Without any accidents, the mobile angel won the underwater motorcycle. After catching up with the underwater motorcycle in less than five seconds, the mobile angel directly slapped the other side's underwater motorcycle with a slap, and then grabbed his neck and broke it in two before the scout escaped. Pulled down on his underwater motorcycle.

After catching the guy, the mobile angel stopped immediately, but the scout was obviously not an ordinary soldier. Scouts are the best soldiers, and battle strength is far from comparable to ordinary soldiers, at least in terms of will. After this guy was caught, he immediately began to resist. When his neck was pinched, he could turn around and punch him. Unfortunately, his arm was not long enough to hit something. The arm of the mobile angel is much longer than his, so he is carried by the mobile angel as if he is carrying a child in the hands of an adult, and there is no room for resistance at all.

When the guy found that his arm was not long enough, he immediately grabbed the big hand above his head, and tried to get his neck out. After exerting force, he found that the big hand on the neck was actually completely motionless, helpless. After many failed attempts, this guy could only give up the struggle completely.

"Is this big guy your favorite?" At this moment, we have all gathered around the mobile angel, and Haraparit Captain looked at the mobile angel in front of me in surprise and asked me.

"This is a mobile angel, a constructed biological weapon produced by our guild. This one you see is a mass production type, but it has been eliminated. This has been kept in my space and forgot to clear it out. Now."

"Such a powerful thing was eliminated?" Haier on one side asked in surprise. Compared with Hara Palit, her technical soldier must feel stronger.

I shrugged and didn't explain it to Haier. Besides, it would be difficult to explain it. "Let us interrogate how to find Traveler City first?"

"I won't tell you, kill me if I have the ability." Although the scouts have given up resistance, they are very He’s tenacious, we just said that we need to be interrogated, and he immediately refused.

When I heard what he said, I didn't refute him at all, but directly brought Ling Summon out.

Ling with a protective shield on her body appeared directly in the sea. As the once dark Goddess, this water pressure is completely trivial to her. Besides, her race was originally a demon. For physique, even without any treatment, it is estimated that this depth of water pressure will not cause much trouble.

Ling didn't talk nonsense after he appeared, he directly stretched out a finger and swiped the guy's helmet, and his helmet fell off with a sound of Kara. If the land race is now estimated to be finished, after all, most of the land races can't resist the pressure of this depth, and the land races cannot survive directly in the water. They must provide oxygen in the helmet. But this guy is a member of the brigade clan, he is a murloc himself. Not only can his head resist the water pressure, but there are also cheeks behind his ears, so it doesn't matter if he falls off peeping.

After cutting off the guy’s helmet, Ling moved his finger over again. The guy thought that Ling was going to cut his head like a helmet, so he was so scared that he closed his eyes, but insisted I didn't say anything, but Ling didn't have the idea of ​​cutting his head, just lightly tapped his finger on his forehead. However, as soon as the finger touched the guy’s forehead, the guy suddenly began to struggle violently. At the same time, the body was twisted endlessly, and his eyes were turned up desperately. The white part of his eyes was completely exposed, and he couldn't see it at all. Where are the pupils?

From this guy’s reaction, you can tell what kind of pain he is suffering now, but neither Ling nor I have any reaction. The mobile angel behind has also been pinching this guy’s neck. After moving, it was Haraparit and Haier who were obviously very scared. It’s no wonder, after all, being forced to read the memory is a very painful thing, so the performance of this scout is so exaggerated. As for Hara Palit and the others, although they didn’t know it personally, they just saw the guy’s appearance. Already feel uncomfortable all over. Fortunately, this process did not last long.

"How? Did you get any useful information?" Seeing Ling put his hand down, I quickly asked.

Ling nodded then said: "This guy's consciousness barrier is very fragile, I can easily go in. From his memory, I found a time and place comparison table."

< p>"Do you mean that the traveler city will really follow a fixed route and wait for them, the scouts, to meet?" Haraparit asked aloud.

Ling confirmed: "It is true. This guy remembers the time elapsed in each city. As long as he appears in the right place at the right time, he can find the city."

"Then we have to go back as soon as possible to inform the consul to prepare the army." Haier said.

