Wikipedia was obviously taken aback by my intentions, and his team members responded very much, and they uniformly disagreed with my opinion.

"What's the matter?" I looked at them pretendingly and asked: "If the reward is great, why can't I do it? Although this is a cheating task, it is always a task? Since it is a task, then It must be completed. If you don’t complete it, doesn’t it mean that I can’t complete it? Besides, which task is not dangerous? As long as there is a suitable reward, it’s fine. There are a lot of treasures and equipment for this task. I think it can still be played. Play."

"Play?" A member of the Wiki said in surprise: "This is not a fun thing. President Purple Moon, you have to think about it. If you can't complete the task, you have to hand it in. Two pieces of the best equipment. Although we lost two good pieces of equipment, we are also very distressed, but your things must be more exaggerated than ours, right? If this is lost, then it’s worth it?"

I thought for a while and said: "Although your statement is indeed reasonable, I still feel that there is no need to worry. This task is indeed quite difficult, but according to your description, this is actually not a very demanding task. It’s just that I didn’t find the right way. The system is impossible and left unfinished tasks."

Wikimedia, they knew I was determined to go in after hearing what I said, so they changed their attitude. Wikipedia came forward and said: "In this case, we ask you to end the task for us or sign an agreement before you go in. We only wait for you for two days. If you can't get out, we will count as our completion of the guide task."

I am not at all angry about what Wikipedia said. Although they are trying to leave me alone, I think they are actually very kind. They have said before that they did not take this task for my task reward, but because they wanted to go to Duludu, only because they could not get through the fault of the Underground World, so they took this task and hope I can take them. come over. Now we have passed the fault and found the signpost, which means that even without me, they can go by themselves. Under this circumstance, I took the initiative to ask to complete an extra task first, and they could leave right away. It would be absolutely benevolent to be able to sign an agreement with me wait for two days.

For their words, I did not immediately answer, but first asked: "Do you know the cycle of the pirate ship scene?"

Wiki directly replied: "A cycle is one The hour is 38 minutes. Someone has calculated this accurately. Why do you ask this?"

After listening to it, I said directly: "Since the time is so short, then you only need to wait for me for one day. If it is tomorrow, I It hasn’t come out yet, even if you complete the wizard task, it will have nothing to do with you afterwards."

Wikimedia, they agreed without even thinking about it, and then we signed an additional agreement to record those things. Let the system be fair, so that if I fail to time out, their tasks will be completed automatically.

Although the agreement was signed, the Wiki and they persuaded me again not to enter, but I did not intend to listen to their suggestions. In fact, I am so persistent in taking on this task, not because I really fell in love with those treasures, but because I wanted to verify the coercive effect of my new title.

For the danger of this task, to be honest, I really don’t worry at all. The reason why I am so confident is not because of my high level of self-reliance and strength, but because of other reasons. High level and strong strength are certainly one of the main reasons for my self-confidence, but I rely more on my own judgment.

The failure of those Icelandic players to complete this task can only mean that the task is relatively difficult, but no matter how difficult the task is, it is impossible to surpass other tasks too much. After all, the task is also rated for difficulty, and beyond the rating range is not the same as Is the rating wrong? I have asked about the rating of this task from the Wiki. According to them, it is an S-Rank task, which is a difficult task. However, the most rare task in "Zero" should be 3S-Rank. This level is 2S-Rank. The difficulty of this S-Rank is really high, but it is two levels behind the highest difficulty. I have completed at least 3 3S-Rank tasks, and all 2S tasks have completed more than double digits. This S-Rank is really not that worrying. As for the feedback from Iceland players, I think the main problem may still be thinking about it. Many tasks in "Zero" actually have problem-solving ideas. It does not mean that you will be able to complete the task if you continue to do it all the way. Some tasks cannot even be completed by killing all the opponents. I don't think the player's strength in Iceland will be so bad that not even a single S-Rank character can complete it. The problem must lie in thinking. They may not find the right direction for the task from the very beginning, so they will always fail to complete the task after doing useless work.

In fact, in addition to the above thought, I have two reliances to make me feel confident. The first reliance is my affinity, coercion, and evil power attribute. Because of my high charisma, I have a high affinity for NPCs, which means I can get extra help from NPCs. This kind of help is not necessarily substantive help, but sometimes even a certain NPC tells you a little bit more. The precautions of may also have a huge impact on your task. As for coercion, although this sounds the opposite effect of affinity, the actual effect is actually the same, that is, it will let the NPC help you more. And the last evil power attribute, this will greatly increase the degree of favorability for all undead creatures, and it can almost be regarded by the unaligned undead as their own people. So, after hearing that the quest NPCs are all undead, I don't even care. Of course, if none of the above works, or if they are not enough, and still unable to complete the task, I have a better way to definitely come out, but the investment will be a little bit bigger. This method is to use the fruits of my desires.

Currently, I still have two wish fruits on my body, one high level or one intermediate. If I just leave the task forcibly, I think the intermediate wish fruits are more than enough.

Because there are three insurances, I insist on trying. After all, although one insurance cannot be said to be 100% sure, the probability that cannot be blocked by the three is too low, right? If you are still afraid of such a risk, then I might as well commit suicide. Anyway, even if I sleep at home, I may be killed by a meteorite falling from the sky. Suicide is the most trouble-free if I don't want to be scared.

After the agreement was signed, I first asked Wiki for all the details about this mission, and after I learned everything they had heard, I walked towards the wreckage of the sunken ship.

According to their wiki, you only need to enter the ship to start the mission, and this mission is a broadcast trigger mission, that is, although the mission is posted at the mission release place, it can be done without receiving the mission. Triggered, and after completion, you can receive task rewards just like the person who has taken the task.

