To find the magic pastry chef, you need to go to Iceland first. This is very simple for me. When I walked through the underground passage before, because there was no reference object on the sea surface, it was impossible to confirm the specific location of Dulu degrees. Now, returning from Dulu degrees does not have to be so troublesome. Although Iceland is not large in size, it is relative to the country. In any case, the island of Iceland is quite large. At least I can see Iceland with naked eye after floating up to the surface of the water.

The distance is so close without the help of flying birds, summon ran towards the island and moved towards the island.

Probably because it has entered a dormant period, the erupting volcano that I saw when I came here has gone out, so I rode Ye Ying all the way from the sea and didn’t see any plumes of smoke. Only when I was approaching the coastline did I see some pale-cyan smoke from a volcanic crater from afar.

Because the eruption of this volcano is quite frequent, even the dormant volcanic crater will emit smoke, but it is not as exaggerated as the active period. However, although the volcano itself has stopped erupting, the surrounding lava is not so easy to extinguish. Generally speaking, if there is no special circumstances such as large areas of rainfall, the lava erupted by a volcano will take one to two weeks to completely cool down, and the surface part of the lava will form a crust within two days, but the surface temperature is still It will be as high as four or five hundred degrees, and once the rock crust is broken, the lava inside still has a certain degree of fluidity, so standing on this thing is a behavior that needs to test courage and character.

Originally, the volcano on this side just finished its eruption. It is said that there are dangerous areas around, but to my surprise, as I approached, I suddenly found that there seemed to be many small trees on the coast in the distance. The black spots are running around, it feels like someone is fighting. Although I was very confused about who would be okay to run around in this dangerous area, I didn't plan to avoid it. Anyway, I was looking for a pastry chef, and it was not a secret mission. There was no need to hide.

As I get closer and closer to the coast, some of the people on the shore finally noticed my existence. After all, it is daytime, and the light is very good, and the sea is covered by the sun. Azure, and my dragon soul suit is something that Hades used to transform the dark clothes technology after all. The background itself is black, and the night shadow under my crotch is also black. Such a big black object is on the bright blue sea. It's not surprising that you can move upwards inconspicuously. But, to be honest, I think the hair on the top of the head is also the main reason. If it wasn't for this thing and the helmet to be connected together, I couldn't get it off at all, I would have liked to pull it out.

"Hey, look at that, who is that?" A player on the coast who was fighting had just solved a dark monster, and then he saw my silhouette as soon as he looked up, so he started shouting Companions, but not only their own people nearby, there are many other players, after hearing his shouts, they all raised their heads and looked at me.

As everyone’s eyes shifted, they immediately saw a Knight in black armor riding on a tall and overly black horse, riding on the rolling waves like a flat ground. And, as the distance got closer, they even found the black inflammation burning at the feet of the black horse, and the fire star and yellow smoke from the nose and mouth between the horse’s breath.

"Oh my god! What is this? The ghost Knight out of the sea?" a player said in surprise.

An older player next to him asked: "Could it be a mirage?"

Another older player looked up at the sun, then shook his head and said:" The position is wrong, it should not be a mirage."

"But how can there be a Dark Knight in the sea?"

"It shouldn't be a Dark Knight." A female player said, "Look at that mount, That's simply not an undead horse, and certainly not a normal horse."

"That thing can run on water, of course we know that it is not a horse, but there seems to be only one kind of thing that can fly. "

"Doesn't that mean...?" A player next to him finally reacted. "Isn't it the Chinese with the top battle strength list?"

"If it is indeed a nightmare, it must be. The current nightmare mount that has been recorded in the world seems to be that one ."

As everyone talking at once was talking about me, I was already riding Ye Ying to the shore. Because Night Shadow itself is walking on air, the sea and the ground are all the same to him. Everyone watched the rushing night shadow slowly slowing down by the beach, and they all stopped their work and looked at me quietly, feeling as if I were an alien creature.

I didn’t see everyone’s reaction at all, and after a casual glance in the crowd, I drove Ye Ying moved towards a female player who seemed to be more talkative and paced past, but I haven’t gotten closer yet. , There was a young male player who suddenly flashed out and stood in front of the woman.

Originally, my image and Ye Ying’s height are indeed very oppression force, so I am not surprised that others see me nervously and make defensive actions, but this is what surprised me Obviously overreacted. It didn't matter if he blocked the woman, but when he raised his hand, a sword slashed at me.

Huh. The two-handed sword slashed across my body easily, and then my silhouette was directly split apart by his sword in the eyes of everyone. Yes, it is scattered, like a cloud of mist. As soon as you wave your hand through it, the mist will naturally dissipate as soon as the airflow moves. However, I was not a cloud of mist just now. Everyone saw my existence, and after this guy cut through with a sword, only a cloud of black smoke dispersed. This was obviously not a normal reaction.

Although the guy knew that there was a problem with this sword, he was too weak in strength and had no chance of reacting at all. When he swung his sword to find me, a cold blade. It has been placed on his shoulder and gently pressed against his neck.

"Ah!" At this time, the woman I wanted to approach gave a scream and dodge hurriedly, because the wind blade next to the player is connected to the tip of a long handle, and The long handle was stretched over her head, which meant that the person holding the weapon was behind her.

The woman screamed and flashed to the side immediately, and then she saw me sitting on the back of the night shadow, holding a three-meter-long hook gun with one hand, and the tip of the gun On the shoulders of the male player.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) My ears are better, my ears hurt when you make such a loud voice!"

The woman has recovered her calm at this time, so even if I don’t make a joke, she won’t scream again, but my This joke at least relaxed the atmosphere a little bit. Of course, I didn't take away the hook and sickle gun I put on that person's shoulder, so the atmosphere is far from being harmonious.

"I'm sorry." Although the woman knew I was joking, she apologized politely.

I nodded and said: "Accept your apology. But, can your friend explain why you want to swing a sword at me?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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