The remaining two battleships are not big. Even this slightly larger one is just a medium-sized sailing ship. In the face of eternity, this wooden battleship really constitutes It doesn't have much hindrance, so my ship-cutting knife can easily cut the entire battleship into two pieces. Because there is no watertight compartment, the sailboat was cut open and sank quickly, leaving only a few struggling crewmembers on the surface.

After killing this ship, I have only one goal left, but that ship is very fast and has already run out a bit, but no matter how fast the ship is, it’s impossible to compare with our flying unit. Yes, so I was quickly chased up and cut off all the masts and the upper bridge with a knife. The top of the entire ship became a flat surface, and the upper part was lifted off.

As I guessed before, this ship seems to have additional power equipment. Even if all the masts are cut off, it still has no meaning to stop, but the speed has increased a little bit. .

Looking at the battleship that was still running, I directly overtook it and flew to the bow direction, and then dragged the eternally changing ship-cutting knife to my side with one hand, and then turned around and turned into a direct ship. Head against it and flew past. The other party also saw my behavior, so they guessed my intentions, but even if they knew what I was going to do, this kind of time would never escape. How can a ship turning in the water compare to a flying unit like mine? Even a single speedboat is impossible. Who turns faster than the seabirds, right?

There is no suspense. Although the opponent did evasiveness, but before the ship's hull really turned to my ship-cutting knife, it cut in from the left side of the bow, and followed it like a hot knife cutting butter. Through the entire battleship, it was easily separated from the stern, and the battleship was slowly divided into two parts behind me. Half of them fell directly to the outside, the other half slid down against the inside, and finally the whole ship gradually began to sink in the rolling spray.

in order to guard against the unexpected I went around on the sea for a few more laps, and only after seeing the last few survivors who emerged all the killings did I turn around and return to the position of the Dreamer.

Although I didn't waste much time here, but when I came back, I found that the familiars were much more efficient than me, because I was the last one to come back.

The Dreamer was bombarded many times in this naval battle, but in fact only one shell touched the ship’s side, and because it was only pasted, it did not penetrate, and only flew a decorative board. For this kind of victory, it is said that it is a big victory, but the strange thing is that after we waited for a long time, we were still floating at sea.

"What's the situation?" I looked at the captain in surprise and asked.

Compared to my reaction, the crew on board were actually more surprised. Originally, they thought that even if the robbery was successful, it was over, but after I helped them successfully complete the robbery, they still couldn't get out of this cycle. Later, based on my analysis, I thought that this matter might have something to do with this fleet, so there was this annihilation war, but now, the naval battle has been over for a long time, not to mention the ship, even the surviving seafarers have died. However, we are still in this time segment. The cycle is not over, which means that the last wish has not been fulfilled.

When I heard my question, the captain over there was also a question mark. The whole ship was scratching their heads and thinking what was wrong, but even so, we still got nothing.

"Damn it, what did you wish for before?" I thought the task would be easy now, and now I'm a little worried. No wonder Wiki says that this is a cheating task. Even if I violently crack it and wipe out all the enemies, it is still impossible to complete the task. This task is indeed cheating, and it is not an ordinary cheating.

In desperation, we had to gather all the people on the ship to discuss a solution. As a result, everyone talking at once was still unable to determine what their last wish was.

"If this is the case, I suggest that we do it again?" I said suddenly. "Maybe we didn't kill all the enemies in the previous battle. This time we will take a thorough look and see if it is because we didn't kill all the enemies."

Listen to me, the captain has to temporarily Agree to this plan, after all, we can't find any other reason except this.

After the helpless self-sinking, the cycle begins again. The robbery process can be described as standard. After all, these guys have robbed the ship many times, and the other party is extremely cooperative, so this process can be said to be It was done super smoothly. Then the opposing Imperial fleet appeared, and then encircled and went to war. In order to make sure that there are no survivors this time, I was cruel. After the opponent approaches, he directly asks Hei Yan to take action to circle all the opponent's battleships, and then the large familiars swarms up, all the battleships are sunk, and finally all the familiars that can be launched go into the water to stare and see anyone who is not dead. Go up and make up for it all. As for the person who was holding on to the surface, it was slaughtered by a familiar who couldn't dive. Finally, when the battle was over, we could finally be sure that there was no survivor. However, it seems that the cycle is still not over.