Ling said: "Not only do we have to go, but also fast. After each group of scouts dispatched by Traveler City, they will only follow this route once, and wait until they have completed the journey, regardless of whether there are any scouts sent out. All return, the city will not take this route again."

"That is to say, this route is a one-time use, will it be changed after use?" I asked aloud.

Ling nodded and said: "Yes, the line will only go once, and then the city will quickly leave the area where the line is located, and after a while, re-select a line to start the scout."

After hearing this, Hara Palit said immediately: "If this is the case, then send someone back to report the letter, and others will find the target and stare at it. Although the Traveler City can move, but the speed is not fast, as long as we stay along the way Mark it down, it’s very easy for our people to find it."

"Leave me the matter of reporting." Haier took the initiative: "I am the fastest here."

"No, she is the fastest." Following my words, the small dragon girl has appeared next to me. "This is my demon pet small dragon girl. She is our Chinese Divine Dragon. You are definitely not her opponent for underwater speed."

"Faster than your mobile angel?"


"It's not a level at all."

Halaparit quickly said: "Then trouble your pet to take Haier back to report the letter, and the rest of us will chase the traveler. City."

Neither Haier nor Hobby had any objection, nor did I object to it, so the task was set. The small dragon female is fast and Haier knows the direction. It should be the fastest way for them to return together. After they left, we started looking for the information that Ling said. As for the captured scout, we didn't care about it at all. This guy was forced to read the memory by Ling, even if he could not die, he was still a vegetative life, so he didn't care about it at all.

With a route map and a timetable, it is not difficult to find the target. Moreover, although the traveler city is not as big as Duluo, it is a city after all, and its area is not too small. , So it is very easy to find it.

We confirmed a location according to the route map and schedule, and then we drove for two hours and finally got there. According to the timetable, if the traveler's time in the city is not advanced, it should reach our current location in half an hour. The reason why we did not go directly to the traveler city, but ran in front of it, one is because this point is the closest to the spot where we just caught the scout, and the other is because we rushed to the front in advance to have enough Time to find a place to hide.

Although the small dragon girl has taken Haier back to report the letter, I have no plans to wait for the large troops to arrive. According to my plan, at least the power system of the traveler city will work. . You must know that when you first received the task, it was stated that if you found a city, it was only just passing. Destroying its mobility is considered a standard task. To achieve a high degree of completion, you must destroy the city to a greater extent.

Although this task is my level task, my extra Level 22 experience is the best reward, but the level task does not say that there will be no other rewards besides the level itself. Therefore, it is definitely beneficial to be able to play difficult tasks.

It is very easy to find a place to hide in seabed, because seabed has no silt, and some are all sand. This kind of silt is not as viscous as silt, but it is very loose, and it is very easy to dig.

As soon as we arrived here, we started to dig three pits on the ground, and then we half buried our underwater motorcycles. We also rode on the underwater motorcycles and used sand to bury ourselves The mountain half-body and underwater motorcycle are completely buried. All this went smoothly, it took less than ten minutes to complete, and even the mud and sand that we stirred up have all settled down, and now there is no abnormality in the sea.

Under this absolute silence, we soon felt a slight vibration on the seabed around the body, and this vibration was gradually approaching. Haraparit and I both know that this must be the time when the traveler city has arrived. Only something of that size passing nearby can cause such a violent vibration. After all, something that is too light can't interfere with the gravitational field.

Although we are all buried in the sand, we haven't really buried ourselves completely, at least our eyes can still see things outside. In our line of sight, several light blue faint shadows appeared in the distance, and then these phantoms began to become clearer and clearer. You can see that those phantoms are actually beams of light going back and forth on the seabed. Of the strafe.

As the traveler city approached further, we finally confirmed that those blue beams were the searchlights at the bottom of the city. The function of these searchlights is to confirm that there are no enemies in the area where the city has been opened. Of course, this thing is a psychological comfort, because if you really find the traveler city, you don't need to get close at all. It's the same for tracking in the distance.

"Attention, keep quiet. I will go out and attack when the city is over my head. You two stay here and don’t move. If I fail to destroy the mobile device, you will be responsible. Leave the mark to guide the large forces to catch up and continue to attack."

"Don't worry, we are all professional." Haraparit assured. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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