After getting the assurance, I stopped paying attention to other people, and focused on the approaching huge moving city above my head.

In all fairness, Traveller City is quite huge, especially as a mobile city. At least in terms of area, the big guy here may have surpassed Isinger Mobile Fortress, but the two have no comparability in terms of specific performance.

Isinger Mobile Fortress is a flying city. The technical difficulty of the giant anti-gravity system is far greater than that of the underwater navigation system. There is no comparability between the two. In addition, Isinger Mobile Fortress is flying high in the sky and needs to deal with strong winds and low air pressure. Therefore, the structural design is mainly to achieve airtightness and anti-expansion ability, while Traveler City is an underwater city, it needs to resist It is the water pressure rather than the internal expansion force, and relatively speaking, Traveler City needs higher torsion resistance. After all, the density of water is much higher than that of air, so water flow can generate higher local pressure than air flow. It is determined that Traveler City may endure huge distortions at certain moments. If the main frame of the city is not strong enough, it is likely that breakage will occur. But, on the other hand, although higher torsion resistance is required, the building materials of Traveller City are easier to find than Isinger Mobile Fortress. After all, Isinger Mobile Fortress is a flying city, which is important for material strength and density. There are requirements, and Traveler City does not have to consider weight at all. Another big difference is that Isengard Mobile Fortress needs to resist the pressure changes caused by the frequently changing airflow, so the fatigue resistance of building materials is very central. Relatively speaking, the underwater environment is more stressful, but the stability is much better, so the anti-fatigue attribute is not demanding.

In general, the design requirements of the two have their own characteristics, and we can’t say which one is more advanced in technology, but I think at least in terms of power, Traveler City is not comparable to our Isinger Mobile Fortress. of.

As the Traveller City approached quickly, the seabed around us began to vibrate. Some small pieces of sand bounced directly on the seabed, and then stirred the surrounding seabed into A chaos. As a flying city, Isinger Mobile Fortress can still cause disturbances in the neutral position of the nearby area even if the weight is controlled, causing some unstable light and small objects to jump on the ground. As a seabed city with a heavier weight, the Traveler City is naturally more. Exaggerated, if the seabed were not for the seabed was much stronger than the ground, I would have doubted whether there would be ground cracks around it, and a lot of lava would be spewed out.

Although the mud and sand lifted by the unstable gravity field affects my sight, the impact on the enemy is even more serious. In any case, my goal is a city. Compared with me, Traveler City is obviously easier to find, so mud and sand can be my cover, but it blocks the other's vision.

Hiding in the mud and watching the huge silhouette gradually approaching the top of my head, even I can’t help my heartbeat speed up, but this effect will not have much effect on my mood , I still stood there calmly, waiting for it to reach the top of my head completely.

Just like Isengard’s mobile fortress seems to move slowly, but in fact the speed is not bad, the speed of Traveller City does not look fast, but in fact it is not slow, although relative to ours Underwater motorcycles are indeed slow, but the speed of Traveler City in time has surpassed the speed of most people's walking, and it is almost the same as people's jogging speed.

Just waiting for a while, the huge city finally completely covered the area above my head, and I can clearly see the countless searchlights sweeping around at the bottom of the city when I look up from here. In addition to the protruding searchlights, there are many undulating structures at the bottom of the huge city.

Observing from such a close distance, I found that the construction craftsmanship of Traveller City does not seem to be very good, at least not comparable to Isengard Mobile Fortress. I don’t know if it’s the reason for the difficulty of underwater construction. The bottom of Traveler City is not a single piece. Although the shell of Isengard Mobile Fortress is not a single piece of material, at least each of our areas is large. And after the splicing, it was finished with a seamless connection, so although we know that the shell of Isengard’s mobile fortress is not a whole piece, we can’t actually touch or look at this fact. The only thing you can find outside the Isengard Mobile Fortress that is not a whole piece is the movable doors, and the detectors or weapon systems that stick out of the city. The main body of the city still looks quite flat. However, the bottom of the traveler city is one piece higher and one piece lower. In many places, you can see very obvious traces of welding on a large piece of armor plate, and it feels like a patch. If only one or two patches are needed, there are such patches everywhere under this traveler city, or the entire bottom of it is made up with this patch, and the whole feels like a broken one.

