On the dark seabed, the huge traveler city stopped there. I don’t know how many lights were turned on around the city, illuminating a large area of ​​sea water nearby. The vague light and shadow that the group of people rushing over from Duludu saw before was this large piece of sea water, and as they approached, they immediately saw the silhouette of Traveler City.

"Stop stop..." The forward team was suddenly stopped by the commander. Since this person can lead the team in such an important action, he will naturally not be an ordinary person, at least not stupid.

Their gurus people have been unable to control Traveler City not because they can’t beat the opponent, but because they have been unable to find the opponent’s position. Every time even if the opponent’s troops can be eliminated, you can’t defeat them. Regardless of the loss of population or equipment, that city can be slowly recovered. Therefore, the problem of Duludu has been solved from the moment the Traveler City is discovered, and there is no need to worry at all.

Since the threat does not exist, there is no need to take risks. Seeing that the situation is obviously abnormal now, it is absolutely necessary to stop and investigate carefully. Anyway, Traveler City is there. Even if you run, then Things are also impossible to run underwater motorcycles.

"Strange, why doesn't it move?" The commander said puzzledly after stopping the troops.

Haier, who led them the way, also said next to the commander: "I think something must have happened. If it weren’t for the low-key and secretive actions in Traveller City, all the external lighting is now Open it, as if you are afraid that others will not know that they are here. This is obviously abnormal."

The commander thought for a while and said: "Everyone should hide first, and send a few scouts over to see what's going on. "

Haier immediately said: "My lord, let me go."

When the commander came to Haier, he remembered what he needed a scout. Isn't one of Duludu's best scouts by his side? I didn't think about it before, but of course he immediately agreed with Haier's opinion after being reminded. Haier, who got consent, quickly activated his underwater motorcycle moved towards the traveler city in front of him and drove over, but just halfway through the race, he met Hobby who was running back.

"Hobby?" "Haier?" Because the speed was too fast, Hobby and Haier didn't find each other until they passed by. If they didn't react quickly, they would almost hit each other. Immediately after they staggered, the two went in a circle again and went back to meet again at the position where they had just passed by.

Habi asked as soon as he saw Haier: "Are you back so soon? Has the army arrived?"

Haier immediately nodded and said: "Here, right there It’s hidden. But what’s the matter with Traveler City?"

Habi said excitedly when he heard it: "Haha, you never imagined that the President of Purple Moon is really awesome, he actually rebelled. Murloc rebels in Traveler City, now a large-scale murloc riot has occurred in Traveler City, and their own mechanics have actively destroyed the power plant of Traveler City, and now Traveler City is completely untouched. Captain I have already gone in, he asked me to pick you up, so that you don’t want to attack the exterior of Traveller City and rush in and occupy it."

Of course, Haier would not be a fool to be a scout, occupy and destroy it. You don't need to think about which one is better, so when she heard there was a chance to capture Traveller City, she immediately screamed in excitement and immediately urged Hobby to notify the team behind to come over as soon as she did.

The commander over there didn't expect Haier to come back so soon, but he became excited immediately after he understood the reason. They were originally here to destroy the Traveller City, but the opponent is a city after all, and the defensive power will definitely not be weak. Even if it is a sneak attack, the final casualties will definitely be very large. Of course, he doesn't doubt that he will win. Traveler City has never been Duludu's opponent. What he is worried about is nothing more than the loss. However, these worries can now be eliminated. Compared with the city's fortification, it is too simple to enter a city that has been completely paralyzed by the civil war to control it. I dare not say that there are no casualties, and it is at least to reduce the casualties by more than half. Of course, the more important thing is to capture a mobile city. Such a big credit is more than destroying a city.

The excited commander immediately began to order the troops to approach, but he was not dazzled by the good news. He still let a small group of people explore the way ahead, and the large troops slowly approached until he saw the big front. The troops got in through the open hatch, and he didn't receive any attack before he began to order the large troops to rush into the city from the entrances of Voyager City.

