As the alarm sounded, the humanoid creature on the inspection tunnel suddenly lifted off the armor he was wearing, and then revealed a large series of spherical objects. . If I hadn’t already known that this guy is a terrorist, and I knew that they were the guys who often commit suicide attacks, I might have thought that guy was wearing a fishing net, because the spherical bombs look too much like those on fishing nets. Floating.

The terrorist who took off the armor did not immediately detonate the bomb, but grabbed something like a detonator, held it in his hand and threatened everyone, and the guards around were obviously refrains. From shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, only dared to hold those things like wands and confront him from a distance, not at all.

"What is that guy's hand?" I asked aloud.

The guide standing next to me pulled me to the wall and squatted down and said, "I have never seen which detonator is before, but I have heard of it, and it looks the same as in the description. It’s said that the thing is the same as an electronic detonator. You can’t loosen it after pinching it down. It will explode as soon as you let go."

"Do you know how the thing detonated the bomb? I didn’t see it. Is there a connection line between the detonator and the bomb?"

The guide shook his head and said, "I’m not a terrorist, how do I know those things? Besides, since the thing is detonated wirelessly, in order to ensure that the signal is not disturbed, It must be a very secret method. I guess that even the terrorist himself may not know it!"

I thought about it and understood it, and then asked: "You can talk to the guard over there and let us Come to help? I think I should be able to get that guy to prevent him from detonating the bomb."

"Are you sure there is a way?" the guide asked.

I nodded and said: "It should be feasible in theory."

The guide thought about it and nodded, and then rushed to the guard who was closest to us holding the staff against us. Beckoned. Because of the sudden terrorist attack, the guards are now all soldiers. Although we are all actively squatting against the wall, there are still seven or eight guards pointing at us with weapons like wands just in case, and that The people in the watertight tank that was draining the water also stopped, and it seemed that they planned to wait until the solution was over here before coming in to reduce misunderstandings.

The guards over there immediately turned their attention when they saw the guide beckoning, but they turned their attention away by turning their weapons. Seeing so many weapons pointing at him, the guide quickly raised his hand to express that he was not malicious, and then said: "We just want to say, we have a way to solve the terrorist, do you need us to take action?"

When the guard heard this, he turned his head and glanced at the terrorist, and then hesitated and said, "Are you sure you won't detonate the bomb?" Although this is only a special security check area for the equivalent to entrance, it is not small in size and it is here. There are still so many people, if they are really bombed, the loss will naturally be no less, so of course the guards hope that the bomb will not explode the best.

When the guide heard the guards’ words, he pointed at me and said: "It’s not me, it’s my companion who has a solution to that guy."

The guard immediately turned his attention to On me, I also stood up and said: "I have the ability to transform the material structure. Although I don't know the principle of the bomb, I can turn anything into stone, so..."

"How fast is this process?" As soon as the guard heard me, he immediately understood that the method is likely to be effective. After all, the stone is definitely not going to explode, so if I can really turn the bomb into a stone before the other party detonates, That can really solve the problem. Of course, he still needs to confirm. After all, if the conversion process is too conspicuous or too slow, it is unacceptable. After all, terrorists are not idiots. If they find that the bomb is changing, the other party will definitely detonate without the slightest hesitation immediately. bomb.

Of course I understand the guard’s question, so I explained: "The transformation process takes only a few seconds. This is the ability of my pet. As long as she can look directly at the target, it will do. Produce sound and light effects."

"Then wait a moment, I will report." The guard finally nodded, and then quickly ran to the guard next to him and said something. The guard turned his head and looked. I glanced at it, and then quickly ran over.

"Does the method you mentioned really have no sound and light effect?" The other party knew that I might be able to help them, so the attitude was very respectful.

I nodded and said: "Yes, my pet can use Petrified Eyes. You should have heard of this skill, right?"

"You said Medusa like that Petrified Eye?" The guards obviously knew Medusa's name.

I am nodded. "That's the kind of skill, but it can not only turn living creatures into rocks, but also dead ones. The speed of change varies according to the size and energy intensity of the target. The bomb does not seem to be very large, and its energy sensitivity is not very strong. , So it should be able to be petrified in an instant."

"Then please ask your Familiar to help?"

"Of course." I finished speaking directly. Snapped his fingers to get Yeyue Summon out, and then pointed to the target over there.

Ye Yue just glanced at the target and immediately swam out from behind the crowd and swam towards the other side, and the terrorist immediately noticed the change here. He saw Yeyue twisting the water snake's waist and swimming towards him, and immediately began to retreat nervously. At the same time, he stretched out a hand to grasp the bomb detonator and yelled threateningly, but the language was completely unintelligible to us, but I can probably guess what he meant, it's nothing more than something like if you come back and I will detonate it.

Hearing what he said, the guard here was nervous to die, but Yeyue did not stop at all, and then the terrorist screamed even more hastily, and finally saw that Yeyue was already close to him. Within meters of the distance, this guy finally couldn't help letting go of the detonator, then his neck shrank and he was about to close his eyes and wait for death. However, after waiting for a few seconds, he found that the expected explosion did not happen. When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was a pair of beautiful pupils, and then he didn't know anything.

Lightly patted the stone sculpture with an expression of astonishment, Ye Yue turned around and swam over to me, and at the same time said to the guards around: "I will leave it to you."

This At that time, the guards recovered from the shock, and then swarmed to surround the terrorist group, but after the front guard went up and knocked twice, they realized that it is actually meaningless to not be surrounded. Because the stone statue will not move at all.

