"The humble humans dare to attack my patrons, who gives you the courage?" Seeing the atmosphere is almost over, I questioned again, and the people around immediately became a collective one again. Shake, and then those who had already succumbed to lower their heads.

After waiting for a while, no one responded, and I said again: "Can no one explain the reason? In that case, are you ready to all die here and become undead? "

As soon as I said this sentence, there was a wailing immediately below. Most people screamed out for mercy, but I was coldly snorted who interrupted their begging for mercy, and then said:" Who is the leader, stand up and speak back."

As I called, Fleet Commander Howard had to stand up and let the mage next to him add an amplification magic to himself, and then he spoke loudly to me. "Dear powerhouse, I’m Fleet Commander Howard, can I advise you?"

"Powerhouse?" I found a small problem in the words, and then lifted it up, a sailboat next to Howard’s flagship Suddenly, I left the water and flew into the air with a bang, and then my palm was held empty, and the sailing boat next to me immediately made a distorted sound of zhi zhi quack. Seeing this change, everyone around me opened their mouths and was shocked. Some people's eyes kept changing back and forth between my hand and the boat. Finally, when they were about to say something, I was Suddenly the palm of the hand was tightened suddenly, and then the sailing boat was shattered like a squeezed egg. Broken pieces of wood and various wrecks fell one after another, and in the blink of an eye, a layer floated on the sea in the vicinity. After doing all this, I looked at Howard again and said, "Do you know who I am now?"

"Yes, under the crown of great glory."

Hear this After answering, I exposed the matter, and then continued to ask: "Why are you attacking my benefactor?"

"Sorry, we didn’t know that your patron was on the ship. , We were just ordered to chase and kill the escaped Third Prince and Little Princess."

"Your Little Princess is my favorite."

My words directly aroused the flagship. The sound of discussion. Compared with the small soldiers, the people on the flagship are obviously closer to the core of power, so they naturally know more. Suddenly, I heard that the target of their attack, Little Princess, was my favorite. The news was absolutely smashing, and it blasted these people to the outside and the inside.

Seeing that they did not respond for a long time, I said again: "Now you know, Little Princess is my favorite, then now I hope you can give me an explanation, why my favorite Will you be chased by you?"

"This..." Of course Howard knows the reason, but he has doubts about it, and he is not stupid. My intention is already very obvious, that is to help Little Princess, so he hesitated. He is only the commander of the navy of the empire, and he is not a person on the same boat as Second Prince, so he does not want to fight for the benefit of Second Prince, not to mention that this behavior might put himself in.

Unlike Howard, the house officer next to him is anxious. Compared with Howard, who is like an outsider, he is a person on the boat of Second Prince. As long as Second Prince is finished, he will definitely follow him. Therefore, the Minister of Internal Affairs is very anxious. It was okay for me not to ask, but now that I made it clear that I wanted to ask about this matter, he became even more anxious, and what made him even more depressed was that Howard next to him did not follow the pre-released order to answer, but hesitated there.

Originally, if Commander Howard answered my question, the Interior Officer would not need to say anything, but now he has to make some reaction.

The Lord Interior Officer who was kneeling on the ground suddenly stood up, then squeezed to Howard's side and stood in the middle of the PA array, and then rushed to replied: "Under the great brilliance of the gods, things are like this. The Third Prince and Little Princess assassinated their big brother and father for the throne a few days ago, that is, the old king Your Majesty and the big His Highness the Prince. Fortunately, their actions were seen through, so they fled in fear of crime. , We ordered the second His Highness the Prince, the future king, the order of His Majesty, to execute these two traitors."

Hearing such an answer, I directly asked the merchant ship. He left, then floated towards Howard's flagship, and finally landed directly on the bow. Howard and the interior officer immediately stepped back to make room for me, and at the same time bowed respectfully to salute.

After landing on the deck, I stared at the house officer coldly for a few seconds, but the other party was uncomfortable being looked at by me, and I also found that the sweat on his forehead was quickly escaping outwards. . Obviously, this one was also very scared, just because of self-interest.

