When the beam hit the center of my eyebrows, there was no imaginary situation. It was neither completely ineffective, nor did it directly kill me, but... it shot from behind me. A silhouette.

The guard Captain and I were struggling for a moment at the same time. I was surprised that it would be effective, but he was surprised that he didn't kill me, but the next second he and I reacted at the same time. But the effect is completely different.

Before, because of the task of taking over the task, I have been paying attention to the behavior of the other person, but now it seems that my tolerance has not brought any benefits. On the contrary, it has made the opposite guy worse. Just from the look in this guy's eyes, I can see that he was quite surprised that I was not killed, which means that his purpose was to kill me. I plan to kill me for this kind of thing. How can I keep him like this?

After reacting, I directly held his staff with one hand, and with the other hand retracted to my side, I heard the claw pop out, and then hit the guy’s stomach with a punch I stabbed the past, and the blade claw hit the opponent's abdomen before my fist, but the opponent retreated in time to avoid the subsequent attack, and did not let me directly stabbed through, but when he retreated, I suddenly raised my leg. Turning his left leg around his body and stepping on the back of his left leg, then the arm forcefully pushed him back. Because of my strength and he had taken the initiative to retreat because he wanted to avoid my claws, so now this guy has no control over his body and can only continue his back legs, but his legs are blocked in front by mine. , The result was that when he moved back and moved the center of gravity, his leg was directly caught and lost his balance, and then as I continued to exert force, he fell backward.

Speaking of which is quite complicated, but it's actually just an action. It took less than half a second before and after that guy lay directly on the ground, and then before he got up, I used my left foot as a support point and my body was counterclockwise. Rotating ninety degrees, his right foot directly stepped on his staff and fixed his staff on his own throat. Although he tried desperately to push me away, there was a saying that his arm couldn’t twist my thigh. His strength was not as good as mine. Now he used his arm to resist my leg. Naturally, there was a huge gap. The result was that the staff was firmly fixed. Stepped on his neck and stuck his throat, holding back his entire face to turn purple.

The guy started struggling desperately after being stepped on by my foot. After all, people will instinctively struggle violently when they can’t breathe, but because the vitals are controlled, so no matter how he Hard work can only twist and struggle in place, and can't shake me at all.

"My lord Archon, I have something to talk to you, can I take a look at it and take a while?" Although I controlled this guy, I didn't kill him, but confronted him. The same thing as the carriage in front screamed, hoping that the archon could come out and have a look. After all, I was here to do the task, not to fight. This is a level task. If you can't complete it, you will lose Level 22 experience. I don't want to lose that experience.

Although my yelling was very loud, the carriage in front of me did not respond at all. On the contrary, all the guards around were nervous. As for the carriage over there, except for me After shaking it twice after shouting, there was no response anymore.

To tell the truth, I really didn't expect this to be the case. It is said that the task NPC It shouldn't be is in a hostile relationship with me as soon as it comes up? How can you be so arrogant?

I’m wondering what’s going on here, the carriage in front suddenly opened a small door, and then a beautiful lady who couldn’t see the racial characteristics suddenly showed her body from the carriage to the guard outside. Yelled: "My lord asks you to quickly deal with the guys over there, we still have an urgent matter, so we can't delay it."

With such an order, the guards around did not hesitate anymore and immediately surrounded them. , And the woman turned around and prepared to return to the car after saying this, but I keenly discovered that she seemed to have been hit by someone from inside when she was about to enter the car, and a fierce-looking guy reached out his hand I pulled her to keep her from falling out, but when she was pulled back, I saw a hand stretched out from the door to clasp the door, and it was possible from the whitish knuckles. I could see that the hand used a lot of strength to buckle the door, but it was still covered by the other hand, and then pretended to open the hand and pulled it into the car, and then the door was closed. stand up.

