What the people of the Empire Fleet see is not really exaggerated, at least it’s not exaggerated in my opinion, but it’s possible for them in this low-magic world. It was really exaggerated, because what they saw was two spaceships.

Just before meeting with the imperial fleet on the opposite side, I activated my Divine Domain combined skills, and then entered the strongest state.

It can be seen from previous battles that the individual battle strength of this low-magic world is very bad. Even if it is not in a state of integration, any one of my familiars is topless. Existed, and after entering the union, I was really indistinguishable from their gods.

In fact, my purpose is also very simple, and that is to impersonate the gods here. The place we are now in is just a time segment, not a complete world, so there is an impossible god here, besides, the gods of low demon planes are most likely not as good as me, so for things like impersonating gods I don't care at all. However, I don’t care. It doesn’t mean that the guys on the other side don’t care.

According to Master MacPherson, the people here are quite religious in their belief in gods, especially when the gods really appear in front of them. Therefore, I intend to borrow the reputation of the gods to help Princess and Prince get rid of their previous notoriety.

Third Prince and Little Princess did not really kill the old king. All of this was planted and framed by Second Prince, but the problem is that the angry empire soldiers might not give the two crown princes a chance to explain. And Second Prince will inevitably arrange his own people in the fleet to ensure that the two of them do not have a chance to explain. Therefore, it is almost impossible to solve this black pot problem through normal channels. However, if God comes forward to help them clarify, then the problem is simple.

Although in history, theocratic power is not as good as the royal power, but that is based on the premise that God is only a belief and a fictitious existence. If the gods really exist and appear in the world, I don’t think the kingship of any country can be used for the gods. After all, the foundation of kingship is the army, and the army of human beings is similar to a bunch of ants in front of the gods. Drowned. In this asymmetrical situation, the kingship cannot compete with the theocracy at all.

What I have to do now is to pretend to be the gods here to help Prince and Princess clarify the whole story, and then call on the fleet over there to rebel. I believe that when the gods appear directly, not many people will be stupid. Go stupidly and continue to follow orders from an emperor who has rushed to the throne. Besides, as long as the soldiers listen to my words, whether they believe it or not, the legitimacy of the Second Prince's throne itself is in doubt. In this case, it is difficult. Imagine how many people will listen to him firmly. Of course, most of the Second Prince's subordinates who are inserted into the fleet will not succumb. After all, the interests of this group and the Second Prince are tied together, so even in the face of the divine power, they will also without the slightest hesitation of the second Prince. . Don't underestimate the greed of human beings. The so-called human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food. In the face of interests, even gods can resist.

Of course, you can't just pretend to be a god. Although there are gods and beliefs in this world, according to the situation I asked from those three before, the gods of this place don't seem to have a formal image in the world. According to them, the gods here have displayed many different images in the world. The more common one is the armored warrior image similar to me, but it is said that there have been different animals and even women. The image has appeared, so the appearance of God has always been uncertain. For this reason, if I just fly out like this, it will not make them think that I am God, and the only thing that can prove God is power. The reason why God is a God is that he has power that humans cannot match, and as long as I show this power, I can completely shock those guys and make them think that I am a God.

Based on the above inference, I directly used a large-scale floating technique to make the merchant ship used by Princess and Prince escape and the battleship of the pirates took off and entered the Empire fleet as a spaceship. Within the field of view.

When the imperial fleet on the opposite side saw the appearance of these two spaceships, they were shocked, and everyone on the battleship became stunned. At first, the distance is better. Only the captain and the watcher with the telescope can see it. Later, after getting closer, everyone saw the two battleships. However, just letting two ships fly is obviously not enough to scare these people.

In this way, I controlled the battleship to float over the head of the fleet until it flew to the central area of ​​the fleet, and the surrounding imperial fleet finally reacted and started to change direction after a brief period of loss. They made an encirclement. Although the two ships were above them, and the sailboat did not have any anti-aircraft capabilities, at least they had to make an enveloping gesture.

I was not in a hurry after watching the fleet below form an encirclement. Instead, I felt relieved, because I just wanted them to form such an encirclement to facilitate my next move.

After the group of guys below formed an encirclement, to their surprise, the two sailing boats flying in the sky began to gradually lower their height, and finally landed on the fleet in the eyes of everyone’s surprise. The center, that is, the center of the encircling circle.

At this time, on a particularly huge sailing ship in the fleet, the commander-in-chief of this imperial fleet was standing on the bow and looking at the two ships that landed ahead. After a little surprised, he reacted and turned to the chief mate: "Send the ships to enter a combat state, but no fire is allowed without my order. Even if you hear the shelling, you must wait for my order."