Looking at the tattered bottom, I can only shook the head helplessly, and then I began to look for possible entrances.

Although my battle strength is very strong, it is obviously more difficult to damage such a large object from the outside. Even if the black flame is released, it may be tossed, and if the opponent discovers the attack, it will start. Fleeing and abandoning the original route may have an impact on our subsequent battle arrangements. After all, I am not sure that your two scouts who stayed outside will definitely be able to leave a guide signal, in case they are also discovered. Yes, when the time comes, I didn't hold the Traveller City anymore, that was all I had done.

Based on the above considerations, I finally chose to enter the city to destroy it. No matter what is internally fragile, as long as I get in, I can destroy it. Speaking of which means I don’t want to waste it. If I don’t feel sorry for the money, I just need to throw out a few tanks of liquefied magic crystal steam after entering the city. You can definitely easily open a few holes in the shell of Traveler City. When the time comes, it won’t work even if you don’t want to lie down.

I am concentrating on looking for the entrance here, and didn't expect the entrance to be delivered by itself. Not far from the front right of my head, a metal plate that looked like a patch spun up suddenly, and then after a few turns, it suddenly flicked outwards, suddenly opening an entrance. There is light coming out.

By the way, although the patch armor of this traveler city is a bit ugly, didn't expect can actually have a camouflage effect. At least I did not think that the patch would be a door before, after all, this patch is the whole The bottom of the city is almost everywhere.

It’s easy to know where the door is, but now the door suddenly opens, either there is something to come out or something to go in, so I don’t plan to go up and check it right away. Sure enough, less than two seconds after the door opened, two black silhouettes fell from the opened door.

The silhouette should be two brigade soldiers. They both rode brigade-style underwater motorcycles. After leaving the cave, they immediately accelerated and drove towards the tail section of the city. After leaving, the door closed automatically, and then rotated and tightened to completely close the entrance.

Look around and make sure that no other people showed up before I got out of the sand layer where I was hiding. Without cover, I was still more visible in the water, so I rushed to the bottom of Traveller City as fast as possible, and then moved carefully to the bottom of the city and crawled over to the entrance I saw before.

After arriving near the entrance, I checked the place carefully. The metal plate covering the entrance is an irregular thin metal plate, which is close to a rectangle, but it is irregular. It can be seen with the eye that one side is long and the other is short. There is no fixed connection between the metal plate and the bottom of the ship, which means that the mechanism that makes it rotate is the only connecting body.

Since this thing is opened by rotation, I naturally can only turn it in the direction it opened, but after a few hard attempts, I found that there was a locking mechanism inside, which couldn't turn at all. This result was also in my expectation. I just tried it with a fluke. Since it didn't work, I didn't work hard, and I directly used the eternal method I am best at-brute force cracking.

The thickness of this metal plate itself is not high, and there is no defensive power at all when it meets Eternal, so I easily cut off a round piece along the opening, just enough for me to get in. . However, after entering, I realized that there was still a door here. The only difference was that there was a manual handle on this door. However, I closed the entrance that I had just cut out before opening it. Road pressure door.

As an underwater city, Traveller City must have a lot of anti-leakage designs, so I must seal the entrance, otherwise, once the door here is opened, once the internal pressure of the city is unbalanced, it will inevitably trigger an emergency Measures, when the time comes, I have a big probability that will be discovered, so it is better to seal it in advance to reduce the probability of being discovered.

In fact, when I opened the door in front of me, I found that what I had done before seemed a bit redundant, because there was a door behind this pressure door, but since this is the case, there is no need to worry about it. Close the door under him, then open the door above his head, and then go upstream and turn around to close the door.

After closing the gate I just entered, I observed the surrounding environment and found that this place seemed to be a hangar. I am still in the water, but there is a bright light above my head, and from here I can see that the place where I petitioned for less than four meters is the surface of the water, and there is still a circle of underwater motorcycles parked on the surface of the water.