As I watched, the internal affairs officer felt more and more pressure on his body, and finally he fell to his knees again with a plop and shook his whole body.

Seeing his performance, I knew I was almost scared, so I retracted some Dragon's Might a bit, then stared at him and said, "Now tell your reasons again. I hope to hear The truth."

Hearing the word truth, the house officer shook his whole body immediately, but after only a little hesitation, he spoke again: "We are because of Third Prince and Little Princess was assassinated..."

Before he finished speaking, the internal affairs officer suddenly screamed, and everyone around was shocked, because right in front of them, the internal affairs officer's limbs suddenly exploded. It has become a blood mist in the sky. The internal affairs officer who turned into a stick plopped and fell on the deck, and then rolled around in pain, but because he had no limbs, he couldn't cover the wound, and the twisted body became more painful.

Seeing that the internal affairs officer suddenly became like this, the people around were shocked, and then before they could act, I asked again: "Now tell me the story again. , I want to hear the truth."

Where the painful internal affairs officer on the ground has time to answer, he can only bear the pain and roll around. I don’t see him responding for a long time. Suddenly a glance is over, that guy The body immediately froze, and then suddenly flew up and suspended in the air, all the broken limbs were dripping blood out, but the speed was not very fast.

Despite being lifted up and unable to scroll, the internal affairs officer is still writhing and struggling, but the magnitude is significantly smaller. I asked again: "Say, your reason, I want to hear the truth."

"Yes...because...Little Princess they...assassinated...assassinated the old king, so ah... …Ah…Help…Please… please forgive me…Ah…"

The whole body of the house officer’s clothes suddenly shattered in the middle of the conversation, followed by his skin. It was lifted up from the body surface little by little, and then peeled off from the body surface bit by bit. This action is very clean and tidy, and the speed is also very fast, but because only a tiny bit of peeling, the whole process is actually still very time-consuming.

The skin of the whole body is torn off like peeling oranges. This kind of pain is definitely not something ordinary people can tolerate. In just a few seconds, the secretary has been hovered between life and death. Every time, I was awakened by the pain as soon as I passed out, and then fainted. Anyway, this kind of pain is absolutely amazing.

People around have fallen into a sluggishness when seeing this scene. Although the internal affairs officer is equivalent to the supervising army here, the status is quite high, but in the army, this kind of supervising army that has been airborne has How many are popular? So, even though this guy was miserably made, the people around him just felt scared, and didn't mean to be pitying, and no one wanted to stop him.

After spending nearly ten minutes completely stripping the skin of this guy's whole body, I used the spirit strength field to grab this guy's head, and put his skinless body into the sea water and dipped it twice. Next, then he was brought up again. We often use salt on the wound to describe adding pain to others. It can be seen that the salt is definitely very painful when the wound is touched. Everyone knows that the sea water is salty, and the internal affairs officer who has lost his skin can be said to have wounds all over his body. This one encounters sea water and the irritation is absolutely indescribable. The people around felt trembling all over even though they just looked at it.

"Okay, tell me one more time now, what is the truth?" I asked again after putting the guy down, but my eyes were not looking at the one on the ground, but one of his deputy . Although this guy is only the deputy of the internal affairs officer, he is also a member of the supervising army, so he knows a lot.

When I was asked about this suddenly, the guy instinctively glanced at the interior officer whose eyes were about to burst out on the ground, and then suddenly thumped and knelt down in front of me, crying and saying: "Really It’s none of my business! I only know that the second His Highness the Prince conspired to assassinate the old king and Eldest Prince, and then he was hit by the Third Prince and the little Her Highness the Princess who came back from a trip, so he planted the money on the Third Prince and Little Princess. We just came out on the order of the Second Prince to urge the Navy to remove the two crown princes and take it seriously. Those bad things really have nothing to do with me! Please let the great shining gods let me go!"

"hmph, count you acquainted."