Looking at the discouraged crew members, I can only encourage me: "Don’t be discouraged, at least we have proved that killing the enemy is not your last wish."

"But we still don’t know. How to get out!" a pirate exclaimed.

"Everyone pays attention to recall what you have thought at the beginning, you can always find the problem. You have also seen that my strength is completely beyond your imagination, and any of your wishes. It can be satisfied, so now we are not unable to complete the task, but can not find your wish. As long as you can tell me what you were thinking, I will be able to get you out."

The pirates finally became a little calmer when they heard what I said, after all, my words really make sense. Compared to before, with me here, their detachment probability has at least increased in the large section. After all, I can even wipe out the entire enemy fleet. They don’t think I can’t do anything. Now What is lacking is that there is no goal.

After calming down a bit, the brains of the pirates finally started to move. Soon someone proposed a probability. "Do you think our last wish is to sink the merchant ship we robbed?"

"Have you not sunk it before?" I asked in surprise.

The pirate captain nodded and said: "Except for the first few times, the other party became very cooperative later. We only killed some people on the ship at first, and didn't even think about sinking. They. As you know, we also have our own rules as pirates. We will not sink any ships that do not resist, and as long as the opponent stops fighting at any time, we will not kill to the last one. Robbery in the future will be helpful. Except for at first’s limited resistance, the ship has become more and more cooperative. Of course, we will not move them in accordance with the rules."

" Maybe it might be useful to Shen that shopping mall?"

The captain thought for a while and said, "Perhaps." Obviously he was not sure. But I am very excited.

"Whether it is it or not, you can loop indefinitely anyway. At worst is just a wrong test. Can you lose anything else?"

"Yes, Anyway, it can be mixed indefinitely. At worst, we will sink one more time."

As the pirates screamed, we immediately sank and started the next cycle. When the scene was reset again, the pirates immediately withdrew to the ship, and then began to fire on the merchant ship. At such a close distance, the merchant ship with no resistance was of course quickly turned into a pile of wood chips, but in the end we still did not break away from this time segment.

"It seems useless!" The pirates said disappointedly, looking at the merchant ship that had become a pile of driftwood on the sea.

I thought for a while and said: "Perhaps this is a joint condition. You need to sink and escape or sink the enemy's fleet."

"Then try again."

Because of my existence, the pirates can now test their ideas with confidence, so the current enthusiasm is still quite high, so we have sunk several times in a short period of time. Second, the results proved that it is useless whether it is to sink the merchant ship and escape successfully, sink the merchant ship and then sink the fleet, or sink the fleet and then return to rob. As for getting out of the sight of the fleet and coming back to robbery, we failed to test this method because we suddenly reset the unfathomable mystery while the experiment was in progress.

"Damn, I have tried so many methods, but none of them is correct!" After the excitement period of at first, the pirates obviously lost their patience because of several consecutive The tests all failed, and they have a tendency to fall into despair.

In fact, not only the pirates at this time, even I began to worry. It seems that this task is really not as simple as imagined, the cheating task is really name is not in vain.

We were in a deadlock again. After we were silent for more than an hour, I suddenly stood up and said to all the pirates: "Listen to me. This is the situation now. You don’t seem to remember yourself at all. What was my last wish at the time, and because I have not experienced what I did, I can’t help you deliberate. It’s obviously not a solution for us to try it like this, so I think we can recreate the original scene again?"

"What does it mean to reproduce the original scene?" a pirate asked.

I seriously replied: "Even if I don't help you, you don't want to change your tactics, just do it again according to the complete simulation of the original situation when you were alive, and let me see the whole process. I only have to understand what happened before I hope to help you fulfill your last wishes."

Because my performance before, I have received a lot of image points, so now the pirates are very high in what I say Support. Now that I said that, they just did it.

After I sank again, the scene was reset, and then I flew directly, relying on the illusion of Emenis to make myself fly in the sky invisibly, and then carefully observe the whole process. The pirates started robbery as always, but the crew did not resist, and then the robbery was completed, but it is strange that the two ships did not separate after the robbery was completed, but they continued to stay together for a while before the pirates suddenly left the merchant. The ship started to run.

