"What should I do?"

In the depressed voice of the captain’s questioning, I replied: "It’s not a big problem. You escort it."

"Why is this also OK?"

"Why not?"

"But the opponent’s shell hits your pet What should I do? Help us block the shells?"

"Do you suspect that my familiar can't block the shells?"

Although the captain didn't say anything, I know him That’s what I mean, so I simply said: “This kind of thing is not explained clearly, so just look at the situation for yourself for a while. Anyway, even if it fails, it’s great. Let’s do it again.”

The pirate captain over there also reacted to what I said, anyway, even if it was sunk, there was no loss, so he didn't worry anymore.

Since I have agreed with the captain that the safety of the Dreamer is handed over to us, then I can’t break my promise, so I summoned out Iverrit and Brigitte and let them stand on the ship separately. The top of the two masts. Although there is actually no way to stand in this position, Inverite and Brigitte are not actually standing there, but floating there. They just use the tip of the mast as the positioning coordinates, not really relying on it to bear the weight.

The pirate captain didn't know much about my two familiars, and even said that they didn't even know what the constructs were, so I didn't explain much to them. Of course, it’s still not enough to rely on Ivorite and Brigitte. Apart from this I also arranged Jingjing on this ship. Her task is to provide the final protection for the Dreamer, in case Ivor Ritter and Brigitte failed to intercept the attack on the Dreamer, and Jingjing was about to use her ability to make the final defense.

Compared with Frit and Brigitte, the pirate captain was obviously more enthusiastic after seeing Jingjing than seeing Inverite. This guy doesn’t know what a construct is. But he still knew the angel, so he enthusiastically got together and started to shoot flattery, hoping that Jingjing could do more to keep their dreamer name.

After the ship was arranged, I thought about how to fight, and then I communicated with the familiars who were about to fight and assigned some tasks, but I was not in a hurry to summon them out , Or I am worried that the fleet over there will not dare to come over at all. Although the opponent has more than a thousand battleships, the problem is that they are all wooden battleships. These big sailboats are not much better than toys in front of giant dragons, and they will be messed up if you are not paying attention, so no fleet commander will be foolishly commanding the fleet to attack Dragon Clan, unless you only know space. The fleet, anyway, the sailing fleet at sea is not expected anymore.

After I communicated with my familiars and arranged the task, the pirates' robbery task was basically completed. As I experienced last time, that fleet has already appeared within the sight of the pirate ship at this time, and it has begun to expand its formation to encircle the Dreamer here.

Different from last time, the Dreamer here did not turn around and flee, instead, after completing the robbery, he took the initiative to rush up to the opposing fleet.

I don't know if the abnormal behavior here made the fleet commander on the opposite side very annoyed. That guy actually started commanding the fleet to fire more than three thousand meters away. The opponent’s artillery can obviously reach this distance, but the problem is that in the battleship of the galleon era, the artillery is on both sides. Up ahead is usually only equipped with one or two cannons, and the caliber is usually smaller than that of the side guns. . Even if there are more than a thousand ships on the opposite side, it is impossible to form a covering barrage at this distance, so the Dreamer can almost be said that there will be no problems as long as you are lucky.

At this time, I was standing on the bow of the Dreamer with the captain. There was a burst of fire in the fleet on the opposite side. The captain immediately started yelling for shelling, but I didn’t have any evasion. the meaning of.

Ivorite and Brigitte are both constructed creatures. To put it bluntly, they are robots. Creative thinking may not be as good as ordinary creatures, but the data calculation is definitely N times that of ordinary people. As soon as the cannon on the opposite side fired, they had already calculated the flight trajectory of those shells, and after confirming that none of them could hit, they ignored the shells. Anyway, all solid bullets are used in this era. As long as they are not hit directly, there is no threat.

The captain who had finished shouting found me standing calmly at the bow and asked me if I want to avoid it. I directly shook the head and said no, and the other party didn’t persuade me anymore, probably thinking that I’m not afraid of shells. , Of course, his idea is correct. I did have a solid projectile once. I was not at level 1,000 at the time. Although my HP of one third was destroyed, it was actually not a big threat. As for now... I guess it would be better in advance Measure, I can catch that shell with one hand!

