The guy who was restrained by me is also nervous now and dare not look back. After all, my hook and sickle is already on his neck. In this case, he just moves with himself. courting death makes no difference.

Hearing my question, the female player opposite quickly explained: "He is just too nervous."

"I have seen a lot of nervous people, but when they come up, they cut it. He is the first one of human beings.” I said, suddenly raising the hook and letting go of the guy, but the guy was immediately turned around and raised the sword at me again, but he didn’t make a slash. Actions. I pointed to this guy and said to the woman next to him: "This is also caused by nervousness? I don't think the instinctive reaction will last for so long."

The woman now knows that her partner's behavior is wrong, so hurry up. Pressing down the man's sword angrily said: "What are you doing?"

"But he..." The youngster pointed at me with a very unconvinced look, which made me a little confused.

"What do you mean?" The woman slapped the guy's hand pointing to me, and then yelled at him: "What are you crazy? Bringing you out is already cutting your brother's face Come on, you don’t want to make trouble for me, okay?"


"You shut up, otherwise I will never show up next time no matter who it is Tolerate you again.” The woman finally calmed down the guy with a yelling voice, but he still seemed to stare at me unconvinced, the provocation in his eyes was obvious.

When the woman turned his attention back after the woman’s lesson, I first looked at her, then pointed a finger to the position of my temple and made a rotating motion, and at the same time She cast a questioning look. Almost everyone in the world knew what this meant. The guy immediately raised the big sword in his hand and pointed it directly at my side. However, just when he was about to say something, and the woman was about to do something, suddenly everyone felt a sudden darkening around him, and then there was a bang, and then the guy's movements were frozen. The woman next to her was keenly aware of what was going on, but she couldn’t see it yet, but she soon understood it, because the guy in front of her suddenly split into two symmetrical halves and fell down on both sides. The cut in the middle of the body was smooth. It is as if it was cut out by a laser cutting machine, without seeing any ups and downs.

"Sorry, I can understand the initial behavior as excessive tension. After I let go of him, I still dare to continue to provoke me. You can also think that the youngster is not sensible, but the third time he raised his sword at me, I I can't find a reason to forgive him."

The woman looked at the corpse on the ground dumbfounded, then looked at me again, and finally suddenly relaxed as if she had suddenly figured out something, and said: "Forget it, anyway, I guess you don't care about his big brother's power. If you kill it, you will kill. This kid is really annoying sometimes."

I smiled and asked: "This is your pursuit Speaking of which beauty is always easy to arouse men’s desire for expression."

"Unfortunately, he behaved in the wrong place." The beauty asked me, "Then what can you do? I don’t think you came here just to strike up a conversation with me. I think I’m not as pretty as Miss Blood Rose."

"Do you know my wife?"

beauty nodded Said: "Every major forum has your event updates every day, so I don't want to know it. Of course, she definitely doesn't know me."

I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the other party's jokes. , And said resolutely: "Well, I admit that you are a humorous beauty. Then, may I ask this humorous beauty, how do I want to go to Reykjavik?"

"Come here Just ask for directions?"


Beautiful nodded. "This is logical." After speaking, he looked at the corpse on the ground and shook the head helplessly, and then pointed forward: "Go forward in this direction, and you will see one through the small forest in front. In the horizontal mountain range, there is a gap in the center of the mountain range. To go through there, you just have to walk along the road. You will encounter a fork in the way, go straight on the right, and then you can see Reykjavik. It’s gone."

I nodded and asked again: "Well, do you know the specific direction? I may not walk along the road. If I know the direction, it will be faster to fly in a straight line."

Obviously the other party didn't expect this. After all, most players are not capable of flying. Even if some people can fly for a short time, they are mostly used in battle. Few people can fly on the way. It was because she was not used frequently, so she didn’t even think that there would be such a situation, so she was also a little stunned, but she quickly reacted and pointed me in a direction and said: "Over there, you can see one after flying all the way. A big city, that’s Reykjavík. But I suggest you land outside the city, because Reykjavík’s air defense capabilities are quite good.” These beauties just said, suddenly and annoyed: “Damn, I Tell you what to do, no matter how much air defense force is, it doesn’t make any sense to you."

"Many thanks you anyway." I am nodded to leave, didn't expect just one Pulling the reins, he was stopped.

"Excuse me."


"Can your mount take people?"

