"You must never touch that Halloween Flame Flower." After hearing the lucky explanation, all three Icelandic players present all yelled. However, although they were very excited, they were indeed a normal reaction. Anyone who knows that there is a nuclear bomb buried next to the city where he is located, and someone is about to use the detonation limiter on the nuclear bomb, it is impossible to calm down.

"hey hey hey, pay attention to your position." Lucky Born said: "Are you qualified to oppose?"


The three who followed were not brain-disabled, so they did not lose their minds because of sudden occurance. They all know my strength, if I want the Halloween Flame Flower, they have no possibility of stopping me, and even if they take the news out, it is still useless, and no one has the ability to solve this problem. . I am Ranked 1st on the world battle strength list, and the second and third are all my subordinates. In this case, it is harder than heavenly ascension to find someone to deal with me, even more how they have only three people now.

"Although we know that we cannot stop your actions, we still implore you not to take away the Halloween Flame Flower." The three people know that it will not work hard, and the introductions about me on various forums are also No one said that I was an unreasonable person, so all three of them wisely chose to plead in a low voice instead of confronting me.

Hearing what they said, I just thought for a while and walked towards the cave without giving any reply at all. After the three people looked at each other in surprise, the complexion changed suddenly, and then they chased in together, but the three of them still didn't dare to come forward and stop me, but they kept begging me not to touch the Halloween Flame Flower.

Completely ignoring the existence of those three guys, I directly said to the lucky person next to me: "Show me the way."

"Are you going to find the Halloween Flame Flower?"< /p>

I nodded and said: "If it grows with drunken dragon grass."

"It should be together, the smell is quite obvious." After luck, I started to show the way. , And the last three are even more nervous.

As stated in the information, this cave is not deep, from the entrance to the bottom of the cave, it is only one more than a hundred meters deep, but there are still more than a hundred meters away from the bottom of the cave. Fortunately, the place suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"

"So it is." Lucky suddenly pointed to the side wall and said, "Halloween flame flowers and drunken dragon grass are not in this cave. , It’s strange that so many people can’t find it."

"Not here? Then you......?"

Lucky suddenly turned around and hugged when I just asked a few words He stayed on a huge boulder beside him, then moved it up and moved two steps aside lightly. With luck removing the stone weighing more than ten tons, a hole in the ground appeared in front of us.

There is no staircase or the like below the opening of the hole, but a slope composed of countless large and small rocks. Moreover, the slope of the slope is quite steep. If it is in reality, most people have to use a rope or the like to go down. However, everyone’s physical fitness in the game is surprisingly good, so you can go down with bare hands. So that's not even a problem.

Fortunately, after moving the big rock, he jumped from the entrance of the cave first, and then slid down the rocky slope to the ground like a slide. I was not lucky so that the skin is rough, flesh is thick, I jumped directly in and jumped out on the slope, and then got a wing, gliding lightly and landing.

The three players who followed saw me going down and had to follow. Previously, their mounts could catch up with the speed of Night Shadow’s trot, which shows that their mounts are not ordinary. After all, even when Night Shadows trot, they are not able to keep up with ordinary creatures. Therefore, they can have such a mount, which shows that they are themselves. The strength is not very bad, because most people are impossible to get high level mounts.

The quality of all three of them is good. Although they are not as easy as I and the lucky one, the two who jumped on the rocky slope three times and two will also get off.

This ramp has a fan-shaped structure. The position where we descend is the narrowest, the front is very open, and less than five meters away from the bottom of the slope is a lava river flowing laterally. The flow of this lava river is very fast. Although it cannot be compared with the flow rate of ordinary rivers, you must know that lava is not water, and its viscosity is very high, so this one like us is already catching up with humans. The lava river of jogging speed is already quite terrifying.

The width of the lava river is more than thirty meters, and it flows from our left hand direction to the right side. On the opposite side of the lava river is the oppositely inclined rock wall, there is no place to stand, and there is no platform on our side except for a place where people can stand on the slope, and there is no way for people to walk on the side of the river. , But the surface of the lava river is seven or eight meters away from the top of the cave. If there is a place to hold people, it will not be a problem to walk over, but it seems that it is obviously impossible to walk over on foot now.

"Fortunately, can you smell the drunken dragon grass?"

Lucky nodded said: "It is more concentrated, it should be not too far away."

"Upstream or downstream?"


One of the three players following us suddenly interrupted and said: "President Purple Moon, you see here anyway If you can’t make it, why don’t we give up?"

I didn’t take that guy’s words seriously. It's so easy to cross the lava river, just let the lucky jump down and swim past me. What I'm thinking about is how the ice fist passed back then. That kid doesn't seem to be a person who can resist the high temperature of lava.

I was simulating the method of crossing the river that ice fist might use, and suddenly I saw several very large rocks floating down the upper stream of the lava river. These rocks floating on the lava river are like floating ice on the sea. Looking at the area, it is obviously not a problem to stand up and lift people up. I almost immediately understood that this is how Bing Fist passed.

"so that's how it is." After a little sigh, I jumped directly onto the rock, and a few pumice stones appeared upstream one after another, but not always One piece can stand, some big pieces are bigger than the piece I stand on, and some small pieces are only fist sized, in short, they have any size.

Unlike players who are afraid of the high temperature of lava, giant dragon likes to bathe in lava very much, so fortunately, instead of jumping on the pumice stone with me, I jumped directly into the lava to swim and followed.

Following the flow of the lava river, the river course began to turn after less than ten meters. After bypassing an S-shaped continuous curve, a large piece of flat land appeared in the direction of our left hand. If you look far away, you can see a kind of golden, crystal-like plants growing on the flat ground.