Originally, I was still wondering how the NPC came up and ignored me so arrogantly. Now I understand it thoroughly. To be honest, if the general situation is normal, I still can’t think of it. The key is that I just encountered a terrorist attack at the entrance of the city. At that time, I realized that the environment of Duludu City doesn’t seem to be very stable, and the picture I just saw immediately Reminds me of the word kidnapping.

Looking at the guards surrounding me, I didn’t take a second look at all. First, I turned my head and waved to let the phantom that had just been knocked out come back into my body, and follow the guy who loosened his feet for eternity. It turned into a wand shape and struck the ground hard, and only heard a sound, the shock wave visible in a circle of naked eye suddenly spread, all the guards that came up as if stepped on a landmine, and flew back at the same time. Some Unfortunately, he even flew over the carriage and fell to a farther place.

After the ring was dispersed, I stepped directly to the side of the carriage and turned into the eternity of the hook and sickle. Then I looked forward and picked it diagonally, only to hear the sound of oh la la on the upper part of the whole car. The buildings exploded, and the conditions in the carriage appeared in the eyes of the people around them at a glance.

Originally, the guards who had just been shocked got up and wanted to attack me, but in the next second they moved their targets and aimed their weapons at the carriage, because now even fools know the carriage. The threat from Bian is even greater.

As I guessed, the carriage is a classic kidnapping incident. There are now a total of four people in the carriage that has been picked up from the superstructure, and one of them is the beauty who was half-lengthed to give orders. In addition to her, there are three men in the car. One of them is very burly and has a fierce look. The beauty was sitting with the wicked person. Looking at their looks, 80% of them were nestled together before. It was obvious that they had a good relationship. As for the seats on the other side of the carriage, there are two relatively thin men. Of course, this skinny is just relative to the brawny man opposite. In fact, the two people here can only be said to be of normal shape. One of them is wearing a slightly gorgeous uniform, which looks a bit like a military uniform, but not exactly the same. , It feels more gorgeous, but also very tough, not as gorgeous as a peacock. Next to this man is a guy in a servant costume. Compared to the one next to him, he is thinner, but he is holding a dagger on the neck of the next man, and There was something in that person's mouth to stop him from yelling.

Obviously, the guy in the gorgeous military uniform is the Archon, and the remaining three are obviously the people who kidnapped him. As for the guards around, obviously they don’t know that the Archon was kidnapped, otherwise neither Would give up me, the person who attacked them, pointed the target directly in the car. They are guards after all, and the person they want to protect is not in my hands. Of course, it is the guy who controls their master immediately first.

After seeing this picture, I was not in a hurry to go up. I saw the captain of the guard from the corner of my eye. I immediately pulled him to the side again and kicked it to the ground, and then hooked the gun. One turn directly used the hook next to his throat and asked, "Say, what advantage did they give you to let you betray the Archon?" The guy on the ground was shouted. And the murderous aura on my neck was shocked, and hurriedly said, "It's none of my business! It's really none of my business. I just forgot to check the vehicle. How could I think that the maid was a rape!"

"hmph, it must be that you want to take advantage of her, and you are obsessed with sex and negligent."

"No, she took the initiative to seduce me!"

When I heard this, I didn't embarrass this guy anymore. Suddenly pressing him down and asking these questions were just to let people around know that I was not their enemy, and also to prevent this guy who had been stepped on from revenge for me to make trouble from behind. Of course, the most important thing is to let the surrounding guards realize that I am not an enemy. After all, I am definitely going to rescue the Archon. These guards are not targeting me now just because their adults are controlled by others, and they have no time to control me. It's not that they don't take us seriously, so they must first resolve their misunderstandings for future actions.

With this guy’s words, the guards over there really paid less attention to me, and the encirclement began to faintly integrate me into it, which is considered approval I am not allowed to exist, otherwise I will not be allowed to exist as a part of the encirclement.