Because the initial velocity of the front-mounted cannonballs is very slow, it took a long time for the guns on the opposite side to flash the fire before we started to have cannonballs fall. Of course, because of the precision of the artillery in this era, these cannonballs fell. The point is simply horrible, the position of the latest shell falling into the water is still dozens of meters away from us.

Probably realized that the shelling at this distance is meaningless except for wasting shells. It may also be that people used to frighten us. Anyway, the fleet on the opposite side was quiet after the round. The bombardment was not continued, but the formation of the fleet did not stop. On the contrary, it accelerated a lot.

Looking at the fleet on the opposite side entering a normal state of combat, the captain here also yelled and started urging the gunner below to quickly get in place. Following the captain's order, the cannon covers on both sides of the Dreamer were pulled up one after another, and then the artillery doors were pushed to the launch position and the muzzle was extended out of the ship. Although it looks awe-inspiring, facing the more than 1,000 battleships opposite, the Dreamer is destined to be sunk even if it has so many artillery pieces. Fortunately, we did not expect the Dreamer to do anything. , As long as it can protect ourselves, we will be content.

"What should I do now?" The captain didn't know what to do after giving the order. If it is one-to-one, even one-to-six-to-seven, he has the courage to command his Dreamer to deal with the enemy, but the problem is that it is more than one-to-one, and even the arrogant captain will not feel himself. The battleship is capable of overturning more than a thousand battleships of the same class or even larger.

"Don’t move, keep your course. After we strike, you just look for the weak part of the opponent and move forward. After rushing through the entire fleet of the opponent, they will definitely turn to chase. You can just run and fight. There are us."

"Okay, I understand." After the captain said, he left my side and ran to the helmsman's side, because he wanted to direct the battle and could not stand with me on the bow. .

Naval warfare and air warfare are completely two extremes. The slow-paced can cause heart disease to the impatient, especially in the current naval warfare in the age of galleons. Although the two sides are now sailing head-on, it took more than 20 minutes to finally enter the artillery range of both sides. The distance between the Dreamer and the front row battleship in the opposing fleet is between 1,500 and 800 meters. Although this distance is not too close for the front-mounted gun, it can finally be aimed and fired. A certain accuracy can be guaranteed.

Although the distance is so close, I still didn't move because I plan to wait for the opponent to fire before shooting. The other party didn't let me wait too much. When the distance was close to between fourteen and seven hundred meters, and the nearest battleship was even six more than a hundred meters away from us, the opposing fleet finally opened fire.

Because there is no communication equipment and can only rely on semaphores, the coordination of the fleet is very poor. The first to fire is the enemy flagship closest to us. It is up ahead of us and is rushing towards us. Originally, this kind of sailing naval battle should seize the upper air and then cross it and attack with a T-shaped battle position, but because this is a more than one thousand to one battle, and the opponent is swinging an anti-geese formation, and the wings are forward from the sides. Roundabout, so it doesn't make sense to grab the upper hand. As for the flagship, its shelling is more like a starting gun rather than really attacking us. As the flagship's shelling began, the surrounding battleships immediately began to fire one after another, but the accuracy of the shells was really bad. The average distance was about one kilometer, and it was the first round of shelling. Almost all the shells did not have the correct flight path, but after all, there were too many ships firing this time, so there were still so few lucky ones. Of course, our side is also impossible to let them fight.

When the fleet commander on the opposite side was secretly proud of the spectacular sight of thousands of cannons firing around him, he suddenly saw two rays of red and gold shot out from the Dreamer here. The ray did not maintain its emission state all the time, but was fleeting. It took no more than half a second from its appearance to the end, but after less than half a second, the beam appeared again, but its direction changed. What they saw after that was the rapid switching of the two light beams, which seemed to be irregular, but when the light ended, the cannonball rain also fell to the ground, but despite the splashes that were smashed around the Dreamer It splashed around, but the Dreamer itself was unharmed, except that many people were poured over by the sea water splashed by the shells. It can be said that it was not affected at all.