If I was a little worried before, but when the commander himself entered the city, his heart was completely ecstatic. After my own troops entered the city, there were only sporadic resistance. The large troops ran almost all the way to occupy the entrances and exits, and then more troops poured into the city to gather, and then some people even contacted the resistance organization, both sides because of my reasons. A temporary peace agreement was reached, and the two sides began to unanimously encircle and suppress the original leaders of the Traveller City, not the resistance organization. Although the fish people did not help the Duludu people, they did not resist. They were oppressed anyway. What does the oppression have to do with them?

This kind of forceful raid, which is almost like an army and bandit, made the commander of Duludu tremble with excitement. He thought it was going to be a tough battle. Who knows that when he arrives, people have already overwhelmed the sky, they It's just picking up the bargain. Moreover, even if it was regarded as the firepower output of the resistance organization, he still felt that the enemy's counterattack was weak and abnormal. Of course, if he knew that all the high-level personnel in Traveller City were under my control, and now the troops in the city did not have a unified command at all, then he wouldn't be surprised.

If I have done so much and the opponent cannot easily manage the resistance of Traveller City, it can only be said that Duludu's army is a bit too watery, but in fact, Duludu's army is not only good at all. No water, the battle strength is quite strong, so the resistance forces in Traveler City are almost cleaned up by cutting melons and vegetables.

While the lower floors are fighting for life, I was flipping through materials in a huge library. After successfully breaking into the command center, I just ordered them to turn on the city lights and open all the closed gates inside the city. After that, all the commanders were rushed to a small next to the command room that was originally used to rest on duty. In the room, a few bell tones were left behind, Knight watched the door, and I took other bells to Knight to study the various equipment in the command room, in order to confirm whether this place has technology worthy of moving back. However, I haven't seen the technology yet, so I found a secret door first. After entering from this hidden door, there is a rather narrow passage, and you can't go far forward to reach the current library.

The area of ​​this library is not large, at most it is about the same size as the living room of an ordinary private villa. After mixing with Isinger’s world library, this kind of place seems to me to be a private bookshelf, and it can’t be called a library at all, because the catalog index of Isinger’s world library is more than N more books here. Times, the two have no comparability at all.

Although the library is not large, this library actually uses a hidden door, and it is directly connected to a key location such as the command center. Naturally, I can imagine that the things in it will not be too simple, so I After some effort, I took a few books and flipped through it roughly.

I only turned over three books on the bookshelf near the gate, each opened only two pages, and then the whole bookshelf was packed into the Fenglong space together, because the bookshelf They are all charts.

Seabed map and ground map are not the same concept. If we survey and map this thing ourselves, we can definitely scare people to death. Look at the volume of this bookshelf and the scale used in the atlases I have turned over. The map on this bookshelf is likely to cover all the chart information of the entire Atlantic Ocean and part of the Arctic Ocean. Such a huge amount of information is absolutely invaluable. Although it can’t be exchanged for money, this thing will benefit you as long as you hold it in your hands. Will appear continuously.

After tidying up this bookshelf, I turned it over on the second bookshelf. It turned out that it was filled with personnel names and various identification records. I finally turned over a few books and confirmed that this is 80% similar. For things like backup and archive of resident household registration. This thing is very important to the ruler of Traveller City. Didn't it look at the actual national census conducted so many times? This is still in modern society, such as Traveler City, where the rule is more brutal and the exploitation is more obvious. Under the political system, detailed resident identity information is even more important. However, although this thing is very important to the ruler of Traveller City and the Archon Duludu who may take over here later, it is completely useless to me, so I just gave up after knowing it was this thing. I found this bookshelf, and then continued to turn back, but it turned out that there was still a lot of this kind of household registration information, and even the bookshelves on the right hand side wall after entering the door were full.

Since the materials on the right are all useless, I have to start looking at the bookshelves on the wall opposite the door in order. Because the library is rectangular and the wall facing the door is relatively narrow, there is not much content. I just flipped through a few books and found that they were all written in strange words, and I couldn't understand them at all. Both Traveler City and Duludu City use the seabed lingua franca. This language is the native language of Mermaid Race and is widely used in seabed. Atlantis uses this language. However, the text on the books on the bookshelf here is not seabed lingua franca, but a rather strange text, which looks a bit like a magic In Literature there is, but after I released Ling to help me identify it, I got it. The answer to denial, that is to say, this thing is not magic text, and it is not directly related to magic text, anyway, Ling can't understand these things.