I am a little surprised I looked at the beauty, and after hesitating for two seconds, he said in a joking tone: "If you are a beauty, you can think about it. If you are a man, I am not used to being too close to a man."

"No, just me and my younger sister."

"Younger sister?" Before I was honest, I didn't see anyone else nearby. It was only when she stood up to her words that I looked around and found out that there was a little girl standing on the other side of me, who looked at least eight or nine years old, and looked like a doll, super cute.

"This is my younger sister." The beauty has spared her and held her younger sister's shoulders, but compared to her, I pay more attention to her younger sister, not because I am Lolicon, but because this little girl feels quite surprising. You know I simply didn’t know that someone was by my side before, and it seemed that Night Shadow hadn’t noticed anyone approaching before. Even if this is not a battlefield, we are not in a cautiously state, but even in a relaxed state, we shouldn’t be approached. Haven't noticed such a close distance yet? If the other party is not a little girl, but an assassin, at this time there is a sudden violent injury, even if I will not be killed, I will definitely not be able to run away if I am injured. This result is absolutely surprising.

Although it was a joke before, since I think this little girl is very interesting, I have no plans to gather, anyway, it’s okay to bring two more people. Of course I didn’t plan to let them squeeze on Ye Ying’s back with me. Even if Ye Ying’s figure is exaggerated, even if he sits in a row of five adults on his back, he can squeeze it, but I’m fine with a man and a beautiful woman. Add another loli, it's a bit strange.

With a snap of my fingers, Koyuki appeared directly next to Ye Ying, and then aroused a scream of exclamation around him. The Silver Wing Unicorn King is known as the first mount for picking up girls in the game. In reality, it is equivalent to driving a super sports car of more than ten million to go for a walk. If you want to hook a MM, it is the same as playing. However, because I have Nightshade, I usually don’t use it as a mount for Xiaoxue. Because of this, there are not many people who know that there is a silver-winged unicorn king beside me, plus Silverwing. The various colored light and shadow effects on the Unicorn King's body, as well as the gleaming hair, are definitely art-level mounts, which shocked many people as soon as they appeared.

"This, this..."

"My demon." I pointed to Xiaoxue, and then said: "The three of us may be uncomfortable to huddle together. Your younger sister ride on Xiaoxue’s back."

"Can we really ride it?"

"Of course."

Maybe I feel too surprised. , The other party has been confirming it several times before finally climbing up Xiaoxue's back tremblingly, but her younger sister is more direct than her, directly let the elder sister hug her up, and her love for Xiaoxue is also expressed Obviously, she kept hugging and rubbing against Xiaoxue's neck, as if she had just gotten a stuffed toy. Of course, her age is indeed a child, but Xiaoxue is not a plush toy.

After the two of them climbed on Xiaoxue's back, I immediately caught Ye Ying’s belly, and Ye Ying took one step directly into the air, and then rushed into the sky on the flames. Xiaoxue followed the god and spread her wings and slammed twice. With the sound of whining, whistling, whistling, Xiaoxue quickly moved away from the ground and ran towards the sky.

"'s flying, it's really flying!" The little girl was obviously over-excited while sitting on Shirayuki's back. After all, this is not a plane. Modern passenger airplanes are too tightly wrapped and have good stability. Except for the physical sensation during take-off and landing, almost no one can feel that the airplane is flying, but it feels unobstructed when flying on the back of Xiaoxue. It's different. Surrounded by strong winds of hu hu, white clouds at the foot, and a lot of reduced ground can be seen further down. The original roads, mountains, and rivers have all become very small. It feels absolutely refreshing. Of course, this is only limited to traveling on Xiaoxue. If you enter a fighting state, it will not be cool but exciting. If you want to be a little afraid of heights, it will be torture. It's still relatively stable for Xiaoxue and Yeying. If Asuka, except for extreme athletes and a few specially trained people, most people can't control them.

When I first started, because I had to borrow wings to help, Xiaoxue's start speed was relatively slow, but after flying, he gradually caught up. After all, we didn't move at full speed. That beauty has probably adapted to the flight situation at this time. She was very excited and shouted at me to ask if they could direct my demon to turn around. I just slightly nodded with a smile, and then Xiaoxue immediately took the wings away. , I swooped down with the screams of two beauties of one big and one small in an instant. I watched where they disappeared from above and laughed. They just wanted to have fun anyway.