When we were making such a fuss, the people in the car also reacted. The guy in the servant costume has pulled the archon up and moved to the brawny man and the woman to block the two of them. At the same time, he shouted at this side: "All back, if you don't want him to die, give it to you." I step back."

Although I wanted to rescue the consul, the guards around were frightened because the consul was pinched by others, and they did not dare to act rashly. Now our only advantage here is that the team has not left the consul's administrative hall, so after discovering the situation outside, a lot of soldiers ran out, and someone must have already notified the Chief-In-Charge elsewhere. I believe it won’t take long for the surrounding water to flow out of here.

"Give me back, didn’t you hear?" I found that although the surrounding guards did not approach, they did not back away. On the contrary, there were more and more soldiers around, and the people in the car began to get nervous. Up.

"My lord, are you...?" I was observing the situation, and suddenly I heard someone talking to me. When I turned around, I realized that it was a general wearing a high level armor. This guy was not in the team before, he should be the guard general of the ruling hall, and now he is about to seek cooperation. After all, I had shaken all the guards with one move before, and someone must have reported it to him. In this state, the number of people is actually not of much use. Just like in reality, if bank robbers are blocked in the bank, do you think it is useful for a few hundred ordinary patrol officers, or a dozen city special forces? Although the general didn't know how my strength was, he at least knew that I was much stronger than his soldiers, so he only came back to talk to me so politely now, he just wanted to ask me for help.

"This is not the time to discuss this, and you don't know who I am." I refused his inquiry as soon as I came up, but immediately continued before his face changed: "But Don’t worry, I also have very important things to talk to your consul. I can’t talk about him now, so I will definitely find a way to rescue him."

"many thanks many Thanks!" The general was immediately nodded when he heard what I said. At this time, there is someone to help, and he can’t ask for it. After all, his responsibility is definitely the greatest when this kind of thing happens. It would be better if the consul could be rescued safely. If the consul had something to do, it is estimated that his fate would be too. It's definitely not much better.

Since I have said that I want to save people, I naturally ask them to cooperate with my actions, and the other party also fully agreed. After all, this matter is to help him, of course he will be very concerned.

In fact, there are not many things that require their cooperation, so it was arranged in less than one minute, and the three kidnappers in the car are now very emotionally unstable. After all, no matter who is changed, the psychological pressure is definitely not small when doing this kind of thing is blocked by a large number of guards, especially when they are blocked now or in the middle of the main road. There is not even a block around here, and it is even more impossible. A sense of security.

After the general's coordination problem was arranged, I immediately started the action, and the speed was very fast, and all my arrangements were in place in less than ten seconds. After sending a signal to the general that I was about to start, a very nice female voice suddenly came from one of the positions in the encirclement ring, shouting in the direction of the carriage: "Master Antonio, look here."

< p>Because the name was called directly, the consul's reaction was very quick. He turned his head almost instinctively, and then his eyes met a pair of beautiful pupils, and in the next second he didn't know anything. NS.

As Yeyue meets the eyes of the Archon, our Archon-sama started petrifying almost instantly, and the speed is very fast. Even though Yeyue’s petrification skills can petrify anything, if you look at the creature’s gaze, the effect will be particularly good. And I just learned from the general that the Archon is not a combatant, so he was right. The resistance of this petrochemical technique is almost zero. In this case, the speed of petrification is very fast. Almost all the upper body of the consul is petrified in less than a second, and the petrochemical phenomenon is rapidly spreading downward.

The man who used the dagger against the Archon’s neck did not react slowly. He immediately swiped the Archon’s neck with the dagger after he found that something was wrong, but in the end he only heard very There was an unpleasant sound and a few fire stars flying out.

The man realized that the hand feels wrong just as soon as he took his hand. It was not the feeling of wiping the throat with the knife, but the feeling as if he was maintaining the dagger with a whetstone. It was clearly a cut. State on the stone. In fact, his feeling is very accurate. Although the target after being petrified by Yeyue will turn into stone, stone also has the benefits of stone, at least the stone is much stronger than the human body. That guy's sudden stab was useless except for leaving a white mark on the archon’s stone neck. After all, he was only holding an ordinary dagger, and he could not cut the stone like a meat. .

