"What's the matter?" The sudden darkness plunged the entire Traveler City into chaos. Although most seabed races have good vision or other perception abilities, they are all abilities that can only be used in water, just like the ability of sonar positioning, which many sea creatures have, but the interior of Traveler City is In the air environment, sonar is useless at all in such an environment. Let's talk about the vision problem. Although some seabed races have evolved super visual abilities to deal with the darkness of seabed, this kind of vision should actually be called low-light vision, not dark vision.

My dark vision is that I can see objects without any restrictions at all, but low-light vision still needs light to see things. It’s just relative to ordinary vision. In other words, low-light vision requires only a small amount of light to see things, which is still a lot more powerful. However, Traveler City is an underwater city with a closed structure after all. Its internal light comes from artificial light sources. Now suddenly all the lighting equipment is turned off. Not to mention that there is not even a trace of light here, even if the light is only slightly darker. Their low-light vision is also impossible. After all, it takes time to adapt to the sudden change from a very bright environment to a dark environment, even if the pupils dilate to collect light, it takes time. Besides, the traveler city is really dark here, even if the pupils are dilated, they can't receive any light, so the people in the whole city became blind all at once.

"Soldiers." Taking advantage of the darkness, I directly grabbed the guy who was standing at the entrance of the passage, and then sternly ordered: "Go down and see what happened. , Maybe it's a good thing done by the idiot murlocs in the engine room." After I finished speaking, no matter what the other party answered, I just pushed him down the stairs. In my dark vision, the guy became a bottle gourd and rolled all the way down the steps, but it was a warrior after all, with good balance, and soon stabilized his body and climbed up again, but after he got up, he also got up again. Did not come up, but continued to run down, obviously really planning to see what happened.

After finishing the guard, I grabbed another guy and shouted to him: "Soldier, go report the situation to your head, and let him step up guard to prevent someone from taking advantage of the chaos and sabotage."< /p>

Although you can’t see anything in the dark, but the guy from the Sea Beast clan saw Aanna and me before the lights went out, and they dare to use this tone in this situation. Those who gave the order must be high-level personnel, so this guy didn’t doubt my identity at all. He stumbled on the wall and ran to report when he heard the order, but the entrance here has changed. A passage guarded by people.

After making sure that the guards were all far away, I took out a small metal product directly from my body, and threw it down against the stairs, and then immediately pulled Amana and left here.

The little thing I threw out bounced all the way down the ground to the corner of the stairs, and then suddenly pu' sound spewed out a large red flame, and then the flame gradually turned into White and continued to spray, instantly illuminating a large area around it.

With the appearance of this thing, the members of the Murloc resistance organization that had been ambushed by the battallion immediately rushed up the stairs. This group of guys are very fast. As soon as they got to the upper floor, they immediately separated and ran towards their predetermined goal. At this time, I had already ran to a stairwell leading to the upper floor not far away. .

The structure of Traveller City is like this. The bottom main structural layer is actually divided into two layers, which are mainly urban infrastructure, sports machinery, power systems, and production facilities. Starting from these two layers is an intermediate structural layer. This layer is large in area and not low in height, but it is divided into a fourth layer, which is full of narrow houses. This floor is the main living area of ​​fish people, which is a place like a slum.

The part that I just entered with Aanna is actually above the middle level. This location should be regarded as the upper structure area, and the interior is also divided into two layers, but it is different from the average division method of the middle and lower layers. The height of the two layers of the upper structure area is different, and the lower layer is the one. It accounts for more than 80% of the total height, and I was on this floor just now with Amina. The main function of this floor is still the living area, but the houses here are very spacious, and there are a lot of shops and other living facilities. The people who can live on this floor are basically the people of the ruling class. Of course, there are murlocs here, but they are limited to a small group of nobles among murlocs.

The stairwell that Aanna and I are now entering is the passage leading to the upper level. The height of the upper level is relatively low. Its interior is mainly various weapon areas, control rooms, and The office of the mermaid and other rulers here, equivalent to the command center.

Although the floor we just entered is also a high-level residential area, it is only a residential area after all, so the guards are not very strict, but the upper floor is different. We only heard the sound of footsteps when we climbed halfway, and then we saw a few mermaids with lighting equipment running down from above, behind them was a large group of Sea Beast warriors.

The other party naturally found us after approaching us. Although the passage stairs between the different heights of the city are wide and unreasonable, they are not so wide that two people can pass by without finding each other. However, while I was still thinking about whether to find a way to confuse the past or to solve this group of people, the other party ran down and shouted at us: "Are you here to notify the energy line of the problem? Yes. If you don’t need to go up, there’s a problem with the line above."