The location where I landed before is actually not too far away from Reykjavík. If I walk from the air, there will be less trouble of detours, and the speed will naturally be faster. I will see it in a while The outline of a city appeared in the distance, so he hurriedly informed Xiaoxue to come back. Xiaoxue, who was notified, flew back soon, but the one big and one small two beauties on her back were flushed. It was obvious that the flight was too exciting just now, and the blood poured onto her cheeks.

"Are you coming so soon?" After coming up and seeing the city in front, the two beauties were obviously a little bit dissatisfied. After all, this kind of exciting gameplay is rare.

I looked towards them with a smile and asked: "Why? I really like this stimulating feeling?"

The little beauty immediately shouted: "Hmm, this is so fun That’s so cool!” Compared with the younger sister, the big beauty is much more reserved, but nodded.

Suddenly I wanted to know about that little beauty, so I joked and said, "I also have a flying demon here. Its appearance is not as beautiful as Xiaoxue, and it is not as cool as Ye Ying. But if you talk about flying ability, compared with him, Ye Ying and Xiao Xue are equivalent to the difference between a civil airliner and aerobatic fighter. If you like excitement, I can take you to sit on that monster to experience the ultimate excitement. How about? Yes? Are you interested?"

The big beauty shook her head and hands as soon as she heard it: "No, no, no, I'm almost scared of a heart attack. If you exaggerate it, I must be scared to death." , Unlike the big beautiful girl, the little beautiful girl sitting in front shouted: "I want to play!"

"No, I dare not sit!" The big beautiful girl pulled the little girl and said.

"But do I really want to play!"

I want to know about this little girl anyway, so it doesn't matter if the big beauty comes or not. "Since your younger sister likes it, let me take her to play. You can still sit here, and I will let Xiaoxue fly a little steady."

"This...?" The big beauty obviously thought I wanted to refuse, but as soon as I lowered my head, I saw the little beautiful woman in front of her with her hands folded in front of her chin as a prayer, and then flashed wildly at her with invincible star eyes. In the end, the beautiful woman was defeated. The compromised nodded said: "You want Make sure you don’t cause trouble, and don’t cause trouble to Big Brother."

"I promise my grandmother."

"Well then."

Excited in the little beauty In the screams, I directly turned Eternity into a long handle with pliers and stretched it over, and then clipped the little beautiful woman from there. When the little beautiful girl got her hands, I immediately put Eternity away, and then spread out my wings. He flew up from the back of the night shadow, and the night shadow disappeared immediately, and the silhouette of the flying bird appeared below us. As soon as I closed my wings, I took the little beauty and fell on Asuka's back.

"This is your favorite? It looks like a big skateboard." The little beauty looked down at the silver white Asuka and said.

"Do you like skateboarding?"

"I like all exciting games."

"Then you have to be prepared." I said: "Have you heard of the spear god?"

The little beauty is nodded. "Is that guy on the Ranked Third ranking in the world?"

"He fell to fourth place two days ago. Now the third place is under me."

The little beauty envied Said: "I've heard that it's Kristina, right? Her elemental wizard mode is so beautiful! But what does Big Brother mention about that gunman at this time?"

I smiled and said: "Because I also took him to fly with this familiar, and the result..." I deliberately pulled a long tone, and then suddenly said: "After landing, he vomited a rustling sound."

"ah ha ha Ha, it’s so embarrassing!"

"So if you don’t get used to it, I won’t take you to play. After all, this is really exaggerated. The actions you did on Xiaoxue just now are the same as this one. Bi is simply the cradle shaking, it’s not called aerial stunts at all."

"It’s okay, I like excitement. Let him fly as much as you want."

"Don’t play It's crazy!" Because we were still flying side by side with the elementary school at this time, the beautiful lady heard the conversation between us.

The little girl said with a laugh: "Don’t worry, this is a game. Even if it falls, it’s just a resurrection for spending money. Just go to the amusement park to buy tickets." After saying these little girls, immediately Said to me: "Okay Big Brother, let's go."

I nodded, and then said to Ye Ying at my feet: "Take our little guests to play."

