The two terrorists who were slapped in the face were immediately stunned. First they looked dullly at me, who was close at hand, and then looked down at the bombs on their bodies and the bombs that had fallen on them. The detonator on the ground, and then he was stunned for several seconds before the fierce man suddenly reacted, his expression quickly changed to fierce and fierce, and he started to roar at the same time, but he was kicked to the ground just as soon as he made a sound.

"He’s grandfather, he’s screaming for nothing? It scares me!"

The guy who was kicked over still remembered, but waiting for him are many guards. As for the dagger man next to me, he has not come back to his senses in a daze.

After getting the two idiots easy, I walked directly to the woman over there, then kicked her down in the surprised eyes of the guards, and then stepped on her right shoulder with one foot , Following Yijian, the left hand that she raised was also nailed to the ground.

"No more pretending, Mental Magic is useless to me." As I said, I suddenly bent over and grabbed the woman's clothes and then pulled it down, just listening to the scream, it was not A lot of clothing was torn off in an instant, but what everyone saw was not something unsuitable for children, but a set of personal armor, a rare armor that only protected important parts. "I don't think the inner servant needs to wear this kind of armor, and it seems that your strength is too much higher than that of the guards. I don't think this kind of existence is suitable for the inner servant, on the contrary, Captain is more suitable for you. As for the one on your neck Necklaces, seemingly not ordinary things, but the fluctuations of spiritual magic items are very special, don’t you know that it’s easy to be felt when you come out with this thing?"

The woman who has been completely seen through has completely given up the disguise , Looked at me with a grim look at me twisting my body to try to resist, but the result was nothing other than causing more pain to herself. The guards next to her came over and tried to hold her down, but she refused to cooperate, and as soon as I let go of the guards around her, I couldn’t hold her down. In the end, I had no choice but to give her a thorough, direct use of eternity. With a single tap behind her, the woman instantly lost her strength and softened, and at the same time, a large puddle of peculiar liquid flowed out of her lower body. Obviously this would happen to the woman who didn't expect, and her expression immediately became ashamed and angered, and the look in my eyes was also wishing to bite a piece of meat from me. In fact, I just cut off her spinal nerves. This is similar to those patients with high paraplegia due to accidents. And because she was deliberate, it was more serious, and she couldn't even control her bowel and urine. There will be the shameful scene before.

Looking at the guards dragging away all the three terrorists, I turned around and returned to the consul, and then said seriously, "Does the consul's protection still seem weaker?"

The consul also nodded and said when he heard what I said: "It's true! Speaking of which Thanks to your help, otherwise I don’t know what will happen today." Although I don’t know yet for the time being. Identity, but this does not hinder the consul’s respect for me. After all, my strength has already been shown before. I have no brains to put on a powerful existence that can easily manage myself. Isn’t this an idiot? Antonio’s ruling staff has reached this position, so you won’t be that kind of idiot, so he chose the most correct way to deal with it.

"You don't need to care about my help." I actually want to say that you have any tasks you have to give me as soon as possible. However, it is a pity that, through personal experiments of myself and countless players, it is pointless to say directly to the NPC, "Give me the task." We are players, and we know that "Zero" is a game, so we can calmly understand what missions are, and NPCs don't know these. They even call the player an adventurer. Of course, it’s impossible to publish the task to you directly, so I have to follow the Archon’s words to get the task in the conversation. Anyway, just make sure that the NPC has a task to publish, and follow his words. After talking, you will always receive a task. Of course, the premise is that your conversation skills should not be too bad, otherwise you will quarrel in just three sentences, and the idiot will give you the task.

Although I said don’t care, the consul politely said: "life-saving grace, how can you not care? Please mention it if you have any needs, as long as I can do it."


Since the other party said so, of course I was trying to get around the task. "In that case... why don't you give me a job?"

"Huh?" The consul obviously didn't expect me to ask such a question.

I just want a task, so I can’t let him refuse, so I quickly explained: "Although you think it’s a great kindness for me to save you, I always feel that I have done nothing to get your benefits. I'm a bit sad, so I think if you have any trouble, you might as well tell me and let me fix it for you, even if you hire me to help you do things. Of course, as your gratitude to me, you can be paid a little bit more generously. . In this way, I won’t feel sorry, after all, it’s my income from labor. Do you think this is feasible?"