I understood it as soon as I heard this, and then immediately pretended to be anxious and shook my head: "No, then It’s not a malfunction, it’s deliberately sabotaged by the Murloc’s hard work. They are in a riot, and I went up to report it."

"What?" The other party was shocked when he heard the news suddenly, and then immediately said : "You report the situation first, don't delay." After he finished speaking, he shouted to the person he had brought: "Quickly, come down with me, when you encounter a murloc, you will pretend to be the first to pretend to execute without any mercy. "

"Yes." The Sea Beast warrior at the back responded to complied and started to run down, and then the whole team ran past us, but we were left alone.

Ayanna hid her mouth and smirked when she saw those idiots just passing by, and then followed me and started running up.

The team that we saw in the middle of the stairs just now is obviously not a guard. It should be a team that found a problem and went to investigate the situation. We ran into the guard here as soon as we reached the top of the stairs.

There are more than a dozen people guarding the passage, of which a small part is the Sea Beast clan, and the rest are mermaids. Because the large unit has just left, we must have been in contact with the large unit by time, so the guard above didn't react when seeing us, but just casually asked us what's going on right now.

Look at there are only a dozen people here, and there are only four portable magic lights. The light source is terrible. I immediately pretended to run to them and shouted: "Quick... The murloc...the murloc rioted!"

"What?" The guards here were obviously taken aback by the news. Although Murloc’s battle strength and technical prowess are the worst in the Traveler City race, there are so many people who can’t hold them back. More than 70% of the population of the entire Traveller City is Fishman Race. With such a large proportion, even if half of the people rioted, it can still occupy an absolute number advantage. Even the above-mentioned mermaid and Sea Beast races think they are very powerful, and they understand that if half of the opponents dared to stand up and fight hard, even if they could suppress it, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties afterwards. More importantly, Fishman Race is a labor force in Traveller City. If they have too many casualties, the impact on these upper-class races will be huge. It's like although some powerful so-called great characters look down on workers, but if one day all the workers in the country suddenly die 80 to 90%, can you say that those people can still remain indifferent? Without low-level laborers, these great characters will have to become low-level laborers. After all, no matter how much you have the right to have money, you have to eat. The farmers are all dead. If you don't want to starve to death, you have to grow your own land. The reason is simple.

Because those mermaids and other ruler races know that murlocs are both an object of oppression and a kind of wealth for them, they are so afraid of murloc riots, because regardless of the success of the final riots, They will inevitably suffer losses. Who would want to happen to such an absolute loss?

Just when the guys were surprised by my news, I had already walked the last few steps to reach them, and then, when they came around to find out some details, I moved suddenly.

chacha, a crossed white light flashed by, and the crowd around suddenly froze, and then oh la la fell to the ground without warning, even the corpse was divided into several pieces Scattered all over the ground.

I took back the eternity lightly, and then carefully avoided the blood on the ground and jumped over. Adyna walked to the opposite side long before I shot it, but this time she bounced again.

After killing the guards, we went straight along the passage, and then encountered a T-shaped intersection. Because the top floor is only a command and military zone, the floor height is not high, and the passages are not too wide. After we walked over here, we saw a door in the left area suddenly opened, and then a mermaid in armor came out of it. After seeing us, the other party directly questioned: "What is your position and why did you get here?"

I didn't answer at all when I heard him, but threw a throwing knife. In the past, what was unexpected was that the other party completely raised his head to hide, but after he straightened up, I was already in front of him, and I put my left hand on his shoulder and pulled his body up with his strength. At the same time, the right hand claws popped out and aimed at his stomach, and a pair of them came directly.

After opening three holes in this guy's stomach, his body immediately softened. I pushed forward slightly, and the guy immediately fell backward. However, the moment he fell, I suddenly heard a strange breathing on the left side, and turned my head to startle me. On our left side, the door is still open when the guy just came out. In other words, the two of us were actually standing at the door and we had a fight to death, but the problem is that the door is not empty, but something like The huge space like the auditorium was full of people, all of them looked at us in a daze.

At that moment, even I was a little shocked, because I actually killed one of their companions in front of thousands of people. This behavior was a bit too public. However, what makes me even more strange is that so many people gathered here, and there was no sound or energy fluctuation, and the last sound I heard was that someone walked out of the room and made an inhalation sound. I heard it. At that moment, I thought of the reason. This auditorium-like room is 80% of the same place as the Conference Hall. There must be a magic array to prevent detection, so the sound and energy inside can’t be heard at all, so that I didn’t even notice it was in myself. There were so many people standing nearby.

Although I was negligent, the other party was stunned by the sudden change, so both sides froze for a while, and then we almost reacted at the same time, but the performance of both sides was poor a lot of.