"Yes, the captain." The chief mate was about to inform the flag bearer to issue an order. Didn't expect was stopped by someone as soon as he turned around.

The guy who blocked the first officer was wearing a gorgeous aristocratic costume. The whole person looked like a dressed-up cock, without any iron-blooded military temperament. In fact, he is really not a soldier. This pudgy guy is actually the supervising army sent by Second Prince. The reason why Second Prince believes in him so much is because this guy has a bad stomach and gave Second Prince a lot of bad ideas. On the other hand, it’s also because of this The place is the Big Uncle son of Second Prince.

After grabbing the first mate, the Big Uncle of Second Prince immediately said to the captain: "Your Excellency Howard, the order of His Majesty is directly sunk. Now that the encirclement has been completed, it should be bombed directly. Shen them."

Commander Howard glanced at this guy who was a figure with a gunpowder keg in disgust, and then coldly said: "Pay attention to your words, the house officer. The king was assassinated, and he is still in national mourning. , The second His Highness the Prince is still His Highness the Prince now, just a temporary substitute for the Regent King. Before the coronation ceremony is completed, you directly call the second His Highness the Prince Your Majesty, as the internal officer in charge of ceremony etiquette, is it possible Don’t you understand this?"

The spiteful rays of light flashed in the eyes of the internal affairs officer, but he quickly adjusted it and followed up and said: "Your Excellency, it’s just that even His Highness the Prince, now also the Regent King, so you still need to follow the orders of your highness. So please carry out the orders of your highness and order the fire to sink the two ships."

Although it is not I like the guy in front of me and don't have a good impression of Second Prince, but the order is the order. Unless he wants to betray, no matter how reluctant, Prince's order must be executed. After only hesitating for two seconds, Howard turned to the chief officer and said: "The previous order is cancelled, and the ships are notified to free shelling and sink the two ships."

After that, the first officer turned around and passed the order. Although he also despised the internal affairs officer, but who told him to be the representative of His Highness the Prince now? Since even the commander has compromised, he can only execute orders.

The ships that received the order have now formed an encirclement to the two ships in the center, and have adjusted their angles. Now there are at least a few thousand guns facing the two ships, and Both are within the best range, as long as you fire, you can tear the two ships to pieces in an instant. Of course, that is what should happen under normal circumstances, but it is not normal now because I am here.

"Fire." As the flagship fired its first cannon, the surrounding battleship immediately started one after another fire. The real thing is that ten thousand cannons fired together, but...

Just when everyone thought that the two ships on the opposite side would instantly turn into a pile of debris, a silhouette covered in holy white light suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly in the middle of the merchant ship The top of the main mast. With the appearance of this silhouette, a visible white light film of naked eye suddenly appeared from the top of the person's head, and then quickly extended downward to become a huge spherical mask, covering the two ships in the center in light. In the hood.

Actually, the person standing on the mast is me, but I am not using the image of Purple Moon, but Silver Moon. The reason for using the image of Silver Moon is mainly considering that the god here seems to be Light Element, and the large size of Purple Moon will become biased towards the appearance of Dark Element after the combination is activated, especially the armor is too ugly, so I switched the image of Yinyue. Anyway, my two accounts are now two-in-one. Switching the image or something does not affect the performance of the attribute.

The holy white light that the personnel in the surrounding fleet saw just now is actually Xiaochun's skill-God's grace. This skill is actually a large-scale healing technique, covering a very large area, and after activation, it emits healing light from itself. People who don’t understand will feel that the light is very warm after seeing it. It is definitely a necessary skill for swindle. . As for the latter mask, this thing is simpler, it is directly an absolute barrier for Jingjing.

Jingjing’s absolute barrier is different from mine. My absolute barrier is to equip Secondary Skill. Although there is a time limit, it is absolutely invincible within the time limit and can ignore any attacks including Law Power launched by High God. Jingjing’s absolute barrier is not as abnormal as my defensive power, but it also has its advantages. At least this absolute barrier is more flexible in control, can be released and retracted at will, and can change shape or appear out of the body. Anyway, the control is equivalent. At will, and before the magic power is exhausted, this thing is absolutely invincible like mine, of course, if it is attacked by a strong force, the magic power will be exhausted very quickly.

Although Jingjing’s absolute barrier consumes magic power when attacked, they are surrounded by ordinary battleships, and they use front-mounted artillery. This thing may be formidable to them. Power is good, but it's nothing to me.

As many battleships fired together, a large number of flying projectiles appeared on the sea immediately. However, after they hit the mask, all these projectiles would explode after the bang without exception. A small glare came out, and then it disappeared.

Thousands of guns have been bombarded for more than ten minutes. On average, each gun fired at least four or five shells. However, after the shelling stopped, nothing happened on the sea. . The two battleships remained unscathed, as if they had not been shelled.

