After successfully scaring these people, the rest is much simpler.

"The humble humans dare to hurt my beloved ones, don’t you want to enter my country?"

According to the information they received from the Mage MacPherson before, they This is probably what the myths say about human life and death. After the death of a normal person, there will be a soul, and then there are two situations. First is to get permission from God, then enter the kingdom of God, and be happy forever. Although it sounds like a fairy tale, the truth is that religions in modern history seem to have similar settings. Think about the pure land of Buddhism, the Western paradise, etc. Are they basically the same thing? So the myths here are actually quite ordinary, but their heaven here has changed its name to the Kingdom of Gods. In addition, as a comparison, if someone made a major mistake before life and failed to repent until death, then that person will be abandoned by God. According to local myths, the souls of such people will stay in the world and become undead because they cannot enter the Divine Kingdom. Of course, becoming an undead itself is not terrifying. What's terrifying is that the myth here says that the undead has feelings, but the undead cannot satisfy their own sensory needs.

To put it simply, the local undead will be hungry, thirsty, sleepy, and lust for mating, but they can't do anything. Although hungry and crazy, they can’t eat enough. Although thirsty people want to drink urine, they can’t quench their thirst no matter how they drink. The same goes for sleep and mating. Their desires are extremely strong, but they can’t be satisfied at all. Although I don't know what it feels like, but when I think about it, I feel terrifying. At least I think that compared with the result, the complete disappearance of death should be regarded as a kind of relief.

Because this kind of people who cannot be accepted by the gods will be miserable, so people here are very afraid of not being recognized by the Divine Kingdom, but because the gods here seem to be particularly tolerant, so except for some sins, they are extremely evil. Except for people who are fighting with abnormal mental disorder, ordinary sins and other things will not affect the problem of entering the Divine Kingdom after death.

Although the local gods are unusually tolerant, I suddenly made such a sentence that scared everyone, not only because I said they could not enter the Divine Kingdom, but more importantly because My identity.

I just stunned them in strength, so these people just succumbed to me, they realized that I was so strong that they were unmatched, but they only realized that there was nothing It's just a match, they still have the idea of ​​resisting, but they don't dare to do it. However, when I said such a sentence, the eyes of these people were immediately wrong.

I just asked them if they don’t want to enter Divine Kingdom anymore. Can this kind of question be asked by ordinary people? According to local religions, the qualifications for entry into the Divine Kingdom are controlled by the God himself, that is to say, only the God himself can decide who is allowed to enter the Divine Kingdom and who is not allowed to enter the Divine Kingdom. I suddenly ask such a question now. What does it mean? Does this mean that I am the god, because only the divine ability determines who is allowed to enter the Divine Kingdom. If I can threaten them with this kind of thing, it means I am the god, otherwise I simply can't manipulate the qualifications of Divine Kingdom.

Suddenly realized that the goal of my rebellion was the great Spiritual God, even those tough guys felt like the sky was falling in an instant. In an instant, everyone on the scene began to tremble violently, and I was surprised to find that my magic power actually stopped falling, and instead began to slowly rise.

I'm in a state of being combined now. In this mode, the consumption of magic power is lightning fast. That is to say, I have enough magic power at a high level, and I can change to a legal player within 1,500, and hold a magic pool for up to 20 to 30 seconds. It is conceivable how exaggerated this consumption speed is. However, my current mana value has not continued to decline, but has started to rise. What does this mean? This shows that my magic power recovery speed actually exceeds the consumption speed of the combined state. At this moment, there was only one thought left in my mind, and that was to quickly find the reason for the sudden increase in the rate of magic power recovery. If I can find the reason, and can use it flexibly in the daily state, doesn't it mean that I can be remunerated anytime, anywhere? How awesome is that?

As soon as I thought of this result, I immediately started to open the attribute panel and searched it. The result really made me find the reason, but I was a little disappointed after knowing the reason, because this reason proved that this method cannot be widely used. .

My magic power suddenly reverted to a large extent, actually because of my demon pet Rebecca. Rebecca is a mutant fantasy monster, her body is a cloud of shapeless smoke, and her ability is also very extreme, that is, fear simulation. This kind of ability is actually the universal ability of phantoms, as long as they are phantoms, they will have them, but Rebecca's ability is more abnormal, not even a little bit stronger than her kind.

