familiars with a loyal heart, many of my forums have introduced this ability, in order to prevent you from being unclear, so I will explain it to you. Familiars with a loyal heart can replace the owner to mobilize everything about the owner. Familiars and equipment, and when the owner is not online, the Familiars can still move freely without being restricted by the owner’s offline. Therefore, if you plan to make a time difference with me to replenish the goods while I am offline, it’s not at all It’s useful, because this seal is actually Ling’s induction, so unless she takes a rest, you will always have the possibility of escaping from the surveillance range. As for when Ling will take a rest...this will not bother you, Ling. But the dark Goddess, there is nothing at worst without sleeping for hundreds of years. You can't wait for that time anyway."

The already desperate Bingfist immediately vomited blood after hearing my words. He passed out, but he didn't reveal any information from beginning to end.

"You came here to find the magic dessert chef?" Seeing that guy was dizzy, the big beauty before came over and asked me.

I nodded, then glanced at the ice fist over there and said: "But unfortunately this guy seems unwilling to cooperate."

The little beauty on one side said: "We all I thought he was the magic pastry chef, but he could hide for so long. It is estimated that the magic pastry chef should be difficult to find. We don't even know whether the opponent is a player or an NPC. It is estimated that as long as he doesn't tell us, we will be impossible to find the magic pastry chef. Moreover, if he is really cruel to either the fish dies or the net splits, and resolutely does not go to the magic pastry chef, you will get nothing."

I nodded and said: "Yes, What you said makes sense, but I don’t care. Even if there is no magic pastry chef, I used to mix well. If he doesn’t explain, I just won’t live better, but it won’t get worse, but he will. It became very miserable. Besides, even if he didn’t say it, I wouldn’t be able to find it."

"If it’s so easy to find, so many people bought his magic desserts, why not a single one Did you find it?"

"When you go to the store to buy clothes, do you always think about looking for supplier information?" I asked.

Beauties of all sizes were taken aback, and then they came to understand what I meant. Indeed, no one has discovered this problem before. It may not only be the reason that the other party has hidden it, but there may be more reasons that no one has looked for it.

This guy claimed that he did it, and he was the only one selling this magic dessert. After a long time, no one stood up and said that this was made by himself and not by him. This way Naturally, no one would doubt this. Since no one doubts, why bother to look for something that doesn't exist? Therefore, the real identity of the magic pastry chef has not been revealed before, and the main reason is that no one has ever looked for it seriously.

"Even if you really have a way, I don't think it will be too simple." said the big beauty.

"I know if I can try it. Besides, that guy may not be able to play with us either the fish dies or the net splits. Even if I can’t find the magic pastry chef, he is hard enough. , So what? He is a fish, and this net is only one of my many nets. When the fish dies, there will be nothing. If the net breaks, I still have a lot. Do you think I will be afraid of him? "

After listening to my analysis, beautiful women, big and small, are nodded and admitted that I really shouldn't be afraid of him. I'm impossible to suffer when approaching inside and out. On the contrary, that guy is destined to be unlucky no matter what the result is. For a while, not only beauties, but also those nearby who heard my analysis looked towards the ice fist over there with a sympathetic gaze. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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