In fact, when the guy yelled these words, everyone around him was stunned. Although the people in the fleet don't like Second Prince very much, but at least as far as the current situation is concerned, the Second Prince is dominant, so they must obey orders, but are not very concerned about chasing Prince and Princess. However, they didn't expect it to be like this, and they were actually sent to silence their mouths. If it weren't for the brilliance of the gods, once they really did this kind of thing, wouldn't they have killed all the old king's beloved son and daughter? Thinking of this, Commander Howard, who was pulled up by the old king with one hand, immediately surged in anger, and now he couldn't wait to rush back and immediately arrest the Second Prince and kill him in return for the old king's kindness.

Because I found the expressions of people around me, I didn't do too much. Anyway, this is just a fragment of time. As long as these people return to their hearts, the matter will be over and there will be no problems afterwards. Therefore, after the other party said that paragraph, I said generously: "Although you are the most evil, I have always been tolerant to you. I allow you to make mistakes. The key is to know to repent after making mistakes."

"I repent, I will definitely repent." The deputy kowtowed his head immediately when he heard this remark.

I stopped him and said: "Kneeling to me is meaningless, your behavior determines your future. As long as you can truly regret it and use the rest of your life to make up for your faults, you will still have a chance after death. Entered my Divine Kingdom. Of course, I can only forgive your soul, your crimes in the world need to be punished by your law. As for this unrepentant guy..." I glanced at the dying one on the ground The house officer, then grabbed it casually, a faint blue shadow flew out, and the house officer's body immediately lost his breath.

Suddenly saw the blue silhouette flying out, and everyone around was sucked in a breath of cold air, because this is the undead, a real Nether Soul. According to the myth here, after a person dies, the soul will become a white light body, and then fly into the Divine Kingdom, and if it becomes a light blue human form, it has become an undead, and the undead will not be accepted by the Divine Kingdom. So, seeing the undead of the house officer is equivalent to knowing that the house officer has lost the ticket to Divine Kingdom, waiting for him will be endless painful torture.

Such intuitive intimidation, coupled with the information provided by the tainted witness, the deputy of the internal affairs officer, makes the next thing much simpler. Commander Howard summoned the captain of a ship to the flagship to announce the truth. Because there were witnesses and the assurance of my god, this kind of thing was immediately believed. Of course, it is mainly because Third Prince and Little Princess have a good reputation. Many people at first find it unbelievable. Now someone rehabilitates them and everyone thinks this is normal.

After the captains unanimously agreed to follow Princess and Prince to return to the country and overthrow the Second Prince, the captains returned to their own battleships and notified the results when they returned to their own battleships. After our own crew, the scene around us suddenly changed, and we returned to the broken ship that was seabed. The previous pirates had become undead standing around me, at the same time in the broken cabin. A large treasure of golden light has appeared in the industry. Obviously these treasures were protected by the mission system before and did not appear in the sea. Otherwise, the impossible hull would look like hairy, but the treasure would still be extremely bright.

"Huh? Why are you at seabed again?" A confused undead pirate asked suspiciously.

"Because the wish has been fulfilled." The pirate captain knocked the foolish undead, then turned to me and said, "Thank you, the great President Purple Moon, you have relieved our pain. It's time for us to sleep for a long time. After so many years, we are too tired and we should take a rest. Please find a way to get away the treasure or something. Then...bye bye."

I waved my hand politely, and the pirates gradually dissipated around me, leaving only a ship full of treasures.

Actually, they are treasures, just a lot of precious metals and jewelry. With the phoenix and dragons, it is natural to collect things very quickly, and of course to count the materials very quickly, after all, we have a lot of people.

The number of gold coins is the largest, but they are actually not worth the money. It may be a good windfall for the average player, but for me it can only be pocket money. After all, our Frost Rose League has always earned more and spent more, so I really don't feel this little money at all. However, this treasure is not meaningless to me. Just pressing the gold coin doesn't make me fancy, but there are still several sets of equipment and a lot of gems in those treasures.