Carefully approached the edge of this huge pool, and then hidden under several underwater motorcycles, followed me from the bug** on my wrist and pulled out a ghost bug and put it in the pool. On the wall. As soon as the ghost worm touched the pool wall, it immediately began to climb up and out of the water along the metal pool wall, and then climbed onto one of the underwater motorcycles to observe the nearby situation.

At this time, most people would stretch their heads to take a look at the situation outside, but because my dragon soul suit now has a long feather on the top of my head, if I look at the situation by myself , Before his eyes reach the surface of the water, the person above will see a feather that stands upright, and this one stands out by itself, what’s the difference between me being an intruder? What's worse is that it's underwater now, and I still need the sealing effect of the helmet, so I can't take off the helmet yet, so I can only release the Spirit Armor bug to help me observe the situation. But it’s okay to use ghost bugs, at least it’s safer than sticking out my head. Even without the hair on my head, my head is more conspicuous than the ghost worm, so it is obviously safer to let the ghost worm go up than myself.

I quickly saw the situation on the shore through the vision of the ghost worm.

This room is indeed a hangar, and it is not very large. The place where I am is is a pool. I don't know the length and width, but it should be more than 20 meters. The pool is surrounded by a circle of metal platforms with a grid design. This grid on the ground in the entrance inspection area of ​​Duludu should have a similar function, which is to prevent too much entry into the city.

There are many underwater motorcycles parked on special brackets on the grid platform, and there are many messy things in the vicinity, some of which look like repair tools, maybe Equipment used for normal maintenance. In addition, there are two doors on the diagonal of this room, which seem to be pressure doors, and three murlocs are standing beside one of the doors at this time.

The murlocs are not humans with fish heads. The facial features of these guys are not much different from humans. To say the difference, one is that the nose bridge is much longer than the length of humans, but It's not very warped, but flat on the face, and their eyes are much larger than humans, and they don't have white eyes, and their entire eyeballs are black. Finally, the ears of these guys are not ears, but fins, with gill slits behind them, which are used for underwater breathing. Of course, if you look down, you will find that these guys have webs on their fingers. Besides, they are almost indistinguishable from humans.

The three murlocs seem to be arguing about what happened. One of them is fierce, and the other two fight back occasionally, but they are basically in a state of being reprimanded. It can be seen that their status is unequal. of.

There is no one else in the room except these three guys, and the three of them are arguing intently. One of them is still facing away from me, and the other two are facing me on the side, without looking at them. This direction. Since the location is so good, I won't waste it. Quietly along the wall of the pool, he leaned his upper body out of the water. Although the hair stood up high, it was just a hair after all, not very conspicuous, so the people over there still didn't notice me.

After successfully putting my hands on the wall of the pool, I directly raised my hand to the guy whose back was facing me, and moved the adjuster with my left hand. After setting the intensity, I moved my finger, pu' sound light sound, The guy suddenly shook and stopped moving.

The scolded guy among the two arguing found that his partner who was scolded with him seemed a bit wrong, so he wanted to ask, but he just turned his head when he heard pu chi. And it was more obvious, followed by the sound of a plop, and he felt a pain in his head before he knew what was going on, and then he didn't know anything.

Climbed ashore to the door and looked at the three murlocs on the ground. The first guy to hit the arrow is still standing there. A short crossbow arrow shot from the back of his head and directly penetrated into his mouth. As long as he opened his mouth, the person in front could see a sharp arrow, but it was a pity that his mouth was closed. The second guy who hits the arrow is the very arrogant guy. He is much more vigilant than this one here. He noticed that the situation was wrong and he immediately noticed me. Unfortunately, I moved too fast. He just took his head. Turning around, an arrow hit his eye socket directly, and half of the arrow emerged from the back of his head. After that, the guy's reaction was obviously a little slow. The people around him were all dead and hadn't found out what was going on. In the end, I shot an arrow through the temple and killed him instantly.

I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and threw the three corpses in. I directly got some water from the side to wash away a small amount of blood on the metal mesh floor, and then I carefully turned the handle to open the door beside them. .