"Sure enough, it's drunk dragon grass. There are so many!" I made a small jump and landed on the shore, and then squatted down to check a few drunk dragon grasses. The Appraisal Technique appraisal showed that it was The best drunk dragon grass is 20% more effective than the normal drunk dragon grass. It is definitely the best drunk dragon grass. However, I simply checked the Drunken Dragon Grass and then moved my gaze to the front, because there was something more attractive over there.

Passing through this flat land full of drunken dragon grass, a relatively thin lava flow will appear in front of it, the width is only more than two meters, and it will be passed by at random one step. Behind this lava trickle is a relatively low passage. Of course, the low is relative to the passage on our side. The height difference of the passage on our side is about eight meters, which is quite high, but the height of the passage in front is only about four meters, which is half shorter than here.

Going through this passage, you can hear a strange buzzing as soon as you enter the hole, and the louder you go as you go. The shape of this passage does not seem to be very fixed. The entrance is four meters high and the width is only over two meters, but the wider you go in, the wider the width, but the height drops a little bit. After we walked more than a hundred meters deep, the passage has become seven or eight meters wide and two meters high. Thanks to me and luck is not high, if those Little Giant who play basketball, they might be bent over if they enter this kind of place.

After deepening into the cave one more than a hundred meters, the passage obviously begins to dip, and the slope is also very steep, but because the surrounding is surrounded by lava rivers, it will not be as slippery as normal caves, but because The high temperature makes the surface rocks feel a little soft, but the friction is unexpectedly large, and even when you lift your feet, you will feel a little sticky on the ground. Obviously, the rocks in this place are actually a bit semi-melted. If in reality, the temperature in this place is estimated that ordinary metals will melt, but there is nothing to worry about in the game, at least mine. The Dragon Soul suit seemed to have no response to this temperature.

The three people behind were still following me after entering the passage, but they haven't moved on since they got downhill. It's not that they didn't want to follow, but that they couldn't make it through at all. The feeling of being able to turn the surrounding rocks into plasticine shows that the temperature here is already extremely terrifying. My dragon soul suit was originally a growth-type Divine Item suit, and it was strengthened so many times. Naturally, I am not afraid of this temperature, but the equipment of the latter three is relatively ordinary, and this temperature is already for them. It's deadly enough.

It’s too late for me to be happy for those three people being blocked, so naturally it is impossible to help. Of course, I didn't want to take away the Halloween Flame Flower, although I didn't promise them, it doesn't mean that I would really take the Halloween Flame Flower. If that thing is taken away, it will be equivalent to. I personally destroyed all the players in Reykjavik next to it and the entire city of Reykjavik, so I won't really let the super volcano erupt here. The reason why I didn't agree to those three people was because I didn't bother to talk to them. Another reason is that I do want the Halloween Flame Flower, and if I agree to them, it will be bad for my reputation. If I don’t agree, I can make a decision based on the situation when I see the Halloween Flame Flower. Since I am not entirely sure what I will do, why did I promise them so early?

We didn’t care about the three people behind. Lucky and I walked along the descending ramp for less than 20 meters and then the ramp became horizontal again. At this time, we can already know It was rumbling. In fact, in addition to the loud rumbling in the ears, the scene before us is also amazing.

What is in front of us is not a new passage, but the end of this passage, but there is not a rock wall, but a lava waterfall flowing straight down. Yes, it's like the Water Curtain Cave of Flower Fruit Mountain, but it's not water but lava that flows straight down, as if a curtain of lava is blocking the entrance of the passage. However, this curtain is not very dense, so some outside conditions can be seen through it.

Outside Tongdao is not a hidden land of peace and prosperity, but a sinkhole. The huge vertical well is enough to put down an aircraft carrier. There are hundreds of large and small openings on the wall around the vertical well, and each opening is spouting lava like ours. After the lava spewed out of the cave, it would fall like a waterfall toward the bottom of the tiankeng, and at the bottom of this big crater, at least one hundred meters deep from where we are, there is an orange red. That is not the bottom of the cave, but lava. We don't know how deep this sinkhole is, because there is a lava pool below. All we can see is that the lava surface of the lava pool is more than a hundred meters deep from where we are standing.

At this time, what attracted our attention was not the lava pool itself, but a piece of black land floating in the center of the huge lava pool. That piece of land is only three or four square meters behind, because it has been swaying with the swaying of the lava pool, so we judged that it was floating on the lava instead of the stone pillar protruding from the bottom of the cave.

On the floating rock that is less than four square meters, a plant is about two meters high, with petals and plant leaves spreading out to a full diameter of one meter. The beautiful and unusual plants are in full bloom. The crystal clear and near-transparent plant with purple, pink and red colors also has a dreamlike halo on the outside. It looks so beautiful and dreamy, like a rainbow after the rain. The tulips blooming below are like the devil's flower blooming under the moon night. The fascinating beauty is really that people don't want to look away after a glance.


"It is more than beautiful, it is simply a miracle flower." Lucky said while drooling, "But master, are you sure you want to pick it? If you take it away, this place will become a big bomb. The city will disappear in an instant."

I shook my head and exclaimed, "This thing is so beautiful, but Ray Kjavík cannot be destroyed, at least not until I find the magic pastry chef. I want to take this thing away, but I must also make sure that it cannot explode."

"If that is needed, it is actually very easy to do. Oh." Lucky suddenly said with a smile.

I kicked him directly down the lava pool and shouted: "I have thought of the way, so don't expect to blackmail me. Go down and show me if there is something different under the lava pool. Export.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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