Because the text cannot be recognized, all the books on this row of bookshelves can’t be studied, but I didn’t let it go. I stuffed them all into the Fenglong space, and it’s always okay to take them back anyway. Translated.

After the bookshelf on the opposite side was put away, I started to study the bookshelf on the left. Fortunately, the text on this side is recognizable, and there are many common symbols and various explanatory pictures, so it is easy to understand. After a rough look, I found that these seem to be technical data, which should be the records of various technical achievements of Traveller City. This thing is the most interesting material for me, but the few books I have read seem to be of average technical level, so I am a bit undecided whether to move all of them, but I still have it here. Without a decision, there was a sudden tremor under my feet, if it weren't for my quick reaction, I almost shook me to the ground.

"What's the matter?" I slid the book I just got back into the bookshelf. I stumbled all the way out of the library. The ground vibration never stopped after the first time. The trend is getting stronger and stronger.

Before I ran out of the secret tunnel, Skott ran over with two knights, and as soon as he saw me, he quickly reported: "Boss, those guys have escaped. "

"Huh? Escape? Didn't I let you keep the gate? Is there an expert among those people?"

Scott helplessly said: "No, they all These are ordinary creatures, and their battle strength is very average."

"What's the matter? Can you not even beat a bunch of ordinary creatures?" Because I have roughly seen the strength of those people. Traveler City and Duludu are both commercial cities. Although they are currently fighting, their leadership is not selected by their own battle strength, so these high level commanders are all ordinary creatures, and it can be said that there are almost none. The existence of battle strength. It is precisely because these guys have no resistance at all, so I don't have the summon familiar. Instead, I use the ring tone Knight to watch the door, but they didn't expect that they ran away.

It’s okay if I didn’t say anything, but when I talked about Sgoth, I was even more sad. You can see how depressed he is from his expression. However, even though it was very depressed, Skye explained to me why the group of people ran away, and after hearing the reason, I was stunned for several seconds before reacting.

"Putting it that way is still my problem!" I sighed helplessly.

Scott quickly comforted me: "This is something that no one can think of. You can't blame you!"

I nodded and said: "It seems that we can only say that we are lucky. It’s not good!"

Speaking of which is really not to blame, and my responsibility is not big. After all, the reason for this thing is too strange, because we used to imprison the gang The guy’s lounge, it's actually an elevator.

No one didn't expect that the room with two single beds and a desk would actually be an elevator. Before, we thought that this room had only one door, and the space was small, and there was no place to hide people, so we shut all the prisoners in and sent someone to guard the door. However, after we closed the door, after waiting for a while, Knight heard a strange sound coming from the door. When they were puzzled, they planned to go in and have a look, only to find that the door couldn't be opened when they pushed. Knight, who noticed that the ringing sound was wrong, immediately began to violently break the door, but when he opened it, he saw a big hole. The room inside the door was gone, leaving only an upward vertical well. After seeing this, the Ringtone Knights also knew that the captive had run away, so they came to report, but they felt a vibration as soon as they arrived at the door.

Although the guys themselves have no strength, since they captured them, it seemed a bit shameful to let them run away, so I decided to capture them all.

After retracting the ring tone Knight, I went straight into the vertical well, raised my arm and bend my finger upward, and I shot the swoosh a dragon roar cord. With a ding sound, the cable head hit the top of the elevator shaft, and then the wire retractor began to take up the wire, and I was immediately pulled up.

When the cable was fully retracted, I did not reach the bottom of the elevator shaft, but to the bottom of the previous room. This elevator obviously stopped at the top position, and I am hanging under it now.

I used Eternity to open a hole in the bottom of the elevator and drilled directly into the elevator, and then confirmed that this was the place where we held the prisoners before, but now it is no longer there, and the door to the room is also It's open, and there is a brand new passage outside.