< p>"Then you can stand firm." Asuka suddenly jumped forward after speaking, and the speed rose instantly. In the blink of an eye, Xiaoxue was thrown off by a large part, and the big beauties behind watched us fly instantly. And I was shocked directly, and the little beauty in front of me was already completely attached to my body at this time. Although there are two grooves on Asuka's back to allow people to lie in and fix their body, we are not lying on their stomachs, but standing. There are also two positions on Asuka’s back for me to fix my feet, so even if Asuka does some exaggerated movements in the air, it won’t threw me away, but there are only two positions here, so I can only put my feet. Reach in and fix it, so the little beautiful woman has no fixed position at all, so I can only hug her from behind and use my hands to fix her body. This will not only ensure that she will not fall, but also let her be in front and stimulate The feeling will be stronger.

Now Asuka has opened the afterburner, so our speed is rising rapidly, and the acceleration is extremely terrible, the little beauty feels that she is being pressed by a huge pressure on me , Couldn't move at all, and the thrust coming from behind was very big, pushing her forward frantically.

"How do you feel?" Because the speed is too fast to use voice conversations at all, I put a communicator in the little beautiful girl's ears in advance, which can facilitate our communication, and she is not completely unprotected now Standing there, in fact, I added a lot of protective magic to her. Otherwise, with her account status which is obviously not too high, it is estimated that she will hang up if she can't fly too far.

Hearing my question, the little beauty immediately made an OK gesture, and I reminded: "Then you are ready, we have to continue to accelerate." Almost as soon as she compares OK again, Feike Jumping forward again, the back of the little beautiful girl's hand was bent back under pressure, and she was able to withdraw it until she was supported by me. Then there was a huge pressure that made her feel that even the internal organs were about to spray out of her body. Suddenly I felt a numb all over my body, and then I lost consciousness in the next second. When she woke up again, she found that our speed was still very fast, but there was no sense of acceleration.

"Just now I..."

"You passed out at the moment of the breakthrough sound barrier, but only three or four seconds."

"Then now... ?"

"I have added stronger protection to you, but if you want to play special effects later, your body will be more burdened. Are you sure you want to play?"

"Well, I Is it just for this."

"Well, don’t cry for a while. If you feel unbearable, just shout out and I’ll stop."

"Understood "

Looking at her so resolute, I had to signal to Asuka to start, and Asuka immediately rolled continuously, dazzlingly fast, and the little beauty’s scream appeared instantly, and then Asuka rolled a few times. After the circle, I suddenly pulled up, thinking about the sky in a vertical manner of nearly ninety degrees, and went straight into the sky, and the little beauty's screams followed all the way up, and it shook my ears a little bit, so I had to turn down the communicator volume. .

The bird rushing to the cloud suddenly leans down, and we instantly enter a state of weightlessness. Although the body is still flying upwards, it is caused by inertia, so we can no longer actually feel gravity. . However, this feeling lasted only ten seconds, and was suddenly replaced by a huge downward pulling force, and then the little beauty who had just stopped screaming went directly into the screaming state again.

At this time in the sky over Reykjavik, Xiaoxue had already arrived at the place, but did not land because she was waiting for us, but the big beauty sitting on her back was in a hurry, because she could see How crazily we are flying in the sky, then we roll and flip from time to time, let alone sitting on it, even when she looks down, she feels cramps in her calves, not to mention sometimes we fly by them at high speed. The air current shock wave, that can almost catch up with the actual physical attack.

After spinning in the sky for ten minutes, I took the little beauty and dived directly from an altitude of 20,000 meters in an exaggerated dive, and then started to decelerate when it was a kilometer above the ground, and finally waited for us to land. The little beautiful woman fainted again, but when the big beautiful woman came down, she was already awake, but she still turned a little bit, and finally rushed to the side of the road after a few seconds of patience.

"I said you can vomit." I walked to the little beautiful woman and said with a smile, while the big beautiful woman was patting her back to soothe her nerves.

Although the little beauty turned pale, she said excitedly: "Although it is not very comfortable now, it was really exciting just now. Compared with this, the roller coaster in the playground or something. An arrow is a pram for a baby."

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but stretch my thumbs up and praised: "You are so kind. When the gun god came down, just tell me. This time he would rather go back by himself than hitchhiking with me."

The little beauty seemed to be comfortable after vomiting, and she turned back and said excitedly: "Can I be your favorite in the future? Go to heaven to play?"

"Do you like flying so much?"

The little beauty was nodded hard, while the big beauty said aloud: "She father is a pilot, but... So she likes flying very much."

I know that the big beautiful girl means that the little girl’s father is dead, but she still curiously asked: "Aren’t you sisters?"

" Half-father." said the big beautiful woman.

