With a local murloc leading the way, it is not difficult to find the nest of resistance groups. The difficulty lies in how to gain their trust. However, this is for others, it is not a problem at all for me, because I didn't plan to stay here for a long time, so I don't want to gain their long-term trust. As for short-term trust, is it enough to scare? Let them see that I have the ability to squeeze them to death, but it did not harm them. This is enough for short-term cooperation.

"This is your lair?" Looking at the transporter warehouse in front of me with a similar exit to the one I entered before, I asked a little surprised.

Although the guy caught by me had confessed everything, he was still not convinced, so he was not polite to me, and immediately asked in a bad tone when he heard what I said. What do you think the base of the resistance organization should look like? Build a cathedral-like building in the wealthy area above, and put a sign at the door to write the resistance organization headquarters?"

I heard this guy’s words. It was also stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. In the end, people are resistance organizations, and they are clearly doing underground work. How can it be possible to build a high-sounding headquarters? It’s too late to hide. Are you afraid that others don’t know what’s going on?

When the other person saw me laughing, he couldn’t say anything. Of course, even if I didn’t laugh, he wouldn’t dare to say anything. After all, he was still my prisoner. But it's not a good thing, speaking of his power of life and death is still in my hand.

The two of us were about to enter the door after we had spoken, and we heard a beep from behind unexpectedly. As soon as I turned around, I saw a blue ball of light flying towards me, habitually lifting it. The hand, the light ball hit my palm directly, and was pinched in the palm of my hand, but it did not disappear, but it was still spinning there. My finger squeezed in the horrified gaze of the other party, and the bang light ball exploded directly, but the formidable power did not explode as expected. It disappeared completely after spraying a few fire stars.

"This is your individual weapon? Formidable power isn't that great!" After successfully squeezing the ball of light, I turned my head and said to the murloc prisoner next to him, while the other party was open. Dementia on his mouth. Although I did show his inability to resist when I captured him before, he was not a combatant in the first place, so in his opinion, being better than him is actually not at the worst, but now I am actually He received an energy bomb in front of him, and it squeezed it out very easily. What kind of strength is this called?

"You, you..." The guy who fired is now looking at me with a stunned look, forgetting to hide it. However, it is normal for him to be so surprised, because he clearly knows that what he is operating is not an individual weapon, but an energy cannon that has been removed from the underwater motorcycle and repaired and has not been installed. If it is replaced with a realistic concept, That is things like vehicle-mounted cannons, which are simply not the same concept as individual weapons. If a person sees someone else taking a pistol bullet empty-handed, it can be regarded as a Qigong Master or something, but if someone takes a gun bullet empty-handed, it is not a Qigong Master but a Superman!

Looking at the guy stammering at me, shivering, I walked over and asked: "Are you going to stand here shivering all the time, or invite me in for a chat?"


The guy who brought me just now reacted and ran over to this person and said, “Don’t worry, he’s not the bastards of Mermaid Race. This is the helper hired by Duludu. It's a disguise, you can see it when you enter it."

The guy looked at me suspiciously when he heard what his companion said, and finally chose to believe his words. It’s not how much he trusts his companions, but my attitude and reaction made him believe that murloc. After all, if it’s really the beautiful Mermaid Race who discovered their resistance organization, I won’t be the only one to come. .

Under the guard of this guy, we were finally taken in, and the people inside saw me appear immediately after a riot. Fortunately, the guard who brought me in was born in time to stop them. The chaos, otherwise it is estimated that energy bombs will fly all over the sky after a while. Although it can't hurt me, but with so many energy weapons attacking together, I definitely can't hold them all. If it hits the bulkhead or something, the movement will be big.

There are two murloc explanations. The other murlocs here have finally eased up a little bit, and soon those murlocs with slightly higher status gathered and waited for our explanation. I didn’t justify myself as soon as I came up. Instead, I asked Emenes to perform several transformations for me on the spot, and simulated the shapes of the species in the Traveler City that I saw on the road. Finally, I asked Emenes to change the shape of the species. The murloc who attacked me at the door turned into a mermaid. This performance finally made the other party understand that I am not a beautiful Mermaid Race, but a pretender.

"Hello, powerful existence, I don't know how to call it?" After proving my identity, the highest leader here finally asked.

"You can call me President Purple Moon."

"So, can we ask what your intention is?"

"I was originally Hired by the Archon of Duludu, he was ordered to discover and guide Duludu's army to launch an attack. Of course, if possible, I would be responsible for directly destroying it, or at least paralyzing the mobility of Traveller City." It was a commotion. I waited for them to calm down a little bit before continuing: "But after knowing that you are not a monolithic place, I think it’s okay to change the way of execution."

"I don’t know about you. It means...?"

"The Archon of Duludu only hopes that no one will interfere with the normal development of Duludu, so destroying Traveller City is just a helpless move, since you already have a resistance organization , I think it’s not a big problem to help you overthrow the rule of Mermaid Race as long as you promise not to mess with Duludu again."

"This...can we discuss it?"

"Of course."

Of course, this kind of thing needs to be discussed carefully, but the other party also knows that the opportunity is rare, so it took only ten minutes to make a decision and agreed to cooperate with me.

"Well, now that we have reached an agreement, let’s talk about what we should do next." I said first, "Well, who can tell me The specific situation of Traveler City, I mean the situation of machinery and equipment. You know, to stop this big guy, it is not just destruction that can achieve the goal. Besides, since you have agreed to let you become the masters here, you are sure I don’t want to repair a battered Traveler City after the war, right?"