I was about to leave the room and enter the passage outside. The violent vibration that didn't expect before suddenly began to weaken, and it stopped completely within two seconds. Although I didn't know what was going on, I still hurriedly chased into the passage outside. This passage is horizontal. After going out, there are two directions to choose from. After the white waves are released and a simple sniff, the answer is that the prisoners divided into two groups and ran to both sides.

Since the other party is separated, I have to separate too, but because I don't know what will happen, so I separated Ling and Xiaochun as well as Jingjing and Lingling. Ling can use my Wind Dragon space, and any familiars can be dispatched and commanded at any time. Xiaochun and the others are just the Iron Triangle. There is no problem with fighting, so this combination makes me most relieved.

After we separated, we each proceeded to a passage, but the passage was not long, it was only a little over ten meters on both sides. It is not a wall that closes the passage, but a door, which looks quite solid, and seems to be a high-pressure door. Now I am busy chasing the prisoners, I have no time to study what is behind the door. I went up and opened a hole with Eternity. However, after a sword stabbed and pulled to the side, I saw a large amount of spouts from the hilt of the sword. The sea water, and because the water pressure was too high, the speed of the water jet was very terrifying. After hitting the eternal hilt, it flew around, and the silhouette of the entire channel was invisible for an instant.

I’m not a fool, and of course I know that the sea is connected to the outside when seeing this situation, and I quickly realized that it might be the same situation with Ling and the others, but it’s a pity that I thought about it too late. A step away.

I have the eternity that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, so I poke a hole in the door directly, Ling and Xiaochun have no eternity. Lingling's holy sword is also very sharp, but lacks the eternal cut-off rules, so Lingling rarely uses holy sword to make holes in the door. Of course, being without weapons does not mean that they can't handle a door. In fact, their destructive power is bigger than mine. As soon as Ling saw that the road was blocked, he didn't want to break the mechanism. Going directly up was a Corruption. The steel door instantly began to smoke and soften with the sound of chi chi, and then they heard the sound of water spraying from my side. , The door immediately in front of them suddenly protruded to their side, and then with a pounding sound, the softened and corroded part of the door in the center of the door suddenly inflated to them like a blown balloon. Suddenly it burst, followed by a thick jet of water from the well head from the gate, and the huge water pressure instantly lifted all four of them.

In reality, there is a special cutting tool called waterjet. Its working principle is to use the cutting action of high-pressure jet instead of solid knives to cut objects. The water jet sprayed in this water jet can easily cut hard objects such as steel plates and glass. It is not only fast and less vibrating, but also relatively safe without generating high heat.

Although this water jet is already quite powerful, it is actually much weaker than the water pressure of seabed. The situation we are facing now is similar to that of the water jet. The seawater outside the gate is high-pressure water, and when we destroy the gate, the high-pressure water immediately shoots in from the breach in the door. It's okay on my side. Eternity is in the front, and Ling and the others are miserable. They are directly hit by the front. Fortunately, Jingjing reacted quickly to block the first wave of jets with a shield, otherwise the water pressure would definitely cut them open, but even so, a few people were still blown away.

Although I didn’t have time to remind them to dodge, I had time to remedy it. When the three of them flew out, four Space Cracks opened, and then several people flew in, and the cracks disappeared. , The sea water moved towards me jets from here.

Ling and the others can hide back, but I can't do it, but I have an absolute barrier, so the problem is not big. After the absolute barrier was activated, the high-pressure water flow could no longer do anything to me. Moreover, as the channel water gradually increased, a metal gate was lowered in the middle of the channel and the elevator door just now to completely close the channel. After the part outside the enclosed section was completely submerged, because the water pressure had been balanced, the intense water flow immediately stabilized and returned to calm.

I closed the helmet and directly cancelled the absolute barrier. The surrounding sea water immediately filled the space around me, but because the water pressure in the game was designed to not directly hurt people, so This non-impact method of water overwhelming has no effect on me.

After adjusting my lower body shape, I directly moved towards the direction of the hole that Ling opened. The hole in the direction I opened by myself was too small. Although it was enlarged by the water pressure, I can only squeeze one leg, but the hole on Ling's side is enough for two people to pass through, so of course I choose this side.