Compared to the army, the navy is the most superstitious service. It’s not about how people in the navy are. It’s just that compared to land, the sea is too mysterious, so people who run at sea will naturally become believers of mysteriousism and begin to believe in strange things. Precisely because of this, when the imperial fleet here finished a round of shelling, all the people on the battleships were in a commotion.

Two ships that cannot be sunk, what kind of power is this? The crew had to start guessing, and at this time, it was finally time for my performance.

"Kneel down, humble mortal." A majestic roar that sounded like a direct ear shocked everyone present, and everyone's reaction also had nothing common with each other. At least one third of the ordinary crew members knelt directly. They are all ordinary persons. The combination of this strength and the previous situation is enough to make them realize that they are not opponents of others. Ordinary persons who are usually accustomed to kneeling gods, kneeling kings, and kneeling noble lords don't care if there is another kneeling existence, even if they haven't figured out what kind of existence it is.

Compared with the low-level crew, the performance of the officers is slightly better. Most of them just froze there, not a few really kneel down, of course there are also some, but very few. That's it.

On the flagship, Howard was also taken aback by the sudden sound, and the people around him had different expressions. The interior officer panicked at first, and then seemed to recover a little bit. After that, he didn't know what he was thinking. He just saw his eyes rolling around, obviously thinking about something.

That sound is of course my voice, but I used the amplified spell to increase the volume, and at the same time it was accompanied by Ling’s mental shock, so it scared many people directly to the end of the voice’s master. He knelt there without knowing what kind of existence it was. Of course, even so, my mental shock was weakened a lot. Ling's mental impact is still too strong for ordinary persons, even range release is by no means an ordinary person can withstand, so I had to weaken 90% of the formidable power to produce the effect just now.

After a shout, I suddenly floated up from the mast and hovered above the mall, then looked at the fleet around and said again: "As my believer, I dare to stand in front of me. Do you want to resist my glory, mortal? Or that your belief in me has never been true?" With the appearance of this sentence, the people on the boats around suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies suddenly increased, one after another The huge pressure of the same substance made many people kneel on the ground immediately with a plop. As for those with hard bones, they just clenched their teeth for more than ten seconds. Of course, such a large fleet is impossible without a stronger presence. This is just a low magic world, not a magic world, so mages or advanced warrior also exist, but the strength is incomparable to me.

Of course, these high-level personnel are stronger than the ordinary person, so they did not immediately kneel to the ground like the ordinary person. Surprisingly, Howard and the first and second mates around him are also like this. People, they withstood the first wave of pressure, but the next situation did surprise them. After the first wave of pressure passed, the pressure did not drop, but waves hit like waves, and the waves were stronger than the waves. After only holding for thirty seconds, the first officer and the second officer knelt to the ground one after another, and Howard lasted for three to five seconds longer than his own.

In fact, they felt that they suddenly added a few hundred kilograms of weight to their bodies. It’s not an illusion. In fact, I secretly activated the Gravity Technique of the small dragon girl just now, but this time I didn’t reduce the weight but increased the weight. That's why they feel that their bodies for no reason have become very heavy. It is a real feeling, not an illusion. Of course, using Gravity Technique alone is obviously not enough. It will only make them feel physical pressure and will not really fear me. So when I release Gravity Technique, I also activate Ling’s mental shock and lucky Dragon's Might. .

Even in the high magic world, giant dragons exist at the top of the food chain. Human beings just stand relatively high in the food chain, and there is still a distance from the top, so the depiction is in instinct. The fear of high-end predators is not fake. With the double blow of one after another Dragon's Might and mental shock, even the strongest people will feel like they are about to collapse. Of course, I want them to take refuge in Princess and Prince, not to turn them into idiots, so the coercion just now only increased a little bit, and they didn’t fully open up all at once, otherwise the only thing these people could do in the future would be Drooling all day long and giggling!

As Howard fell to his knees, no one in the fleet could stand anymore, and after determining this with pepper’s mental sensitivity, I directly removed most of the pressure, leaving only A touch of Dragon's Might was dropped. This change made them feel a lot better, but still no one dared to stand up. The previous performance has scared them. When faced with an irresistible existence, few people can really be brave. It is as if there are only a few remnants who dare to launch a decisive charge against the enemy's army, but a large army will completely collapse in the face of several invincible existences that are completely undead. As long as there is a little gain, humans don't care about sacrifice, but once they find that they are completely unable to resist, their fighting spirit will quickly disappear.

The fleet in front of you is almost in such a state now. They have determined that I am irresistible, so even if I remove the pressure, no one dares to stand up again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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