Although I told them before, don’t be surprised if you see anything, but when they saw the Archon’s petrified and wiped his neck, the guards and generals around were all scared. I jumped, until he saw the dagger man looking at his dagger dumbly, because the seal on the archon’s neck had fully shown that the archon was still safe at least for now. However, although this guy cannot cut the archon’s neck, the guy behind may not be able to break the stone statue. Although the stone is harder than a human, it is also more brittle than a human. If the opponent uses brute force to attack, destroy a stone statue. Nor is it impossible.

The fierce man also reacted immediately after seeing his partner missed his hand and wanted to make a move, but our side moved much faster than him. His reaction was on the spot, but we had arranged it a long time ago, so it was naturally faster than him. Just after the guy over there didn’t wipe the archon’s neck with a knife, a white spider thread suddenly shot out from the top of the building next to it, hitting the archon’s chest. However, Silk suddenly tensed and pulled back, and instantly flew the statue that the consul turned into from the carriage.

Seeing the stone statue flying out, the vicious man didn’t care what he was. He pushed aside the man who was in the way and stepped on the carriage’s seat. He immediately chased after the ruling man. The official stone statue jumped up. However, when the hearts of everyone around him also flew up with him, seeing that he was about to catch the statue, a big tail suddenly fell from the sky, and with a bang, the guy fell directly at twice the speed. Sucked it back. Then I heard oh la la, the chassis of the entire carriage was smashed to pieces by him, and the people in the car rolled out.

As he landed, the statue of the consul had also landed on an open spider web, and was taken down very safely.

When the statue fell to the ground, the surrounding soldiers immediately rushed up. There are no hostages anymore. Of course they won’t be afraid of these guys anymore, and I turned around very lightly and prepared to meet the consul. impossible There is any chance of winning, whether it's being killed or captured, it doesn't matter to me. However, only two steps out of my side, I suddenly felt the soldiers around me retreat, and I turned my head back in surprise.

"Damn, why are these guys again?"

What I saw just now was not an acquaintance, but something familiar. In the open space exposed after the soldiers dispersed, the villain and the dagger-bearer both took off their clothes, but they were wearing the same bomb as the one I saw at the entrance of the city. Net clothes, these people are clearly terrorists, and the bombs are actually exactly the same.

At this time, the two terrorists were holding the detonator and shouting loudly to intimidate the surrounding soldiers, and the soldiers did not dare to step forward. Not to mention whether they are afraid of death, even the robot Legion, who doesn't know what death is, is absolutely impossible to continue rushing up at this time. Even if the robots themselves don't understand, the person who controls them will stop them. This is the core city. If the bomb explodes, the protective cover on the top will collapse. When the time comes, a large amount of seawater will suddenly fall down. Even if it was originally aquatic animal, it will definitely not survive much. Besides, let alone most people will be in danger, even if a person does not die after the dome collapses, is this economic loss a negligible existence? Therefore, no matter how brave soldiers are at this time, they dare not rush forward.

"Yeyue." Now that I saw that kind of bomb again, of course I thought about Yeyue again, but before I got there, I saw that Yeyue had returned.

"Bad master, last time it was a target, this time it was two. I can't petrify them at the same time, but if there is a time difference..."

Yeyue is just a little bit After mentioning it, I understand the danger. Although Yeyue is petrified very fast, there must be a time difference in this process. As long as the opponent reacts slightly faster, the bomb will inevitably be detonated. But it's not a good thing!

"Hello, I am the Archon Antonio of Duludu, thank you for your help!" The Archon who has already been relieved of Petrochemical has walked by my side at this time. Although there are two bombers not far ahead, he also knows that once this kind of bomb explodes, it will be useless for you to avoid it. The way of destroying the thing is not to directly bomb people, but to destroy the dome of the underwater city. , And then rely on the falling water in the air to hurt people, so unless you can run out of this isolation zone, it will be the same everywhere.