I immediately discovered that there was a large space outside after I got out of the passage here. This space is rectangular as a whole, and the area is about the same as a standard football field, and may be slightly larger. The height of the space is about 13 meters, but there is no roof. If you look up, you can directly see the sea water outside Traveler City, and the roof is gone. It feels like this room is like a swimming pool embedded in the surface of Traveller City.

The door I entered is not at the bottom of the room, but a little bit higher in the middle of the room. This place has a corridor along the wall, and a little bit forward there is a springboard. The long bridge stretched out, but now it seems to be distorted for some reason.

Although I don't know what this room was like, the shape and the rest of it on time reminded me of the escape pod, and it seems that this thing is not small.

"How is the situation outside?" Ling's voice suddenly appeared in contact.

I just remembered that after putting the four of them away, I hadn't asked them about their situation. I quickly told Ling that everything was normal here, and then I asked about their situation. Ling’s answer reassured me. Although several people were impacted, the injuries were light. The main reason was that Jingjing’s Holy Shield was relatively bullish and blocked more than 90% of the damage. In addition, the four of them were either angels or demons. , Physique is not generally good, so there is not much injury.

After talking with Ling and the others, I suddenly remembered that I had sent the small dragon girl to help Haier return to Duludu. I don’t know if I can come back. I happen to contact me now, but I just got connected. Saw a huge head stretched out from the top of his head. It turns out that the small dragon girl has come near me.

"Are you back?" I asked when I saw the small dragon woman.

Small dragon female nodded, and asked: "What are the two that just left? I saw something separated from the traveler city and ran over to see the situation, didn't Expect you to come out."

"Did you see those two things separated?"

The dragon girl nodded said: "Otherwise I won't come here. "

"Then hurry, take me to catch up."

"No problem." The small dragon woman leaned forward and grabbed me with her front paws and exited this huge room. moved towards moved towards one direction.

The underwater vehicles that ran away were obviously much faster than ordinary underwater vehicles, but they were still much slower than the small dragon women. We only took a few minutes to chase them. On those two things.

These two underwater vehicles are actually not as big as the room I saw before. They only have a length and a small room length. The width is actually not wide and the height is small, but the shape of the thing is Quite flat, a bit like a whale shark, but flatter than a whale shark, and more slender in proportion.

The tail section of this thing has a total of six propellers in the upper and lower rows. I don't know what principle is used to propel it. Anyway, I can't see the propeller, and the noise is very small, but the speed is very fast. I didn't care much about these prisoners at first, but after seeing this thing, I got some interest instead. The technical level of this thing obviously surpasses the traveler city by a large part. Looking at the shape, it does not seem to be the design style of the traveler city. I feel that the technology of this thing is a bit Atlantis style, but Atlantis also There is no such fast propeller, so this thing is definitely not a product of Atlantis, at best it is somewhat related.

After discovering the target, I didn't let the small dragon girl step forward, but directly summon luck and plague. Although giant dragons don’t have gills, they can hold their breath, and they can stay underwater for an hour or two without any problems. This is the result of just carrying them hard on their bodies. If they use magic to separate oxygen, in theory, giant dragons can completely The bottom never rises.

The distance is so close, the two dragons slammed their wings twice as soon as they appeared, and their bodies immediately jumped forward, and then grabbed the tail of the underwater vehicle in front of them at the same time. The reaction of the two aircraft after being caught was almost the same, both accelerated and floated up at the same time, but the two dragons were more fierce, and the claws of the two aircraft were pulled down with a click. Because the propellers are in the tail section, the aircraft without the tail immediately loses its power. Even if it is equipped with a submarine-like water tank inside, it has lost the ability to float after the overall structure is destroyed, let alone by two dragons. Catch, even if there is a water tank, it may not float.

The two underwater vehicles that completely lost the ability to resist were immediately captured, and then dragged back to the Voyager City.

When we returned, Traveller City had basically ended the battle. All the resistance personnel were either killed or surrendered. The rest were not resisting, but hid, at least dare to stand up Those who resisted no longer existed.