"What a sharp ability!" The guide who led me couldn't help sighing.

I shook the head with a smile, and then said: "This is only a small part of her ability. If I don’t know the principle of the bomb, I am afraid of accidents. I have at least ten ways to get the bomb. , But now I just want to enter the city early to complete my mission."

Listening to me, the guide also said: "Yes! It's been a long time delay, I'm still waiting to quickly level up. This place The monster is not much harder to deal with than outside, but EXP is more than 1.5 times that of other places. Such a good leveling treasure cannot be wasted."

In fact, because we helped capture the terrorists, So after that, we were given special treatment. The guards gave us a priority and put us in after a security check. As for the others, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time.

Leave from the security check area through a pipeline and enter another isolation area. Although there are already people living here, it is still not the main city. In fact, this place is more similar to the kind of satellite towns or market towns that surround the periphery of big cities. To get to the city center, you must go through another passage from here.

According to the agreement, the task of the guide will be over from the moment I enter the range of Duluo, and sending me to the city is an extra section of the road, so the guide will take me I left before sending it here, and our employment agreement is now complete.

My task is to find the consul here, and the consul will certainly not be in the surrounding city, so I still have to go to the core area.

The roads within the city are relatively easy to follow, so I quickly entered the central city. However, Duludu does not have an absolute center. The central area here is actually five separate isolated areas. Because they are the largest in size and located in the center of the urban agglomeration, they are called the core area.

Because I don't know which core area the consul is in, I have to inquire and search along the way. Relying on my super charm and coercion, the NPCs are very cooperative to show me the way, so I soon saw the Public Area Point of the Archon, but the more depressing thing is that I can't get in.

I at first thought that the consul of Duludu was equivalent to a person like the mayor, but after a brief understanding of here, I realized that the consul here is actually not equivalent to the mayor but President. Duludu is a commercial city, and it implements a parliamentary system, but only major events will be reported to the parliament for processing. Usually minor or urgent issues are handled by the consul alone, so the status of the consul here is far greater than that of the city. Too much exaggeration.

Such a great character, naturally, it’s not someone who says you have to meet someone if you want to see someone, so it’s normal to not let you see it. It’s just that my task now is to see the consul, so the guard doesn’t Let in, I have no choice but to go another way.

The office of the consul is just a very ordinary building. Although it looks very atmospheric, the outer wall is just a calcified structure, which feels more like coral. Although it is quite hard, it is relatively The human hand feels nothing more than that, even if it is compared with real rocks, this thing is relatively fragile, so I easily dug a hole in the back of the street.

Originally it would be very easy to get in, but from the task introduction, the archon may belong to my own side or the task issuer, so I can’t offend him now, so I can’t even come in. Casually hurt people, which determines that my search difficulty has increased a lot.

Although it is more troublesome to find a consul, I am the number one on the world battle strength list after all. The messy summon items on my body are not pretty. Tens of thousands of Spirit Armor worms dispersed and quickly helped me find the target, but after I found this guy, I began to regret it, because this guy was planning to go out, I knew I wouldn’t come in, so I just waited at the door for a while. NS!

Finding that the Archon was going out, I quickly retracted the ghost worm and ran out of the hole in the wall, and then made a circle back to the main road. At this time, the archon’s team just came out of the gate, and I ran over quickly, but when there were more than a dozen steps away from the team, the two guards suddenly crossed the weapon-like weapons in their hands. I scolded: "Don't get close to the consul's team, back off."

"I have very important things to look for the consul." I loudly shouted. Although I can easily kill everyone here, even leveling the city is not a problem, but the other party holds the task in his hand, so I can only be as polite as possible, otherwise in case I have a bad relationship with the other party, I won't get the task in the end. It's miserable! I don't do things that are small and big.

Although I deliberately shouted loudly, hoping that the ruling officials would hear it, the opponent did not respond at all. Instead, the two guards in front of the team came over. One of the guys pointed at me scolded from afar: "Let you leave and leave. Don’t make any noise. If you make trouble, don’t blame us for being impolite."

"You are already very impolite. I just If you have something to do with the consul, don’t go too far."

As the consul’s guard, Captain is more arrogant than the guards on the outskirts of the city. Think about it, too, the president’s Escort son and the Border Checkpoint Small Captain, although the nature of the work is similar, the status and status must be million miles apart. However, although I can understand why this guy is so arrogant, it doesn't mean that I will bear him.

Although my answer is not too ugly, but the meaning of contradiction is quite obvious. The guy with the eyes on the top of his head immediately became angry, and then rushed over and used the method in his hand. The stick knocked down at me.

Looking at the smashed staff, I squeezed the staff quickly, no matter how hard the other party tried, I couldn't shake it.

"Speak well. I don’t care about the consul’s face this time. You can don’t blame me for being impolite." Although the consul is required to provide tasks, I I didn't plan to be a minion in a low voice.

Although my warning was obvious, the identity of the other party determined that he would never take my words seriously, so instead of stopping the attack, he directly activated the wand instead. In an instant I felt an energy reaction on the staff, and then a flow of energy flowed along the body of the staff from the bottom to the blue spar on the top of the staff, and it seemed that the energy intensity was also in the process of the energy flow. Increase rapidly. Finally, when the energy flow entered the spar on the top of the stick, the spar on the top of the stick immediately lit up, and then a blue ray lased out of the center of my brow. However, the blow that was originally thought to be a must, but the result completely exceeded these people's expectations. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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