The people in the room suddenly fell into a collective fury, and then jumped up and swarmed toward the door, and the guy standing at the door who was going to go out suddenly changed his expression. I got up savagely and smoothly touched the saber hanging on my waist, but I was much faster than him. When he reached out to touch the sword, I suddenly raised my leg and kicked him directly back into the room, and then dragged two large-sized liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs from the Fenglong space, unscrewed the insurance, and threw it directly in. Then just turned around and ran.

I only ran less than ten meters and heard a bang from behind, followed by a large amount of flames gushing out from the door. Fortunately, the direction of the door and the corridor were inconsistent, and the air flow was rushing out. After turning with the flame, the formidable power has dropped a lot, otherwise I am afraid I will suffer.

"Master, someone is coming up here!" I just escaped from the explosion when I suddenly came forward and heard the voice of Grandma. She had just been standing at the T-shaped intersection and didn't come over. Now she shouted so that someone was coming up below. If my guess is correct, these people's eight achievements are the soldiers we saw before.

At this time, I'm not interested in hacking with those people, and I just threw a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb to Amina. "Throw it down."

Anna reacted very quickly. After catching the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb, she twisted the detonation lock and threw it into the stairwell, and then she began to run back. In less than two seconds, there was another bang outside, and the flames rushed up with a wave of heat.

When Adyna got up again, I had already ran over, pulled her up and started to run forward. We have already gone to one side of the T-shaped road and dropped the bomb. The other side is the direction we came up from, and there is only one direction left. Going forward along the passage here, I saw two warriors from the Sea Beast clan running over without running far. When the other party saw us, they asked: "What's the matter?"

When I got to this problem, I directly pretended to be injured and pointed to the direction where we came, and coughed. , The other party was obviously very anxious, and rushed over without waiting for us to answer. However, when they passed by our side, Grandma and I took action together to solve these two stupid big men one by one.

After the passage has turned a bend, there is a long passage ahead, but there are many forks on the right side of the passage. When I encountered resistance organizations, I was hoping to get some information from them, but when I asked, I found out that they couldn't get up to the superstructure at all, so they didn't know as much about the situation here. Without map and route information, we could only find the way by ourselves. Unfortunately, we probably ran out of luck, and the first selected fork road turned into a place similar to the army station. A large group of soldiers rushed out directly. Although I still had another liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb, the opponent was quite sturdy. Even if many people were killed, the rest still rushed out.

We didn’t come up to fight these guys, but to find the command center, so when I saw this, I took out three liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs and threw them out. Turn around and run. With a bang, the passage in front was directly scrapped. Even if the chasing soldiers were not dead, they would not be able to get through temporarily, but the road in front of us did not seem to be very easy to walk, because we had already seen a large group of Sea Beast warriors. Turned out of the passage in front.

"I rely on, why are there so many?"

"This is a military zone, the crowd is normal, master."

"But you will Is the army’s camp next to the battleship command room?"

"But this is not a battleship either!"

Adyna’s words suddenly made me understand one thing. That is we seem to be in the wrong direction.

We don’t know where the command center of Traveller City is, because those who can come in are rulers, and rulers are all vested interests. They are impossible to participate in the resistance organization, so the resistance organization Although I have cooperated with us, I cannot provide the above map. Because there is no map, we have been moving in the direction we want. Although the Traveler City is very large, it is mobile and is a mechanical system in the water, so I regard it as a ship, or a battleship, as it should be by rights. According to the design idea of ​​battleship, the command room is not at the bow but in the middle of the ship. We have seen the appearance of the traveler city outside the traveler city before. There is nothing protruding like a bridge on the top of it, so if the command room is in the central position, then it cannot visually see the route forward, so I always thought that the command center was in the direction of the bow of Traveller City. Because of this reason, Anna and I have been moving towards the bow of the ship since we came up. As a result, we encountered more and more troops, which was obviously abnormal.

Now I finally understand that there is a problem with my thinking. Traveler City cannot be simply regarded as a battleship, although it also has the ability to move, and it is indeed an underwater machine, but the biggest difference between it and large ships is speed.

Traveler City is a city after all, its moving speed is only equivalent to the speed of normal people jogging, and its steering angle is very large, there is almost no such concept of agility, because of its speed It’s so slow, so it doesn’t need a command room on the bow that can observe the surrounding environment at any time and adjust its movement posture. For it, even if the command room is fully enclosed, as long as there are observers around the hull The observation room, and then reporting back the information you saw through any method is enough to support the judgment of Voyager City’s navigational posture.

For this reason, Traveler City does not need to design the command room close to the bow of the ship. On the contrary, if the need for observation is excluded, the important facility of the command room is actually buried in the core position. It is safer, after all, putting it on the bow means that there is no way to protect it with more things, and putting it in the center of the hull does not have so much worry.

According to this idea, I now finally understand my mistake.