Because the control center was taken away, we were able to directly use the large gate to return to the interior of the Voyager City when we returned. I just stuffed it directly into the Phoenix Dragon Space. Speaking of which Phoenix Dragon Space is really enough for you to fill. If other players’ space equipment is dead, they will plug a large creature into it, and they are all guild-level team equipment, but our Wind Dragon space is almost empty. It has not been filled, and the only bottleneck that limits its loading capacity is not the volume but the inlet size. Fortunately, this underwater vehicle is a long strip, so it is easy to plug it in.

The high-level personnel here were handed over to the commander of the large force who came from Duludu, and then I ran to the command room and packed away all the technical materials I had seen before. I didn't intend to take these things away, but after seeing these two underwater vehicles, I thought that the information might provide some clues, so I installed them all.

After I got the things I wanted, I didn’t stay in the Traveller City any longer. Even if my mission is completed here, the remaining things are the Archon of Duludu and the resistance organization here. It has nothing to do with me. After expressing my desire to return to the task ahead of time with the commander, the other party enthusiastically found Haier and the three of them, and then asked them to take me back to Duludu. When the Archon saw me, he knew the news that Traveller City had been captured. Obviously, the commander had already sent someone back to report on the situation there, so the Archon knew very well about the situation there.

After simply handing over the task, I immediately got a reminder of the completion of the level 2200 level task. This made me finally relaxed, so I don’t have to worry about the two Level 12 EXP meeting. It disappeared. As for the task rewards given to me by the Archon, this is an extra bonus, and because this is a level task in itself, the rewards are not many, I didn't care at all.

After completing the task handover, the Archon obviously attached great importance to my strength. He said a lot of good things to me and hoped that I could stay and help them continue their tasks, and promised a lot of benefits, but I simply Never thought of staying here. What's a joke, the ten-fold gross profit of the entire Duludu may not be able to catch up with the net profit of the Frost Rose League. I left the Frost Rose League’s president not to come here to work for them? I almost got water in my head.

In the consul’s expression of regret, I left the ruling hall, and then went to the technical department of Duludu. This place stores a lot of technical information about Duludu, and one of my rewards for helping Duludu deal with Traveller City is that you can buy any technology of Duludu here. Although you can’t get it for free, it’s very good as long as you can buy it. Things are up. Advanced technology this thing is different from products. As long as you don’t have and understand the technology, you won’t suffer a loss when you buy it. Although Duludu's technology cannot be compared with Atlantis, everyone has their own field of specialisation, and each place has its own technical expertise, and Duludu's technology always has something to learn from.

Although Duludu's technical strength is not as good as Atlantis, the technical information here is still scary. It took me a whole day to find the required technology from the huge amount of technical information. . Not to mention, my previous guess is not wrong, Duludu really has good things, and it is still quite practical technology. One of the ultra-high pressure support technology is very good, because this technology is specially used for extreme deep diving. of. Although Atlantis is also an underwater nation, but the depth is not very deep, so they are not outstanding in fighting water pressure, but Duludu has such a technology.

In addition to the ultra-high pressure support technology against water pressure, I also found at least 30 large-scale technologies and as many as two hundred small technological improvements on Duludu. These things were finally taken by me. I bought it all directly with a package price of 10 million crystal coins. Putting it in other guilds, this can allow many guild leaders to be directly hospitalized for heart disease than money, but this is really not a big investment for our guild, and if we study these technologies by ourselves, the investment is at least three more than this number. Ten times, if I buy it directly now, it is equal to thirty times the profit margin. Such a bargain business is for a fool to quit.

I didn't plan to stay here any more after the technical information got in hand. Although the leveling experience near Duludu is relatively high, it doesn't make much sense to me. Although our guild players also need to level up in a highly experienced place, this place is too remote, and the investment in this trip is too large. It is really not cost-effective. Even if the guild collectively come forward to build a transnational Transmission Formation, it seems too wasteful.

Because I bought the technical information of 10 million crystal coins, the consul came to see me off specially when I left. After all, there are not many big customers like me. Be more enthusiastic. Reluctantly leaving Duludu under the over-enthusiastic farewell of these guys, I directly floated up to the sea from here, and then flew towards Iceland. Now that the time-limited level missions have been completed, the remaining missions are not in a hurry. I would like to see the pastry c

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