This road is also a pressure door, you need to turn the handle to open it, and after the past, it turned out that there is only a two-meter-long passage just like in the water, and the second door is in front of the passage. After opening that door, I didn't rush over, but threw the ghost worm that was released before.

Through the vision of the ghost worm, you can see that this is a rather large space, in which there are a lot of underwater motorcycles parked, and there are also some relatively large vehicles, which look like turtles without a head. , Of course, there is no tortoise shell script on the back, but a flat piece. Obviously, the manufacturing technology of Traveler City is more than enough to deal with these small devices, and there is no need to make it into a beggar outfit.

There is also a big pool like the one I just came here, but the area is at least ten times larger than that, and the pool is not rectangular, but in the shape of a king, and the middle of the word is king. The intersection is very wide, allowing large ships to turn around inside.

There are many transporters in this room, and there are naturally more people. Moreover, the platform here is not one level, but is divided into several levels. The floor where I am now is the ground floor, and I can go straight to the side of the pool. There is a metal corridor built along the wall at a height of more than four meters on the Internet. There are many messy pipes on it, which is more than spider web. To be complicated. Anyway, the spider web is regular, but these pipes are criss-crossed densely packed. I don’t know how it was designed, and I don’t know how to organize it a bit.

On this platform, there is a platform three or four meters away. There are also some pipes and switches on it, but the number is slightly less. Further up there are two small platforms, not a full circle, only two short sections. In addition, there is an erected metal staircase on one section, but the upper end of the staircase is suspended, and there is nothing. However, I quickly learned the usefulness of this staircase, because I found a large crane across the room overhead was hoisting equipment to a turtle boat. Looking at the height, the staircase was prepared for the crane driver.

There are at least a hundred people in this big room, and there are all kinds of people doing everything. There is a lot of people walking around, and the rumbling sound of the machine is very noisy.

I just made a simple observation and directly asked Emenes to add a layer of illusion to me to simulate me as a rare murloc race here. I saw three of these murlocs in this room. The difference between them and other murlocs is that they have a jewel embedded in their frontal bone like a third eye.

The reason why I want to be like this is mainly because I found that these three seem to have a high status here. All the murlocs passing by them have to say hello or nodded to them, and the three of them One is that they don't respond at all, and others don't seem to care. This shows that the three of them are relatively high in status, at least they are foremen.

After I became like this, I walked out of the room furiously. Anyway, the seabed race’s ability to fight illusions is terrible. This is probably related to the underwater environment. After all, seabeds are basically It's pitch black, and everyone mainly relies on sonar and other capabilities to locate, so the optical illusion becomes relatively useless. However, because optical illusions are not very useful here, the seabed race also lacks countermeasures. It's like an alien race without optical vision, no matter how advanced the technology is, it will not invent sunglasses. Who can study the things that are not needed at all?

With the help of this high level murloc image, I easily got into the crowd. After seeing me, the murlocs around did not doubt, they all saluted me, and I did not respond like the three higher murlocs, and the lower murlocs around did not respond.

Because the identity does not seem to be a problem, so I didn’t rush out, but went around the room, mainly to observe the seabed transporters, and roughly confirm the traveler’s city. What is the level of technology? Even if this kind of city is finally hit, I definitely need to search it, so it doesn't hurt to know in advance.

While I was patrolling around, an advanced murloc also happened to pass by my neighborhood. At first, I was a little nervous, but the other party saw me coming but didn’t react at all. It just passed by nodded with me, and I was nodded as such, and the other party didn't mean to doubt at all.

After this, I was even more sure that this appearance was extremely deceptive, so I started to scan around wildly.

Because this room is very large, there is only one impossible door. I checked all the doors with my identity. Some of them are as small as the cabin I just sneaked into. Transporter compartment. I guess that kind of place is like a small door opened on some gates, mainly because it is convenient for a small number of people to enter and exit when the door is not open, and the main door will only open under special circumstances.

In addition to the kind of cabin that is convenient for personnel to enter and exit, I also found some places around it similar to the control room. There are murlocs operating in those control rooms. When I first discovered such a room, I was afraid that the other person would suspect it. Who knew that the guys just got in and got up from their seats. I pretended to stretch my hand down and pressed it twice, and the fishers sat back in their positions and started busying themselves with their work.