"How could this be?" the opposing commander exclaimed angrily.

The chief mate on the flagship said immediately: "You don’t have to be so angry. The first round is just a tentative shelling. After all, it is still so far away. Even a hit is just luck, not a performance of strength. I believe With this round of test firing, the hit rate afterwards will be greatly improved. As for that pirate ship, it definitely cannot survive three rounds. No, after two rounds of shelling, it will definitely turn into a pile of wood chips."

< p>The commander is obviously quite satisfied with this flattery. After nodded, the smiling face regained, but in the next second, the smiling face he had just recovered froze on his face.

"OK, the other party made a move, it's time to fight back." On the Dreamer, I stood directly on the bow of the ship and said. The prow of the Dreamer looks like a Great White Shark that has been jumping out of the water. Its top is relatively flat, just enough to stand alone. Of course, in addition to a certain amount of courage to stand here, balance is also crucial. After all, this is not a car. Besides, a wooden battleship battleship will not be as stable as an aircraft carrier.

As my fingers flicked forward, a Space Crack suddenly opened up in front of the Dreamer, and then I saw a scarlet dragon flying out with dazzling rays of light. .

The first person who appeared was not lucky, but Mira, and it was in the shape of a dragon. As soon as Mila came out, she immediately moved towards the front flagship and rushed forward, without giving the other party any reaction time, and after several hundred meters, Mila began to open her mouth to gather energy, and immediately followed by one. The red beam of light shot straight out, in the middle of the battleship's bow image, and then as Mira's head slightly raised, the red beam immediately extended backwards and swept across the center axis of the entire battleship in an instant.

When the beam of light swept across the entire battleship, Mira’s beam disappeared completely, but there was no response on the other side, and when the people on the surrounding battleship thought it was a false alarm, they Suddenly, there was a creak from the flagship of China, and then the entire battleship fell down from the middle to the sides, as if it were a cake cut in the middle.

Because I was too shocked, when I saw the flagship become two pieces, the surrounding fleet forgot to attack, so that the Dreamer was close to the best range of the fleet and no one fired. However, Soon they reacted, because they didn't know when there were four more dragons on the sea.

The crew on a super-large three-masted square sail battleship was looking at their flagship dumbly, and suddenly they heard someone shouting. When everyone turned around, they saw that a giant dragon had arrived. On the side of the ship, before these people reacted, the giant dragon reached out and stepped on the ship's gunwale. Because the impact was too large, the entire ship tilted more than 20 degrees to the other side, and the people on the ship fell to the ground and the bottle gourd generally staggered.

The lucky person who successfully landed the ship did not do any extra actions at all. He cut off the main mast with one claw, then turned around and swept the foremast off with a tail, and finally found the cabin entrance and pointed his mouth at the small hole fiercely. The ground blew the dragon flame into the air, and then he immediately kicked the deck into the air, and the battleship below turned into fragments of wood flying all over the sky in a violent explosion.

Wooden-clad sailboat is not a modern battleship, because the front-mounted artillery uses gunpowder to fire shells, so there must be a large amount of bulk gunpowder stored on the ship. The temperature of Long Yan is as high as tens of thousands of tons, and even steel can be easily burned through. Doesn't these gunpowder explode when touched? So fortunately, a mouthful of Long Yan sprayed into the battleship, and there was no suspense.

The explosion here has just happened. The people on a battleship not far away are still stunned. It is a pity for them, but the sea next to them suddenly flies up in the next second. , And then I saw a huge tail thrown out of the water and hit the deck with a bang, and then it was like a Qigong Master performing empty-handed chopping boards. The big tail easily cut off the entire battleship and turned it into The two-section wooden battleship can be used without a watertight cabin. Besides, even if the modern battleship is split in half, it is impossible to continue to float on the water, so the unsuspecting ship quickly sank into the seabed following the footsteps of its companions.

Losing two battleships in a row is not the end, but just the beginning. Xiao San’s huge body began to fly over the fleet, and then he didn’t land, so he flew directly over the fleet. Those three big heads were like three cannons, each of which was rewarded for all battleships near him. The dragon flame bombs instantly turned a large group of battleships into large torches on the sea.