At this time, the imperial fleet was very close. The pirates started to flee immediately after completing their turn. The fleet shot threateningly, but failed. Then several fast battleships were separated from the fleet and surrounded by two wings. Pirates’ ship. There was an artillery battle between the fast battleship and the Dreamer. Because the fast battleship was small in size and had fewer artillery pieces, two ships were sunk, and the Dreamer was only destroyed by one artillery and passed through the blockade safely, just because of the previous During the artillery battle, the speed of the hull dropped slightly, but the subsequent fleet gradually overtook it, and the battleships on the two sides began to shell each other at super long distances. The Dreamer first hit the opponent's battleship, but the damage was slight, and then the Dreamer was shelled, and the sail was hit and torn, causing the ship's speed to drop. The imperial fleet that followed one after another attacked the Dreamer, and then the Dreamer sank helplessly.

The whole process seems to be normal. To make sure that nothing was missed, I specially asked the pirates to do it again three times, and every time I observed the situation in different places. The last time I chose to stay on the merchant ship to see the situation, and the whole process seems to be the same. The only difference is that a hooded person on the merchant ship always looks at me secretly and doesn’t know what I’m thinking. .

Although the crew member was strange, I was not affected in any way. Observing the entire battle, I felt that the situation was almost the same. It seemed that I was completely stuck in a dead end. I couldn't think of the problem at all.

Just when I was struggling to think about what was wrong, the scene entered the shipwreck stage again. I was pulled into the seabed and went to the deep sea with the pirates, and then the ship changed. Dilapidated, and the crew members have become undead.

"Purple Moon, do you want to watch it again?" The pirates have repeated this kind of reincarnation countless times anyway, and they don't care more than a few times, so they are not impatient at all.

I shook my head and said: "It seems that the situation is the same. I always feel like I have caught something, but I just want to do not raise."

It seemed that they had caught something, and the pirates were immediately excited, because my performance after entering here has fully proved that I not only surpassed them in battle strength, but also in terms of thinking ability, so they all felt that I said If you find something, it must be something you can use.

Some impatient pirates heard that I had discovered something, so they rushed over and asked: "What's the problem with you? Do you need to fight hand-to-hand with that fleet? Isn't it possible to sink the ship? "

I haven't answered yet, the pirate captain pulled away the anxious guy and taught: "Don't disturb President Purple Moon thinking about the problem, just leave me alone."

"Wait." I stopped the captain's movements, and then said as if talking in a dream, "I seem to be a little inspired. Hand-to-hand combat... Could it be that the problem is not the ship, but the people? But you sink the ship Didn’t people die afterwards? No, no, something went wrong. By the way, you have repeated reincarnation so many times, did you find any strange phenomena?"

"Strange phenomena? "The captain said puzzledly: "It seems that the strangest thing is that you asked us to do an experiment before, bypassing the fleet first and then coming back to rob. The unfathomable mystery suddenly began to reincarnate. Apart from this, nothing strange happened. Oh. By the way, those crew members on the merchant ship are getting more and more cooperating with our robbery, right?"

"Cooperating more and more with you?" I suddenly realized something. "You mean, they remember every reincarnation like you do?"

I didn't pay attention before, but the captain also reacted to what I said. "Yeah! If they are more and more cooperating with us, it can only mean that they remember each reincarnation, so they know that this is a cycle, and resistance is meaningless, so they cooperate like this. Otherwise, they should be the same as that fleet, every time They are all the same model. As long as we don’t change our tactics, they will even have the exact same pair of shells for each shelling."

I immediately frowned after I got the decision: "If it’s your last wish Publishers, it’s understandable for you to remember all this, but if you even remember the other’s crew, it’s not normal. Could it be that..."

" It's not us but the crew on the merchant ship, right?" The pirate captain is obviously not a fool, and he immediately thought of this probability.

"If nothing happens, this may be the problem."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

The only advantage of infinite loop is that you can rest assured Boldly test any probability, because apart from wasting time, we have no loss at all.

After the scene reset, we reappeared next to the merchant ship, but this time the pirates did not rob, but gathered all the crew on the ship's deck. The pirate captain and I were standing upstairs in the command building of the merchant ship looking at the merchant ship crew below, and then I asked aloud: "Can you remember every cycle here just like us?"