Bumping under the water towards the sunken ship, I stopped for a while outside this huge shipwreck, and observed the style of the ship. It looks like the big sailing ship of the great nautical era. Although the size is not small, it is still incomparable with modern warships. At least there are many ships in our guild fleet that are much larger than this guy. If this ship enters our fleet, even if performance is not considered, it is purely based on volume. It can only be regarded as an excessive cargo between the light frigate and the gunboat.

After observing the characteristics of the ship, I lightly kicked on the ground and jumped up. Because of the buoyancy of the water, I rose three or four meters high with just one click, and then the wings moved back to the whole person. Immediately moved forward in the past. Passing through the big hole on the side of the hull, I landed directly inside the hull, but the moment my feet just landed on the deck, the surrounding scene suddenly changed for no reason, a white halo. At lightning speed, it quickly spread to the surroundings centered on my feet, and as the halo flashed by, the shipwreck, which was originally ruined and filled with sediment, turned into a brand-new battleship in an instant. Even the disappearing bow and stern appeared after the halo swept through, and the hole I just entered was automatically filled.

The scene has just been switched, and before I have time to carefully observe the surrounding environment, I suddenly heard the sound of running next to me. Looking back, I found a large group of dirty pirates in linen sailor suits running out of the side passage. Although they all looked at me, they didn’t care about me, but ran directly past me. A staircase behind me rushed up to the upper deck of Zeng.

Judging from the structure on the wreck I saw when I fell in, my current location should be the First Layer cabin under the weather deck. The area here is very large. There are gun positions on the left and right sides. There are many barrels and ropes in the middle area. Obviously, this is the artillery compartment.

I am very curious about the team of pirates who just ran past. When they came out, they obviously glanced at me. This shows that they can see me, and some of them have evasive actions when they pass by me. In addition to further explaining that they can see me, it also proves that they can see me. Therefore, I and them exist under the same standard, and not one of them can pass through the other body like a ghost, otherwise they simply don't need to hide specially to prevent hitting me.

Since they can see me, and I am not here, their reaction is very strange. If you were a crew member on a pirate ship and suddenly discovered that there was a stranger on the ship, how would you react? I wouldn't just run over as if I didn't see it anyway.

Because I was curious why they ignored me, when I thought about this problem, I turned around and ran out from the stairs where they just ran out.

As I judged before, my location is the First Layer cabin, so I go straight to the outside from that staircase. I didn't feel much in the cabin just now, and I could smell the fishy hu hu sea breeze as soon as I came up. In addition, it seemed that the pirates on the deck were far more than the group that just went up, but as many as two or three hundred people.

The pirates were busy when I came up, so my appearance was just to make the people nearby turn their heads and take a look, and then they were all busy. Obviously, people here can really see me, but they don't know why they don't care about me at all, it's like a mass of air.

Just as I was trying to hold someone to ask, a slightly hoarse but very comfortable voice came from behind. "Don't disturb my crew, intruder."

After hearing the sound, I turned around and saw the owner of the sound, who is also the owner of the ship. As a pirate captain, this full-bearded man has a good figure, very strong and masculine, and his temperament and clothing are also very good to distinguish him from ordinary sailors.

"Are you the captain?"

"Are you?" The other party's answer was rather aggressive.

Of course I am not the one who suffers easily. "If you feel that you are not appropriate, I don't mind temporarily taking over this ship."

"Then ask my sword first."

Dang. Before that guy could react, I drew out Eternity like lightning, raised my hand and cut off his blade. When I realized that the blade was flying, I had already retracted Eternity as if I hadn't moved at all before. At the same time, he said: "Don't ask now."

Seeing my actions, the surrounding crew members shouted and surrounded me. The skull and crossbones above the head fully explain the identity of this ship, and the pirates will not be polite with you. I slashed their captain's sword, and of course these guys immediately surrounded them and clamored for a posture that they would rush up at any time. However, before these guys moved, the captain stopped the restless crowd first. "Don't touch him, don't delay our business." After he finished speaking, he didn't care how people around him reacted, and he walked up and said with enthusiasm: "Your strength is quite good, compared to the previous one. The intruders are much stronger. How about? Help me make this better than buying and selling? I will do it for you."

"The business you are talking about is the ship next to you?"

I didn't see it below before, but now when I get to the deck, I naturally see another ship sailing side by side with this ship. Compared with this ship here, that ship is slightly larger, but it is obviously not a battleship, but a merchant ship. At this time, the merchant ship has been hooked by the pirates here and is pulling the two ships together, and there are actually many pirates on the opposite ship. Obviously the ship has been captured, but it hasn't started robbing things.

The captain glanced at the ship with complicated eyes, and then nodded. "Yes, that's the ship."

I directly asked him: "Didn't you have captured it? Then just empty it. Don't you want to hire me as a porter? "

"no no no, it seems that you still don't understand the current situation." The captain asked: "Do you think it's weird that we don't seem to care about you?" I nodded, The other party continued: "In fact, this is easy to understand, because there have been countless intruders like you before. You are all intruders who broke into our resting place. Don't be surprised, we know that we are dead, and Lying on seabed and sleeping. Now this is just a retrospect of a time segment. We repeat the robbery before our death over and over again, but we all fail without exception. We can’t get rid of this cycle ourselves, but we guess , The reason why we can’t rest in peace may be because our wish is unsuccessful, so as long as the robbery is successful, we can end this endless cycle."

"So you try various methods over and over again to complete This robbery?"

"Yes, we hope to complete the robbery so that we can rest in peace. However, there will be many battleships appearing in a while, and we will not be able to defeat them no matter what method we use. So I can only try again and again."

I curiously asked: "Since you know you will be surrounded for a while, why don't you run ahead? Leave the ship alone, just run now, the other party will pay If you don’t show up, can’t you run away?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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