Compared with Xiaosan's three heads, Crystal is not so exaggerated in speed, but she is a fairy dragon, and the biggest reliance of the fairy dragon is magic. With a strange tone, several battleships on the sea suddenly began to sink in unfathomable mystery. In the end, no one knew how they sank because those ships were not attacked at all. There was neither explosion nor fire on the ship, and of course it was not hit by anything. The whole ship sank by itself.

In fact, the people in the ship are more confused than those outside. The people outside can guess that the bottom of the ship has been attacked or something, but the people in the ship know that they have not been attacked at all. , But the hull seemed to suddenly become stone, and then the whole ship began to sink. Seeing the sea water pouring into the ship from various openings, the crew really wanted to cry.

The performance of several dragons is very good, but the better ones are still to come. With a buzzing sound, the crew on the Imperial Family, the large battleship Imperial Family Knives, suddenly saw a huge black figure smashing towards them, and then accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the entire ship was fierce. The ship sank downward, and the entire upper structure on the ship instantly all split up and in pieces, turning into a piece of wreckage, but the battleship did not sink.

Although it didn’t sink, the other colleagues in the Imperial Fleet were eager for the Imperial Family Knives to sink quickly, because they found that there was a black that was about the size of the entire ship parked on its deck. beetle. No, this beetle is not completely black. There are many golden patterns on its shiny black carapace, which looks like a magical array. However, what made the sailors most feared was that something that looked like a cannon had risen on the beetle's back.

As everyone looked at the thing in doubt, the thing suddenly moved. The three crystal tubes on it began to emit beams outward at a rate of one shot every three seconds, and with each shot of the beam, there must be a battleship that will be blown up all split up and in pieces.

The shelling of tanks, even the modern battleship, rarely can resist head-on, let alone the wooden shell battleship. After the bow of a large battleship of an imperial fleet was hit, the explosion directly knocked off half of the hull, and the latter half of the hull sank quickly in the billowing smoke, and it was almost useless for one minute and disappeared completely on the sea. .

With the emergence of my large-scale monsters, the imperial fleet at sea can no longer control the Dreamer's affairs. All they want now is to run quickly. If a fleet of the same size as them, or even a larger fleet, would fight against them now, they would definitely deal with each other desperately, but the problem is that they are now fighting with a group of super creatures. The artillery on the battleship is too slow to reload, and the shooting angle is very narrow, and these creatures can either fly or dive. The speed is too fast, and the artillery on the battleship will not have any effect at all. As for the battleship... they are not battleships. Which one is on the west side of the door you pick up. Besides, even if you get close, can you still cut these big guys? Is it like dismantling a toy without seeing others dismantling a battleship?

Although the people in the fleet were desperate, they did not agree to flee together. It was just a moment of confusion. However, as a larger goal appeared, all the captains communicated with each other even without semaphores. They all agreed in an instant, and the cause of this situation was that my greatest Great Demon, Heiyan, appeared.

As a super creature from the sea of ​​silence, although Heiyan is a negative energy creature, it can also exist in the sea with positive energy, and the sea of ​​silence is also a sea, so Heiyan’s underwater skills Absolutely no problem, after all, they are an anaconda, but the place where they live is more exaggerated.

Originally seeing giant beasts like lucky, tanks, and Mira, which are about the same size as battleship, the crews are almost out of will to resist, but the size of the black flames has completely lost them. The ability to think.

Several timid captains are directing their battleship to escape from the battle circle and flee outward, but the surrounding battleships suddenly found that the sea below them had a large bulge of unfathomable mystery, and followed That bulge suddenly rose and lifted all the seven or eight fleeing battleships nearby, and until those battleships flew up, everyone saw the huge triangular heads that rose rapidly in the flying water below.

Hei Yan's body shape can be changed according to his will. Usually, because there is not such a large area for him to use, although Hei Yan has participated in the war many times, it is basically reduced. Those who participated in the war encountered a rare sea battle this time, and space was not a problem at all, so I let Heiyan regain his body, and the scene just now appeared.