< p>As soon as I finished speaking, the people below were obviously stunned. I can see from their performance that these people actually don’t remember the time cycle, otherwise they would not be so stunned, because they It’s clear that I don’t know the performance of this matter.

However, although most crew members are like this, there are several different reactions. In the middle of the crew, there are three people whose performance is obviously different from that of the surrounding crew. These three people are two youngsters and an old man.

The old man looks very old, but he doesn't feel weak at all. On the contrary, he looks very strong and vigorous. However, although Essence, Qi, and Spirit are very good, but the other's body does not look like a warrior character, but it is very similar to a wizard, but this guy didn't wear a staff or a wizard robe, so I'm not so sure.

In addition to the old man, there are two youngsters who have the same reaction time. These two people are wearing white robes and hoods on their heads. They can’t see their faces because of the brim. But I think one of these two people seems to be staring at me when I was watching the battle on the merchant ship. The person who looked at.

After confirming the target, I directly gave a few words to the captain of the pirate. Locked up. Of course, those three different people were left behind.

Because there are only three people left, I don’t have to stand so high. I went directly down to the deck and walked to the vicinity of the three of them. Then I looked at them and asked again: "Are you too? Know that this world is always in reincarnation?"

"What if you know?" A youngster who was next to the old man suddenly said this, and at the same time he raised his head and lifted his hood . Hidden by the hood is a golden wavy short hair, angular facial lines and a silver armor. This guy is just like a white horse Prince. The only problem is that the horse doesn't know where it is.

Before I had time to answer the Prince's words, the old man next to him spoke first. "You are tossing back and forth to find the reason why you can't end this reincarnation, right?"

I relaxed as soon as the other party spoke, because it shows that the other party knows about this reincarnation, and the performance of the pirates is obvious before. It shows that they actually have no last wishes. Then, the only probability to end this world is to satisfy the last wishes of the three people here. This is the fundamental problem of this world. After the players took the task and came in, they were on the pirate ship, and the target of the robbery was this merchant ship. Who would have thought that the key person who ended the mission would actually be on this robbed merchant ship?

The key to being unable to complete the mission before is that it cannot find the mission objective. Now that you know the problem, it is easier to handle.

"Dear old man, we are indeed looking for a way to end this endless cycle. Since you remember this cycle, you should also know how painful this endless world is, so I believe you also want to end all this. Did you say so?"

The youngster next to the old man seemed to want to say something, but the old man stopped it as soon as he moved. "I really want to end this reincarnation, but we have to repeat this reincarnation again and again, because we can't end it at all."


"Because of that. "The youngster finally yelled out impulsively, and at the same time his fingers pointed to the sea. We followed the direction of his fingers and found out that the huge imperial fleet appeared on the sea.

After seeing the fleet, I was taken aback for a while, and then I reacted. "Isn’t that fleet coming to rescue you, or just passing by here?"

Youngster shouted again: "Rescue? By the way? They will rescue us? They are simply here to hunt us down. !"

When he heard this, the pirate captain over there couldn't help but screamed. "I said why the imperial fleet would all be dispatched to encircle and suppress our second-rate pirate group. After a long time, did we just hit the gun at the gun?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The youth coldly snorted and said.

"Sorry, it hurts you." The one who has not spoken finally spoke. Of course, she also lifted her hood, and only then did we discover that this is a beautiful girl. If the previous one was White Horse Prince, then this one is basically Bai Xue Princess. The figure is completely covered by the robe, but this face is really exquisite and nothing to say. Not only is it well-proportioned, but the most important thing is white. It is almost like a boiled egg without any pores. And the white one seems to be about to be transparent. While I was observing each other’s face, the beautiful girl continued: "Actually, my big brother and I are the Third Prince and Little Princess of the Empire. This one is my teacher, MacPherson, and also the Empire. archmage." When she reached her, the pirates over there oh la la showed all their weapons at once, obviously the identity of the empire's archmage was quite deterrent.

Seeing this situation, Princess quickly explained: "You don't need to do this. The teacher has been seriously injured, and now he has no ability to release any spells."