I nodded and said: "It's rare that you have such a good relationship with such an identity." I was telling the truth. Generally speaking, the child left from the previous family in the second marriage family and the child born after remarrying are usually contradictory. In most cases, the first child will have bad personality such as rebellion. After all, the parent’s behavior affects the child. very big.

The little beauty didn't mind this topic, she leaned directly on the elder sister, and then coquettishly said: "Because I am more cute?"

"It's shameless! "The big beauty said jokingly.

I laughed with them first, and then said to the little beauty: "If you want to fly, it may be more difficult to find me. After all, I am also very busy. I just came here this time just because things go smoothly. So if you want me to take you to fly, you probably don’t have much chance." Seeing the little beautiful woman with a very injured look on her head, I suddenly turned around and said, "But if you just want to fly, I have a way to help you solve it."

"Really? What way?" The little beauty heard that there was a way to fly, and she became excited immediately.

"In fact, this method is very simple. If you want to fly, just join us in the Frost Rose League."

"Huh?" This time not only the little beauties, but also the big beauties stunned.

"But isn't your Frost Rose League claiming that the membership rules are very strict?" the little beauty asked.

Big beauty is also nodded and said: "Yes, yeah, I have seen it on the forum before, saying that your guild’s application for membership is super strict, and many people will be unfathomable mystery. , We once had a very famous guy who went to your side to sign up, but in the end it was not selected. My younger sister is only more than six hundred!"

"Who told you about us The guild’s membership review is based on the strength of the income? If it is true, we only need to send an invitation letter to the world battle strength rankings. Why do you want to accept this way?"

"Hey , That's what I said."

"Then how can I join?" The little beauty only cares about this.

I looked at her and said, “I can’t pack the ticket if I can join. The membership review is a rule I set myself, so I can’t take the lead in breaking it. If you want to join, you can submit an application. You can join the club."

"Then, after joining the club, I can find you and take me to fly?" the little beauty asked.

"If you join the guild, you can indeed find me to take you to fly, but I don’t think it is necessary for you to join the guild, because the official members of our guild will have a long spear guarding it, so you can You can fly, you don’t have to look for me."

"The guardian long spear you mentioned is the demon pet just now?"

"My one is a special mutant, guardian Long spear is slightly smaller than his body, and may not be so exaggerated in terms of speed, but it is absolutely no problem to stun you. Faster speed and tumbling are actually meaningless to you, and you can't bear it anyway. Like Just now, my demon pet took you to protect the long spear and can do it, but my demon friend actually didn’t give its full strength just now."

"What? Isn't it showing its full strength yet?" Da The beauty asked in surprise.

I said to the little beauty: "Remember that there are two pits on the back of my pet?"

The little beauty nodded and said: "Remember."

I went on to explain: "That's actually the real driving position. If my Familiar erupts with full force, I can't stand on it at all, so I can only get into the pit and let him cover it with Bone Armor. Living in the overall streamlined shape, so that you can enter the extreme flight mode. Standing on it looks handsome like we just did. In fact, it is rarely used in actual combat."

"so that's how it is! "The little beauty looked thoughtful nodded, and then said: "Then I will go to your guild to apply for membership tomorrow."

"Do you know where our guild can recruit people?" I asked again.

The little beauty nodded said: "I know."

"That's good, I wish you success. Now I am going to the city."

"Where are you Don't even think about going." An angry voice appeared behind me, just in time to pick up my words.

I helplessly sighed and turned around, but I just saw the guy I killed before appeared there, apparently he came back to resurrection after he died, and this time he was not alone, he brought him A large group of children.

Seeing me turning around, the guy over there immediately yelled and wanted to rush forward, but the big beauty next to me immediately stood up to the group of people next to him. A male warrior professional player in front said: "Bingquan, you just watch him pranking? Who is this person you don’t know?"

I heard the words of the beauty, behind Bingquan Helping people was a riot, but Bingquan himself didn’t mean to back down at all. Instead, he replied affirmatively: “Of course I know who he is, but so what? I know that in Reykjavik, dare The person who moved my younger brother will pay the price."

"Are these brothers falling directly to the ground without catching them when they were born? What kind of intelligence is this?" I couldn't help being right. Said the beautiful woman next to her. I can't blame me for being arrogant, after all, what I'm talking about is the truth. Anyway, I am also number one in battle strength. Even if you are not afraid of me, at least you have to maintain basic politeness, right? Now that I know how powerful I am and I am so arrogant, either my head was kicked by the donkey or I was caught by the door panel.