Those equipment are all magic equipment that players can use, attributes are okay, and the most important ones are all suits, which should be considered quite good things. Although I can't use it, the people in the meeting can still use it, and it's not bad to put it out for auction, which is a good harvest. In addition, although most of those gems are middle and low-end gems, there are a lot of them, so the total value is several times more than gold coin. The most important thing is that there is actually a top-quality Light God stone in the middle of the pile of gems. In fact, it is the Light God stone. I think it is the most common colorless and transparent diamond. Of course, this one will shine by itself, and the brightness is not low, at least when the car headlights are enough. However, there is a big difference between this thing and the diamond in reality, that is, it is relatively large, not generally large, but very, very large. As for how big it is, I think it is a lap bigger than basketball anyway. .

Of course this big thing is not for me. Although the armor can be inlaid with gemstones, it is obvious that such a large gemstone is not inlaid on the armor, otherwise it will be like a tumor, which is too ugly. There are actually three uses for this thing. One is to strengthen the attributes for the Light Element pet, the other is to equip the Light Element with the enhanced attributes, and the third is to use it directly to make magic weapons, such as magic light cannons. Such a large gemstone is needed, and the larger the gemstone and the better the permeability, the more useful it is. This big Light God stone, I think it should be no problem to make a super beam cannon. However, I am more inclined to give it to Masaka Matsumoto to strengthen his Divine Sword. After all, now we rely on Masaka Matsumoto to help us hold down the players in Japan, so Masaga’s personal strength is very good. important.

I didn't stay here much after the treasure was in hand, and left the sunken ship directly. None of the Wikis were on the side of the ship, so I had no choice but to look around first, but I ran into a player from the Wiki team within a few steps. This guy is here to stay as a guide for me. Wiki and the others have already gone to Duludu City first, and he was left to prevent me from coming out in case the mission is completed so that I can take me there.

To be honest, this guy didn’t think I would come out before, because they all thought it was a cheating task, and they thought I couldn’t finish it, so when this guy saw me, he was really shocked. Jump.

After leaving this side with him, we started to move along the seabed reference objects, without encountering any danger along the way. It is said that this Sea Territory belongs to the sphere of influence of Duludu City. The opponent has a special defense force to clean up the powerful creatures close to it, so the Sea Territory here is relatively safe.

We followed the seabed signs and soon we arrived at the edge of a seabed cliff. There was a trench about 200 meters wide in front of the cliff. Although this large trench is not wide, it is very deep, and there is nothing to see underneath it in pitch black, and on the opposite side of this trench is a large area of ​​luminescence, which is Duludu City.

Although the trench is two hundred meters wide, it is in the water, so just swim over it. There is no problem of falling. After easily reaching the edge of the cliff on the opposite side, I discovered that the city of Tuludu is very similar to the city of Atlantis. It is also a huge crystal dome covering a city, and the city is surrounded by air. The only difference from Atlantis is that Duludu City is not a whole, but an urban agglomeration composed of a bunch of independent crystal covers and some pipelines.

From the perspective of scale, none of these city blocks are not very large, at least not comparable to Atlantis, but because of the large number, the total area may have the size of Atlantis. Several times larger. Of course, big doesn't mean good. In my opinion, the technical level of Duludu City is not as good as the Atlanteans at least in terms of the level of the protective cover, because the protective cover of Atlantis can completely cover the entire city in a large area, and The residents here can only establish small protective areas separately. If it is not for some special reasons, their protective cover technology can only support such a large overall protective area.

Under the guidance of the player who stayed as a guide for me, we directly moved towards a relatively small city block located on the edge of the city cluster and swam past. According to the introduction of this guide, the structural design of this place is quite special. The large protection areas located in the central area of ​​the urban agglomeration are the main urban areas, but usually there are only external exits and no entrances. Although the entrance and exit itself are two-way, the personnel restrictions here only allow entry and exit. If you want to enter the urban area, you must enter from these special entrances and exits on the periphery, and only those entrances and exits in the inner urban area will develop entry permits in emergency situations.

This setting is said to prevent intruders from sabotaging, because it is said that this Duludu city is at war with an unknown force, and the other party seems to have an attack method similar to a terrorist attack, which will be discharged. Personnel carrying bombs attacked the entrance of the shield. Because the entrance of the protective cover is a relatively fragile part, a bomb attack is likely to cause the overall protection of that area to collapse, and the loss caused by when the time comes will be immeasurable. However, as it is now, there is no problem. There are small isolation enclosures in the dedicated entrance area, and there are no other buildings and personnel outside of the inspectors. Therefore, even if it is attacked, this small blank area will be lost at most, and will not affect the main city.