The phantom has the ability to scan mentally. It can find the thing you fear most from your memory, and then become the image of that thing to fight with you. If you are stupid and bold, then congratulations. For you, the phantom is an illusion, so you just can't see it. Anyway, she can't do anything to you. But if you are a coward, you will be out of luck. Phantoms can absorb the power of fear, thereby causing substantial damage, and because the power of fear comes from you, this power is unstoppable for you. The more afraid you are, the stronger the phantom will be. So for many people, the phantom is invincible, not because her attributes are too strong, but because there are few people who are truly fearless. There are some things to be afraid of, but the number and degree are different.

As a mutant phantom, Rebecca's ability is stronger than ordinary phantoms. Not only can it absorb the power of fear and produce mental damage, but it can also materialize itself, and it can permanently absorb part of the power of fear. The transformation of sex into one's own power is definitely a metamorphosis in metamorphosis. However, because I am usually accustomed to violent crushing, since Rebecca followed me, it has rarely had a chance to shoot. However, she will still participate every time she fits together. After all, the more familiars, the stronger my strength. However, after Rebecca merged with me, the power of fear that seemed to be absorbed changed a little. It no longer strengthened my strength, but began to greatly increase my blood recovery and magic recovery speed.

I didn't find this situation before mainly because not so many people showed such exaggerated fear of me at the same time, so even if I absorbed the power of fear, the number was very small, and the improvement was not obvious. When I use the upper body, it is usually at a critical moment. How can I always stare at the attribute column in this state? So, this ability has always existed before, but I have not paid attention to it.

The group of people below have been completely scared by me. Not being able to enter the Divine Kingdom, it was torture more terrifying than death. It's fine if you can die death ends all one's troubles, but if you can't enter the Divine Kingdom, you will have to endure endless pain. Thinking about that kind of thing can make your whole body hairy.

The Earth Sect church here seems to use this method to explain the hatred of the undead towards the living. According to Master MacPherson and Princess, the priests of the local religion have explained that the undead The reason why they attack the living is not because they are evil, but because they want to anger the living, so that the living can find a way to destroy them, and once the undead is killed, they will truly dissipate in this world, Although I still can't enter Divine Kingdom, at least I don't have to suffer anymore. As for the low intelligence of the undead, the priests also have an explanation. According to the legend, the undead will be sleepy, but why can't they fall asleep? The explanation of the priests was that the undead became more and more sleepy, but unable to sleep, so they became trance, and over time they became cruel, irritable, and mentally low. Although this explanation is incorrect, I have to say that it sounds reasonable. And because the priests interpret the existence of the undead in this way, in the local people's concept, destroying the undead is not a punishment for them, but a kind of rescue. After all, according to the religious interpretation here, death is actually a kind of relief for the undead, so destroying the undead is actually a gift and rescue to the other party, not a cruel act.

I have to say that religion is truly terrifying, black can be said to be white, and the killing of undead races has become an act of truth, goodness and beauty as soon as they explain it!

Thanks to the local religious forces and the powerful effects of Myths and Legends, my current threats are almost scaring these people crazy. Many people are shivering and kneeling on the deck while begging for forgiveness. The rustling sound is crying. Of course, smart people always exist, at least some people don't fully believe me. After all, although they believe in Spiritual God, suddenly appearing in front of them makes people feel a little illusory.

Although I can feel that some people don’t fully believe it, but I don’t expect to scare everyone anyway, as long as most people can believe it, anyway, humans are social animals in groups, and everyone does it. Whenever, people who don’t want to do it can only do it, because if they don’t do it, they are likely to be excluded and isolated. Only in the modern society with a complete legal system and a high degree of knowledge will they be allowed." "Non-mainstream" exists, but if you want to be "off-mainstream" and want to show it so that everyone knows that you are different from them, then be prepared to be isolated. Although it is unlikely to be directly hostile to you based on the laws of modern society and people’s knowledge, the many ups and downs in your life are almost inevitable, and sometimes you don’t even know why you suffer.

Some smart people in the Empire fleet realized that what I said may not be true, but seeing the reactions of people around them, they all chose silence wisely, because since they are smart people, they can naturally think of In the current state, as long as the guy who may be a god has a word, all guys who dare to stand up and question will see True God, because they are dead. Of course, if what I said is true, they will be even worse, because that means they don't even count on Divine Kingdom to enter.

Looking at the atmosphere brewing almost, I finally started to turn black and white... eh, I mean to set things right, in short, I want to find a way to rehabilitate Little Princess and Prince so that they can get this Help people's allegiance, so this damn infinite reincarnation can be completely closed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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