I stood behind them and looked at the console they were operating. There are also a lot of pipes under these things, and the console is not a simple button, but a long-handled handle, depending on the way they operate, it is quite laborious to pull those handles.

Because I was afraid of attracting attention, I didn’t dare to stay in the first room. I also checked and left for the next few rooms. The result of confirmation was that the control platform in this place did not seem to be electronically controlled. It is some kind of control method such as mechanical transmission or hydraulic pressure. Although I didn't look at those pipes carefully, the results of field scanning with spirit strength showed that they might be steam pipes with high pressure.

Combining these information, I found that the power technology of this place seems to be worse than the dulu degree, and many things are steam-powered. To be honest, this conclusion confuses myself. Here it is underwater. Steam power means that it needs to be heated by combustion and water vapor is generated. In a seabed water environment, let alone the problem of combustion, even if you can find a special item that can burn underwater, the water must be isolated. It’s too much trouble to heat up. If at first knew the direction of development, it would be better to say. Without knowing the direction of development at all, who would be so boring to do this kind of thing under the water?

"It's a weird design!" After sighing to myself, I still couldn't find the doubt in my heart, so I decided to leave this room and take a look outside.

The previous explorations have given me the location of the exit route, but there seems to be a lot of exits in this place, but I can only find a random direction to the end of the city to leave. It needs to be said here that Traveler City and Isengard Mobile Fortress are not the same. Isinger Mobile Fortress actually has no distinction between front and rear, in fact it does not even have left and right. The Isinger Mobile Fortress is a square with equal lengths on all sides, and the weapons equipped on all sides are basically the same. Except that the underwater port has slightly fewer weapons because of the waterproof gate, there is no difference at all. As for the direction of movement, this is not even a problem. The driving device at the bottom of Isinger Mobile Fortress is separated, each independent unit has its own rotating chassis, and the steering mechanism of the entire city is built on a huge rotating platform, which means Isinger Mobile Fortress In fact, you can walk horizontally, backwards, and drive as you want. In addition to considering that the anti-gravity device cannot move horizontally after the anti-gravity device is activated, and the inertia problem caused by the excessive mass of the city itself, it cannot be turned in motion. Singh's mobile fortress has no restrictions on the direction of advancement. However, Traveler City has this limitation.

The whole of Traveler City seems to be an irregularly long oval. If you want to find a description of an object, you can refer to the shape of a cockroach. The shape of Traveler City looks like a giant cockroach, but the bottom is flatter, and it's basically the same as a cockroach.

Because of the oblong shell, the traveler city is certainly impossible without front and back. In fact, its front and back are clearly distinguished. I thought that there are two cockroach tentacles on the head of the city. I don’t know what it’s used for. In addition, there is a special external thruster in the tail section of this traveler city, but the head does not have that kind of thing.

My main task is to stop the Traveller City and make it easy for the Tuludu troops to find it. So although I entered here for the first time and didn't know the way, I at least remember the direction. Since its thruster is to be paralyzed, it is natural to go to the vicinity of the thruster, so it is certainly correct to go later.

After coming out of that huge cabin, I did not rashly continue to run forward, but still sent a large number of ghost worms to stand before me. The most important thing is to pay attention to the personnel outside. The kind of murlocs with crystals on their heads have a high status in the work area just now, but who knows their true identities? What if they are not allowed to go elsewhere? It's like if you see a mayor in a certain city and everyone around him respects him very much, and then you pretend to be him and go to the national military base. Isn't that courting death? Different areas will always have different access rights, and it does not mean that you can enter the areas that people with lower status can enter if you have a higher status. There are still small soldiers in important places like the national nuclear weapons base. Even if you are a high-ranking mayor, your status is much higher than that of a small soldier, but you shouldn't enter such places, you still can't enter. I'm just afraid that this kind of murloc with a crystal on his head is a technical officer who specializes in repairing ships. They are indeed high in the repair area, but if they go to places that should not be entered, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, my caution was not in vain. I really didn't see the kind of murloc with a crystal on the head outside. On the contrary, there were a lot of ordinary murlocs. In addition, I also found a special existence in the outside area. These guys look similar to humans, and they are all handsome men and beautiful women regardless of male or female. These guys are wearing a kind of light golden light armor, which looks gorgeous, and there are many crystal parts on the armor, which looks very beautiful.