"This..." It’s not that the requirements are too complicated, but it’s too unexpected. The officer himself was a little confused, but since I said so, although the other party was accidental, it was not easy to go against my meaning, not to mention that it was clear that he was taking advantage of this kind of thing. "This..."

"My name is Purple Moon. I am the president of the Frost Rose League. You can call me the president of Purple Moon."

"Good Purple Moon Club Long, I would like to ask, what kind of tasks you can probably take?"

"This...In fact, there are no special restrictions. As long as you can pay, I will do whatever it is. I can take it. The battle just now is only a small part of my strength, and I can also complete large tasks." Originally, I wanted to be as big as possible to make it easier for the other party to make requests, but suddenly thought that my level task has a time limit, so I hurried. Said: "Of course, the mission time should not be too long. It is best to be able to complete the mission within three or four days. I do not intend to stay here permanently."

Hearing this request, he immediately started to think, but he still didn’t expect. A deputy next to him came up and said a few words in his ear. The other party immediately reacted and said to me: "Dear President Purple Moon. , We just thought of a very troublesome thing, we are not very easy to solve it, but if it is you, maybe we can do it."

"Is it time-consuming?"

"It shouldn't be." The archon said: "It's just looking for and killing it."

"Let's talk about it."

"It's like this. "The consul began to explain to me the details of the matter, and I quickly understood the whole thing.

In fact, the matter is very simple, that is, a city near Duludu, after the establishment of Duludu, the two are in a hostile relationship. This is mainly a matter of resources. Both cities are commercial cities, and the Duludu policy is better, and the location is relatively good, so they are favored by the majority of seabed businessmen, while the other city’s policies are very bad. They are a commercial city, so they are terribly bullied, so they are naturally unwilling to be robbed of business. In fact, the terrorists who attacked Duludu came from that place.

Being frequently harassed and attacked by the other party, the people of Duludu have naturally thought of fighting back, but it is not the same as Duludu. That city is not like Duludu, which is a seabed city, but a mobile city. This city is not as loud as a beep, but it can move in suspension on a seabed. Although the speed is very slow, it is still mobile after all. Before, because they were doing business, they hadn’t moved in one place, but after the battle with Duludu, their business was basically finished, and they could only be passively beaten if they stopped there, so the city began to move into the mobile mode. . Of course, because they are always on the move, merchants of the seabed race can't find them anymore, and the business will naturally end. Although it was their own decision, they thought it was Duludu and their war forced them to move and thus lost their status as a commercial city and became life-stricken. In short, they think that Duludu has cut their money, so they always want to find Duludu people desperately.

The people on Duludu are not the masters of cutting meat and feeding eagles. Since the war has started, they have long wanted to destroy each other, but they are always moving, and they have not been able to find each other’s city. Location, and the army can’t always hang around outside. What's more terrible is that the enemy can move them and can't move them, so the other party always sends people to harass them, but they can't fight back. This situation was a little better before. Recently, the other side's attacks have become more frequent, and the methods have also emerged one after another. Several foreign businessmen died a few days ago. This situation has seriously affected Duludu's economic development. After all, if a commercial city is always fighting, there is probably no one who wants to run here except for the arms dealer. So now the Archon can be said to be a headache for the enemy.

I suddenly appeared this time and made such a request. For the consul, it was a benefit that came across. It’s no wonder that he couldn’t react at first, mainly because of this kind of pie in the sky. The smarter things are, the more they can't believe them.

"So, your task is to let me find the mobile city and destroy it?" After listening to the Archon's narration, I confirmed it again.

The consul shook his head and said: "If you don’t have to destroy it, of course, it’s the best thing to destroy. As long as you can find it and keep track of it, guide our army to find it and launch an attack smoothly, even if the mission is completed at a minimum. If the mobile device that can destroy it forces it to stop and guarantees that it cannot move again within a certain period of time, then it is considered a normal task completion. If it can be destroyed, it is overfulfilled. Do you think this is okay?"< /p>

I nodded and said: "No problem, I am the best at finding things. But since you are mortal enemies, you have to know some of the other's approximate range of activities, right? Tell me what you know, it's better to give it I have a few scouts who are familiar with the nearby terrain. If I find each other, I can go up and entangle them, and let your scouts come back and report the letter."

"No problem, I wish you a successful completion. Mission." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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