" Putting it that way, the fleet behind is here to chase you down?" After watching so many dramas about the court struggle, I suddenly found that a Princess and a Prince were being pursued by their own fleet. Of course, I directly thought of the throne fight. What a fight.

Sure enough, Princess said, "Yes. Our second brother killed the big brother and father and became the emperor himself, and then he wanted to kill us. The teacher got the dying general of the Royal Father We were escorted out, but he himself was injured and lost his mana. Unfortunately, we were intercepted and robbed by them when we got here, so we were delayed, and finally caught up by the Imperial fleet, and then all died here and fell into an infinite loop. In the middle."

After listening to Princess’s words, I directly nodded and said: "Now I know why there are piles of gold and silver treasures like hills on an ordinary merchant ship. I have been doing it for a long time. You are Prince and Princess. It is understandable to have money."

"No, this is not our money." Princess explained: "This is actually the treasure of the secret country, equivalent to the current external treasury. The total value is more than twice. Royal Father said that the second brother must be a tyrant, so we want us to take away these treasures and we can’t let him get it, otherwise he will definitely use the money to form an army to expand abroad. When the time comes, it must be a loss. of life!"

"Your father is really kind!" The captain of the pirate said at this time, but it was mostly mocking.

Prince wanted to get angry, but was held down by the old man. Princess was obviously smarter and calmer than his brother, and she didn't react at all when she heard this, as if she hadn't heard it. She continued: "Although you have found us now and know the reason for the infinite loop in this world, you should also know that our wish is impossible to fulfill."

"Why?" The pirate ship The leader said immediately: "President Purple Moon took us to escape the chase before. Don’t you just need to be caught? Let President Purple Moon take you away. We will leave it to you to ensure your safety. Escape." Anyway, he has died countless times. The pirate captain will only be able to rest in peace, and simply don't make trouble after the break.

Originally, the pirate captain and I had similar thoughts. Didn’t expect the pirate captain just finished talking, but the Princess over there said: "no no no, we had promised it before we died. Three wishes." After a pause, I continued: "Use our three lives and souls."

"What? You don't use the wishing technique, do you?" I heard the explanation from Princess. It's Sparta. I said how the obsession of a few people can form such a powerful time segment. After a long time, it is a wishing technique. No wonder it is so cheating! Although the formidable power of the wishing technique is endless, it is known as the forbidden spell in the forbidden spell, but another nickname for this thing is the king of cheating. Usually the results of using the wishing technique will be satisfied, but the way to satisfy you definitely makes you didn't know whether to cry or laugh, it looks like it is done, but it is OK to say that it is not done. Anyway, it is very cheating.

When I heard my exclamation, the mage over there seemed to blush, and finally said sorry: "At that time, we were intercepted by you, and we were furious. We used one of the treasures on impulse. The scroll of wishing technique is said to be something of Mythological Era. But as you have seen, nothing has changed, but we ourselves are caught in such a cycle."

"no no no." I Interrupted the old mage, and then said: "Although the wishing technique is often unreliable, it will definitely take effect, especially when the cost is huge. You have paid the torment of your life and soul, and the result must be very powerful. The current spatial cycle It is one of the results. Your wish is definitely fulfilled, but you haven't found it."

"Really?" Princess asked.

I'm nodded: "Anyway, I haven't heard of the situation where the wishing technique has no effect after success. Now what are your wishes? I'll help you see how. It works, by the way, let’s study how to end this damn cycle."

I think it’s already like this anyway, there is nothing to worry about, so Princess they just hesitated and said their wish. .

"I wished that the pirates who intercepted us would suffer the most painful punishment in the world, so that they would not be peaceful after death." Prince first said his wish.

The pirate captain sighed helplessly: "Who told you that the wish was not fulfilled? We are not punished? Every time that fleet comes, it will sink us, and then we will be heavy again. Warm the feeling of death again. Do you know how many times we have died in so many years? One hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven times. Doesn't this mean that there is no peace after death? We all died more than a hundred times Ten thousand times, what punishment in the world is more serious than this? Even if someone in your kingdom commits a crime of treason, you don’t have to die more than a million times, right?"