After reaching me, the guys immediately started everyone talking at once and introduced me to the Traveler City. The structure of this important facility. I have to say that the lower-level people also have the benefits of the lower-level people, because all superstructures are built on the basis of the lower-level people, and once the lower-level people no longer plan to support the superstructure, then the collapse of the superstructure is also a problem. It's just a matter of time. Scholars in our country have understood this truth long ago, so the idea that "water can carry a boat can also overturn it" has been passed down.

Although the fish people in Traveller City are low-level people, they are doing all kinds of hard work in the city because of their humble status, which of course also includes mechanical maintenance, and Maintenance and operation of navigation equipment in Traveller City. Unlike machinery such as airplanes and automobiles, things in the water are often not directly controlled. Even in modern times, the wheelhouse of large ships is actually just a common control mechanism. There will be a set of backup operation system in the engine room, even if you are driving The room was completely destroyed and the large ships would not lose control. Of course, no one controlled that is another matter.

The technical characteristics of Traveller City feel a bit steampunk flavor, and some magic equipment is mixed in it, but the overall technical strength is not high, so the navigation system control here is also separated, the cab The people in the engine room are not directly navigating the city, but are giving instructions to the engine room, and then those hard laborers in the engine room turn huge winches or handles to control the movement of the city. To put it simply, if the hard labor in the engine room goes on strike, the mermaids in Traveller City will simply not be able to manipulate the city, because the control rods in their beautifully decorated cab are simply not connected to the mechanical equipment. People apply their operations to the machines below, and the machines below do not read the operating instructions themselves.

Because these murloc workers fighting in the engine room are the hardest, so their willingness to resist is also the strongest. There are many such members in this resistance organization, but that kind of workers are there. For first-line work, there is no silhouette of them at the headquarters.

With the cooperation of the headquarters staff here, I was quickly taken to the engine room and a few murloc rebels responsible for keeping the city running took over. These very old murlocs are equivalent to the kind of old mechanics here. They have worked in the engine room for a lifetime. It can be said that they can recognize every screw here. It is too easy for such old workers to make the machine malfunction, so I don’t need to do anything at all. They just simply told them my intentions. These old workers directly thought of a bunch of ways. .

"We can throw some scraps of iron into the fuel port." An old worker suggested: "Remember that time when Little York was filling the fuel, the shovel hit the feed port, and a piece of iron broke into it. In the fuel chamber, the molten metal solution finally covered the ignition magic array, causing the No. 3 unit to stop. More than 1,000 tons of thermal conductivity solution solidified in the pipeline, and it took three full months to clean it up."

< p>Before I was nodded, another old man next to him immediately said: "Your method has too much destructive power. We only need to keep the machine out of operation for a few hours. Didn't you do it to harm yourself? Isn’t it all for us to clean up these thermal conductivity solutions?"

"What do you say?"

"Stupid." The old man said, "Just find a hard point. The stuff is stuffed into the No. 9 gear, and the gear will automatically entrain the foreign matter. In the end, it will definitely break a bunch of gears, and it will jam the crank arm of the main shaft. To get things out, the crank arm must be reversed."

The old man said that the other old man next to here immediately went on with excitement: “But all the crank arms of the thermal engine are connected to a main shaft. Stop all other heat engines. It will take at least three hours for us to clean things out. After the heat engine is shut down, it will take another hour to warm up, which means we can at least get four hours."

"no no no, it should be eight hours." The rebel organization who brought me over said: "You can slow down your work. As long as you don't strike, the supervisors won't really behave to you. You can slow down. Slowly, anyway, find all kinds of excuses to delay the time, just don’t fix things. In this case, double the time should be no problem, right?"

"It makes sense." I said aloud: "Why don't I turn into a Mermaid Race person, and then fake orders to transfer all the overseers here, and then I will make trouble everywhere, let them know that there are spies in Traveler City, and then you will have more reasons to delay repairs. Time is up. I believe it shouldn’t be a problem to persist for more than ten hours?"

"Bright idea." Nodded and said, the contact person of the resistance organization: "Let’s do it."

After arranging an action time, I went to meet people in several other places together with my contact person, and then I finalized some departments that need to be destroyed, and finally after a round of confirmation, there was only the agreed time left. More than ten minutes, and at this time, the contact person of the resistance organization and I also officially started to separate. With such a big plan, of course they have to take the opportunity to do something against the organization, otherwise it is too wasteful?

After separating from the connector, I transformed into the image of Mermaid Race, and at the same time, I also released Grandma. As the Princess of Atlantis, Anna is a real mermaid. With her with me, the probability of being seen through will be much higher. After all, a pretender is easy to cause suspicion, but when there are more people, it is not easy to be suspected.

"How long will it take?" Amina and I asked as we walked up the stairs to the upper floors of Traveler City.

From the information we learned from the resistance organization, the internal structure of Traveller City is divided into sections. I used to enter from the bottom of the traveler city, so at first the first floor is full of heavy machinery and various factories, in fact, this is the industrial area and equipment area, and the residential area in the city is actually going It’s only two floors up, and the two floors below are actually mechanical areas where the workers work. The work here is dangerous and very heavy. Most of the murlocs are doing it.

When we entered the upper floor, we found several Sea Beast guards at the door. Although these guys have human limbs and torso, their heads are more like monsters, and their limbs are well developed, and their bodies are also abnormal. The tall. Inversely proportional to the body is that these guys are generally not high in intelligence, and belong to the professional warrior of Traveller City. Because of the mermaid appearance of Grandma and I, these two guards let us pass without even asking, but the moment we passed the exit, the whole traveler city suddenly fell into darkness. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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