"Then what if someone puts a bomb in the space equipment to bring it in?" I asked the player who led the way while swimming there.

The other party looked towards me in surprise, and then said: "Although this is not the bottom of the trench, it is also considered a deep sea area. How can a protective cover that can resist this kind of water pressure be a normal thing? What deal with them is a kind of special bomb, which involves some special principles, which can not be inserted into the space equipment at all, so you don’t have to worry about it. Moreover, it is said that the output of that kind of bomb itself is not high, so yes. The impact of Duluo is minimal, at least we haven’t encountered one in a month since we stayed here last time."

"It sounds like it is not very dangerous, but I always think there is something bad. It will happen."

"Hey hey hey, don't scare me, we have invested a lot in order to come here once. If this is taken back before leveling, we will lose a lot!"

"Don't worry, if there is any danger, I will protect you." Since they are here to wait for me, I naturally want to protect him on the road.

Although there is more than one entrance, the scale of this seabed city is so large and the people entering and exiting are all concentrated in such a few directions, so the flow of people is naturally not small. When we arrived near the special entrance, we found many creatures floating outside the entrance.

Atlantis is a seabed city of a single race, and its interior is full of mermaids, and they are all mermaids of one kind, but Duludu is obviously not like this, at least from the visitors here, here There are at least ten or more seabed races inhabited, because I have seen no less than 20 seabed intelligent races in this small area alone. Even if only half of them are residents here, there are definitely more species types here. It's scary.

"There are so many people here?" I looked at the various grotesquely shaped creatures around and said.

The player who showed me the way said: "This is not surprising. We have been here for a month and discovered that this is actually a commercial city, equivalent to a trading center. There are many seabeds nearby. All races come here to do business, so this place is very lively, and because the races of the people coming and going are too complicated, it gives terrorists a chance."

"Know the terrorists here. What kind of race is it?"

"Most of them are Fishman Races, but there are also a small number of terrorists from other races. The problem is that other races are piles and piles in other places, so they can’t be distinguished. Fishman Race seems to belong to the mainstream race here, just like humans on the ground. The local residents in Duludu City have one third and above are Fishman Race, so it is indistinguishable from the original. What you can do now is just like this There is no other way to isolate the security check."

I nodded to express my understanding, and then began to line up with the player. Although this security check area has more than 30 entrances, because there are too many people and the inspection is too strict, there are at least more than 100 people lined up outside each entrance. Not to mention the moving speed of the leader of the team is particularly slow.

After following the team, I looked at the team in front and frowned and asked the player who led me: "Is there no one less passage?"

The player who led the way was shook first the head, and then suddenly said: "Actually, there is a VIP channel here, but you are here for the first time. I can't make it!"

I had no choice but to line up when I heard this answer. Fortunately, the line was walking all the time, and it was a bit slower, and I wouldn't be so anxious then.

Actually, the checking speed of speaking of which is not really very slow. It takes about 30 seconds to release a person, but there are too many people, so it is so slow. There were more than a hundred people in front of us, but it took an hour to line up before finally entering the entrance of the protective shield.

This entrance is not at the same level as the energy gate of Atlantis. The waterproof door of Atlantis is a blue light film. People can go in and out freely, but the water can’t pass. For people outside, going through the door is just like going through an ordinary door. There is no trouble at all. . However, the door here is more aggrieved. This entrance has something like an elevator car protruding outside the waterproof cover. Every time ten people can enter the same room as the elevator, the entrance must be closed after everyone enters. Then there are two cranks in the room, and the person who needs to enter is there to shake this thing to remove the water in the room. Take it out and wait until the water is drained before opening the door facing the security check area. To put it simply, this entrance is a watertight cabin, and it is drained by manpower, which is very weak compared to the waterproof door of Atlantis.

