Of the three ships I pursued, only one was a large battleship, and the other two were very small. One of the ships has the smallest hull, with a total of only one artillery deck, and all the guns plus one piece of less than 20 guns, and the structure of this ship does not seem to be prepared for combat, it seems that it should have other special purposes. . However, what makes me a little surprised is that this ship is actually much faster than the other two, and it seems that this ship is not driven by wind. There should be other driving power inside, because that guy’s tail section will A large amount of white spray was ejected. This is not a normal track, but the result of water flow disturbance caused by the propeller.

Although that boat looks weird, I finally customized it to strike the target because the big boat looks more valuable.

Probably I was frightened by the black flames. The crew did not take any precautions at all, so that I approached the battleship, and no one on the boat noticed me until I put away the night. When the shadow glide down to the deck, someone noticed my arrival because of seeing the shadow cast on the deck by my wings.

"Someone is pedaling." With a shout, the crew of the ship ran out from under the cabin. Previously, because it was out of artillery battle, most of the crew were in the gun warehouse. There were almost no other crew members on the upper deck except for sailors. This was mainly to reduce accidental casualties. After all, the deck was open space. , If everyone gathers on it, once the opponent’s cannonball hits, it can really kill one shot, so unless they are preparing to connect the ship, the sailors on the sailboat will try to avoid appearing on the deck in the artillery battle.

Although people were hiding underneath before, when someone heard that someone got on the boat, the people underneath naturally couldn’t hide anymore. A large group of people in shuaa~ started from the four hatches distributed on the upper part of the ship. Ran out.

As a super-large sailing ship, this battleship has a total of almost 500 crew members. Although half of them are dedicated to sailing or maneuvering artillery, the remaining half are professional battles. Sailors, and even those half of the crew with other jobs, are impossible to stand by at this time. Besides, although these people are not in charge of fighting, they are like the cooks in the army who still shoot. What is the sailing crew on the battleship? Of course they will also fight.

Although I flew down, but because of the size problem, after all, it seems that they are not as lucky as they are exaggerated. Therefore, those crew members do not lack courage when facing me, but this courage cannot be used. What is the essential effect.

Looking at the crew coming up, I took out the eternity without any confusion and held it with both hands, and followed the two hands to the two sides. The ring of eternity was divided into two parts by me, and then these two Part of it quickly deformed into two whip swords.

After the weapon was in place, I immediately waved the eternal threw away a whip, which suddenly broke down due to centrifugal force. The elongated sword body flew directly and swept away towards the crowd, and then only heard a little click. With some jerky sounds, the crowd who followed the forward rushed shortly.

The crew who had been bravely moving forward in the last second immediately braked in the face of this sudden blow, because they finally realized that the enemy in front of them was no better to deal with than those giant beasts.

My purpose is only to destroy the ship, and it’s too slow to deal with the crew one by one, so since they don’t rush, I don’t care about them, but just take the automatic tightening and turn it into a sword. The eternity of form stepped across the ground to the main mast.

Originally, the crew saw me approaching and was still hiding, but when I realized that I had actually passed to the main mast, the guys immediately plucked up the courage and rushed up here. For a sailboat, the mast is life, because without a mast, there is no sail, and a sailboat without a sail can only be a piece of driftwood on the sea. Ninety-nine percent of the probability will cause all the people on the ship to starve to death at sea. As for luck to land or something, that kind of thing must have a somewhat unexplainable relationship with the lucky Goddess before it can happen.

Looking at the crowd rushing up again, I didn’t even know my head. I raised my hand and opened my palm in that direction, buzzing around the naked eye. The visible waves of air burst from my palm. The crowd who rushed up out of the general blew away, and many others fell directly into the sea.

After a move blasted a group of people, the crowd paused again. I used this time to walk to the mast and raise my hand with a sword. There is no sound, as if using the best Mountain Splitting Saber to kill tofu, eternity swept across the mast, and then it was as if nothing happened.

People around have seen my movements, so they are all looking up, and I also looked up suspiciously, and confirmed that the mast really didn't move. After thinking for a while, I suddenly understood the problem, so I raised my hand and waved a sword glow upward, and a row of dozens of ropes broke with a bang, and they all fell down, but the mast still didn't move. I walked suspiciously and stretched out a finger on the mast lightly, and then pushed forward. Accompanied by a squeak... the sturdy mast could no longer maintain its balance this time, and began to be pushed by me. Leaning to one side, the speed became faster and faster, and finally collapsed with a loud noise and crashed into the sea next to it.

As the main mast collapsed, the speed of the ship immediately slowed down, and because of the mast, the hull began to tilt at a certain angle, but it was not too serious. However, I came up to send it to seabed, so I was impossible to let it go.

Amidst the many crew members stunned, I directly lifted my foot and stomped down, only hearing a click, the walnut deck cracked a big hole directly, and I followed the hole into the lower cabin. . Before the person above could react, I observed it left and right. As a result, I could easily see the gunpowder keg. He flicked a Fireball Technique casually and went up, then turned around and rushed out of the hole and fluttered to the sky. Behind me was the battleship that exploded and the debris and various debris flying around.

I don’t pay too much attention to the people falling into the water. This is a time segment of isolation. There is no land or other ships, so unless the crew can become mermaids, the only people falling into the water are dead. end, there is no probability of survival.

After I got the biggest ship, I went back in the air and looked around, only to find that the remaining two ships were running separately, and the directions were at an angle of ninety degrees, if I let them run away It is quite troublesome to chase it up. Fortunately, I was fast enough, and it took a few minutes to attack the big ship, and the two ships had just finished turning and drove a short distance. Naturally, they could easily catch up with my flying speed.

For the two boats I saved, I still chose to attack the big one first, but the big one is only slightly larger than the other one, in fact it is still a small boat. I was afraid that I couldn’t cut the big ship before, so I got on the ship for blasting. This ship looks a lot thinner, so I don’t have to bother so much. I directly turn Eternity into a ship-cutting knife that is 20 meters long and one meter wide. , And then rushed directly up. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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