The length of Heiyan's body is no longer visible to Ben, because he only has a head and a small body that are exposed to the sea. The reason why we call this more than two hundred meters long body is a small section, because the diameter of this body is more than two hundred meters, so unless Hei Yan's body is square, it is impossible to be that long. But, have you ever seen a snake whose length is equal to the diameter of its body? That kind of thing should be called the ball, okay!

On the more than a hundred meters long body of Heiyan is a head as big as an aircraft carrier. Compared with this head, the surrounding battleship is generally only one-sixth to eighth. The volume of one, this is just a head, the other parts have not been seen yet. You said that the average crew member sees such a thing at sea, who can calm down? Even people who originally wanted to commit suicide would suddenly change their minds when they saw such a thing. After all, this thing is beyond imagination, it is really outrageous!

"Heiyan, over there, over there." At this moment, I was riding Ye Ying hovering beside Hei Yan's eyes, and then shouted and pointed in a direction. The battleship wants to escape.

Actually, I didn’t want to summon Black Flame, because I knew he would most likely scare away the enemy’s battleship as soon as he came out, and the pirates’ last wish was probably to destroy all the people and ships in this fleet. So we can't let any boat go. However, although I don't want the black flame to scare away the enemy, but didn't expect the enemy's courage is much smaller than I expected, so that just lucky they scared away a lot of battleships. There was really no way, I had to let Hei Yan come out to help chase the escaped battleships. After all, he was actually the fastest in terms of destruction speed.

Hei Yan immediately turned his head to the direction I was pointing when he heard my call. After seeing the target, he first rose up a bit, and a body about more than three hundred meters long exposed to the surface of the sea. , And then plunged into the sea suddenly moved towards The fleeing fleet rushed over. Because of the speed and the size, the route that Heiyan rushed all the way to Shanghai Shui Leng was lifted by him with a swell that was more than a hundred meters high, and as soon as the wave broke apart, the battleships along the way were directly removed. Lifted out. In my opinion, those overturned battleships are like surfboards overturned by a high-speed submarine.

Because of its large size, Heiyan pierced from the side of the fleet to the opposite side. When he raised his head, the battleships that were about to run were immediately lifted up like the other comrades in front. None of the boats on this straight line were spared. This time they had all turned into capsizes, the kind of capsize that turned upside down.

The horror of Black Flame has completely destroyed the resistance of all personnel in the fleet. Even lunatics are now probably scared. Everyone is thinking about running away, and because the flagship is the most at first It's over, so the current fleet just seems to be blooming and moved towards all directions, except to go, so we don't know which way we want to chase. Fortunately, I have a lot of people, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

"Xiaofeng, go over there. Fortunately, over there; plague, over there; crystal, over there..." All the large flying demon familiars were sent out in one breath. There were battleships fleeing in some directions, and no one was able to deal with them. I simply threw two more mobile angels out. "All the battleships over there are sunk, and all those who fall into the water must be killed. You can't stay alive."

"Understood." The demons and mobile angels dispersed and flew out immediately after receiving the order. I also moved towards the last group of fleets that were not assigned to catch up.

Although the flagship of the imperial fleet was sunk, such a large fleet is impossible to command by only one ship, especially in an era when this means of communication is extremely backward. In fact, this fleet is divided into different small units just like the organizational hierarchy in the army. When the entire fleet is added together, it is a joint fleet, and there are several sub-squads below, and then the sub-squadrons are divided into several groups, and how many ships there are in each group, so that they can be commanded after the division, and after the flagship is over. It can also cooperate in a small area, and it won't be a complete group of dragons without a leader.

I am chasing this group, but this group now has three ships left, but because of our battle method, these three ships are actually the same as the new ones, with a little injury. nor. After all, my demon familiar's attack power is too strong, as long as the target is directly sunk, there is no harm but not sinking.

Looking at the three battleships that fled hurriedly below, after a little measurement, I still rushed down. Although there are no more familiars around, I think we can still handle three wooden boats. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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