"Huh? You really Died so many times? In this way, my wish is really fulfilled!" Prince's tone is obviously not as aggressive as before. But after listening to Princess's narration, I didn't care about his tone. After all, if I was killed by an enemy because I was stopped by someone while escaping, I would definitely hate the person who stopped me. In this situation, not directly rushing to strangle the opponent is considered to be a good restraint, how can you care about the tone of the problem? However, now that he heard that the other party had died more than one million times, Prince's anger had obviously gone down a lot. After all, the punishment was really cruel.

After listening to Prince’s narration, I looked towards Princess and asked the mage: "What is your wish? What is it?"

The mage said: "My wish is this Don’t let the treasure fall into the hands of the Imperial Fleet."

I nodded and said: "This wish seems to have been implemented quite well. The pirates robbed your treasure, and then it was sunk. They are indeed a gold I didn’t get the coin. Isn’t that scroll of yours not a wishing technique, but something of a higher level? It seems that the wishing technique I’ve seen before has not been so reliable. The first two wishes are almost uncompromising. Has it been executed?"

The mage shook his head and said that he did not know, but he knew that the scroll should record the wishing technique, and he did not know the other information. After all, he didn't even know the existence of this treasure before. Later, it was discovered that the scroll was also temporarily noticed, and there was no time to explore the origin of the scroll. I can only say that this is a mystery, anyway the scroll has been used up, and it was before the looping segment, we simply can't see it now.

After we finished talking, I turned to Princess and asked: "What is your wish?"

When I heard what I said, Princess started to be sorry, and I can clearly see Her face was turning into a red apple.

"Huh? I said something shouldn't I say?"

"No, no." Princess explained quickly. " actually my wish!"

"What's the matter?"

"My wish is that the Imperial Fleet abandons in front of me and then follows me Go back and drive the second brother from the throne." After the Princess said, she lowered her head in shame, wishing to stuff her head into the deck as an ostrich.

After we froze for a long time, the pirate captain over there suddenly came out: "Really a good girl who loves to dream!"

He glanced at the pirate captain with sympathy, and then suddenly loudly said: "OK, since your wish is so, let us finish it."

"Eh? That... my wish is... …"

Princess interrupted her before she finished speaking, "I don’t know what kind of scroll you took out at the time, but I’m sure that it’s definitely not a wishing technique. Because your wishes have been completely implemented, without any deviation. This is not the style of wishing. As for the last wish... it didn't take effect, but the effect became weak because of insufficient energy. Your scroll can’t directly use the last energy to complete the Princess’s wish, so it also keeps you in this cyclical world, and publishes a mission outside to summon an adventurer like me to help you complete the final A wish, and the price is the treasure that the Master does not want Second Prince to get."

Hearing my explanation, everyone suddenly realized it.

"so that's how it is, we don’t think the scroll is effective, but the problem lies here." McPherson archmage first exclaimed: "It seems that what we used is not a wishing technique. Scroll, the real wishing technique is not so powerful, it can fulfill the owner's wishes without any difference, and it can take the initiative to find alternatives when the energy is insufficient. This is really too powerful! Even the so-called forbidden spell The wishing technique of forbidden spell is also impossible to accomplish such a complicated thing."

"Okay, we don't care about what scroll it is now, what we have to do now is to complete the Princess wish. The first two wishes have been accomplished very well, but this last wish seems to be done by me for you!"

"Don't be kidding, do you have a way to make the entire empire fleet defect to us? "Prince said disdainfully: "Don't say let them take refuge, even if it is to defeat them, it is impossible, let alone let them take the initiative to take refuge."

The mage is also nodded when he hears this and sighs. Said: "Yes! It is impossible for them to take the initiative to take refuge in simply. The fleet is all the empire's most loyal naval warrior. They were deceived by the false news of the Second Prince walking, thinking that we killed the King Your Majesty, so They will not take refuge in us at all, but will spare no effort to hunt us down."

"no no no, in this world nothing is impossible to happen, as long as there are suitable conditions, anything can happen Yes. All we need is to create conditions."

"What conditions?" Prince asked.

"I'm thinking about it."

"hmph, it's not just talking big."

"No, I have already thought of it." I finished speaking suddenly He raised his head and said to the mage over there, "Does your empire have any gods of faith?"

"Of cours

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