"A little thing, don't care." I asked briefly after being polite, "How much do you know about that kind of bomb?"

The consul didn't expect me After a brief answer, he turned to the bomb, but he also knew that this is the top priority now, so he immediately said: "We don’t know much about this kind of bomb. From the first time we discovered this thing, we got a total of A group of this kind of bombs, and it’s still a group of broken bombs. In fact, every time they are found, those guys will detonate the bombs perish together, so we simply can’t get the bombs for research, that group of broken bombs We got the bomb because it failed to detonate."

"That means you don't know anything about this thing?"

"That's not true. "The Archon said: "We at least know that this thing will emit a large amount of activation magic when it explodes, and then use the instability of the activation magic to make our isolation barrier lose stability and collapse. But because of some special reasons, this Bombs only need to explode inside the isolation barrier to be effective, but they can’t cause any damage outside, so they will not hesitate to send suicide attackers with bombs into our city to detonate the bombs."

"Anything that erupts when the explosion is just energy? There is nothing else? For example, flames, shock waves, etc.?"

"Yes, but very weak." This time the answer was a general, he said "I once saw a terrorist detonating a bomb in the border zone. The flames that erupted at that time just threw the two nearest guards around him. It was not deadly at all. As long as you were not close to the bomb, there was a A distance of more than two meters will not be directly fatal. The main reason is that the energy impact will destroy our dome. This is the key."

I immediately said after thinking about it a little bit: "If it's just an energy impact, then I There is a way to solve it."

"Really?" When the archon heard that there was a way, he jumped in excitement.

I nodded and the consul and they talked about my solution, and the other party immediately started to let us execute it with excitement. The terrorists over there still didn't detonate the bombs. They seemed to have some purpose, rather than simply destroying them. If they were just purely sabotaging, they could actually start long ago, and there was no need to kidnap the consul, and after we rescued the consul, they still didn’t immediately detonate the bomb, which shows that they have other things. It didn't detonate immediately.

Although I don’t know their purpose, their behavior helped me. At least they gave us time to react. Otherwise, if they just detonate the bomb, of course I’ll be fine, but The consul is not necessarily. If the Archon hangs up, who should I go to pick up the task?

With my summon, Ling suddenly appeared on the periphery of the encircled circle, and then began to cast the spell silently, while the terrorists on the opposite side were still in a state of unawareness. It took about ten seconds for Ling looked towards me and made a gesture, and then I lined up the guards around and walked into the encirclement and walked towards the terrorists over there.

Seeing me approaching, the terrorist immediately turned around, then pointed at me and shouted: "Don't come here, we will detonate the bomb again."

I kept saying: "You can detonate, anyway, this little seawater can't kill me."

When I heard my words, the terrorist on the opposite side was obviously taken aback, and then suddenly reacted and threatened again. To: "Even if you are not afraid of death, they will die, don't you care?"

"Why should I care? You have all heard it before. I came to talk to the consul just now. I have rescued the consul, and the matter is over, I am not here, why should I care if they die?"

After the dagger man fell into a daze again, The evil man next to him was suddenly yelled: "Don't listen to him, he is just hitting our self-confidence, and wants to take the opportunity to approach us and destroy the bomb. Well, since you are not willing to step back, we will not be able to complete this mission if you want to come. Now, let’s perish together.” When the guy finished the last sentence, the woman next to him suddenly yelled "No", but the two male terrorists both released the detonator and closed it. Closed eyes.

pa pa pa ... what the terrorists waited for was not an explosion, but a few slaps on the face. When they opened their eyes, they saw me standing in front of them and patted their faces and said: "Hey, don't pretend to be an idiot here, and surrender quickly. I'll have something to do in a while!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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