Because this thing can only put ten people in each time it is turned on and off, and it takes time to drain, so every time you return to the security check area, put twenty people in advance. When the number of people waiting for inspection is less than twenty People will then let a group of people come in and start pumping water. When these people finish pumping water and enter the internal space, there are almost ten people left in the queue, and then add these ten new people, and it will be exactly twenty. This speed is probably calculated specially, so the rhythm is very accurate, basically just in sync with the security check speed, will not delay time.

When the leader and I lined up to the door, there were only two seabed creatures left in front, so we were very close to the door. Since the isolation barrier and waterproof compartment of the seabed city are transparent, we can clearly see the progress inside.

After the group of people in front of us completed the drainage, they entered the security check area, and then after they left, the staff inside began to seal the waterproof compartment from the inside, and waited for him to close the door. A jewel on the side entrance lit up. The guide told me that this is a sign for permission to enter, and the two creatures in front of us, which are almost indistinguishable from humans except for webbed hands, obviously come here often. Seeing the prompt, they immediately went forward and grabbed the steering wheel on the door. The same handles began to rotate together.

The fixed shaft of the handle is obviously very deep. It took more than a dozen turns before it was completely released. Then the door still couldn't open, but the room started to fill with water. After the water was full, the two The seabed creature gently pulled, and the door that was previously completely motionless due to the water pressure was easily opened.

As the door opened, the guide and I immediately followed the two in front and got in. Six more creatures came in immediately, and the two after the group closed the door and turned the handle again from the inside. Tighten it. After they screwed up the handle, the guide motioned me to shake the handle with him, and the few behind us also came up to help consciously. This crank is actually not very heavy. There are ten creatures in the room, and one of five people is actually quite light. It’s just because the number of people is difficult to coordinate, so the speed does not raise. Seeing this, I simply signaled our side. The other three helping creatures got out of the way, and then I grabbed the handle and started shaking frantically in the other’s surprised eyes. With my shaking, the water in the room was almost several times faster than the previous one. The hu hu descends. When the water is drained, there are at least fifteen people in the line next to the security team. When we opened the door and entered, only one person passed by, that is, there were fourteen left. It can be seen that we are here. How fast is the team.

Although we are faster, we still have to wait after we come in, but it feels a little more comfortable if there is no resistance in the air in the water.

Before, I have seen the situation inside through a transparent barrier outside, but after I came in, I saw it more realistically. The floor of the safety supervision office is a kind of floor full of holes, which is mainly used for drainage. There is indeed a big gap between the watertight compartment and the waterproof door of Atlantis. Not only is the speed of entry and exit slow, but also can not solve the problem of water accumulation. People who come out of the water ballast will inevitably drip on their bodies, which results in the entire security check. The area is full of water. If you don't need this screen-like floor to drain the water to the lower aquifer in time, it is estimated that everyone will have to stand in the stagnant water over the feet and wait for the security check.

Except for the floor, there are actually very few things here. The dome overhead is similar to that of Atlantis. It is an energy layer with high hardness and uses a special circulation loop. Unless it is hit by an external force, the pressure of the sea water will not make it consume too much energy.

The furnishings of the security check area are mainly several workbenches and a long automatic passage. The function of this channel is similar to that of a security screening machine with perspective at the airport. The difference is that the one at the airport is used to check items, but the whole person has to stand on it.

The entry personnel need to register in front of the workbench. The content is the name, race, purpose of coming here, and approximate stay time. It feels much stricter than the city on the ground. After all, the city on the ground is from I have never heard of registration required to enter the city.

We waited for more than an hour before, so naturally we don’t care about this time. Soon there were only ten people in front of us, and the water ballast tank behind us began to let people in again. After they came in, the ten people in the group in front of us just checked out the last one.

Originally, I thought I would be here soon. Who knows, that person was walking on the passage well, and suddenly heard a beeping sirens, and then the whole passage turned into After red, the surrounding security personnel immediately jumped up and drew out a side weapon that looked like a staff.

The guide standing next to me looked at me with a miserable look and said, "You can’t back it like this? You really got it!" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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