As soon as the person on the other side heard my words, he immediately got angry. He directly picked up a big sword next to him and rushed up, and then approached the attack distance and immediately raised the big sword to go. He slashed down, but just when he raised the sword above his head, I suddenly took a step forward, and then Hu raised his leg and kicked him so that he was leveled and flew up in the air, and then waited until he just started to fall. It was a kick, the guy flew again, and then when he came down for the third time, I continued to kick, and the guy continued to fly. The people around me looked at me as if they were jumping the ball, and they didn't know what to say.

speaking of which I am more speechless than them. If you are super strong, that’s fine. The guy in front of you is just over one thousand two hundred levels. He doesn’t even have the average level of our guild. The attribute is average. Even the second popular guild is an upper-middle level of strength. That's it. If it is placed in the world, it should exceed the player's average strength line, but only a little bit, which means that he is slightly stronger than an ordinary person, and any expert can abuse him. But this guy didn't even know how many catties and how many taels he ran up to avenge the younger brother. I really don't know what to say. If you stand on the ground, it’s okay. If you don’t know the truth, you’re going to be strong. It doesn't matter if you are strong, as long as you have the ability to settle the problem, no one will say anything to you, but this guy's strength is not reasonable, so where is this singing?

After a dozen or so times, I guessed that this guy was about to hang up, and then I gently hooked forward. The guy immediately rolled along the ground to his body, and then he was beaten up by a few younger brothers. 'S helped up. Although it hasn't been hung up yet, I've seen it through the star pupil, and this guy's blood tank is only a little bit left. This is what I deliberately used my strength hoof, otherwise if I really want to kill him, I will go straight up and kick it and it will be done. Even if a kick can't die, it's absolutely fine to kick his spine off and let him fold it in half.

"Are you awake?" I asked after seeing that guy over there stood up again, and the people next to him handed him a few pills for him to eat.

What surprised me was that the guy even dared to point at me after taking the medicine and arrogantly said: "Don’t be proud, aren’t you the number one in the world battle strength list? I’ll let you know today. I know you have how many catties and how many taels."

"Actually, I really want to tell you that too."

"Well, then you are ready to die." After the other party finished speaking, he didn't rush up immediately. Instead, I turned around unexpectedly and took a... lollipop? That's right, it is indeed a lollipop, and it is the oversized one sold in candy stores. The bottom stick is longer than ordinary chopsticks, and the top is a flat round candy with a diameter of about ten centimeters. The colorful stripes on the surface look very beautiful. However, although the candy is beautiful, what does this guy do when the lollipop comes out? apologize? Can you use a lollipop to make amends? I haven't eaten candy for many years, okay! So... Could it be that person's lollipop?

At that moment, I thought of the reason, because behind them was Reykjavik, the city where magic pastry chefs live. Since Wikipedia can buy fire-resistant candies, it shouldn’t be strange that this guy, as the local tyrant here, has a super Saiyan lollipop that can increase all the attributes in his hand? But, can the pastry chef really make such a heaven-defying thing? Let this third-rate guy dare to challenge me just by licking a few lollipops? How much is this lollipop worth? I just can’t estimate the price anyway. If we make this thing, we can only auction it, and if it is our guild, we simply won’t take it out. We will not even let people know that this thing exists, and then until when we think it’s there. Appropriate projects, you can take advantage of the effect of this thing, it is possible to expose the formidable power of this thing.

Anyway, the value of this thing is certain, no matter what its actual price is, no matter what the production cost is, even if the production cost of this thing is only a few copper plates, as long as the effect is really good for the eyes This brain-disabled child directly defeated me, then it is invaluable. You can imagine that a few hundred-level trumpet mage eats a lollipop of this kind, and then instantly has the ability to turn Kristina, how could this thing not be taken seriously?

Because I realized this, I couldn't help but glance at Reykjavik over there. If the pastry chef inside is really so good, even if I brought the mobile fortress Isenger over and levelled Reykjavik today, I would definitely get this person in hand, even if he could not join him, at least. To establish a long-term cooperative relationship, this is the minimum bottom line.

Now that all this is confirmed, the most important thing now is to test whether this thing is really so powerful, and the best way to test is to fight with the guy opposite. I’ve seen all his previous attributes when I used him as the top of the ball, so he specifically has a how many catties and how many taels I know very well, a

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