"It seems we need to try in another direction."

"Then let's go back to the stair position where we came up first, right?"

" Before that, we’d better grab a tongue and ask about the situation."

Since we have a huge martial power difference, the work of tongue grabbing is not complicated. It is very simple and I caught two beautiful Mermaid The captive of Race, and after a simple questioning, I got the answer I needed.

Sure enough, Traveler City placed the command room inside, and the location was quite speechless. After working for a long time, this command room is not actually in the uppermost control zone and military zone, but on the top of the high-level residential area below.

The entire command center is located within the residential area, but it is not on the ground, but hung from the ceiling of the high level residential area, and its entrance is also in the center of the military area. Location.

According to the captive’s explanation, we quickly got the road map, and then we started to follow the route at a fast speed. There were indeed many people blocking the way, just because the following murloc riots finally acted on a small scale. It turned into a collective riot, so the mermaid and other leader races on the top were also busy. As a result, a large number of personnel from the upper military zone were sent to suppress the riots, but the guards on the top were much less.

"If the information given by the two prisoners is correct, the end of the corridor in front should be the command center, right?" Adina asked.

I nodded and said: "No matter from time to time, there are so many important departments around this place, and they will not go anywhere. After a while, they will not be busy killing people. Those high-level prisoners should pay attention to keep them. We also count on them to help control Traveler City."

Amina nodded expressed that I understood that I also started to move on.

Turning around the corner of the corridor, a relatively wider corridor immediately appeared in front of it, and at the end of this corridor was a closed door with eight guards standing at the door . The eight guards are divided into four races, two-by-two. Of course, there are mermaid and Sea Beast races. These two races seem to be the main battle races here. In addition, there are two other races among the guards that have not been seen before. One of them is a lot taller than humans. It is at least two meters tall. It has a longer face and very large eyes, just like a fly. It occupies more than 2/3/2021 of the face, and these guys’ The skin is blue, and there are only four fingers instead of no roots.

In addition to this blue-skinned giant, there is also a race that looks just like a human but has a tortoise shell. I remember that there is Turtle Clan in the seabed race, so these two are likely to belong to this race.

Unlike the guards I met before, these eight guys on the opposite side are obviously equipped with long-range firepower. We saw a few blue dots flying over as soon as we took off. I was so scared that I hurriedly retracted, and then I heard a rapid and aggressive sound. When I turned around, I noticed that there was a wall in the corner of the corridor. At least a dozen blue crystal rods in a row. These crystal gangs are as long and slender as chopsticks, the color is dim blue, and the length is not visible because part of it is inserted into the wall, but the outer part is about seven or eight inches long, and the part inside the wall is estimated to be one or two inches. If calculated this way, this thing is almost a foot long.

"Is this a crossbow arrow?" Amina asked me when she looked at the thing on the wall.

I nodded, and then reached out and flicked one of them, didn't expect the thing to be broken when touched, and a fire burst out immediately afterwards, blasting me and Adi in an instant Na flew out. I didn't expect that the other party's weapon would explode. Fortunately, my defense was high enough, so a few things couldn't do anything to me, otherwise, I would really fall in the sewer.

Previously, I brought Anana to disguise. Now that I have entered the battle at the end, I don’t need to disguise any more. I directly asked Emmenes to revoke my disguised illusion, and at the same time, I recovered Amana and replaced Jingjing and Victoria.

After standing at the corner of the passage again, I started to count down three and two with a hand gesture. When the count reached one, Jingjing immediately flashed out with her shield. Since the eight guys on the opposite side are responsible for guarding such an important place as the command center, they are naturally expert. Jingjing had just flashed out from here, and a row of crystal arrows flew over immediately on the opposite side. Different from hitting the wall and nailing it in, this time the crystal arrow exploded immediately after hitting Jingjing’s shield, but Jingjing’s specialty is defense. Even if the explosion happened on the surface of the shield, it did not cause any damage to her, except for the shock wave. There is no other effect except for shaking her body twice.

After Jingjing blocked a round of attacks, Victoria and I immediately flashed behind Jingjing together, and then started to move forward slowly with Jingjing. The guards on the other side saw that we were leaning against the attack, and immediately there was a more intensive attack, but there was a Jingjing shield blocking in front, here is a straight channel, lacking a shooting angle, so their Attacks are useless except to hurt our ears with the sound of explosions.

Since it is a long-range weapon, it must consume something. After more than ten seconds of continuous attacks, the opponent has a timeout. This is no ammunition. Our side cooperated with each other very well. As soon as the opposing attack stopped, Jingjing immediately squatted down and tilted the shield out of the upper half of the passage. Then Victoria and I straightened up almost at the same time and raised our crossbow arrows and started to fight back. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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