The number of such people in the outside area is also very small, and their heads are raised high when they walk, as if their eyes are growing in their nostrils. Unlike the previous murlocs with crystals on their heads, although these people seem to be very high-status, they seem to get not respect but fear, because as long as they see them along the way, the locals will immediately retreat to both sides of the road and bow. Standing with their heads down, they didn't dare to return to normal until they passed, and all of them looked like lingering fears on their faces.

As for the identity of this kind of personnel, although I also want to impersonate, I still feel uneasy when I think about it, so I had to become an ordinary murloc first, and then went out to secretly catch one before watching The murlocs who had been to the group of handsome and beautiful women pulled to the hidden place and began to interrogate.

Of course, the will of ordinary murlocs will not be much stronger, and it simply allowed me to get the information I needed. Those beautiful looking guys are actually Mermaid Race. Mermaid Race is the mermaid family, and Fishman Race are completely two concepts. Although their race names are just the two words reversed, the strength of the two races is million miles apart.

According to this ordinary murloc’s account, the mermaids here belong to one of the groups with the highest status in the ruling class. The political form used by Traveller City is an ancient parliamentary system, somewhat similar to the feeling of Elder's Council. There is a City Lord in Traveler City, but in my opinion it is more appropriate to call it a king. The king occupies a seat in the Elder's Council, and the position is equivalent to the chief senator, of course, it is not a concept with the head of Hitler.

Although the chief veteran has a high status, but also not a word, at least he has no control over many things. Compared with the average veteran, his only advantage is that he has the incomplete veto power and the right to vote. The incomplete veto power means that it is mainly not a resolution passed by other veterans unanimously, and he can veto it with one vote, and because unanimous approval is rare, the chief veteran actually has one veto power. In addition, the one-to-ten voting power means that one vote of the chief veteran is equal to ten votes of ordinary elders, and because there are actually only 33 people in Elder's Council, the vote of the chief veteran can actually directly decide the resolution in many cases. Whether to pass.

According to the murloc, the City Lord, also known as the chief veteran pavilion, is a mermaid, and in addition to the head of state, there are eight American Mermaid Race seats in the Elder's Council. According to the previous voting rights of one to ten, it is equivalent to saying that the American Mermaid Race actually has 18 votes in the Elder's Council, and other races can only cast 24 votes by adding one piece. As long as the United States Mermaid Race can win a certain race a little Directly get more than half of the support. Moreover, the veto power of the chief veteran is also ruthless enough that a bill that is unfavorable to their mermaid will not pass at all.

In addition to these mermaids, it is said that there are eight races among the remaining twenty-four elders of the Elder's Council, and apart from the Fishman Race, there are only two seats, and the Sea Beast family has four seats. The races are three seats in each group. The result of this distribution is that the mermaid occupies an absolute leading position here. In fact, this is not enough to be exaggerated. I only know how exaggerated this status is when I know the proportion of the population here. Because, according to the introduction of this ordinary murloc, the actual number of Mermaid Races in Traveller City is less than 1% of the city’s total population, while the Fishman Race with the fewest seats actually occupies more than 70% of the city’s population. s population.

"Strong races are indeed strong races everywhere, even if they become minorities!"

After lamenting the situation here, I directly chose to transform into a mermaid. Because I just learned from this murloc that the total population of Traveller City is close to 1.5 million, which means that the number of mermaids is at least 10,000. At this scale, of course it is impossible that all mermaids know each other, so it changes. They do not have to worry about posing as they are discovered, and their status determines that these mermaids can basically walk sideways here, and no one dares to stop them.

Originally, after interrogating the required information, the tongue should be solved according to the rules so as not to cause trouble, but I did not do that, because under Ling’s Mental Magic, I actually learned from this guy’s mouth An unexpected message is that this person is actually a member of the resistance organization.

Fishman Race, which

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